8 FAM 1001.3

Amending a Consular Report of Birth Abroad

(CT:CITZ-9;   08-31-2018)
(Office of Origin: CA/PPT/S/A)

8 FAM 1001.3-1  Introduction

(CT:CITZ-1;   06-27-2018)

An amendment is usually made to correct an error in information appearing on the face of the document.  It may also record a change of name by an adoption or other legal proceeding.

8 FAM 1001.3-2  Where Amended

(CT:CITZ-1;   06-27-2018)

a. After a form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, has been issued and the form DS-2029, Application for Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, has been filed in the Department, the document can be amended only by the Passport Services’ Vital Records Section, CA/PPT/TO/RS/DO/VR.

b. Upon presentation of sufficient evidence, that office prepares a new form FS-240 showing the amended data, upon request by the parent(s), legal guardian(s), or the registrant (person in whose name it was issued).

c.  After the registrant’s 18th birthday, only the registrant may request amendment.

8 FAM 1001.3-3  Requesting Amendment/Correction

8 FAM 1001.3-3(A)  Written Request

(CT:CITZ-1;   06-27-2018)

a. Persons requesting an amendment of the form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, for any reason other than post error at the time of adjudication and processing, must submit a signed notarized request addressed to:

U.S. Department of State
Passport Vital Records Section
44132 Mercure Circle
P.O. Box 1213 [USPS]
Sterling, VA 20166-1213

b. In cases where a correction is necessitated by post error at the time of adjudication and processing, post must request correction on the applicant’s behalf by sending the original form FS-240 to CA/PPT/TO/RS/DO/VR under cover of a memo explaining the need for a correction with post collecting no additional fee from the applicant.  Send the request to:

U.S. Department of State
Passport Vital Records Section
44132 Mercure Circle
P.O. Box 1213 [USPS]
Sterling, VA 20166-1213

8 FAM 1001.3-3(B)  Contents of Request

(CT:CITZ-1;   06-27-2018)

a. Advise requestors to include appropriate supporting documents (such as an adoption decree or court decree showing legal change of name).  In every case include the previously issued form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, or an affidavit explaining the unavailability of this document, as well as the appropriate fee, if any (see 8 FAM 1001.3-3(A) - (no additional fee if post is responsible for the error)).  This fee is the same as for the originally issued form FS-240.  Payment is made in the form of a check or money order payable to "Department of State."

b. In cases where applicants send a request for amendment directly to the Department rather than going through post, and include with the request payment of a fee for the amendment or correction, the Department will charge no additional fee if it determines that the need for amendment or correction is due to post error.  In such cases, the Department will submit a request for a refund of any fee the applicant sent in with the request for amendment.

c.  Requests for amendment must be supported by documentary evidence regarding the fact to be amended.  All documents must be certified, affidavits notarized, and request must include a notarized photocopy of photo identification, such as a driver’s license.

8 FAM 1001.3-4  Identifying Amended Document

(CT:CITZ-1;   06-27-2018)

The serial number assigned to an amended form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America, will be the same as the number on the original, but will be followed by a dash and a number indicating it is not the original issuance (e.g., -1 for first amendment).