1 FAM 120


(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)
(Office of Origin:  AF/EX)


(CT:ORG-234;   01-26-2011)

The Assistant Secretary for African Affairs (AF):

(1)  Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P);

(2)  Has the duties of an Assistant Secretary as stated in 1 FAM 112; and

(3)  Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 120—Bureau of African Affairs (AF).

1 FAM 121.1  Organization

(CT:ORG-605;   07-11-2022)

An organization chart of the Bureau of African Affairs (AF) is found on AF’s webpage.

1 FAM 121.2  Authorities

(CT:ORG-605;   07-11-2022)

Authorities include:

(1)  22 U.S.C. 2651a and 2656, which are the general authorities of the Secretary of State for managing the Department and conducting foreign relations;

(2)  South African Democratic Transition Support Act of 1993 (Public Law 103-149);

(3)  Horn of Africa Recovery and Food Security Act (Public Law 102-274);

(4)  African Growth and Opportunity Act (Public Law 106-200);

(5) Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-99), as amended by the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Amendment Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-231);

(6)  Other authorities, as appropriate.


(CT:ORG-234;   01-26-2011)

See 1 FAM 113.


(CT:ORG-62;   01-31-1995)

See 1 FAM 116.


(CT:ORG-376;   10-13-2015)

For special advisers, see 1 FAM 118; and for the Office of Economic and Regional Affairs (AF/ERA), see 1 FAM 118.3.


(CT:ORG-185;   05-20-2008)

See 1 FAM 114.1.

1 FAM 125.1  Director of the Office of Central African Affairs (AF/C)

(CT:ORG-605;   07-11-2022)

The Director of the Office of Central African Affairs (AF/C) is responsible for the countries of:

(1)  Burundi;

(2)  Cameroon;

(3)  Central African Republic;

(4)  Chad;

(5)  Democratic Republic of Congo;

(6)  Equatorial Guinea;

(7)  Gabon;

(8)  Republic of Congo; and

(9)  Rwanda.

1 FAM 125.2  Director of the Office of East African Affairs (AF/E)

(CT:ORG-605;   07-11-2022)

a. The Director of the Office of East African Affairs (AF/E) is responsible for the countries of:

(1)  Djibouti;

(2)  Eritrea;

(3)  Ethiopia;

(4)  Kenya;

(5)  Mauritius;

(6)  Seychelles;

(7)  Somalia;

(8)  Tanzania; and

(9)  Uganda.

b. Within the Bureau, the Director for East African Affairs (AF/E) is also responsible for the British Indian Ocean Territories, including the Chagos Archipelago (which includes the island of Diego Garcia).

1 FAM 125.3  Director of the Office of Southern African Affairs (AF/S)

(CT:ORG-605;   07-11-2022)

The Director of the Office of Southern African Affairs (AF/S) is responsible for the countries of:

(1)  Angola;

(2)  Botswana;

(3)  Comoros;

(4)  Eswatini;

(5)  Lesotho;

(6)  Madagascar:

(7)  Mozambique;

(8)  Malawi;

(9)  Namibia;

(10) Sao Tome and Principe;

(11) South Africa;

(12) Zambia; and

(13) Zimbabwe.

1 FAM 125.4  Director of the Office of West African Affairs (AF/W)

(CT:ORG-651;   01-24-2024)

The Director of the Office of West African Affairs (AF/W) is responsible for the countries of:

(1)  Benin;

(2)  Burkina Faso;

(3)  Cabo Verde;

(4)  Ghana;

(5)  Guinea;

(6)  Guinea-Bissau;

(7)  Cote d'Ivoire;

(8)  Liberia;

(9)  Mali;

(10) Mauritania;

(11) Niger;

(12) Nigeria;

(13) Senegal;

(14) Sierra Leone;

(15) The Gambia; and

(16) Togo

1 FAM 125.5  Director of the Office of Regional Peace and Security (AF/RPS)

(CT:ORG-552;   07-28-2020)

The Director for AF/RPS is responsible for:

(1)  Regional security and political-military affairs;

(2)  Security sector governance, reform, and development;

(3)  U.S. security assistance (including PKO, FMF, INCLE, IMET, NADR, and DoD authorities and Leahy vetting) policy planning and program management for the Bureau; and

(4)  Specialized functional support and liaison in the following fields:

(a)  Military and police operations;

(b)  Law enforcement and the rule of law;

(c)  Weapons proliferation and defense trade control;

(d)  Counter terrorism (CT), including counterterrorism financing and CT designations;

(e)  Countering violent extremism (CVE);

(f)   Counter-narcotics;

(g)  Interdiction of narcotics, weapons, and wildlife trafficking; anti-corruption;

(h)  Transnational organized crime;

(i)   Maritime security; illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing; governance and port security;

(j)   Peace operations; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR), stabilization, and post-conflict reconstruction;

(k)  Conflict prevention and early warning;

(l)   Coordination with the Department of Defense and all relevant components in the African region, USAID, the Department of Treasury, the Department of Justice, and associated agencies;

(m) Women Peace and Security (WPS);

(n)  Cyber security (co-lead with AF/ERA);

(o)  Great Power Competition (GPC) (co-lead with AF/ERA); fragility; and

(p)  Biometrics.

1 FAM 125.6  Director of the Office of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (AF/PDPA)

(CT:ORG-558;   10-08-2020)

The Director of AF/PDPA is responsible for:

(1) Advancing global, regional, and national policy priorities in the AF region by providing strategic direction, coordination of public diplomacy activities, and management of the allocation of public diplomacy resources across AF posts;

(2)  Press and public affairs activities on behalf of the Assistant Secretary and the AF Bureau, including coordination with AF offices, other State Department Bureaus, AF posts, and the interagency community;

(3)  Coordination of the AF Bureau’s Congressional outreach;

(4)  Advising the Assistant Secretary and other Department officials on likely reaction and impact of African public opinion on proposed and current policies, and the opportunities for advancing Bureau objectives through public diplomacy;

(5)  Acting as the focal point within the AF Bureau for the Office of the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R) and its constituent bureaus: Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA); Global Public Affairs (GPA); and the Global Engagement Center (GEC); and

(6)  Coordination of AF Bureau domestic public outreach, including to universities, think tanks, diaspora groups, and other organizations.

1 FAM 125.7  Director of the Office of Economic and Regional Affairs (AF/ERA)

(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)

The Director for AF/ERA is responsible for:

(1)  Bureau strategic planning and foreign assistance budgeting functions, including program monitoring and evaluation;

(2)  Multilateral diplomacy, including the African Union and non-African partners;

(3)  Development issues, including Africa-related foreign assistance policy planning and program management;

(4)  Regional commercial, economic, environment, energy, health, and trade and investment affairs; and

(5)  Specialized functional support and liaison in the following cross-cutting fields:

(a)  Prosper Africa and commercial engagement and advocacy;

(b)  Coordination and liaison with U.S. economic, trade and development agencies, multilateral and foreign donors, private business, and non-governmental organizations; 

(c)  Democracy and governance;

(d)  Energy and Power Africa;

(e)  Environment;

(f)   Human rights;

(g)  Kimberley process, conflict and critical minerals;

(h)  Labor; 

(i)   The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA);

(j)   Regional Economic Commissions in Africa;

(k)  Science and Health;

(l)   Trafficking in Person;

(m) Sanctions and visa restrictions;

(n)  Money laundering;

(o)  Information technology and telecommunications;

(p)  Atrocities and humanitarian issues;

(q)  Entrepreneurship and Innovation;

(r)   Youth, sex, and social affairs;

(s)  Strategic competition and strategic partnerships; and

(t)  Climate change and adaptation.

1 FAM 125.8  Director of the Office of South Sudan and Sudan (AF/SSS)

(CT:ORG-550;   05-29-2020)

The Director of the Office of South Sudan and Sudan (AF/SSS) is responsible for the countries of:

(1)  South Sudan; and

(2)  Sudan.