1 FAM 250 


(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)
(Office of Origin:  CA/EX/HRD)


1 FAM 251.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-530;   04-23-2019)

a. Reports directly to the Under Secretary for Management (M).  When the Under Secretary and Deputy Under Secretary are not available, the Assistant Secretary may exercise certain authorities of the Under Secretary.  See Delegation of Authority 244-1.

b. Under the direction of the Secretary of State, formulates and implements policy relating to immigration, provision of consular services, and determination of U.S. citizenship.  Provides guidance and recommendations on related foreign policy issues to Department principals and U.S. embassies and consulates.

c.  Administers provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act and other immigration and nationality laws relating to the powers, duties, and functions of diplomatic and consular officers of the United States, except those powers, duties, and functions conferred by law directly upon consular officers.

d. Develops, revises, implements, and directs policies, procedures, and regulations relating to functions of the Bureau, including the adjudication and issuance of passports, visas, and related services; protection and welfare of U.S. citizens and interests abroad, provision of third-country representation, and the determination of U.S. citizenship/nationality.

e. Manages the worldwide consular function; ensures responsive and efficient provision of consular services abroad; works closely with the Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources to ensure the availability of programs for the professional development and utilization of consular personnel; presents and justifies resource requirements for the Bureau before Congress, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and within the Department; and oversees the management of Bureau resources.

f.  Oversees the Department’s use of fee revenue collected for consular services (i.e., passport and visa services and provision of certain consular services) and retained by the Department, and the allocation of consular fees to other bureaus.  Establishes and oversees implementation of policies and procedures to ensure that consular fees, including consular fees allocated to other bureaus, are used for authorized purposes in accordance with applicable law and regulation.

g. Serves as the Department’s Senior Voting Representative for civilian overseas voters (52 U.S.C. 20301 Federal Responsibilities).

h. Has overall substantive and coordinating responsibility for the following Department directives and regulatory publications:

(1)  1 Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) 250, Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA);

(2)  Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 7, Consular Affairs;

(3)  Foreign Affairs Handbook, Volume 7, Consular Management;

(4)  Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 8, Passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad;

(5)  Foreign Affairs Handbook, Volume 8, Passport Services Management;

(6)  Foreign Affairs Manual, Volume 9, Visas; and

(7)  Relevant portions of Title 22 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

1 FAM 251.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-359;   03-12-2015)

See 1 FAM Exhibit 251.2 for an organization chart of CA.

1 FAM 251.3  Definitions

(CT:ORG-359;   03-12-2015)

Border Biometrics Program —The Border Biometrics Program is an automated methodology for verifying border crossing card holder identity within an acceptable range of reliability based on one or more physiological or behavioral identifiers, unique to the individual.  Such might include photographs, fingerprints, hand geometry, voice patterns, retinal patterns, etc.

1 FAM 251.4  Authorities

(CT:ORG-440;    01-31-2018)

a. General authorities:

(1)  Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended, sections 101(a)(11), 101(a)(15), 101(a)(27)(D), 104, 105, 201(a)(1)(B), 202(b) and (d), 203(c)(1)(E)(iv),  212(a) and (f), 219(a), 221(c), 222(f), 243(d), 244, 281, 301-309, 349, 358, and 359 (8 U.S.C. 1104 (INA 104), 8 U.S.C. 1105 (INA 105), 8 U.S.C. 1481 (INA 349), 8 U.S.C. 1501 (INA 358), and 8 U.S.C. 1502) (INA 359);

(2)  State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, as amended; sections 1, 2(j), and 4(d) (22 U.S.C. 2651a, 22 U.S.C. 2670(j) 2671 Emergency expenditures such as evacuation and repatriation loans) ; 22 U.S.C. 2715, 22 U.S.C. 4801(b)(4) and 22 U.S.C. 4802(b) and (c);

(3)  Privacy Act 5 U.S.C. 552a Records Maintained on Individuals (1974); and

(4)  Functions of the Service:  Public Law 104-208, section 104 (Foreign Service Act of 1980, as amended) (22 U.S.C. 3904).

b. Visas:

(1)  8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(2)(G);

(2)  8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(E);

(3)  8 U.S.C. 1182 (a)(3)(G);

(4)  8 U.S.C. 1227(a)(4)(D)-(4)(F); and

(5)  8 U.S.C. 1351.

c.  State Department authority to protect U.S. citizens and interests abroad:

(1)  8 U.S.C. 1104 Powers and Duties of the Secretary of State;

(2)  22 U.S.C. 1731 Protection of Naturalized Citizens Abroad (1868);

(3)  22 U.S.C. 1732 Release of Citizens Imprisoned by Foreign Governments (1868);

(4)  22 U.S.C. 2656e Terrorism Related Travel Advisories (1986);

(5)  22 U.S.C. 2670(j) Emergency Medical and Dietary Assistance (1977, as amended 1978);

(6)  22 U.S.C. 2705 Documentation of Citizenship (Reports of Birth) (1982, as amended);

(7)  22 U.S.C. 2715 Procedures regarding major disasters and incidents abroad affecting United States citizens (1999);

(8)  22 U.S.C. 2715a Provision of Information on Certain Violent Crimes Abroad to Victims and Victims’ Families (1997);

(9)  22 U.S.C. 2715b Notification of Next of Kin; Reports of Death (1999);

(10) 22 U.S.C. 2715c Conservation and Disposition of Estates (1999);

(11) 22 U.S.C. 2729 State Department Records of Overseas Deaths of United States Citizens from Non Natural Causes (2002);

(12) 22 U.S.C. 4193 Protests (1792);

(13) 22 U.S.C. 4194 Lists and Returns of Seamen and Vessels (1856);

(14)22 U.S.C. 4196 Notification of Death of Decedent; Transmission of Inventory of Effects (1792);

(15) 22 U.S.C. 4197 Following Testamentary Directions; Assistance to Testamentary Appointee (1856);

(16) 22 U.S.C. 4198 Bond as Administrator or Guardian; Action on Bond (1902);

(17) 22 U.S.C. 4215 Notarial Acts, Oaths, Affirmations, Affidavits, and Depositions; Fees (1906, as amended);

(18) 22 U.S.C. 4221 Depositions and Notarial Acts; Perjury (1856, as amended);

(19) 22 U.S.C. 5503 Department of State Notification of Families of Victims (1990);

(20) 22 U.S.C. 5504 Designation of State Department Family Liaison and Toll-Free Family Communication System (1990);

(21) 22 U.S.C. 5505 Disaster Training for State Department Personnel (1990);

(22) 22 U.S.C. 5506 Department of State Responsibilities and Procedures at International Disaster Site (1990);

(23) 22 U.S.C. 5507 Recovery and Disposition of Remains and Personal Effects (1990);

(24) 22 U.S.C. 5509 Official Department of State Recognition (Terrorism Victims) (1990);

(25) 22 U.S.C. 9001-9009 International Child Abduction Remedies U.S. Central Authority (1988, as amended);

(26) Public Law 113-150 Sean and David Goldman International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act of 2014, 22 U.S.C. 9101-9141;

(27) 22 U.S.C. 9009  Office of Children’s Issues (1999);

(28) 22 U.S.C. 9001-9009; 22 U.S.C. 9101-9141 Report on Compliance with Hague Convention on International Child Abduction (1998, as amended);

(29) 42 U.S.C. 659a International Support Enforcement (Bilateral Agreements); and

(30) 49 U.S.C. 44905 Information about Threats to Civil Aviation (No Double Standard) (1994, as amended);

d. Passports (see also 7 FAM 1318):

(1)  22 U.S.C. 211a, which sets forth the authority of the Secretary of State to grant, issue, and verify passports;

(2)  22 U.S.C. 212, which states in part that only “those owing allegiance, whether citizens or not, to the United States” are entitled to a passport;

(3)  22 U.S.C. 213, which requires a written application before a passport is issued and that the initial passport application “be duly verified by ... oath before a person authorized and empowered by the Secretary of State to administer oaths”;

(4)  22 U.S.C. 214, as amended, which requires payment of fees for the execution of an application and the issuance of a passport;

(5)  22 U.S.C. 214a, which authorizes a refund for fees collected erroneously;

(6)  22 U.S.C. 217a, as amended, which provides that a passport will be valid for ten years unless otherwise provided by regulation;

(7)  22 U.S.C. 218, which requires, “All persons who . . .  grant, issue, or verify passports” to make regular reports to the Secretary of State with an appropriate accounting of pertinent information;

(8)  22 U.S.C. 2705, which provides that a U.S. passport, during its validity period (if such period is the maximum period authorized by law), has the same force and effect as proof of citizenship as a Certificate of Citizenship and/or a Certificate of Naturalization;

(9)  Executive Order 11295 of August 5, 1966 Rules Governing the Granting, Issuance and Denial of United States Passports, which delegates to the Secretary of State the authority to make regulations regarding passports conferred on the President of the United States by 22 U.S.C. 211a;

(10) Section 7209 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA), Public Law 108-458; and

(11) 22 U.S.C. 213 Notes – Two Parent Consent Law - Section 236 Of The Admiral James W. Nance And Meg Donovan Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Public Law 106-113, 113 STAT. 1501A-420.

e. Treaty Implementation:

(1)  Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and bilateral treaties providing consular notification and access to arrested U.S. citizens, protection of nationals, and other consular functions;

(2)  Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and 22 U.S.C. 9001-9009, implementing the Convention; 58 FR 3/26/86;

(3)  Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption, implemented by 42 U.S.C. 14901 - 42 U.S.C. 14952, Inter-country Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA);

(4)  Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-604; 22 U.S.C. 2715 Procedures Regarding Major Disasters and Incidents Abroad Involving U.S. Citizens; 22 U.S.C. 2715a Provision of Information on Certain Violent Crimes Abroad to Victims and Victims’ Families; 22 U.S.C. 2656e Terrorism Related Travel Advisories;

(5)  Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters; Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, 20 U.S.T.; Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization of Foreign Public Documents; and relevant service and evidentiary requirements in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 44(a)(2), Federal Rules of Evidence (28 U.S.C. Appendix); 28 U.S.C. 1608 (within the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act).

1 FAM 251.5  Delegations of Authority

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Delegation of Authority 78 (8/4/1954):  Organization of the Department of State:  Authority of the Administrator for Security and Consular Affairs (SCA), Delegation of Authority to the Administrator, Bureau of Inspection, Security and Consular Affairs to provide technical direction for the consular program of the Foreign Service and direct related work of the Department including such activities as passport services, protection and welfare of U.S. citizens and interests, issuance of visas, representation of foreign governments.

b. Delegation of Authority 119 (2/13/1969):  Authority to designate persons who shall be authorized and empowered to administer oaths in connection with the execution of passport applications.

c. Delegation of Authority 131 (5/30/1975):  Authority to determine that an exigency of the public business was of such major importance that an employee could not use annual leave to avoid forfeiture, and to approve restoration of forfeited annual leave under 5 U.S.C. 6304.

d. Delegation of Authority 143 (10/30/1981):  Delegation of Authority to Issue Certificates of Authentication for Documents Maintained by the Office of Passport Services Department of State.

e. Delegation of Authority of (8/27/1984):  To the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs to Approve Circular 175.  Authority to Initiate Negotiation of Social Security Totalization Agreements.

f.  Delegation of Authority 172 (8/30/1988):  Delegation of Authority with Respect to Performance of the Functions of Central Authority under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.

g. Delegation of Authority 173 (2/16/1989):  Delegation to the Director of the Office of Citizens Consular Services Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the International Child Abduction Remedies Act.  (The Office of Children's Issues is now the U.S. Central Authority.  The Delegation of Authority will be updated to reflect this.)

h. Delegation of Authority No. 211 (1/31/1994):  Delegation of Authority With Respect to Testimony and Document Production.

i.  Delegation of Authority 213 (7/29/1994):  Designation of Administrator for the Immigration and Nationality Act.

j.  Delegation of Authority 214 (9/20/1994):  Delegations of responsibilities and functions under the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, FY 1994 & 1995, and certain related acts.

k. Delegation of Authority of (9/5/1997):  International Family Support Obligations:  Delegation of Authority with regard to Declaration of Foreign Countries to be Reciprocating Countries under Section 371 of Public Law 104-193 and Conclusion of Related Agreements.  (Delegation to L and CA).

l.  Delegation of Authority 218 (9/17/1998):  Specification of Law Pursuant to the Taiwan Relations Act.

m. Delegation of Authority 234 (10/1/1999):  Delegates certain functions that are or were vested in the Director of the United States Information Agency or in that Agency.

n. Delegation of Authority 253 (9/1/2002):  Delegation from the Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Exceptions from Port-of-Entry Special Registration, Fingerprinting and Photographing (Class A Referrals).

o. Delegation of Authority 261 (9/16/2003):  Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 – Authority of the Secretary of State under the Hague Adoption Convention and the IAA delegated to the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs.

p. Delegations of Authority 269 (1/30/2004) and 269-1 (8/28/2014):  Exemptions from US-VISIT- exempting individual aliens from arriving or departing requirements for fingerprinting and photographing, delegated to CA and re-delegated to CA/VO.

q. Delegation of Authority 271 (1/30/2004):  Functions Relating to Arrivals and Departures from the United States delegating authority vested in the Secretary of State by Executive Order 13323 to the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs.

r.  Delegation of Authority 276:  Designation of Central Authority and Delegation of Authority Regarding Functions Under Treaties Governing the Return of Stolen, Embezzled, or Appropriated Vehicles and Aircraft, from the Secretary of State to the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs and (as Central Authority) the Chief of Mission of the relevant U.S. Embassy.

s.  Delegation of Authority 298 (4/9/2007):  Delegation by the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Citizens Services; the Managing Director, Overseas Citizens Services; the Director, Office of Children’s Issues, Overseas Citizens Services; and the Director, Office of American Citizens Services, Overseas Citizens Services, of Authority to Issue Hague Adoption Certificates and Custody Declarations.

t.  Delegations of Authority 344 (8/7/2012) and 344-1 (10/9/2012):  Authority to determine that it is necessary to waive a visa interview as a result of unusual or emergent circumstances; delegated to CA and re-delegated to CA/VO.

u. Delegation of Authority 347 (1/29/2013):  Authority to make findings of extraordinary circumstance for aliens who remain in the United States beyond their authorized periods.

v. Delegation of Authority 350 (3/11/2013):  Authority to disclose visa records in certain situations.

w. Delegation of Authority 356 (4/12/2013):  Authorities in 8 U.S.C. 1182e and 1182f to CA (also to DRL).

x. Delegation of Authority 361 (3/13/2013):  Authority to determine that a citizen of Iran is seeking to enter the United States to pursue education relating to the nuclear or energy sectors of Iran.

y. Delegation of Authority 361 (7/15/2013):  Authority to disclose certain visa information to national security officials for a national security purpose.

z.  Delegations of Authorities 367 (9/17/2013)and 367-3 (3/30/2015): Authority to administer and enforce immigration and nationality laws, and re-delegation of certain of those authorities to CA/VO.

aa. Delegation of Authority 374 (5/20/2014):  Authority to accept volunteer services from students.

1 FAM 252  PRINCIPAL DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY for fraud prevention and public and congressional affairs oversight

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

Serves as principal deputy to the Assistant Secretary in coordinating policy, management, and operational activities for the Bureau and consular functions.  The Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (CA/FO/P) and the Office of Fraud Prevention Programs (CA/FO/FP) report to this officer.

1 FAM 252.1  Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (CA/FO/P)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs.

b. Develops and implements programs for providing information on consular work and issues to Congress, media, and the public.

c.  Provides public affairs guidance to CA's constituent offices, and to Department bureaus on matters involving consular issues and on the performance of services for the public, both within the United States and abroad.

d. Recommends consular policy developments on matters affecting the entire Bureau.

e. Coordinates Bureau response to special information requests from Congress and other U.S. Government agencies.

f.  Provides Congressional liaison on consular matters including outreach to Congressional staffers and in-reach to CA staff.

g. Analyzes and follows the progress of proposed legislation concerning consular matters in the context of political environment in Congress.

·         Liaises with the Department’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H).  Leads and manages Bureau Legislative Working Group.

·         Coordinates with CA directorates and offices on developing the Bureau’s legislative strategies and manages their progress with (H).

·         Coordinates H tasking's on yellow borders and pending legislation.

·         Manages testimony for Bureau principals and coordinates the preparation of formal comments on legislation.

h. Prepares press guidance and provides information to reporters and journalists on specific consular cases and consular-related foreign policy developments.

·         Provides similar services for use by the Bureau of Global Public Affairs and the Spokesperson (GPA/SPOX).

i.  Coordinates requests for media interviews with Consular Affairs (CA) personnel and seeks clearance from GPA.

j.  Serves as overall outreach coordinator of Bureau public outreach efforts. Coordinates the development of the Bureau outreach budget and oversees its disbursement.

k. Drafts briefing materials on consular issues for Bureau and Department principal officers.

l.  Drafts speeches on consular issues for the Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary.

m. Supports the bilateral engagement (both in Washington and abroad) of foreign partner countries by the Assistant Secretary.

n. Coordinates outreach briefings and requests for Bureau speakers.

o. Establishes standards for, coordinates preparation of, and reviews Bureau publications.

p. Oversees the content and design of Travel.State.Gov (TSG), and CAWeb.

q. Establishes and manages bureau digital media platforms.

r.  Provides advice and support to overseas consular sections regarding relations with the press and Congress, development of outreach programs, and social media engagement.

s.  Coordinates training and guidance to domestic law enforcement agencies and other domestic authorities on the consular notification and access obligations of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and bilateral treaties.

t.  Carries out special projects, as directed.

1 FAM 252.2  Office of Fraud Prevention Programs (CA/FO/FP)

1 FAM 252.2-1  General Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs.

b. Prevents, analyzes, detects, and mitigates vulnerabilities in the consular process – both those posed by external fraud and those caused by lapses in management controls or employee malfeasance.

c.  Develops and coordinates policies, programs, and tools to strengthen the integrity of consular operations worldwide to identify, prevent, and disrupt passport, visa, and other consular fraud and employee malfeasance.

d. Collects and analyzes field reporting on fraud trends and malfeasance cases; sets reporting guidance for posts and passport agencies/centers.

e. Prepares and disseminates fraud prevention and preventing malfeasance information to a wide variety of clients via CAWeb, the monthly Fraud Digest, cables, fraud alerts, Webinars, and other methods.

f.  Conducts research into document technology in support of deterring counterfeit document production and use.

g. Liaises with other bureaus, federal agencies, and interagency organizations that are concerned with citizenship and immigration fraud, alien smuggling, international money laundering, counter-terrorism issues, and border security.

h. Provides analytical support to Diplomatic Security in passport and visa fraud and malfeasance investigations.

i.  Contributes to the development of technology, managerial guidance, and other material for fraud prevention and preventing and detecting malfeasance.

j.  Conducts fraud prevention training and anti-malfeasance for consular and other personnel.

1 FAM 252.2-2  International Fraud Division (CA/FO/FP/IFD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Liaises with Fraud Prevention Units at posts, advising consular Fraud Prevention Managers (FPMs) on a variety of matters, including individual fraud investigations, the availability of fraud prevention technology and/or resources, and fraud prevention management policy.

b. Follows country-specific fraud trends.

c.  Consults on relevant fraud issues with consular officers preparing for overseas assignments and drafts fraud briefing papers and related written materials for CA front office principals.

d. Liaises with other USG agencies in fraud prevention efforts, and contributes information to federal law enforcement investigations as under legal and regulatory guidelines.

1 FAM 252.2-3  Analysis and Training Division (CA/FO/FP/ATD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Analyzes information regarding specific visa categories across countries to determine regional and global fraud trends and develops policy to shore up vulnerabilities to fraud.

b. Develops fraud prevention training materials for FSI courses, workshops and other training events.

c.  Coordinates fraud prevention systems requirements for domestic and overseas use and liaises with the Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CA/CST) to implement them.

d. Liaises with other offices in CA, the National Visa Center (NVC), the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), Diplomatic Security, and interagency partners on fraud issues specific to visa categories, citizenship, and benefit fraud.

e. Manages and distributes CA’s stock of genuine U.S. document exemplars.

f.  Produces and publishes the monthly Fraud Digest.

1 FAM 252.2-4  National Fraud Division (CA/FO/FP/NFD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Supports FPMs at passport agencies/centers on all fraud related matters.

b. Acts as a liaison between domestic passport agency/center FPMs and Diplomatic Security (DS) headquarters.

c.  Coordinates an annual Fraud Prevention Managers’ Training and Development Seminar.

d. Enhances the electronic Passport Fraud Library by gathering and posting vital record document exemplars and acting as a POC for enhancements.

e. Conducts other activities outlined in 7 FAH-1 H-932.1 concerning potentially fraudulent birth document cases.

f.  Collects and compiles monthly fraud reports and statistics and improves reporting categories and mechanisms.

g. Performs onsite management reviews of fraud prevention programs.

h. Manages an inter-agency special referral program and reports on trends.

i.  Refers potentially fraudulently obtained U.S. passports to the issuing office for analysis, confirmation, and revocation.

j.  Enters lookouts for compromised identities, known false record holders, and other urgent matters based on law enforcement and other appropriate intelligence.

k. Manages major passport fraud cases by ensuring potentially fraudulent applications are identified, tracked, and responded to in an effective, consistent, and timely manner and that updates are routinely shared with the appropriate CA offices.

1 FAM 252.2-5  Consular Integrity Division (CA/FO/FP/CID)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Acts as the central clearinghouse, as a joint CA/DS initiative, for matters pertaining to malfeasance and misfeasance in both domestic and overseas consular operations.

b. Monitors consular data and performs risk analysis to detect anomalies, spot trends, and patterns in visa, passport, and citizenship processing, as well as potential breakdowns in internal controls.

c.  Provides in-depth analysis to document all allegations of consular misfeasance and malfeasance, as well as analytic support for criminal malfeasance cases.

d. Administers the Monitor program, which provides oversight for the protection of Personally Identifiable Information in U.S. citizen consular records.

e. Makes policy recommendations.  Identifies and advocates for systems improvements to mitigate internal vulnerabilities that could lead to employee malfeasance/misfeasance.

f.  Provides training and training support on issues of consular malfeasance and management controls to USG employees and contractors, domestically and overseas.

1 FAM 252.2-6  Counterfeit Deterrence Laboratory (CA/FO/FP/CDL)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Conducts research into counterfeit deterrence in support of Department and Bureau goals.

b. Liaises with other bureaus, federal and state agencies, and international organizations on issues specific to counterfeit detection and production.

c.  Conducts training on counterfeit detection for CA and DS personnel, as well as others as required.


1 FAM 252.3-1  Office of the Executive Director (CA/EX)

(CT:ORG-530;   04-23-2019)

a. Provides executive direction to the Bureau for administration and management services.  Reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resources.

b. Collaborates with the regional bureaus, appropriate functional bureaus, and the Bureau of Human Resources on Foreign Service personnel policies affecting the consular function and the assignment of consular personnel abroad.

c.  Prepares and presents budgetary information on the consular function overseas (e.g., the consular package) and provides management support to consular personnel abroad.

d. Oversees the Regional Consular Officer (RCO) and Consular Management Assistance Team (CMAT) programs.

e. Coordinates with the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations (OBO) on all aspects of consular construction and rehabilitation projects.

1 FAM 252.3-1(A)  General Services Division (CA/EX/GSD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

Provides general administrative support to the Bureau including provision of contractual services, domestic building and property related matters (including telephones, locks, construction, etc.), supplies and equipment, asset management (i.e., inventory), domestic emergency planning, travel, and records management.  This office also administers the Bureau's domestic security and safety programs and supplies consular sections overseas with specialized consular supplies such as blank passports, visa foils, and consular seals.

1 FAM 252.3-1(B)  Human Resources Division (CA/EX/HRD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Coordinates the human resources functions and programs of the Bureau including position classification, staffing and recruitment, merit promotion, employee relations, employee benefits, training and development, position management, awards, and special projects; supervises the control and monitoring of staffing levels and the distribution of permanent and temporary employees within the Bureau's organizational units.

b. Manages the human resources functions and programs of the Bureau including position classification, staffing and recruitment, employee relations, training and development, position management, awards, and special projects.  Supervises the control and monitoring of staffing levels and the distribution of permanent and temporary employees within the Bureau's organizational units.  The Human Resources Division is separated into four main functional units consisting of the following: Recruitment and Staffing Branch, Learning and Career Development Team, the Employee Relations Branch, and Workforce Planning Team: 

(1)  The Recruitment and Staffing Branch administer classification of position descriptions, conduct all staffing and recruitment actions, and process personnel actions for CA Bureau general schedule and prevailing rate employees up to and include Grade 15 or equivalents for items including promotions, within-grade step pay increases, leave actions, etc.  Furthermore, the Branch provides Human Resources training and consultation to managers of the Bureau on all human resources functions, programs, and hiring flexibilities.  The Branch ensures the proper processing of new Federal employees and transfers nationwide;

(2)  The Learning and Career Development Team coordinates training and development-related best practices across the CA offices and directorates.  It is responsible for advising managers and employees on professional development and career planning, designing and delivering training sessions for employees throughout the Bureau, as well as approving and processing all training for CA employees.  The team manages the Bureau-wide CA Orientation  program, Civil Service new employee Entry-on-Duty program, and the Consular Managers' HR Workshop;

(3)  The Employee Relations (ER) Branch researches, analyzes, and evaluates performance and misconduct cases to determine appropriate disciplinary actions for employees within the Bureau.  Members of the ER Branch draft disciplinary letters such as reprimands, proposals and decisions for suspensions, demotions, and removals of domestic CA Civil Service employees from Federal service.  The Branch provides expert advice, technical guidance, and delivers regular trainings for all levels of Bureau management on various employee relations issues such as leave abuse, poor performance, performance improvement plans, and other misconduct:

(a)  The ER Branch works closely with Office of Employee Relations, Conduct, Suitability and Discipline Division (GTM/ER/CSD) and the Office of the Legal Advisor (L/EMP) to ensures that disciplinary actions are properly supported so that charges and penalties are defendable before a third-party, such as the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) and collective bargaining units.  Members of the ER Branch liaise with CA managers, CA/PPT/PMO/PC, L/EMP, GTM/PC, and GTM/G in responding to grievances, appeals, discovery requests and motions to compel filed by employees contesting disciplinary actions or other employment matters.  The Branch works with Bureau management on proper adherence to the Department's administrative grievance procedures as referenced in 3 FAM 4700; and

(b)  The ER Branch also provides advice and guidance to management on a variety of labor relations issues concerning adherence and interpretation of applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA).  Members work in close coordination with the Program Coordination Division in the Office of Program Management and Operational Support (CA/PPT/PMO/PC) on Labor Relation matters to ensure consistency on HR issues pertaining to Passport Service Directorate employees.

(4)  The Workforce Planning Team provides resource management support domestic consular operations.  The team analyzes and evaluates Bureau operations, procedures, organizational structure, and a variety of pertinent data to assess management requirements and make recommendations to increase efficiency.

1 FAM 252.3-1(C)  Post Analysis and Support Division (CA/EX/PAS)

(CT:ORG-530;   04-23-2019)

Serves as the Bureau's primary liaison with consular sections overseas on workload and resource issues, management controls, facilities, and staffing.  Works with the executive offices of the regional and M bureaus to ensure adequate administrative and personnel support for consular sections and responds to requests for temporary staffing assistance by temporary duty (TDY), Rapid Response Team (RRT), and Re-Employed Annuitants (REA).  Administers the Global Support Strategy (GSS), a multiple award contract program that provides non-inherently governmental services in support of the Department's visa operations, including appointment services and fee collection.

1 FAM 252.3-2  Office of the Comptroller (CA/C)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. The Office of the Comptroller (CA/C) reports directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resources.

b. CA/C is the principal strategic planning and resource management office for the Bureau of Consular Affairs and is the primary liaison for the Department for the coordination of action and information related to Bureau resources and the linkage between policy and those resources.

c.  CA/C is designated as the bureau's management control coordinator, ensuring that the requirements of the Department's management control program are adequately carried out by the bureau, offices, and posts.

d. CA/C serves as a senior advisor to the Bureau’s front office, providing direction and management of resource strategy, structure, and allocation.  CA/C consists of three divisions – Strategic Planning and Policy (SPPD), Financial Management (FMD), and Oversight and Data Division (ODD) – which provide operational support and policy development through administration, budget, financial management, contracting, management controls, and strategic planning.  Each division is led by a division chief, and is supported by a staff of analysts with expertise in budget, programming, and management.  CA/C also includes the Consular and Border Security Programs (CBSP) Manager, who assists the Comptroller in oversight and monitoring of the use of retained consular fees by CA, partner bureaus, and other agencies.

1 FAM 252.3-2(A)  Financial Management Division (CA/C/FMD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. The Financial Management Division (CA/C/FMD), is responsible for directly managing, monitoring, and coordinating all issues related to financial resources used by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, to include all retained consular fees deposited in the Consular Border Security Programs (CBSP) account, consular fees deposited in the Diplomatic Programs account, and the Department’s share of the Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee (H&L Fraud Fee) collected by the Department of Homeland Security.

b. This division is the only organization in CA that can directly receive, allocate, obligate, and distribute the financial resources of the Bureau.

c.  CA/C/FMD covers the execution of CA resources and the formulation of the CBSP and CA Bureau Resource Request (BRR).

d. This includes accounting, tracking, and estimating all consular fee collections, and working closely with Post Analysis and Support (CA/EX/PAS) staff as well as the Strategic Policy and Planning staff to monitor BRR positions.

e. CA/C/FMD prepares quarterly consular revenue analytics, oversees post allotments, develops, and updates the funding matrix, provides financial transaction processing and oversight, and manages CA's invoices for International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS).

f.  In addition, FMD works with CA/EX/PAS to track overseas consular positions and Machine Readable Visa (MRV) funding, and with CA/OCS on the repatriation loan program.

1 FAM 252.3-2(B)  Strategic Planning and Policy Division (CA/C/SPPD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Performs broad policy and resource oversight for the Bureau.  CA/C/SPPD provides resource strategy through formulation and planning, and works with multiple federal agencies, as well as other bureaus within the Department.

b. In coordination with the Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP), CA/C/SPPD also deals on these matters with the White House Office of Management and Budget and Congress.

c.  CA/C/SPPD serves as the lead on Bureau strategic planning, interagency coordination, inter- and intra-agency agreements, the Economy Act, and the Cost of Service Model (CoSM) and any resulting changes to the Schedule of Fees for Consular Services.

1 FAM 252.3-2(C)  Oversight and Data Division (CA/C/ODD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. The Oversight and Data Division (CA/C/ODD) has primary responsibility for the oversight of offsite, onsite, and online consular fee collections, including developing policy, procedures, and reconciliation processes across the bureau's domestic and overseas operations.  The division is also responsible for the bureau's efforts to expand online fee payment via Treasury's Pay.gov suite of services.

b. With the CA Comptroller as the Management Controls Coordination for the bureau, CA/C/ODD is responsible for coordinating the development and maintenance of the programmatic, operational, and financial management control system for the bureau and submission to the Department's Annual Statement of Assurance.  CA/C/ODD also coordinates financial audit compliance requests and responses for the bureau.

c.  CA/C/ODD coordinates CA's financial audit and Government Office of Accountability input.

d. The division leads CA/C's data efforts, developing, coordinating, and maintaining data universe.

1 FAM 252.3-2(D)  Consular and Border Security Programs Manager (CA/C/CBSP)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. In 2013, the Department created the CBSP Manager position in response to an OIG recommendation.  The CBSP Manager assists CA/C in overseeing and monitoring the use of retained consular fees by CA, partner bureaus and other agencies.  The CBSP Manager also maintains relations with partner bureaus and other agencies that are governed by appropriate service level agreements, interagency agreements, memoranda of understanding, or memoranda of agreement that provide for coordinated planning and monitoring of CBSP-supported activities.

b. In FY 2019, the Department created a standalone CBSP account where most retained consular fees are now deposited and, enabling the Department to provide greater transparency and accountability, facilitating budget estimates, and making the information more easily available to users of budget information and other stakeholders.

1 FAM 252.3-3  Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CA/CST)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resources.

b. Supports the Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) information technology efforts through the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of consular information technology systems, databases, and infrastructure.

c.  Develops and supports IT solutions to automate the functions for the Department‘s visa, passport, and overseas citizens services operations, from concept to product, including research, design, development, testing, and launch.

d. Develops and refines business processes with input from intended end-users and partnering agencies, ensuring systems functionality, interfaces, data utility, data quality, and security.

e. Develops and implements standards for the Bureau’s enterprise architecture and maintains the Consular Consolidated Database (CCD) for real-time access to visa and passport records worldwide.  Monitors data quality and ensures system architecture meets current and projected requirements, applying leading-edge technology solutions for systems’ performance and security.

f.  Represents the Bureau in information technology- and telecommunications-related activities within:

(1)  The Department,

(2)  Other federal agencies;

(3)  Other governments; and

(4)  The private sector.

1 FAM 252.3-3(A)  Service Strategy & Portfolio Management Division (CA/CST/SSPM)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Provides strategic analysis and standardized governance processes, IT capital planning and investments, and manages IT acquisition/contracts and budget support to drive strategic IT investments; provides standardized implementation of bureau processes and adherence with the Department's IT policies and capital planning and investment control process; and coordinates with IRM on contract requirements and contracting strategies.

c.  Formulates and executes technology spend plan.

d. Tracks enterprise performance management and performs enterprise investment portfolio review.

e. Review service level agreements (SLA) and memorandums of understanding (MOU) and provide input for CA/CST IT contracts.

f.  Manages IT contracts for CA/CST, including preparation of statements of work, evaluation of proposals, monitoring of deliverables, period of performance and funding;

g. Provides IT governance.  Serves as the entry point for new requirements from CA and works with the Senior Steering Group (SSG) to prioritize IT requirements.

h. Serves as the process owner for the CA/CST Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) policy and standards, and ensures that IT Programs and Projects meet the requirements of the Department's project management methodology, Managing State Projects (MSP), or an alternate methodology as long as that methodology maps to the MSP control gates.

1 FAM 252.3-3(B)  Service Delivery and Outreach Division (CA/CST/SDO)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Provides training, deployment, and communication services to all domestic and overseas consular operations, including passport agencies and centers and visa centers.  This division receives and coordinates non-routine inquiries and addresses CA/CST correspondence.

c.  Provides marketing and messaging to the field and CA/CST system users both internal and external (e.g., DHS, FBI, CIA).  This includes mass communication to user audiences through blogs, newsletters, posters, e-mails, outreach presentations, etc.

d. Responsible for all aspects of CA hardware and application software deployment.  This includes hardware acquisition, equipment ordering, warehouse management, deployment readiness review (DRR) and deployment scheduling.

e. Develops, schedules, and administers both on-site and online training.

f.  Correspond/liaise with other CA offices, the CA Front Office, and with IRM.  Writes memos and responds to policy requests.

g. Manages the various policy documents for review and actions assigned to the CA/CST office from Bureau and Department leadership.

1 FAM 252.3-3(C)  Service Integration & Innovation Division (CA/CST/SII)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Performs evaluation and integration of technologies and innovation with regard to business improvement, while aligning to Enterprise Architecture (EA).  Provides technical support across CA/CST to enable the design, development, management, and integration of CA/CST capabilities and services such as the continuous integration and development (CICD) through an automated pipeline.

c.  Provides Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) specifications, developer guidance, and service portfolio management in support of CA/CST modernization activities.

d. Supports the EA development by documenting as-is, target, and transition architectures for modernization activities.

e. Provides engineering services in support of core data access and management capabilities to support worldwide access to consular data, supporting both production systems and modernization efforts.

f.  Develops information sharing solutions with partners across government including civil, defense, and intelligence agencies.

g. Enables core identity management and access control capabilities, including auditing and supporting secure, worldwide access to consular data and systems.

h. Researches and evaluates new, emerging technologies that may be adapted to support increased efficiencies and cost effectiveness of CA/CST offerings to support CA functions.  Coordinates with the Department's Chief Architect and the CA Bureau's Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to identify emerging technologies, standards, and suitability of technology plans with the Department's enterprise architecture roadmap.

i.  Manages existing Biometrics program and injects new capabilities into CA/CST portfolio to support evolving adjudication needs and digital travel needs.

1 FAM 252.3-3(D)  New Service Design & Development Division (CA/CST/NSDD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Selects, designs, and implements new technology solutions that support CA and clearly align to business needs.

c.  Gather requirements for new applications and provides program and project management for the development of new user interfaces (UI) and services.

d. Provides integration testing and development support for new applications.

e. For new application development and modernization efforts, provides identity management, including account management, roles, and permissions.

f.  Manages CA/CST cloud initiatives for new shared services, including management of cloud environments and resources.

g. Performs business relationship management by serving as liaison to CA business units for new systems development and new services.

1 FAM 252.3-3(E)  Production Service Design & Development Division (CA/CST/PSDD)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Provides software development and maintenance, project management, and contract oversight support for existing software applications that support CA’s mission.

c.  Responsible for application development through all life cycle phases for production applications (NIV, IVO, TDIS, ACS, IVIS, travel.state.gov, CA-Web, CEAC, STEP, CADSS, CLASS, ECAS, and CA metrics).

d. Develops application releases based on business needs.

e. Provides Tier 3 operation support by reviewing and resolving assigned trouble tickets.

f.  Provides Subject Matter Expert support for applications.

1 FAM 252.3-3(F)  Service Transition Division (CA/CST/ST)

(CT:ORG-530;   04-23-2019)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Provides cross-cutting services to hand off solutions from the development delivery team to the operations team.

c.  Ensures that IT solutions meet customer’s requirements and adhere to governance standards and Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) regulations.

d. Performs application certification and accreditation.

e. Ensures applications remain secure and compliant through continuous security monitoring.

f.  Provides Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) testing for CA/CST applications.

g. Supports user acceptance testing (UAT) and development testing.

h. Performs audits for all CA/CST-provided services and recommends process improvements.

i.  Provides configuration control for all CA/CST configurable items.  Manages the administration and support of the CA/CST configuration tool utilized for configuration management.

j.  Performs enterprise change management, including build management and release management.

1 FAM 252.3-3(G)  Service Operations Division (CA/CST/SO)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the CA/CST Deputy Director.

b. Provides enterprise infrastructure, network, desktop, database, and application support.  Ensures that each new facility complies with FAM guidelines by providing input and support during the facility build phase and maintaining status reports for each facility in development to monitor phases, key milestones, issues, and risks.

c.  Provides backup, recovery, database, tools, and storage services for CA systems; network operations support; security operations support and Tier 2 support for CA applications, databases and services.

d. Provides Tier 1 service desk support.

e. Provides platform and network engineering services in support of the CA modernization program as well as in support of the legacy systems environment.

1 FAM 252.3-4   1CA Unit: Leadership, Management, and Innovation (1CA)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Resources.

b. Leverages proven management methods and tools to help teams improve complex CA operations.

c.  Develops, and provides consular professionals with, practical tools, techniques, resources, and training to cultivate leadership, management, and innovation skills.  Products are designed to assist staff in solving problems and optimizing operations, and to inspire greater team and individual effectiveness.

d. Fosters a culture of shared values through CA’s Leadership and Management Tenets.

e. Deploys annual Consular Leadership Indicator assessment to measure individual leader’s skills and bolster CA organizational health.

f.  Engages partners and connects CA’s many parts through communication, facilitated trainings, and learning content.

g. Facilitates data-driven decision making by providing tools, training, and collaborative platforms to increase analytics awareness and expertise. 

h. Shares and amplifies best practices and leadership, management, and innovation success stories from across the Bureau.

i.  Coordinates with CA/CST on all tools identified above that incorporate an information technology element.


(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Administers laws and formulates and recommends legislation, regulations, and policies relating to the acquisition of U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality and issuance of U.S. passports and consular reports of birth abroad (CRBAs);

b. Directs domestic passport offices, passport agencies and centers, passport application acceptance facilities, and the passport processing programs of U.S. embassies and consulates (posts);

c.  Negotiates and consults with U.S. government agencies, international organizations, and foreign governments in connection with the acquisition of U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality and documentation of U.S. citizens/non-citizen U.S. nationals;

d. Ensures active contact with organizations and individuals concerned with international travel;

e. Manages and provides opinions to the Department on U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality, passport, and CRBA litigation;

f.  Formulates and implements policies under which the governors of insular possessions accept U.S. passport applications;

g. Directs the passport and vital records filing and retrieval systems;

h. Participates in international fora to formulate international standards on travel document policy, design, and issuance;

i.  Liaises with federal law enforcement agencies and entities to negotiate data sharing agreements and recommends implementation of tools and databases to improve national security;

j.  Issues final decisions on administrative hearings challenging the denial, revocation, or cancelation of U.S. passports and CRBAs; and

k. Oversees and directs the Managing Director - Issuance Operations, and the Managing Director - Support Operations.

1 FAM 253.1  Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

The Managing Director – Issuance Operations manages the operational functions such as planning, directing, and leading strategies that coordinate the network of passport agencies, centers, and print centers throughout the United States, as well as overseas passport processing programs.

1 FAM 253.1-1  Regional Director - Capital Region (CA/PPT/I/C)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I); and

b. Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the directors of six to eight passport agencies and centers, and the Special Issuance Agency and its policy management responsibilities for special issuance passports.

1 FAM 253.1-2  Regional Director – Northeastern Region (CA/PPT/I/NE)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I); and

b. Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the directors of six to eight passport agencies and centers, and the two print centers.

1 FAM 253.1-3  Regional Director – South/Central Region (CA/PPT/I/SC)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I); and

b. Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the directors of six to eight passport agencies and centers.

1 FAM 253.1-4  Regional Director – Western Region (CA/PPT/I/W)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I); and

b. Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the directors of six to eight passport agencies and centers.

1 FAM 253.1-5  Regional Director – NPC and Overseas Region (CA/PPT/I/NPCI)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I);

b. Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the National Passport Center and a team of Program Analysts;

c.  Coordinates all policy and program implementation for, and supervises, the Director of the National Passport Center (NPC); and

d. Manages the overseas adjudication review program, supported by the Office of Adjudication (CA/PPT/S/A) (see 1 FAM 253.2-6).

1 FAM 253.1-6  Office of Management Analysis and Coordination (CA/PPT/I/MAC)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to Managing Director – Issuance Operations (CA/PPT/I);

b. Provides operational oversight and coordination of workload and hiring plans for passport agencies/centers;

c.  Provides operational oversight and coordination of facilities projects for passport agencies/centers, regional offices, and headquarters offices;

d. Provides operational oversight and coordination of communication processes across the passport agencies, centers, and print centers;

e. Provides analysis and support to CA/PPT/I in analyzing and improving passport field operations and efficiency; and

f.  Oversees and directs the following two divisions:

1 FAM 253.1-6(A)  Management and Process Analysis Division (CA/PPT/I/MAC/MP)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Management Analysis and Coordination;

b. Analyzes business processes, operational procedures, and policy changes for resource implications;

c.  Reviews business processes for accuracy, efficiency, improvements and standardization which could lead to overall passport agency/center identified business process changes;

d. Establishes passport agency and center performance metrics and analyzes statistics and qualitative data to assess and enhance and/or change operational policies' effectiveness;

e. Manages communication between headquarters offices and the field, including the coordination of major CA operational initiatives.  Assesses and updates communication protocols;

f.  Facilitates the Issued in Error (IIE) Accountability Review Board.  The Board analyzes the circumstances of each passport agency/center passport issued in error (IIE) incident to ensure that consistent and appropriate disciplinary actions are applied nation-wide;

g. Oversees and coordinates the PPT Answers database as a resource of passport agencies/centers and posts; and manages projects, programs, and initiatives with other headquarters offices, regional offices, and field offices.

1 FAM 253.1-6(B)  Workload and Capacity Analysis Division (CA/PPT/I/MAC/WC)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Management Analysis and Coordination;

b. Manages capacity issues in relationship to workload and staffing, manages the workload transfer program, manages the national overtime program, and analyzes both workload and field staffing levels nation-wide.  Makes position management recommendations to CA/PPT/I;

c.  Using the national demand forecast, performs analyses and develops regional and agency level forecasts;

d. Assesses passport field office productivity.  Analyzes statistics and quantitative data to determine and enhance productivity;

e. With CA/EX/GSD, plans, develops, implements, and tracks all headquarters and field relocations and security and infrastructure upgrades, including facilities-related budget formulation and execution;

f.  Serves as liaison and coordinator with the regional offices, passport agencies/centers, CA/EX/GSD, A Bureau, DS, GSA, vendors, and contractors for facilities issues; and

g. Serves as liaison for CA/PPT and CA on special initiatives and projects.

1 FAM 253.1-7  Locations of Passport Agencies, Centers, and Print Centers

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Passport agencies and centers are located in the United States at:

(1)  Atlanta, Georgia (CA/PPT/AT);

(2)  Aurora, Colorado (CA/PPT/CO);

(3)  Boston, Massachusetts (CA/PPT/BN);

(4)  Buffalo, New York (CA/PPT/BU);

(5)  Charleston, South Carolina (CA/PPT/CPC);

(6)  Chicago, Illinois (CA/PPT/CG);

(7)  Dallas, Texas (CA/PPT/DA);

(8)  Detroit, Michigan (CA/PPT/DE);

(9)  El Paso, Texas (CA/PPT/EP);

(10) Honolulu, Hawaii (CA/PPT/HH);

(11) Hot Springs, Arkansas (CA/PPT/APC);

(12) Houston, Texas (CA/PPT/HN);

(13) Los Angeles, California (CA/PPT/LA);

(14) Miami, Florida (CA/PPT/MM);

(15) Minneapolis, Minnesota (CA/PPT/MN);

(16) New Orleans, Louisiana (CA/PPT/NO);

(17) New York, New York (CA/PPT/NY);

(18) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (CA/PPT/PA);

(19) Portsmouth, New Hampshire - National Passport Center (CA/PPT/NPC);

(20) San Diego, California (CA/PPT/SD);

(21) San Francisco, California (CA/PPT/SF);

(22) San Juan, Puerto Rico (CA/PPT/SJ);

(23) Seattle, Washington (CA/PPT/SE);

(24) St. Albans, Vermont (CA/PPT/VT);

(25) Stamford, Connecticut (CA/PPT/CT);

(26) Tucson, Arizona (CA/PPT/TPC);

(27) Western Passport Center (CA/PPT/WPC); and,

(28) Washington, DC (CA/PPT/WN).

b. Special Issuance Agency (CA/PPT/SIA) is located in Washington, DC.

c.  Print centers are located at:

(1)  Hot Springs, Arkansas (CA/PPT/APC); and

(2)  Tucson, Arizona (CA/PPT/TPC).

1 FAM 253.1-8  Functions of a Passport Agency, Center, and Print Center

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Accepts, examines, adjudicates, and processes passport applications submitted by the public under the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act and related laws; issues passports to those determined to be U.S. citizens/non-citizen U.S. nationals and otherwise qualified; follows established internal controls and protection of personally identifiable information (PII) standards; and amends, extends, and validates passports in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Department of State policies and procedures;

b. Trains and assists passport acceptance agents such as clerks of court, U.S. Postal Service officers, employees at designated public sector entities, and Department of Defense (DoD) personnel operating as passport application acceptance agents;

c.  Provides information to constituents concerning passport regulations and U.S. citizenship and nationality laws.  Provides information on visa requirements for foreign travel, U.S. customs and public health regulations, requirements, and procedures for naturalization through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and military travel under Status of Forces agreements;

d. Operates a fraud prevention program and maintains liaison with security, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies to obtain and exchange information related to the detection of fraudulent documents and false identities and to preclude issuance of passports to aliens and impostors;

e. Refuses or denies issuance of passports, as appropriate, including in cases where denial or revocation is authorized or required under applicable statutes, regulations, and 8 FAM provisions;

f.  Maintains close liaison with congressional district offices, local governments, and the media to exchange information of mutual interest on travel projections and trends, and disseminates advisories regarding the travel of U.S. citizens abroad, as directed by the Department;

g. Represents the Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs and the Department in regional consular-related matters and congressional interest cases;

h. Participates or maintains membership in local travel industry organizations, foreign affairs organizations, local consular corps, and federal executive boards to further the interests and goals of the Department and Passport Services;

i.  Prints passports for will call, duty officer, or other special, urgent, and emergency circumstances at passport agencies and centers;

j.  Carries out the following through the passport print centers (CA/PPT/APC and CA/PPT/TPC):

(1)  Prints passports and other travel-related documents from routine and expedited passport applications electronically transmitted via remote issuance from passport agencies and centers and posts under the provision of appropriate laws, regulations and procedures;

(2)  Oversees responsibility for oversight of blank book/card inventories;

(3)  Identifies integrity and vulnerabilities in the passport personalization process and recommend changes in current systems, policies, processes, and procedures as well as technological upgrades in the infrastructure and systems applications that can alleviate these vulnerabilities;

(4)  Maintains appropriate quality control over the production process of U.S. passports, including a reasonably low reject error rate in the printing of the books;

(5)  Mails printed U.S. passports to passport applicants and posts; and

(6)  Conducts analytical studies that evaluate and determine whether the U.S. government should increase the number of passport print centers and their proposed locations.

1 FAM 253.2  Managing Director – Passport Support Operations (CA/PPT/S)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

The Managing Director – Passport Support Operations manages the “support” functions such as adjudication policy for U.S. passports, CRBAs, and acquisition of U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality, funds management, strategic planning, internal controls, workforce management, labor relations activities, customer and community relations, integrity of the passport acceptance program, data-sharing and partnership arrangements, document design, document integrity, security/privacy of records, passport systems requirements, records filing and retrieval, legal issues, and liaison with law enforcement entities.

1 FAM 253.2-1  Office of Program Management and Operational Support (CA/PPT/S/PMO)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Support Operations (CA/PPT/S);

b. Plans, coordinates, and directs comprehensive headquarters support to the field agencies and centers and headquarters offices on workforce management issues;

c.  Directs a national customer service program that includes formulating and providing passport issuance information to customers (applicants) via passport agencies/centers, the Internet, the National Passport Information Center (NPIC), passport acceptance facilities and a 24 hours a day/7 days a week National Duty Officer Program;

d. In coordination with the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (CA/P), oversees a nation-wide public community relations, outreach and marketing program regarding passport products, policies, and new initiatives;

e. Manages the training and career development program for passport professionals, which designs, coordinates, and implements courses regarding passport adjudication, U.S. citizenship and non-citizen U.S. nationality, supervisory/managerial and mentoring abilities, as well as other necessary job-related skills.

f.  Oversees and directs the following four divisions.

1 FAM 253.2-1(A)  Program Coordination Division (CA/PPT/S/PMO/PC)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support;

b. Serves as the representative and liaison to negotiate and facilitate understanding and compliance with the bargaining unit employee union (National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1998) on Passport Services management initiatives or requirements.  In collaboration with CA's Human Resources Division (CA/EX/HRD), provides advice and guidance to CA/PPT management on a variety of labor relations issues concerning adherence and interpretation of applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements;

c.  Manages Passport Service's internal recruitment and staffing policy and procedure initiatives for new or existing passport agencies, centers, and print centers by coordinating requirements and resources with other CA/PPT offices.  Coordinates with CA/EX/HRD to obtain full time equivalency (FTE) clearance for the appropriate classification and recruitment of new government hires, transfers, relocations, awards, personnel matters, and other associated requirements for workforce management within CA/PPT;

d. Provides advice and guidance to field management and headquarters supervisors on identifying, evaluating, and resolving performance and discipline issues.  Confers and coordinates actions and resolutions with CA/EX/HRD, CA/PPT management or other Department entities;

e.  In conjunction with CA/EX/HRD, tracks and reports on the progress of hiring and clearance status and provides reports on the hiring process to all CA/PPT offices;

f.  Develops and implements temporary duty exchange program assignments to achieve interchange between headquarters, passport agencies and centers, and posts; and

g. Manages the after-hours National Duty Officer Program, develops and schedules national duty officer tours and is responsible for after-hours customer service for life-or-death emergencies, coordinating with local duty officers to issue emergency passports; and

h. Develops staffing models to determine appropriate overall staffing levels.

1 FAM 253.2-1(B)  Customer Service Division (CA/PPT/S/PMO/CS)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support;

b. Manages the nation-wide customer service program by establishing standardized policies and procedures; provides facilitative assistance to passport agency/center customer service managers regarding individual agency and nation-wide customer service goals and objectives;

c.  Manages and develops policy for the National Passport Application Acceptance Facility Program.  Develops and coordinates strategic approaches for passport acceptance facility recruitment, training, and effective use of passport acceptance agents located throughout the United States and its territories;

d. Formulates, updates, and distributes the Passport Agents Reference Guide (PARG), which provides the standard operating procedures of passport execution and acceptance for acceptance agents;

e. Collaborates extensively with the Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight (CA/PPT/S/AFO) to ensure consistency of information being provided to Acceptance Facilities and that appropriate actions are taken in response to CA/PPT/S/AFO inspection results and feedback;

f.  Maintains liaison with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Headquarters and monitors USPS expansion and reduction plans;

g. Monitors the programmatic management of the National Passport Information Center (NPIC) and the CA/PPT's national call center network and appointment system for public customers, and liaises with the Office of Planning and Program Support (CA/PPT/S/PPS) to ensure contracts remain in place for this service;

h. Manages the National Courier Program; establishes uniform national policies, procedures, and guidance for passport agencies/centers and commercial courier companies that are permitted to submit passport applications to passport agencies and centers on behalf of their customers.

1 FAM 253.2-1(C)  Community Relations Division (CA/PPT/S/PMO/CR)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support;

b. Manages the nation-wide outreach program by standardizing outreach policy and procedures and increasing CA/PPT's ability to effectively measure outreach efforts nation-wide;

c.  Educates the public on CA and CA/PPT by marketing, creating, and promoting public awareness campaigns, in addition to providing nation-wide outreach guidance and support to passport agencies and centers;

d. Formulates priorities for CA and CA/PPT key messages, identifies target audiences and utilizes traditional and social media platforms to maximize outreach;

e. Builds and maintains a network of contacts with high-level members of the travel industry, business executives, and influential interest groups/organizations to inform them about current and emerging passport matters;

f.  Manages and updates passport-related policy/procedures content on travel.state.gov in collaboration with all appropriate stakeholders;

g. Develops content and assists in managing social media platforms on behalf of CA/PPT in coordination with the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (CA/P); manages and develops multimedia content and videos;

h. Designs, drafts, produces, and distributes passport-related outreach materials; procures and distributes passport displays and materials used at outreach events;

i.  Liaises and coordinates with CA/P on outreach and media relations work including the facilitation of acquiring media and speaker presentation clearances; and

j.  Drafts and issues all passport and passport-related forms.

1 FAM 253.2-1(D)  Internal Controls Division (CA/PPT/S/PMO/IC)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Program Management and Operational Support;

b. Maintains and updates the Passport Services Internal Controls Guide for Employees (the ICG);

c.  Conducts Internal Controls Program Assessments (ICPAs) at passport agencies and centers and Passport Headquarters;

d. Coordinates, edits, and distributes the Internal Controls Annual Report;

e. Develops a uniform program for internal controls and specifies recommendations to achieve compliance;

f.  Develops and implements internal controls compliance programs;

g. Coordinates at the directorate level with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), CA's Office of Fraud Prevention Programs (CA/FPP), and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to gain insights into investigations of malfeasance;

h. Provides day-to-day guidance to passport agencies and centers;

i.  Develops, promulgates, and publishes documentation on recommended internal controls practices;

j.  Assists CA/PPT/S/PMO/CM in producing internal controls training materials, including handbook content, videos, and web content;

k. Assists the Senior Advisor for International Affairs (CA/PPT/IA) in maintaining and updating international standards for passport issuance security;

l.  Coordinates with Overseas Citizens Services (OCS) on posts’ internal controls practices to exchange lessons learned;

m. Coordinates the Incident Tracking Program identifying missing PII, anomalies in passport systems, and reporting breaches;

n. Organizes the after action efforts of the Procedural Integrity Testing and Training (PITT) program in coordination with CA/FPP; and

o. Coordinates all emergency management activities within PPT including but not limited to:

(1)  Liaising with CA and Bureau of Administration’s Office of Emergency Management;

(2)  Serving on the Incident Management Team and representing PPT in times of emergency;

(3)  Reviewing and developing Emergency Action Plans (EAP);

(4)  Coordinating emergency exercises;

(5)  Representing internal controls and emergency management in response to emergencies involving PPT; and

(6)  Leading or participating in emergency management working groups.  

1 FAM 253.2-2  Office of Career Management (CA/PPT/S/CM)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Support Operations (CA/PPT/S);

b. Conducts training needs assessments, then coordinates training requirements with field agencies and centers and headquarters offices.  Plans, develops, and delivers standardized training and certification that incorporates 8 FAM/8 FAH-1 guidelines and passport adjudication procedures applicable to field operations;

c.  Conducts research, designs curriculum, implements courses for scheduled instruction, and deploys distance learning training related to adjudication, citizenship, nationality, anti-fraud training (coordinating as needed with (CA/FPP), interviewing skills, and other topics as needed to address CA/PPT training needs.  In collaboration with CA/EX/HRD, 1CA, and other relevant offices, develops materials on leadership skills, management skills, and mentoring for CA/PPT employees;

d. In collaboration with CA/EX/HRD, designs and identifies training and development opportunities as well as domestic career development paths that target skills at all levels;

e. In collaboration with CA/EX/HRD, manages domestic employee development with the goal of developing skill-sets/core competencies required at all levels (especially supervisory and managerial levels); and

f.  Leads project teams, working groups, or committees tasked with identifying course prerequisites, admission standards, and qualification standards for entry, intermediate, and advanced level certification requirements.

g. Oversees and directs the following three divisions.

1 FAM 253.2-2(A)  Organization Development and Leadership Division (CA/PPT/S/CM/ODL)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Career Management.

b. Conducts research, fact-finding, analysis, problem solving, coordination, and organizational and program related communications and provides information and essential feedback to management, co-workers, and subordinates with regard to the effectiveness and efficiency of PPT career management programs and activities.

c.  Assesses training needs and program effectiveness and efficiency through formal training needs assessments.  Ensures that training operations within agencies and centers remain aligned with standardized policies and practices nation-wide.  Advises and assists the regional directors, agency directors, headquarters management, and CM staff on a wide range of matters concerning career management training policy, plans, procedures, certification, resource management, and scheduling.  Plans, develops, implements, continuously evaluates, and improves programs, processes, and procedures in order to enhance the services of the Office of Career Management and ensures the needs of CA/PPT are met.

d. Coordinates, plans, and facilitates CA/PPT wide professional development events and Leadership Development Programs. Supports training in the field and in headquarters offices by providing course logistics and materials. Develops distance learning to meet training needs not met through formal course development. Executes special projects related to training and development and organizational health as directed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Managing Directors.

1 FAM 253.2-2(B)  Career Management Western Division (CA/PPT/S/CM/W)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Career Management;

b. Designs, coordinates, and delivers standardized training for field and headquarter personnel covering passport adjudication, citizenship, leadership and management topics for the western half of the United States. Advises and assists the Regional Directors, Agency management, Headquarters management, and CM staff regarding career management planning, policy, procedures, certification, resource management, and scheduling.  Consists of Regional Training Coordinators who maintain adjunct faculty status for numerous FSI courses in addition to a project portfolio.  

c.  Provides leadership in planning, developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving programs, processes, and procedures within the assigned region, to enhance the services of the Office of Career Management and ensure CA/PPT needs are meet. Ensures that training operations within the region remain aligned with Office of Career Management policies and practices nation-wide. Conducts cost benefit and resource analyses and evaluates the technical feasibility of services that expand the scope of current operations, providing accurate data and analyses. Serves as a liaison among the region’s agencies, Regional Directors, Regional Training Coordinators, and the Career Management Office Director to develop and promote effective communication and coordination. Conducts training needs assessments and coordinates training requirements with field agencies and centers, and headquarters offices.

1 FAM 253.2-2(C)  Career Management Eastern Division (CA/PPT/S/CM/E)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Career Management.

b.  Designs, coordinates, and delivers standardized training for field and headquarter personnel covering passport adjudication, citizenship, leadership and management topics for the eastern half of the United States. Advises and assists the Regional Directors, Agency management, Headquarters management, and CM staff regarding career management planning, policy, procedures, certification, resource management, and scheduling.  Consists of Regional Training Coordinators who maintain adjunct faculty status for numerous FSI courses in addition to a project portfolio.

c.  Provides leadership in planning, developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving programs, processes, and procedures within the assigned region, to enhance the services of the Office of Career Management and ensure CA/PPT needs are meet. Ensures that training operations within the region remain aligned with Career Management policies and practices nation-wide.  Conducts cost benefit and resource analyses and evaluates the technical feasibility of services that expand the scope of current operations, providing accurate data and analyses. Serves as a liaison among the region’s agencies, Regional Directors, Regional Training Coordinators, and the Career Management Office Director to develop and promote effective communication and coordination. Conducts training needs assessments and coordinates training requirements with field agencies and centers, and headquarters offices.

1 FAM 253.2-3  Office of Planning and Program Support (CA/PPT/S/PPS)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director - Support Operations (CA/PPT/S).

b. Plans and directs comprehensive, focused programs supporting CA/PPT’s lockbox contract and labor/outsourcing contracts, Strategic Plan, Budget and Financial Plan, Operations Plan, statistical studies, special analytic studies and utilization of a comprehensive management information system;

c.  Formulates and implements the long-range strategic plan for CA/PPT, including the setting of goals and standards to measure the success of programs; and

d. Oversees and directs the following two divisions.

1 FAM 253.2-3(A)  Strategic Planning Division (CA/PPT/S/PPS/SP)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Planning and Program Support:

b. Solicits, coordinates, records and conveys inputs to regional directors and headquarters for new and continuing programs and projects to formulate staff and funding requirement estimates included in the Consular and Border Security Programs;

c.  Provides regional directors, passport agency and center directors and headquarters management with expert advice, guidance and assistance on resource requirements including staffing, training, travel, postage and purchase cards;

d. Serves as the final approving authority within CA/PPT for travel and funding requests;

e. Develops and executes CA/PPT's budget and financial plans, monitors planned and actual costs, and identifies and manages surplus and shortages;

f.  Coordinates formal updates to Directorate’s Functional Bureau Strategy;

g. Helps develop and utilize a comprehensive domestic management information system with workload data by location, activity and labor category;

h. Conducts business process reviews including statistical studies and analyses and develops reports or correspondence regarding staffing, operational planning and funding requirements; and

i.  Develops program plans, risk management plans, and passport demand forecasts, analyzes trends, and collects workload and productivity statistics for CA/PPT.

2 FAM 253.2-3(B)  Program Support Division (CA/PPT/S/PPS/PS)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Planning and Program Support;

b. Manages major contracts for CA/PPT, serves as contracting officer representatives (CORs) and government technical monitors, and develops statements of work, evaluates vendor proposals and monitors deliverables, period of performance and funding;

c.  Develops and provides CA/PPT-specific contract administration guidance to CORs in passport agencies and centers;

d. Serves as CA/PPT's principal liaison with the passport lockbox provider, Department of the Treasury and the Government Publishing Office; and

e. Oversees the procurement and delivery of critical and controllable supplies throughout the network and establishes and implements new agency requirements associated with agency and center services.

1 FAM 253.2-4  Office of Records Management (CA/PPT/S/RM)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director - Support Operations (CA/PPT/S):

b. Responsible for management, retention, release, and processing of passport records; 

c.  Provides apostilles and authentication certificates in order to authenticate the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificates, court orders, or any other document issued by a public authority so that they can be recognized in foreign countries;

d. Safeguards passport records from improper or unlawful disclosure; and

e. Oversees and directs the following three divisions and the CLASP (contract) unit.  

1 FAM 253.2-4(A)  Records Creation and Retention Division (CA/PPT/S/RM/RCR)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Records Management;

b. Supervises the maintenance and release of authenticated records in the custody of CA/PPT;

c.  Serves as custodian of CA's vital records and certifies documents, safeguarding them from improper or unlawful disclosure;

d. Processes requests for vital records of U.S. citizens/non-citizen U.S. nationals born overseas, e.g., scanning Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBAs);

e. Processes general requests for passport records;

f.  Performs clearance inquiries using the Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS);

g. Performs manual records searches and retrieval;

h. Maintains and updates the PIERS and PRISM databases;

i.  Processes vital records of birth, death, and marriage;

j.  Responds to requests for repatriation loan clearances, and holds from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

k. Performs document retirement functions; and,

l.  Conducts data audits and quality assurance functions.

1 FAM 253.2-4(B)  Authentications (CA/PPT/S/RM/RCR)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Chief, RM/RCR Division, Office of Records Management;

b. Serves as the Department’s central authority in authentication matters and;

c.  Coordinates with L/CA on issues concerning international law and agreements pertaining to the authentication of documents for instrumentalities of government, U.S. business concerns, and private individuals.

1 FAM 253.2-4(C)  CLASP (Contract Staff) (CA/PPT/S/RM/CLASP)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Chief, RM/RRR Division, Office of Records Management.

b. Cancels, records as lost, or records as stolen passports based on reports from passport bearers.  Such reports are made either via mail or through the travel.state.gov website. 

1 FAM 253.2-4(D)  Records Review and Release Division (CA/PPT/S/RM/RRR)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Records Management;

b. Coordinates and manages the release of passport files, records and information to the public, U.S. Government requestors, foreign governments, and internal Department requestors, ensuring compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552) and Privacy Act (PA) (5 U.S.C. 552a);

c.  Coordinates CA/PPT's responses to FOIA/PA requests and requests for document certification for civil and criminal litigation;

d. Maintains liaison with and assists other U.S. Government agencies seeking access to passport records.  Oversees release of passport file information and data transfers and verifies compliance with FOIA and PA;

e. In coordination with PPT/S/IIC, monitors passport database access by other agencies to ensure compliance with provisions of the applicable Memorandum of Agreement (MOA);

f.  Liaises with the U.S. Marshals Service on fugitive returns as it pertains to the release of passport information and records, and other issues; and

g. Liaises with L/CA on responses to subpoenas for passport records.

h.  Provides 24/7 emergency responses to record inquiries from U.S. law enforcement entities.

1 FAM 253.2-5  Office of Adjudication (CA/PPT/S/A)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director - Support Operations (CA/PPT/S).

b. Directs and manages a comprehensive, integrated and standardized passport adjudication program worldwide to ensure the quality and integrity of the U.S. passport and the CRBA;

c.  Directs and manages a continuous and standardized audit oversight program of passport adjudication across the United States.  Supports CA/PPT/I/C for the overseas adjudication review program;

d. Manages liaison activities with agencies, centers, and overseas posts regarding the worldwide adjudication program;

e. Manages liaison activities within the Department and with other U.S. Government Executive Branch departments and agencies;

f.  Coordinates the Passport Recovery Program for confiscated U.S. passports;

g. Develops and implements antifraud initiatives, consulting with CA/FPP, within the Department, with other agencies of the U.S. government and, in consultation with CA/PPT/IA, foreign governments (Five Nations Fraud Prevention Group), as needed; and

h. Oversees and directs the following two divisions.

1 FAM 253.2-5(A)  Adjudication Policy Division (CA/PPT/S/A/AP)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Adjudication;

b. Formulates policies and procedures on passport and U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality adjudication for operational planning and dissemination to the passport agencies and centers and posts.  Coordinates changes in passport adjudication and acquisition or U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality policy and procedures with appropriate CA and CA/PPT offices;

c.  Analyzes current passport issuance and U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality (acquisition) policy and procedures for accuracy and adequacy, and formulates new or revised standardized changes to meet needed competencies for passport specialists;

d. Formulates 8 FAM and complementary standard operating procedures (SOPs) for U.S. passport and CRBA issuance, acquisition of U.S. citizenship/non-citizen U.S. nationality, as well as expands or clarifies definitions of procedural/notational, data, significant knowledge, and fraud awareness errors, to preserve the integrity of the adjudication process;

e. Formulates and revises standardized information request letters/information notices;

f.  Maintains liaison and provides facilitative assistance to passport agency and center adjudication managers, fraud program managers, and supervisory passport specialists, as well as posts, regarding the adjudication program;

g. Develops and maintains Intranet webpages regarding adjudication policy and procedures with links to source material;

h. Develops, analyzes, and updates established passport specialist, supervisory passport specialist, adjudication manager, and fraud program manager performance plans and position descriptions for accurate and current adjudication knowledge/skill levels and duties and responsibilities.  Coordinates with CA/PPT/S/PMO/PC on personnel and bargaining unit matters regarding the critical commitments and competencies of passport specialist performance plans and position description duties and responsibilities; 

i.  Maintains liaison and formulates fraud prevention/detection policy with CA/FPP on all matters regarding passport fraud including the development of fraud program management policies and procedures;

j.  Acts as volume coordinator for Volume 8 of the Foreign Affairs Manual (8 FAM - U.S. Passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad).  Reviews and prepares for publication in the 8 FAM, all passport, citizenship, nationality, and CRBA policies and procedures; and

k. Drafts and updates passport regulations and guidelines for adjudication, and coordinates their review within the Department.

1 FAM 253.2-5(B)  Adjudication Oversight Division (CA/PPT/S/A/AO)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Adjudication;

b. Directly influences and formulates, with higher-level concurrence/clearance, national policies and procedures on adjudication program auditing and oversight for dissemination to the passport agencies and centers;

c.  Analyzes the current domestic adjudication audit program, and formulates new standardized and periodic adjudication audits to meet needed review targets.  Plans, organizes, oversees, and/or conducts adjudication audits and validation studies on a regular basis.  Analyzes audit and validation study data and prepares periodic reports that comprehensively assess the nation-wide adjudication program for headquarters and passport agency and center management;

d. Maintains liaison and provides facilitative assistance to passport agency/center management staff (regional directors, directors, assistant directors, adjudication managers, fraud program managers, customer service managers, and supervisory passport specialists) regarding domestic adjudication audits and validation studies;

e. Coordinates and analyzes data received during the standardized domestic adjudication audits and validation studies with other appropriate CA/PPT and CA offices;

f.  Plans and develops technologies to be utilized to accomplish adjudication audit or validation study goals, measure performance or develop plans to incorporate application risk factors in the Travel Document Information System (TDIS).  Coordinates such development with CA/PPT/S/TO/ITL and CA/CST; and

g. Analyzes and revises performance measurement standards for passport specialists, supervisory passport specialists, fraud program managers and adjudication managers.  Analyzes passport specialist performance and production measurement standards on an annual basis for needed changes (e.g., new technology, changes in forms, etc.).

1 FAM 253.2-5(C)  Restrictive Actions Division (CA/PPT/S/A/RA)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a.  Reports directly to the Director – Office of Adjudication;

b. Serves as the primary PPT liaison with law enforcement on all criminal and civil matters involving citizenship, passport or other related issues;

c.  Issues notifications of and determinations on the revocation of U.S. passports and other Department issued citizenship documentation;

d. Receives, reviews, and determines passport issuance with regard to all law enforcement holds;

e. Reviews and drafts restrictive actions under the regulations denying, limiting, or revoking passports; and,

f.  Reports on passport cases involving security and special problems, and conducts, as directed, liaison with other U.S. Government and law enforcement agencies on such matters.

1 FAM 253.2-6  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight (CA/PPT/S/AFO)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director – Support Operations (CA/PPT/S);

b. Directs and manages the Acceptance Facility Oversight Program worldwide to ensure the quality and integrity of the U.S. passport;

c.  Monitors, inspects, and reports acceptance facility adherence to prescribed passport execution policies and procedures;

d. Recommends corrective and remedial actions to CA/PPT management for passport acceptance facilities not in compliance with appropriate passport execution policies and procedures;

e. Evaluates and assesses the level of support and effectiveness provided by the assigned regional passport agency/center staff to acceptance facilities;

f.  Directly influences and contributes to policies and procedures affecting the Acceptance Facility Oversight Program and operations within CA/PPT and externally with the acceptance facilities;

g. Contributes to the contents of, and updates to the PARG which provides standard operating procedures for passport application acceptance and execution for designated acceptance facilities and their certified acceptance agents participating in CA/PPT's Passport Application Acceptance Program;

h. Plan and manages technologies for use by all in CA/PPT associated with the Passport Application Acceptance Program, including the adjudication of passport applications which relies on the Integrated Acceptance Facility Oversight Database (IAFOD). Ensures all such technology development is coordinated with CA/PPT/S/TO/ITL and CA/CST;

i.  Liaises with the U.S. Postal Service, DoD, and Coast Guard (USCG), and other federal agencies for oversight and inspections of designated passport acceptance facilities; and

j.  Oversees and directs the following regional divisions.

1 FAM 253.2-6(A)  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight, Northeastern Division (CA/PPT/S/AFO/NE)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight;

b. Provides oversight and guidance to passport acceptance facilities in a territory comprised of states in New England and the Mid-Atlantic Regions of the nation; and

c.  Maintains responsibility for a region that encompasses the service areas of several passport agencies and centers with which they liaise on matters regarding the performance of the acceptance facilities.

1 FAM 253.2-6(B)  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight, Southern Division (CA/PPT/S/AFO/S)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight;

b. Provides oversight and guidance to passport acceptance facilities in a territory comprised of states and U.S. territories on the nation’s southern tier from west of the Mississippi to the Florida peninsula and including the U.S. Territories in the Caribbean; and

c.  Maintains responsibility for a region that encompasses the service areas of several passport agencies and centers with which they liaise on matters regarding the performance of the acceptance facilities.

1 FAM 253.2-6(C)  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight, Midwestern Division (CA/PPT/S/AFO/MW)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight;

b. Provides oversight and guidance to passport acceptance facilities in a territory comprised of states in the upper Mississippi and Great Lakes Regions of the nation;

c.  Maintains responsibility for a region that encompasses the service areas of several passport agencies and centers with which they liaise on matters regarding the performance of the acceptance facilities; and

d.  Provides data analysis and reporting to CA/PPT regarding the overall performance of CA/PPT/S/AFO inspections of the Passport Application Acceptance Program.

1 FAM 253.2-6(D)  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight, Western Division (CA/PPT/S/AFO/W)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight;

b. Provides oversight and guidance to passport acceptance facilities in a territory comprised of states and U.S. territories including the Western part of the lower 48 states, Alaska, Hawaii, and the territories of the Pacific; and

c.  Maintains responsibility for a region that encompasses the service areas of several passport agencies and centers with which they liaise on matters regarding the performance of the acceptance facilities.

1 FAM 253.2-6(E)  Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight, Military, Federal & Capital Division (CA/PPT/S/AFO/FC)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Director, Office of Acceptance Facility Oversight;

b. Provides oversight and guidance to passport acceptance facilities under the Department of Defense (DoD), Coast Guard, and all federal agencies designated to accept no-fee passport applications; and

c.  Maintains responsibility for a region that encompasses the service areas of the Washington Passport Agency and the Special Issuance Agency (CA/PPT/SIA) with which they liaise, worldwide, regarding the performance of those acceptance facilities that are designated to accept no-fee passport applications and for-fee passport applications at select military installations abroad.

1 FAM 253.2-7  Office of Modernization and System Liaison (CA/PPT/S/MSL)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director - Support Operations (CA/PPT/S);

b. Directs passport systems requirements development and systems support to achieve world-class, secure nationality and identity documentation;

c.  Manages and coordinates liaison activities for automated systems development and implementation between CA/PPT and CA/CST;

d. Directs and coordinates all training programs and activities for the application of large-scale automated systems in CA/PPT;

e. Directs, conducts, and coordinates analyses of operational capabilities and requirements for CA/PPT’s automated systems;

f.  Determines user and functional requirements for CA/PPT’s automated systems;

g. Administers TDIS for passport operations;

h. Administers records management systems for CA/PPT.  Directs the processing, maintenance, and control of passport files information and authenticated records in the custody of CA/PPT; and

i.  Oversees and directs the following two divisions and one branch.

1 FAM 253.2-7(A)  Systems Liaison Division (CA/PPT/S/MSL/SL)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Modernization and Systems Liaison;

b. Manages concept of operations for passport systems-related functions;

c.  Develops passport systems’ test plans;

d. Assists CA/PPT/S/PMO/CM and CA/CST with the development of systems training plans, programs and systems upgrades, and new applications;

e. Develops passport system-related deployment programs and schedules;

f.  Develops systems requirements in coordination with other CA/PPT offices, passport agencies/centers, and other CA directorates;

g. Formulates and coordinates directives and procedures for system deployments, applications, and upgrades;

h. Analyzes application development and implementation plans to ensure hardware and software are responsive to and compatible with emerging requirements;

i.  Coordinates biometrics testing and use in passport operations;

j.  Coordinates all issues associated with the enrollment, capture, storage, and use of biometrics in passports; and

k. Coordinates use of electronic forms and implementation of electronic government initiatives.

1 FAM 253.2-7(B)  Data Sharing Division (CA/PPT/S/MSL/DS)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Modernization and Systems Liaison;

b. Develops data sharing agreements and provides oversight and coordination for appropriate uses of externally accessible data and internal passport systems;

c.  Maintains CA/PPT's formal liaison with the OIG, GAO, DS, Social Security Administration (SSA), DHS, and other CA/PPT partners and data sharing entities;

d. Develops and negotiates data sharing agreements with other agencies;

e. Coordinates standardization and verification programs for vital records and identification documents with federal, state, private, and local organizations, such as individual state vital records offices, National Association for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems (NAPHSIS), Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE), American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA), and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (NLETS); and

f.  Identifies new technology and/or data that would be beneficial to the passport adjudication and processing systems.

1 FAM 253.2-7(C)  International Affairs and Modernization Division (CA/PPT/S/MSL/IM)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Director, Office of Modernization and Systems Liaison;

b. Coordinates international issues that impact on passport policies, processes and resource requirements;

c.  Provides staff support for international delegations and visitor programs hosted by the United States focused on passport laws, regulations and standard practices;

d. Coordinates CA/PPT's participation in international fora focused on travel document security and standards, e.g., the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the European Commission, the European Union, the G-7, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Police Organization (Interpol), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC);

e. Serves as CA/PPT liaison with the Five Nations Group and facilitates international exchanges among Group members;

f.  Assists in developing, maintaining and updating international standards on secure passport issuance, denial and revocation;

g. Coordinates bilateral assistance and cooperation;

h. Represents CA/PPT in interagency fora, e.g., on border security; and

i.  Supervises Document Design Officers and IA Support Staff.

1 FAM 253.2-7(D)  Document Design Officers (CA/PPT/S/MSL/IM)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Division Chief for International Affairs and Modernization;

b. Coordinates technical design and security improvements for U.S. travel documents;

c.  Advises CA offices and other federal agencies on technical design of other secure documents and production processes;

d. Assesses vendor proposals for security features, construction, production, and other technical elements for U.S. travel documents;

e. Consults on technical aspects of Government Publishing Office (GPO) Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs);

f.  Coordinates testing of U.S. travel documents for performance and durability;

g. Coordinates external adversarial analysis to assess the effectiveness of new security features in U.S. travel documents;

h. Establishes U.S. travel document quality control, defect, and destruction standards; and

i.  Maintains liaison with the Counterfeit Deterrence Laboratory (CA/FPP/CDL).

1 FAM 253.2-7(E)  Innovation Staff (CA/PPT/S/MSL/IM)

(CT:ORG-607;   09-26-2022)

a. Reports to the Division Chief for International Affairs and Modernization;

b. Identifies and manages key projects to modernize and streamline CA/PPT processes;

c.  Identifies and prioritizes modernization projects to further CA/PPT's strategic goals and objectives;

d. Recruits, builds, and manages teams to modernize passport services from across the U.S. government, CA, CA/PPT, and non-governmental organizations;

e. Makes recommendations to promote and lead organizational change, including decisions on improving, streamlining, and modernizing passport operations that have the potential to impact all domestic and overseas passport services to U.S. citizens/non-citizen U.S. nationals;

f.  Uses advanced understanding of systems compatibility, budgeting, staffing, and acquisition matters, sound management practices and long-term strategic goals to give thoughtful and timely input to senior-level management in identifying and resolving problem areas within CA/PPT, CA, and the Department; and

g. Conducts liaison efforts among disparate CA/PPT offices, other CA directorates and offices, federal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations, to facilitate ongoing modernization initiatives and to keep abreast of new issues, trends, systems enhancements, and developments that may impact CA/PPT.


(CT:ORG-359;   03-12-2015)

a. Administers laws and formulates and recommends legislation, regulations, policies, and procedures relating to visa issuance and refusal.

b. Administers, in time of war or national emergency, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), such additional restrictions and prohibitions as may be required to control the entry and departure of aliens.

c.  Advises Foreign Service posts on visa matters.

d. Formulates and implements consular policy relating to humanitarian and significant public benefit parole; and maintains liaison with appropriate Department offices, other U.S. Government agencies, foreign governments, and Foreign Service posts abroad.

e. Coordinates immigration and visa policy with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Public Health Service and ensures uniform interpretation and implementation of provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

f.  Maintains liaison with Congressional committees and U.S. Government and private agencies regarding the interpretation and implementation of immigration laws.  Advises Department officials on technical aspects of visa matters, immigration policies, and legislative questions.

1 FAM 254.1  Managing Director - Visa Services

(CT:ORG-359;   03-12-2015)

a. Reports directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Visa Services.

b. Manages the day-to-day activities of the Directorate of Visa Services (CA/VO) in administering laws and formulating regulations, policies, and procedures relating to visa issuance and refusal.

c.  Provides policy advice to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and calls attention to potential problems and emerging issues of importance relating to visa issuance and refusal and other border security matters.

d. Establishes and maintains internal control systems to ensure that physical and human resources are safeguarded against waste, loss, or unauthorized use, and that obligations and costs incurred comply with applicable laws and regulations.

e. Coordinates visa procedures and vetting for the travel of aliens to the United States, and other border security issues with the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Intelligence Community, and other appropriate agencies.

f.  Reviews, maintains, and develops new processes for the automated visa records, automated lookout systems, and automated visa processing technologies; keeps abreast of advances in computer technology and, in concert with the Bureau's Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CA/CST), develops plans for the application of new information technology to the visa function.

g. Advises Foreign Service posts on visa matters.

1 FAM 254.2  Office of Screening, Analysis and Coordination (CA/VO/SAC)

(CT:ORG-382;   11-18-2015)

a. Renders Security Advisory Opinions on the visa eligibility of foreign nationals who may fall within the purview of subsections 212(a)(3)(A), (B), (C), (D), (E),(F), and (G) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which cover political and security-related grounds of ineligibility.

b. Provides guidance and recommendations to Department offices on the formulation of visa policy related to terrorism and security screening.

c.  Exercises the authority granted to the Secretary of State under the provisions of the INA to recommend to the Secretary of Homeland Security that certain aliens ineligible to receive visas on security-related grounds be granted waivers to permit their temporary admission to the United States, if such admission is determined to be consistent with the national interest.

d. Advises on and reviews security-related inadmissibility grounds administered by consular officers at Foreign Service posts in adjudicating applications for visas.

e. Represents CA/VO on U.S. government steering groups related to security screening, tracking, and watch-listing.

1 FAM 254.2-1  Counter-Terrorism Division (CA/VO/SAC/CT)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Renders security advisory opinions (SAOs) on the visa eligibility of aliens who may fall within the purview of subsection 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which covers security-related grounds of ineligibility.

b. Coordinates among missions abroad and interested Washington, DC agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), the Intelligence Community, the National Vetting Center, other offices within the State Department and the White House on counterterrorism inadmissibilities pertaining to visa applications.

c.  Provides guidance and recommendations to Department offices on the formulation of visa procedures for handling counterterrorism screening and related cases.

d. Works with missions abroad and CA/VO/I to maintain watch-list information contained in the CLASS system pertaining to security-related grounds of ineligibility.

1 FAM 254.2-2  Revocation and Coordination Division (CA/VO/SAC/RC)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Coordinates communication between the interagency and missions abroad on the Visas Viper program.

b. Coordinates among missions abroad and interested Washington, DC agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Intelligence Community, other offices with the State Department and the White House on security-related revocation requests for visa holders and issues pertaining to Department of State screening policies.

c.  Manages liaison programs with the INR watch and other U.S. Government agencies, including the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), the Terrorist Screening Center, and National Targeting Center.

d. Advises on prudential visa revocations under INA Section 221(i) and coordinates such cases among law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

1 FAM 254.2-3  Screening Division (CA/VO/SAC/S)

(CT:ORG-382;   11-18-2015)

a. Renders security advisory opinions on the visa eligibility of aliens who may fall within the purview of subsections 212(a)(3)(A), (C), and (D) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which cover policy-related grounds of ineligibility, as well as section 306 of the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002.

b. Renders security advisory opinions on the visa eligibility of aliens who require review due to their petitions as refugees, following-to-join asylees, or Iraq or Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) translator programs.

c.  Coordinates among missions abroad and interested Washington, DC agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Intelligence Community, other offices with the State Department and the White House on policy, counterintelligence and non-proliferation inadmissibilities pertaining to visa applications.

d. Coordinates the flow of information between Interpol and missions abroad on foreign law enforcement watchlist information pertaining to visa applications.

e. Works with missions abroad and CA/VO/I to maintain watchlist information contained in the CLASS system pertaining to policy-related grounds of ineligibilities.

1 FAM 254.3  Office of Field Operations (CA/VO/F)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Provides operational and policy guidance to the field in all visa-related matters.

b. Liaises with posts abroad, the Department, other U.S. Government agencies, and key public stakeholders concerned with visa matters.

c.  Develops and coordinates new and revised visa policy in conjunction with interagency partners and other stakeholders.

d. Monitors data on changes in political, economic, social, and other factors affecting post visa operations and travel patterns to the United States.

e. Oversees the administration of the Visa Lookout Accountability requirement for the Department.

f.  Manages CA/VO public outreach programs and coordinates CA/VO participation in outreach efforts.

1 FAM 254.3-1  Outreach and Inquiries Division (CA/VO/F/OI)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Encourages and promotes legitimate travel through liaison targeted to key stakeholder groups, including business, education, sports, and Congress.

b. Coordinates with CA/P on visa-related outreach strategy and Congressional liaison.

c.  Manages CA/VO public outreach programs and coordinates CA/VO participation in public conferences and speaking engagements.

d. Oversees the processing of written inquiries from the public, U.S. Government agencies, foreign representatives, and Congress for information on visa policies, practices, procedures, regulations, and the status of individual cases; helps to resolve problem cases and to manage cases with high-level or Congressional interest.

e. Serves as point of contact on operational guidance for designated overseas visa sections.

f. Serves as CA/VO’s web content manager and handles all web policy matters for visa-related content on CA’s public website (travel.state.gov) and the unclassified internal website (CAWeb).  The unit maintains up-to-date and accurate visa-related content on both websites.  It coordinates with CA/P in its role as overall website manager for the public and internal websites, with other offices in the Department, and with other U.S. Government agencies.

1 FAM 254.3-2  Immigration and Employment Division (CA/VO/F/IE)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Develops policy, procedures, and guidance on immigrant, employment, and other petition-based visas and related programs, including adoptions.

b. Coordinates with USCIS on visa-related operations and policy, and represents CA interests in refugee, asylum, and parole matters managed by DHS.

c. Manages the Bureau's work with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the relationship between immigrant visa processing posts and panel physicians.

d. Serves as point of contact on operational guidance for designated overseas visa sections.

1 FAM 254.3-3  Education and Tourism Division (CA/VO/F/ET)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Develops policy, procedures, and guidance on non-petition based nonimmigrant visas including visitor visas (B1/B2), student and exchange visitors (F, M, and J), crewmembers (C1/D), and journalists (I).

b. Develops policy, procedures, and guidance on Referral and Priority Appointment Request (PAR) programs, interview waivers, and visa reciprocity.

c.  Coordinates with U.S. Custom and Border Protection (CBP) on port courtesies for VIP travelers, passport waivers, travel document waivers for foreign military vessel crewmembers, and other issues.

d. Serves as point of contact on operational guidance for designated overseas visa sections.

1 FAM 254.4  Office of Domestic Operations (CA/VO/DO)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Provides guidance to and support for the domestic consular processing centers at National Visa Center (NVC) and Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).  These centers perform pre-processing of immigrant and nonimmigrant visa petitions as well as pre-adjudication research and fraud research.  The domestic facilities support the field and do not conduct adjudications.

b. Coordinates efforts to improve the security and efficiency of nonimmigrant visa, immigrant visa, and diversity visa processing at NVC and KCC, including expanding electronic processing and biometrics, improving fraud detection and implementing new statutory or Department security directives.  CA/VO/DO works on initiatives to identify roles that NVC and KCC can play to better support consular operations overseas and improve the integrity of the visa process.

c.  Assists the Managing Director in the preparation of strategic planning, operational planning, program evaluation, human resources, management control and budget documents.  Develops and executes the training and career development programs for CA/VO.  Coordinates CA/VO’s contracting activities.

d. Responds to requests from the public submitted under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) seeking visa application records and records pertaining to the Visa Services directorate (CA/VO).

e. Oversees CA/VO’s other domestic processing operations.

1 FAM 254.4-1  Kentucky Consular Center (CA/VO/DO/KCC)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

KCC administers the annual Diversity Visa (DV) lottery program, manages the CA facial recognition program, reviews petition-based nonimmigrant visa applications, responds to public inquiries about DV cases, and serves as an incubator for pilot programs to improve consular processing.

1 FAM 254.4-2  National Visa Center (CA/VO/DO/NVC)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

NVC consolidates and processes all current and non-current immigrant visa (IV) petitions, including orphan, fiancé (e) (K-1), and refugee/asylee petitions approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) service centers and district offices.  In addition, NVC reviews Affidavits of Support and civil documents, handles communications with IV applicants, beneficiaries and their designated representatives, and schedules IV interviews.  Responds to public inquiries about nonimmigrant and immigrant visa (expect DV) cases.

1 FAM 254.4-3  Diplomatic Liaison Division (CA/VO/DO/DL)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Interprets and applies the provisions of immigration laws concerning visa issuance to foreign government and international organization officials and employees.  Coordinates with the Office of Protocol (S/CPR), the Bureau of International Organizations (IO), the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM), the U.S. Mission to the United Nations (USUN) and maintains liaison with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in matters pertaining to the diplomatic and visa status of foreign government and international organization officials.  Coordinates with the DHS and S/CPR on applications to change and extend visa status for those in A, G NATO, and TECRO E-1 visa categories or wishing to change into or out of those visa statuses; and coordinates with the DHS on the granting of private employment privileges to dependents of international organization employees.

b. Issues and revalidates in the United States nonimmigrant visas as authorized by regulation and current visa processing guidance.  Adjudicates visa applications submitted to USUN in New York.  Advises consular officers at overseas posts and others on policy-based and procedural aspects of adjudicating diplomatic and official visa cases.

c.  Issues status determinations regarding  current and former nonimmigrants who are foreign government officials or international organization aliens, in accordance with 8 CFR 214.2(a)(1) and 8 CFR 214.2(a)(1).

d. Adjudicates remotely in the United States certain applicants who apply for nonimmigrant visas at overseas posts and who are eligible for waiver of the in-person interview (see 9 FAM 403.5-4).

1 FAM 254.4-4  Waiver Review Division (CA/VO/DO/W)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

Performs the functions set forth in 22 CFR 41.63.

1 FAM 254.4-5  Immigrant Visa Control and Reporting Division (CA/VO/DO/I)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Administers the numerical limits on immigrants set by law; specifically allocates immigrant visa numbers and maintains records of their use; establishes and monitors allocation procedures; and compiles the totals of applicants on the visa waiting list.

b. Compiles statistics on worldwide immigrant (IV) and nonimmigrant visa (NIV) issuances and refusals from workload reports submitted by consular offices and makes such information available through the annual report of the Visa Office and in response to specific requests for data.  Compiles NIV and IV issuance and refusals data in response to ad hoc requests.

c.  Prepares the Visa Bulletin, which is distributed monthly to Foreign Service posts and the public, with information on visa availability and related topics.

d. Provides analysis and assessments of proposed immigration reform legislation and the workload impact for overseas posts.

1 FAM 254.5  Office of Information Management and Liaison (CA/VO/I)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Provides guidance and coordinates Visa Office policy on use and development of consular automated systems, internal and interagency visa data sharing, use of lookout data, biometrics and maintaining visa content on the classified intranet web.

b. Maintains liaison concerned with the transfer of visa information, including visa applications, immigrant and nonimmigrant visa data and other Visa Office records and represents the Department of State in visa data sharing arrangements with other federal agencies.

c.  Establishes policies regarding the content and use of the Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS) and the classified consular intranet; this includes the content and use of data exchanged between CLASS and other federal agencies.

d. Coordinates with the Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CA/CST) on the development, maintenance, operation and replacement of the consular systems supporting visa work, and serves as a contact point for queries from other agencies regarding visa data and systems.

e. Manages access to the visa portion of the Consular Consolidated Database (CCD) and CCD data sharing with internal and external partners, particularly as it affects border and national security.

f.  Maintains and controls access to the CA/VO’s centralized files and records pertaining to visa and other immigration matters, stored at CA/VO headquarters and off-site; coordinates records management, under the VO/I Director, with other components of CA/VO and the Department.


(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Formulates policy and directs, coordinates, monitors, and provides emergency and nonemergency services to U.S. citizens residing or traveling abroad.  Within the realm of such services, OCS renders assistance to interested parties in the United States as appropriate.

b. Coordinates the evacuation of private U.S. citizens threatened by disasters abroad and coordinates the return and identification of remains of U.S. citizen disaster victims and other consular crisis management activities.

c.  Issues and disseminates Travel Advisories and general country information and messaging; to U.S. citizens through the Consular Information Program.  The Department informs U.S. citizens/nationals of potential threats to their health or safety abroad to ensure Department, embassy, and consulate compliance with the Department’s No Double Standard Policy.

d. Makes determinations loss of nationality and documentation of U.S. citizens and U.S. non-citizen nationals.

e. Provides guidance to U.S. citizens and leadership in the international community on the consular aspects of children's services; fulfills U.S. treaty and international agreement obligations relating to children.

f.  Participates, in, with the advice of the Office of the Legal Adviser, the implementation and administration of laws, treaties, conventions, and regulations related to nationality matters and other services to U.S. citizens abroad.  Provides advice and guidance to U.S. embassies and consulates on the application and administration of the laws and regulations governing services to U.S. citizens abroad.

g. Supervises the development and implementation of policies and programs concerning consular protection, border security, nationality, and citizenship documentation.

h. Provides third-country representation and coordination of protecting power agreements in consular matters.

i.  Provides liaison services with Federal agencies including the coordination of the Federal benefits programs abroad.

1 FAM 255.1  Managing Director - Overseas Citizens Services

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

Serves as the senior manager for, and direct supervisor of, the Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management (CA/OCS/ACS) the Office of Children's Issues (CA/OCS/CI), and the Management Support Unit (OCS/MSU):

(1)  Provides policy advice to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and calls attention to potential problems and emerging issues of importance relating to consular protection, nationality, and other OCS issues;

(2)  Serves as OCS liaison with counterparts in the Five Nations Group (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States) and facilitates international exchanges among Group members;

(3)  Supervises OCS strategic programs, systems, and budget planning.

(4)  Advises Foreign Service posts on OCS matters;

(5)  Ensures active contact with organizations and individuals concerned with OCS issues;

(6)  Plans and develops standards, programs, and succession planning and conducts employee development; and

(7)  Serves as OCS liaison with counterparts in the European Union and facilitates international exchanges among Group members.

1 FAM 255.1-1  Office of American Citizens Services and Crisis Management (CA/OCS/ACS)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director of OCS.

b. Serves as OCS liaison with the Five Nations Groups - Crisis, Travel Advice, Hostage, and Consular Policy - and facilitates international exchanges among Group members.

c.  Develops policies, procedures, and programs and provides guidance and direction to Foreign Service posts regarding emergency and non-emergency services to U.S. citizens abroad.

d. ACS consists of two divisions, each with three subordinate branches:

(1)  Division 1 - African, Near Eastern, East Asian and Pacific Affairs (OCS/ACS/1)

(a)  African Affairs branch (OCS/ACS/1/AF);

(b)  Near Eastern Affairs branch (OCS/ACS/1/NE);

(c)  East Asian and Pacific Affairs branch (OCS/ACS/1/EA); and

(2)  Division 2 - European and Eurasian, Western Hemisphere, South and Central Asian Affairs (OCS/ACS/2)

(a)  European and Eurasian Affairs branch (OCS/ACS/2/EU);

(b)  Western Hemisphere Affairs branch (OCS/ACS/2/WH);

(c)  South and Central Asian Affairs branch  (OCS/ACS/2/SC).

e. Each geographic division performs a similar range of services for the countries assigned to its area:

(1)  Assistance to U.S. Citizens arrested, detained, kidnapped, or held hostage; this includes assessing wrongfulness in accordance with the Levinson Act;

(2)  Assistance in death cases to include notification of next-of-kin, assistance with disposition of remains and estates in the consular district, and issuance of consular reports of death and presumptive death abroad, as appropriate;

(3)  Estates:

(a)  Provides guidance to consular officers on the provisional conservation and disposition of the foreign estates of U.S. citizens who die abroad; and

(b)  Serves as conservator and disposer of estates under 22 U.S.C. 2715c and 22 CFR Part 72.

(4)  Administering Federal loan programs for destitute U.S. citizens abroad including repatriation, medical, or dietary assistance

(5)  Dissemination of Travel Advisories and other Consular Information to the U.S. public:

(a)  In coordination with the Regional Bureaus, Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS), and the Bureau of Counterterrorism (CT), analyzes patterns and Decision Points regarding political unrest abroad, dangerous health conditions, such as pandemics, and other threats to the health and safety of U.S. citizens residing and traveling abroad;

(b)  Issues Travel Advisories, consular information sheets, and Worldwide Cautions; informs the public of adverse conditions or circumstances in a particular country; and

(c)  Ensures Department-wide compliance with the No Double Standard policy found at 7 FAM 050.

(6)  Welfare and Whereabouts Inquiries:  Assists Foreign Service posts in locating U.S. citizens abroad, search and rescue operations, piracy and hostage-taking, shipping and seaman affairs, and providing emergency documentation to U.S. citizens abroad;

(7)  Coordinates with L/CA, DOJ, and posts abroad in provision of assistance to victims of crime and U.S. federal, state, local, and foreign victim assistance and compensation programs.

(8)  Loss of Nationality: Approves and disapproves Certificates of Loss of Nationality (CLN) for loss of U.S. nationality cases arising abroad; CA/OCS/ACS is the only office in the Department of State authorized to make such findings; and

(9)  Judicial Assistance and Notarial Services:  Provides appropriate support, in consultation with L/CA, to posts concerning judicial assistance and notarial services.

(10) Overseas Voting:  Manages worldwide operation of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, 42 U.S.C. 197ff, for overseas U.S. citizens of voting age.

1 FAM 255.1-2  Office of Children's Issues (CA/OCS/CI)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

a. Reports directly to the Managing Director.

b. Serves as U.S. Central Authority (USCA) for the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Abduction Convention) and for the 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention).

c.  Formulates and coordinates policy, provides direction to posts on international parental child abduction cases and intercountry adoption policy issues.

d. Fulfills U.S. treaty obligations and provides guidance and leadership on consular aspects of international parental child abduction and intercountry adoption.  This Office formulates and develops policies and programs, and in consultation with other Department offices such as L/CA and CA/VO and other U.S. government agencies such as USCIS, DOJ, and DOD, provides direction to Foreign Service posts regarding all laws, regulations, and procedures regarding issues pertaining to international parental child abduction and intercountry adoption, and performs the following responsibilities:

(1)  Participates in the formulation and coordinates the development and implementation of authorized children's issues programs pertaining to intercountry adoption and international parental child abduction, e.g., preventing international parental child abduction and assisting in intercountry adoption cases with other areas of the Department, and Federal, State, and local governments and with appropriate foreign organizations and governments, including Health and Human Services (HHS), which utilizes the Federal Parent Locator Service to aid in the search for abducted children believed to be located in the United States;

(2)  In consultation with L/CA, provides and coordinates substantive and technical direction to consular officers abroad in the effective application and administration of laws, treaties, and regulations governing the prevention and resolution of cases involving international parental child abduction and intercountry adoption; and

(3)  Coordinates the entry of information into the Automated Visa Lookout System (AVLOS) on abducting parents under section 212(a)(9)(c) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA).  Coordinates the entry and removal of child custody lookouts in the Bureau's passport name-check system.

e. International Parental Child Abduction:

(1)  In conjunction with the Special Advisor for Children's Issues, CA/P, coordinates materials that assist Congress in understanding bureau and office policies, actions, operations, and requirements.  Also analyzes the implementation and operation of the Hague Abduction Convention in other countries;

(2)  Issues the Annual Compliance Report to Congress regarding the Hague Abduction Convention pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 9001-9009; 22 U.S.C. 9101-9141.  Responds to Congressional requests for information related to Office programs;

(3)  Formulates and implements policies aimed at protecting and advancing U.S. interests by effective management of U.S. bilateral and multilateral consular relations through negotiated agreements and other initiatives in the fields of international parental child abduction and intercountry adoption in coordination with L/CA;

(4)  Assists parents and coordinates with foreign Central Authorities in both outgoing and incoming Hague Abduction Convention cases;

(5)  Manages the review and acceptance of new accessions by foreign states to the Hague Abduction Convention.  For countries that accede to the Convention, the U.S. must accept the accession before the treaty enters into force between the two countries.  CA/OCS/CI has primary action on the review process in coordination with L/CA;

(6)  Assists left-behind parents (LBP) whose children have been abducted to or from countries that are not Hague Abduction Convention parties;

(7)  Manages prevention activities aimed at combating international parental child abduction, in coordination with law enforcement, courts, and parents;

(8)  Manages the Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP), which allows parents or legal guardians who register their children in the program to be notified if the other parent, or someone on their behalf, applies for a U.S. passport for their under 18-year old child; and

(9)  Works closely with the law enforcement community and non-governmental organizations on individual cases and broader policy and resource issues.

f.  Intercountry Adoption:

(1)  Coordinates the Department’s policies on intercountry adoptions within the Department (VO, FPP, geographic bureau desk officers, L/CA, and others), and with consular officers in the field;

(2)  Coordinates intercountry adoption policy with other U.S. Government agencies (particularly DHS, HHS, and CDC), state governments and regulatory agencies, other countries of origin and receiving countries, and the international community;

(3)  Provides information on foreign adoption requirements to parents seeking to adopt children from overseas and to congressional offices seeking country-specific information about adoption processing;

(4)  Provides information on outgoing cases under the Convention;

(5)  Consults and coordinates, as appropriate, with parents, posts, VO, DHS, the adoption community, and congressional staffers to develop and implement strategies to inform all interested parties about adoption changes, or developments;

(6)  Issues an annual report to Congress concerning intercountry adoptions;

(7)  CI is responsible for handling the day-to-day functions of the U.S. Central Authority for the Convention.  CI responsibilities include:

(a)  Liaison and cooperation with other Central Authorities;

(b)  Liaison with and oversight of the Accrediting Entities that accredit/approve adoption service providers to perform services in Convention adoptions and monitor such adoption service providers during their periods of accreditation or approval;

(c)  Management of the Adoption Tracking System (ATS) and liaising with users;

(d)  Provision of technical assistance to countries of origin; and

(e)  Provision of training in Hague adoptions to consular officers.

g. The Office of Children’s Issues is divided into the following divisions and branches:

(1)  Adoption Division;

(2)  Outgoing Abductions Western Hemisphere Division;

(3)  Outgoing Abductions Eastern Hemisphere Division; and

(4)  Incoming Abductions and Prevention Division:

(a)  Incoming International Parental Child Abductions Branch; and

(b)  Abduction Prevention and Children's Passport Alert Program Branch.

1 FAM 255.1-3  Management Support Unit (CA/OCS/MSU)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

Management Support Unit (CA/OCS/MSU):

(1)  Reports directly to the Managing Director;

(2)  Prepares OCS’ strategic plan;

(3)  Serves as OCS Representative, coordinating all contractual issues with CA/C and A/LM/AQM;

(4)  Serves as liaison to CA/CST on all OCS systems issues;

(5)  Represents OCS on the CA data share working group;

(6)  Formulates and executes the OCS budget and resource plan; and

(7)  Develops and executes the career development program for OCS staff.

(8)  Participates in studies on current and long-range consular policy, strategic, and budget planning and programming; and

(9)  Represents the bureau on various interdepartmental and intra-departmental planning and programming committees.

(10) Acts as volume coordinator for Volume 7 of the Foreign Affairs Manual (7 FAM - Consular Affairs), and relevant CFR provisions.  Reviews and prepares for publication in the FAM all consular protection, citizenship, nationality, children’s issues, protection and welfare of U.S. citizens, and other OCS issues.  Gives general instructions for interpreting consular law, regulations, policy, knowledge management, and practice;

(11) Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act; Records Liaison and Information Collection:

(a)  Administers Freedom of Information and Privacy Act (FOIA) casework for CA/OCS;

(b)  Provides guidance to line officers regarding operational issues having FOIA implications after consultation with L and A/GIS/IPS/RL/RC, as appropriate;

(c)  Prepares the CA/OCS Statement of Routine Uses and Prefatory Statement regarding the Privacy Act in the Federal Register;

(d)  Serves as OCS records liaison; and

(e)  Serves as OCS Information Collection liaison, responsible for development of forms and compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act and Paperwork Elimination Act for OCS.


1 FAM Exhibit 251.2 
Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA)

(CT:ORG-667;   07-26-2024)

CA Organizational Chart