1 FAM 290


(CT:ORG-694;   02-13-2025)
(Office of Origin:  FSI/EX)


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

1 FAM 291.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

a. Consistent with Chapter 7 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980 as amended, 22 U.S.C. 4021, et seq., the Director of the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), in consultation with the Under Secretary for Management, manages the operation of FSI and the Department’s varied training programs that are offered to employees and family members of the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies, the U.S. military services, and others as authorized by statute.  Further information on FSI programs and services can be found in 13 FAM, Training and Professional Development and in 13 FAH-1, Foreign Service Institute Handbook.

b. The Director of FSI is equivalent in rank to an Assistant Secretary and serves as the Department’s Chief Training Officer.

c.  The FSI Director has overall substantive responsibility for Volume 13 of the Foreign Affairs Manual (13 FAM).

1 FAM 291.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

Under the leadership of the Director, the Foreign Service Institute is organized as follows: the Deputy Director; the Provost; the Dean for Educational Policy; the Leadership and Management School (FSI/LMS); the School of Applied Information Technology (SAIT); the School of Language Studies (FSI/SLS); the School of Professional and Area Studies (FSI/SPAS); the Transition Center (FSI/TC); the Office of the Historian; the Office of the Provost; and the Office of the Executive Director for Management (FSI/EX).  For more information on each FSI component, see 1 FAM 293.

1 FAM 291.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-694;   02-13-2025)

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) derives its authority from:

(1)  Chapter 7 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 U.S.C. 4021 et seq.;

(2)  Chapter 41, Title 5 U.S.C. as amended by the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.);

(3)  Executive Order 11348; and

(4)  National Defense Authorization Act 2023.

1 FAM 292  positions that report to the director of THE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE (FSI)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

1 FAM 292.1  Deputy Director for the Foreign Service Institute

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

a. The Deputy Director of the Foreign Service Institute, equivalent in rank to a principal deputy assistant secretary, reports to the Director, and participates fully in the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service Institute.   When so designated, serves as acting Director.

b. As designated by the Director, the Deputy Director oversees the program activities of various operating elements responsible for administering the training programs of the Institute.

1 FAM 292.2  Provost

(CT:ORG-689;   02-03-2025)

a. The Provost, equivalent in rank to a deputy assistant secretary, reports to the Director, and participates fully in the operation and maintenance of the Foreign Service Institute.  When so designated, serves as acting Director.

b. Develops and oversees the Department’s Learning Strategy, leads the Triennial Needs Assessment, and benchmarks best practices with external institutions and communities of practice. 

c.  Supports internal resource development and provides strategic-level guidance to locally employed (LE) staff training programs.

d. Oversees the Office of the Provost (FSI/OP).

1 FAM 293  Offices

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)


(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

a. The Executive Director for Management of the Foreign Service Institute (FSI/EX) oversees a diverse array of professional and support services for the Department and 50 client agencies.  The FSI/EX office develops and implements Department and bureau management policy requirements.  FSI/EX establishes, maintains, and implements policies and procedures for the Institute; develops strategic planning documents; is responsible for overall Institute resource management (e.g., funds, people, technology and space); and serves as liaison on issues relevant to FSI with the Bureau of Administration (A), Arlington County, and the neighboring Army National Guard Readiness Center.

b. The Executive Director of FSI provides direction and management oversight to the Deputy Executive Director for IT, the Deputy Executive Director for Operations, and the Chief of the Management Solutions Unit who oversee the day-to-day operations of the Office.  Together, they oversee the following activities:

(1)  Manage the bureau’s fiscal, human, and physical resources;

(2)  Serve as the coordinator for the Bureau of Administration’s Occupant Emergency Plan and is the primary point of contact regarding the Department’s use of SA-42 as the Department’s contingency location site;

(3)  Administer the course enrollment process and the setting of tuition rates;

(4)  Under delegated personnel authorities, serves in designated roles as deciding official, e.g., as resolving official for Office of Civil Rights processes, for specified position classification actions..

(5)  Act as information systems owner for the bureau systems and corporate applications, and serves as the property management officer; and

(6)  Function as the lead for FSI as a designated HR-shared services provider.

c.  FSI/EX provides management analysis services for the bureau, including conducting management studies; developing policies and guidelines; coordinating the Institute’s bureau performance and strategic planning activities; providing internal controls coordination and periodic reviews for the Institute; coordinating relevant responses and actions relating to audits, inspections, and reviews issued by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO); administering the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act programs for the Institute; and coordinating legislative issues for the Institute;

d. FSI/EX coordinates the Institute’s information resource management program and serves as the primary liaison with other agencies, groups and organizations regarding FSI’s related policies, plans, and strategies, encompassing all technology owned and operated by the Institute.

1 FAM 293.1-1  Budget Division (FSI/EX/BUD)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Budget Division (FSI/EX/BUD):

a. Formulates, presents, and executes the budget for the Foreign Service Institute (FSI);

b. Coordinates and monitors all resource planning functions, allocations, and usage which include preparing the Congressional budget, and performance and strategic planning documents;

c.  Collects, evaluates, and analyzes data related to the operational costs of the Institute’s training programs, calculates tuition rates for FSI courses and offerings, and supports the Diplomatic Security Training Center and other entities as required since FSI is the Department’s training bureau;

d. Is responsible for the billing and collection of tuition-based fees for non-State customers of FSI’s training programs, both domestic and abroad, and provides billing and collection services for tuitions to other bureaus;

e. Authorizes and approves funds for business-related travel of FSI personnel in line with Department policy and refers all requests related to business class travel to the Executive Director for decision;

f.  Serves as the coordinator with other agencies and Department bureaus (e.g., INR) on reimbursement issues relating to FSI (and, as requested, other departments) training;

g. Coordinates electronic payment to and from the Department of Treasury related to non-U.S. Government attendance at Department training events under special authority;

h. Prepares guidance regarding honoraria;

i.  Provides merchant (reimbursable) credit card services to other agencies, private sector corporations, and the Department’s Bureau of Budget and Planning (BP); and

j.  Under Department-delegated authority, provides Pass I certification on vendor invoices for goods and services received by FSI and other bureaus in accordance with the Prompt Payment Act (31 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.).

k. Processes travel claims for students in long term training.

1 FAM 293.1-2  Human Resources Division (FSI/EX/HR)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Human Resources Division (FSI/EX/HR):

a. Manages the personnel and hiring policies and procedures for all competitive service employees of the Institute, and coordinates with GTM/CSTM/ERPM on Senior Executive Service employment.

b. FSI/EX/HR also manages an excepted service human resources system for the instructional staff of the Institute and establishes, maintains and implements personnel policies and procedures related to FSI’s corps of excepted Civil Service positions, as authorized by Chapter 7 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22.U.S.C. 4021, et. seq.  FSI/EX/HR also provides staffing support relating to the various language training locations FSI operates abroad and human resources support for long-term State students assigned to FSI training.

c.  Under delegated authority, FSI/EX/HR directs human resource management services for the Institute, including drafting, analyzing, coordinating and processing documents relating to position classification, staffing, Foreign Service assignments, reassignments and transfers, employee relations, performance management/evaluation, and awards.

d. In consultation with DGTM/PC/LM’s Chief Labor Management Negotiator, the division coordinates labor management issues for the Institute.  FSI/EX/HR also serves as Bureau Training Officer.

e. FSI/EX/HR staff serves as bureau case officers, and the supervisory HR officer is the bureau responding official related to EEO and grievance cases.

f.  Supports public-private competitions and monitors and reports staffing of U.S. Government performance.

g. FSI/EX/HR supports human resource requirements of long-term State students assigned to organization codes under FSI.

h. As a designated HR-shared services provider by the Under Secretary for Management (M) and the Director General (DG), FSI provides agreed-upon human resources services to customer bureaus.

1 FAM 293.1-3  General Services Division (FSI/EX/GSO)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The General Services Division (FSI/EX/GSO):

a. Directs and coordinates administrative and general support services for the Institute.  This includes property management and control, file/records management, space management, telecommunications services, nonexpendable-related office equipment, the control and assignment of room use, operation of a warehousing function, mailroom services, safety, and other general services activities;

b. Is the designated accountable property officer;

c.  Serves as bureau safety and security coordinator;

d. Prepares the bureau emergency action plan, facility emergency action plan, and continuity-of-operations plan; oversees the floor warden program; and serves as the primary point of contact for all related activities including drills and tests;

e. Manages and schedules use of all FSI-controlled space located at the Shultz Center, the Harry S Truman building, State annexes, and/or any temporary locations;

f.  Coordinates and supervises applicable administrative support services for conferences, events, meetings, training sessions, off-site sessions, etc., sponsored by other Department bureaus or outside agencies and held in FSI-controlled space;

g. Manages the parking program for SA-42, and is the point of contact related to the Foreign Affairs Recreation Association (FARA) operations at SA-42;

h. Oversees the SA-42 Child Care Center;

i.  In conjunction with the Bureau of Administration, oversees the maintenance and operation of all buildings located at SA-42, its environs, and related support services such as shuttle buses;

j.  Serves as liaison with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security on the operation of the security guard program for SA-42; oversees the unit security office program at SA-42, and serves as the bureau’s Top Secret control officer;

1 FAM 293.1-4  Information Systems Management Division (FSI/EX/OMIS)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Information Systems Management Division (FSI/EX/OMIS):

a. Implements and manages the Institute’s information management program for all staff and student users (both State and other agency), including a computer security program;

b. Develops and implements information systems network architecture for a large, complex education system;

c.  Assures that all staff has had the required training before gaining access to the system;

d. Is responsible for disposing of excess computer equipment;

e. Manages and operates the classified communications center for the Institute; and

f.  Supports the Department alternate operations center.

1 FAM 293.1-5  Audio/Visual Division (FSI/EX/AV)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

Audio/Visual Division (FSI/EX/AV) provides a range of services including:  graphics design and production of training materials; production of exhibits; photography; television and video production; satellite broadcast; publications; video-conferencing services; overseeing the Institute’s printing program; and managing the Smart Board and DVD programs for FSI and client users.

1 FAM 293.1-6  Registrar Division (FSI/EX/REG)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Registrar Division (FSI/EX/REG):

a. Establishes and enforces the enrollment and admissions policies and procedures covering State and customer agencies, training requests and directs and coordinates activities to authorize and process all enrollments of personnel and eligible family members of the Department of State and other agencies and groups to FSI training;

b. Serves as the approving authority for all registrations into external training (including conferences, seminars and workshops) for State Department personnel;

c.  Operates and maintains an online admissions and enrollment registration system that serves as the Department’s corporate database for training;

d. Serves as the principal distance self-paced, digital learning coordinator for the Department of State;

e. Provides and/or facilitates services to support students who are in FSI training;

f.  Issues official transcripts, as requested, to students (current and former)and others related to training completed at FSI; and

g. Administers payroll and long-term student time and attendance services.

1 FAM 293.1-7  Acquisitions Division (FSI/EX/ACQ)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Acquisitions Division (FSI/EX/ACQ):

a. Provides procurement and contracting services related to training for the Department;

b. As authorized by Sec. 704(a)(5) of the Foreign Service Act, 22 U.S.C. 4024(a)(5), executes independent contracting authority for FSI’s programs;

c.  Coordinates the bureau’s credit card program and performs required audits;

d. Develops FSI’s annual acquisitions plan and contract strategies;

e. Serves as the acquisitions officer for all FSI studies under OMB Circular A-76 and monitors awards as necessary;

f.  Provides statistics and reports to the Executive Director, OPE, and others based on data that covers types of awards, funds, employee workload; and

g. Serves as the contracting official for Department training contracts, agreements, etc.

1 FAM 293.1-8  Educational Delivery Systems Division (FSI/EX/EDS)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Educational Delivery Systems Division (FSI/EX/EDS):

a. Manages the Institute’s official training delivery systems to include application and database design, web site design and help desk staffing;

b. Manages the online Learning Management System (LMS) and collaboration software in support of FSI’s role as a government-wide Tier 1 Cyber Security service provider, and also supports the Diplomatic Security Training Center (DSTC) and regional training center programs;

c.  Provides administrative and technical support for a variety of Department and government-accessible training web sites to include Joint State U.S. Aid Solution (JSAS), Tier 1 Cyber Security eTraining;

d. Designs, develops, tests and implements eLearning products such as Distance Learning courses and mobile training applications for the Department and other agencies;

e. Coordinates the implementation and support of multimedia learning applications (such as Adobe Connect) for Department of State training programs.  Provides capabilities for training evaluations such as the FSI Centralized Evaluation System, and 360 surveys.

1 FAM 293.1-9  Training Management Systems Division (FSI/EX/TMS)

(CT:ORG-681;   12-18-2024)

The Training Management Systems Division (FSI/EX/TMS):

a. Manages and operates the Institute's official system of academic and employee training records titled the FSI Student Information System (SIS).

b. Provides development and operational support to a variety of software tools that enable FSI leadership and academic units to manage training.

c.  Facilitates the electronic transmission of training reporting and data sharing with a variety of stakeholders to include the Department's Bureau of Comptroller and Global Financial Services and the Department's Bureau of Global Talent Management, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, and other partner training organizations.

d. Performs research and analysis to leverage innovations in educational technology to improve and enhance the student experience.

e. Serves as a liaison between partner organizations regarding FSI’s technical training management tools and software.

f.  Manages FSI’s communication and collaboration web architecture including Department and non-Department student training registration homepages.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The School of Professional and Area Studies (FSI/SPAS) is headed by a dean who is responsible for managing and maintaining a variety of training programs intended to instill and improve professional and tradecraft skills and knowledge in employees of the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies who participate in the conduct of U.S. foreign affairs abroad and domestically.

1 FAM 293.2-1  Management Tradecraft Training Division (FSI/SPAS/MTT)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Management Tradecraft Training Division (FSI/SPAS/MTT) directs, designs, and conducts training programs encompassing operational management, human resource management, financial management, facility management, and general services operations, both domestically and abroad.

1 FAM 293.2-2  Area Studies Division (FSI/SPAS/AS)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Area Studies Division (FSI/SPAS/AS) directs, designs, and conducts area studies training programs on the history, politics, economics, culture, U.S. policy interests, etc., of geographic regions or countries for State and other personnel going abroad, including providing specialized courses for difficult and non-permissive environments.

1 FAM 293.2-3  Consular Training Division (FSI/SPAS/CON)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Consular Training Division (FSI/SPAS/CON) directs, designs, and conducts training programs relating to the roles and responsibilities of consular officers and others performing consular work.

1 FAM 293.2-4  Economic and Commercial Studies Division (FSI/SPAS/ECON)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Economic and Commercial Studies Division (FSI/SPAS/ECON) directs, designs, and conducts training programs for Foreign Service economic officers and others who are involved in economic and commercial work, as well as environmental, science, technology, health, and energy issues related to U.S. foreign affairs.

1 FAM 293.2-5  Office Management and Communication Training Division (FSI/SPAS/OMCT)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Office Management and Communication Training Division (FSI/SPAS/OMCT) directs, designs, and conducts training programs for office management personnel.   OMCT also directs, designs, and conducts training programs focused on written, verbal, and interpersonal communication for all Department and interagency employees.

1 FAM 293.2-6  Orientation Division (FSI/SPAS/OR)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Orientation Division (FSI/SPAS/OR) directs, designs, and conducts orientation training programs for newly-hired employees of the Department of State.

1 FAM 293.2-7  Political Training Division (FSI/SPAS/POL)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Political Training Division (FSI/SPAS/POL) trains Foreign Service, Civil Service, Locally Employed Staff, and other U.S. Government employees to advance U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.  The Division offers courses on tradecraft and on a wide range of subjects, from counterterrorism to human rights to negotiation skills, and also trains personnel to work effectively in high-threat, high risk, and other complex environments.

1 FAM 293.2-8  Public Diplomacy Training Division (FSI/SPAS/PD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Public Diplomacy Training Division (FSI/SPAS/PD) directs, designs, and conducts training programs for Foreign Service public diplomacy officers and others engaged in related work.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

a. The Leadership and Management School (FSI/LMS) is headed by a dean and is responsible for providing needs-based leadership and crisis management training and development opportunities to foreign affairs professionals at the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies that prepares them to face global leadership challenges throughout their careers.  FSI/LMS’s work is guided by the Department’s Leadership and Management Principles and aims to energize, grow, and support a culture of leadership throughout the Department of State.


(1)  Directs and conducts the Ambassadorial Seminar, the Deputy Chief of Mission/Principal Officer Seminar, the Senior Executive Threshold Seminar, and all other mandatory leadership courses;

(2)  Provides a range of leadership and management training and development services tailored to meet the needs of the Department and its employees;

(3)  Serves as the locus of EEO/diversity training for Department managers and supervisors; and

(4)  Provides organizational development and executive coaching services to bureaus, missions, individuals, and work teams.

1 FAM 293.3-1  Executive Development Division (FSI/LMS/EDD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Executive Development Division (FSI/LMS/EDD) directs, designs, and conducts executive leadership training and development programs for Department and other personnel who are typically at senior grade or rank.  It also manages FSI/LMS’ Organizational Development program.

1 FAM 293.3-2  Leadership Training Division (FSI/LMS/LTD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Leadership Training Division (FSI/LMS/LTD) directs, designs, and conducts  the Department’s mandatory leadership and supervisor courses, including Fundamentals of Supervision, Leading at State, Leading with Influence, Leading Strategically, and Leading at the Executive Level.  LTD also offers job-specific training at critical junctures, such as the Entry-Level Supervisory Program and Mid-Level Leadership Program, for first-time section heads.  LTD hosts the Locally Employed Staff Leadership Program and the Leadership Development Continuum SharePoint site.

1 FAM 293.3-3  Crisis Management Training Division (FSI/LMS/CMT)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Crisis Management Training Division (FSI/LMS/CMT) directs, designs, and conducts crisis management training programs and crisis management exercises for Department and other personnel who are assigned primarily abroad.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The School of Applied Information Technology (FSI/SAIT) is headed by a dean who is responsible for managing and maintaining training programs intended to instill, develop, and improve skills and knowledge in the use of information technology for employees of the Department of State.  Programs encompass business technology training, enterprise technology courses, information system security role-based training, and information resource management tradecraft training for all eligible Department of State employees.

1 FAM 293.4-1  Business Technology Division (FSI/SAIT/BT)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Business Technology Division (FSI/SAIT/BT) supports Department-specific and enterprise computer application training initiatives for both IT specialists and non-IT specialist Department personnel.  FSI/SAIT/BT collaborates with regional and functional bureaus to develop and provide end-user training on applications and business processes which align with the identified strategic needs of the Department.  FSI/SAIT/BT also facilitates IRM Tradecraft for entry-, mid-, and senior-level IT managers, and manages the IRM Executive Development Program (IRM-EDP) focused on long-term professional development training for IT professionals.

1 FAM 293.4-2  Enterprise Technology Division (FSI/SAIT/ET)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Enterprise Technology Division (FSI/SAIT/ET) directs, designs, and conducts information technology and communications training programs primarily designed for IT specialists to include Foreign Service, Civil Service, and Locally Employed staff.  This division also provides the initial 14 weeks of foundational training for newly hired information management specialists (IMS), information management technical specialists (IMTS), and other technical personnel.  FSI/SAIT/ET provides role-based training for Department personnel having significant information system security roles and responsibilities.

1 FAM 293.4-3  Research, Learning, Development, and Operations Division (FSI/SAIT/RLD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Research, Learning, Development, and Operations Division (FSI/SAIT/RLD) manages school-wide business operations and educational policies to ensure SAIT’s programs and training are consistent with the Department’s and FSI’s goals and policies.  This division establishes and oversees SAIT’s Quality Management System and manages SAIT’s budget, acquisitions, contracts, Sandbox Innovation Lab, and network infrastructure.  This division also oversees SAIT’s course design and evaluation, provides curriculum reviews, and tracks new technology trends and training requirements, including eLearning.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

a. The School of Language Studies (FSI/SLS) is headed by a dean who is responsible for managing and maintaining a proficiency-based foreign language and culture training program.  In executing the School’s mission, the Dean is assisted by an Associate Dean for Instruction, an Associate Dean for Management, Rosslyn Campus Director, and an External Programs Coordinator.

b. FSI/SLS develops and delivers classroom and distance learning language programs for U.S. agencies and others involved in foreign affairs-related work.  Programs are in Washington, DC, and at various locations abroad, and are designed to develop basic and advanced language proficiencies connected to language-designated positions; provide refresher and maintenance training; and provide short-term language programs to develop “language survival skills” and introductory language acquisition.  FSI/SLS also provides support to post language program (PLP) training and post-based immersion programs.

c.  FSI/SLS provides assistance and some direct funding to post language programs and collaborates closely with regional and functional bureaus and posts to assess and address their language needs effectively.

d. The External Programs Coordinator provides management and programmatic oversight to language field schools abroad located in Seoul, Korea; Yokohama, Japan; and Taipei, Taiwan (under a contractual arrangement with the American Institute in Taiwan).  Additionally, the External Programs Coordinator assists regional bureaus in coordinating full-time foreign language training programs (currently in Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish) that may be conducted in other venues abroad.

e. Under the direction of the Associate Dean for Instruction and the Rosslyn Campus Director, proficiency-based language instruction is provided in a variety of lengths and formats via five language divisions, each headed by a division director and consisting of a number of language training supervisors, language training specialists, and language and culture instructors.

1 FAM 293.5-1  Division of East Asian and Pacific Languages (FSI/SLS/EAP)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of East Asian and Pacific Languages (FSI/SLS/EAP) directs, designs, and conducts proficiency-based language training for the languages of mainland, insular east, and Southeast Asia.  For the languages Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, FSI/SLS/EAP delivers the first half of the two-year course for officers going into language-designated positions of 3/3 or above.

1 FAM 293.5-2  Division of European and African Languages (FSI/SLS/EUA)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of European and African Languages (FSI/SLS/EUA) directs, designs, and conducts proficiency-based language training for Albanian, Amharic, non-Slavic north and central European languages, French, Greek, Hausa, Swahili, and Somali.

1 FAM 293.5-3  Division of Near East, Central, and South Asian Languages (FSI/SLS/NEA)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of Near East, Central, and South Asian Languages (FSI/SLS/NEA) directs, designs, and conducts proficiency-based language training for Arabic, Near Eastern, Turkic, Central, and South Asian languages.  For Arabic, FSI/SLS/NEA delivers the first half of the two-year course for officers going into language-designated positions of 3/3 or above.

1 FAM 293.5-4  Division of Romance Languages (FSI/SLS/ROM)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of Romance Languages (FSI/SLS/ROM) directs, designs, and conducts proficiency-based language training in Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.

1 FAM 293.5-5  Division of Slavic and Eurasian Languages (FSI/SLS/SEA)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of Slavic and Eurasian Languages (FSI/SLS/SEA) directs, designs, and conducts proficiency-based language training for all Slavic and Eurasian languages including Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Czech, Dari, Farsi, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian (Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian), Slovak, Slovenian, Tajiki, Ukrainian, and Uzbek.

1 FAM 293.5-6  School Management and Continuing Training

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

Under the direction of the Associate Dean for Management, School Management provides administrative and program development support to the language instruction programs; coordinates language school activities with FSI’s Office of the Executive Director; directs SLS education technology and continuing training efforts; and oversees language testing.

1 FAM 293.5-7  Division of Language Testing and Assessment (FSI/SLS/LTA)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Division of Language Testing and Assessment  (FSI/SLS/LTA) provides language-proficiency testing services for the Department of State and other U.S. Government agencies and entities.  Proficiency test scores may be used to reinforce eligibility for Foreign Service hiring, remove language probation, determine compliance with language-designated positions, determine eligibility for crossing the senior threshold, and for language-incentive pay purposes.

1 FAM 293.5-8  Learning and Technology Innovation Division (FSI/SLS/LTI)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Learning and Technology Innovation Division (FSI/SLS/LTI) directs the development of curriculum in the instructional divisions of the School, oversees all SLS instructional staff development activities, provides learning/counseling services to language students, and coordinates the use of educational technology for all language training programs.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Transition Center (FSI/TC) is headed by a director and deputy director who are responsible for managing and maintaining a variety of training programs and information delivery services.  FSI/TC includes four program divisions and a management unit.  The Transition Center prepares the Department of State community for competence and success in U.S. foreign affairs through transition training, resources, and information.  FSI/TC operates with the vision of a resilient foreign affairs community that successfully manages repeated career transitions and stands ready to execute U.S. foreign policy goals across a full career span.

1 FAM 293.6-1  Overseas Briefing Center (FSI/TC/OBC)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Transition Center's Overseas Briefing Center (FSI/TC/OBC):

a. Provides information, training, and referral services to U.S. Government foreign affairs employees and their families preparing for an assignment abroad or returning to the United States;

b. Operates an information center that manages post-specific materials, as well as resource materials on Foreign Service living in general; and

c.  Provides a global information system, including resources for bidding and assignments research and related materials, via Department Intranet and Internet websites.

1 FAM 293.6-2  Training Division (FSI/TC/T)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Transition Center's Training Division (FSI/TC/T):

a. Provides relevant training, resources, and support for the U.S. foreign affairs community members to help establish realistic expectations for life at post;

b. Provides orientation programs and resources for all members of the foreign affairs community;

c.  Designs and delivers relevant and timely training to empower community members to actively manage foreign affairs transitions;

d. Develops innovative, on-demand, virtual learning solutions to reach dispersed foreign affairs communities; and

e. Provides personal security awareness training to the U.S. foreign affairs community.

1 FAM 293.6-3  Career Transition Center (FSI/TC/CTC)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Transition Center's Career Transition Center (FSI/TC/CTC):

a. Provides training and counseling for career transitions and retirement;

b. Delivers retirement planning programs to the foreign affairs community through in-person classroom and virtual learning opportunities; and

c.  Provides the comprehensive Job Search / Transition Program to assist foreign affairs employees to transition successfully into the next phase of their professional and personal lives.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Office of the Historian (FSI/OH):

a. Prepares the official documentary record of U.S. diplomacy for publication in the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 4351, et seq.  FSI/OH coordinates with the Department of State and other agencies involved in foreign policy formulation, and with repositories such as the National Archives, to research, collect, edit, and publish the accurate and complete record of U.S. foreign affairs.  The Office coordinates the declassification review of the FRUS series in the Department of State and in other agencies, foreign governments, and international organizations.  It cooperates with the Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS) in the print and electronic declassification and release of Department of State documentation.  It administers the congressionally-mandated meetings of the Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation and serves as the Department sponsor of the Committee;

b. Prepares both classified and unclassified historical studies on U.S. diplomatic and foreign affairs matters of special interest for use in policy determinations and/or for public information.  It captures essential factual information about Department history and changes to U.S. foreign policy over time.  It advises the Department on historical issues;

c.  Makes recommendations to other bureaus on the identification, maintenance, and long-term preservation of the historical diplomatic record, including electronic records;

d. Undertakes historical outreach projects on the history of U.S. foreign relations, diplomacy, and of the Department of State.  It prepares historical outreach products for dissemination within the Department of State and to the public.  It counsels private scholars and journalists on research issues.  The Office responds to U.S. Government and public inquiries.  See 10 FAM 150 for more details; and

e. Executes a lessons-learned program to capture what the Department has learned, to study it, to apply it, and to preserve it in a way that enhances the Department’s future planning, and helps prepare diplomats better for future contingencies through oral histories and case studies.

1 FAM 293.7-1  Foreign Relations of the United States Compilation and Review Division (FSI/OH/CR)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Foreign Relations of the United States Compilation and Review Division (FSI/OH/CR) plans, researches, selects, and edits the official foreign affairs record of U.S. policies concerning the history of U.S. bilateral and regional relations; global issues such as terrorism, narcotics, health, and the environment; and topics such as national security policy, foreign economic policy, and foreign policy organization and management for inclusion in the FRUS series. The Division reviews draft FRUS manuscripts to ensure that they adhere to the series’ stylistic standards and represent “thorough, accurate, and reliable” documentary records of U.S. foreign relations.

1 FAM 293.7-2  Declassification Coordination, Publishing, and Digital Initiatives Division (FSI/OH/DPD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Declassification Coordination, Publishing, and Digital Initiatives Division (FSI/OH/DPD) coordinates the declassification review of Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) manuscripts within the Department of State and with other U.S. Government agencies, foreign governments, and international organizations.   It oversees and coordinates the design, technical editing, typesetting, printing  and binding, and distribution of FRUS manuscripts; and reviews, edits, and prepares for publication all major internal historical reports, and other FSI/OH publications.  It is responsible for print and electronic publishing, and the maintenance and development of the FSI/OH website using TEI/XML and other web-related technologies.  It devises, implements, and oversees the execution of long-term planning for digital publication, archiving, and dissemination of the FRUS series, as well as the use of digital media and tools for historical practice, presentation, analysis, and research.

1 FAM 293.7-3  Historical Studies Division (FSI/OH/HS)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Historical Studies Division (FSI/OH/HS):

(1)  Plans and prepares classified and unclassified historical research studies, briefings, and other products in support of current U.S. foreign policy initiatives within the Department and government-wide.  It responds to inquiries on the history of U.S. foreign policy, diplomatic relations with other countries, and diplomatic priorities from within the Department, other U.S. Government agencies, and the public;

(2)  Collects essential institutional historical information about the Department. It plans and prepares special historical studies, briefings, and other products on various aspects of the Department, the Foreign Service, and other elements of the infrastructure of U.S. foreign policy.  It oversees the development and presentation of instructional material about the history of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy;

(3)  Participates in Department-wide lessons-learned functions to provide subject matter expertise on conducting historical research in agency records, identifying, and studying appropriate historical cases to compare and contrast to current activities, and/or preparing objective narrative summaries of recent activities;

(4)  Plans, executes, and processes classified and unclassified oral history interviews with Department officials who have participated in, or been witness to, past events, situations, or activities that can offer insight for current or anticipated foreign policy and/or institutional priorities or can mitigate gaps identified in the documentary record of significant foreign policy or foreign operations activities;

(5)  Develops case studies, based on diplomatic history, that address both the formulation and execution of policy; and

(6)  Coordinates with other FSI components to establish training and education modules focusing on major historical events concerning the diplomatic, political, economic, and cultural history of the United States; historical methodologies; case studies; and other historical content for use in existing and new training curriculum.


(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Office of the Provost (FSI/OP):

(1)  Assists in formulating and directing the implementation of educational policies on worldwide programs abroad for the Department of State and the U.S. Government community;

(2)  Provides oversight and direction for complex curriculum development processes, integration of educational technology into training, training evaluation policies, and training evaluation;

(3)  Provides expertise on adult learning theory, instructional design, educational technology, and training evaluation methodologies, ensuring FSI provides practical and relevant educational programming with the intended reach and impact;

(4)  Reviews and formulates training policies and priorities, coordinates professional learning programs, and advises FSI’s leadership on all training and education matters to maintain high-level educational programs consistent with the Department’s policies;

(5)  Leads emerging research and aligns strategy across learning paths, learning policy, and learner experience; and

(6)  Liaises with the Board of Visitors.

1 FAM 293.8-1  Learning Design and Development Division (FSI/OP/LDD)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Learning Design and Development Division (FSI/OP/LDD):

(1)  Aligns curriculum planning and strategy;

(2)  Conducts curriculum and learning design for all components;

(3)  Implements design standards and approves best practices;

(4)  Designs and leads needs assessment efforts;

(5)  Designs and develops eLearning resources, courses, and  tools; and

(6)  Provides consultation and design services.

1 FAM 293.8-2  Evaluation and Analytics Division (FSI/OP/EA)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Evaluation and Analytics Division (FSI/OP/EA):

(1)  Implements all evaluations of FSI courses & curricula;

(2)  Sets FSI-wide evaluation policy and practices;

(3)  Liaises with the Chief Data Officer on matters related to Curricula, Design, Strategy, and Education Technology;

(4)  Serves as the Qualtrics lead;

(5)  Ensures compliance with Department and U.S. Government   evaluation policy; and

(6)  Evaluates FSI educational programs and institutional impact.

1 FAM 293.8-3  Educational Technology and Innovation Division (FSI/OP/ETI)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Educational Technology and Innovation Division (FSI/OP/ETI):

(1)  Leads educational technology strategy and emerging technology; 

(2)  Leads and facilitates standardized educational technology tools;

(3)  Drives innovation across learning experience;

(4)  Provides consultation and design services;

(5)  Supports and enhances the FSiLearn experience; and

(6)  Improves student-technology experience.

1 FAM 293.8-4  Professional Development Division (FSI/OP/PD)

(CT:ORG-689;   02-03-2025)

The Professional Development Division (FSI/OP/PD):

(1)  Develops and implements FSI's internal professional development strategy for educational staff;

(2)  Onboards new instructors and educational staff;

(3)  Champions Department learning networks and communities of practice;

(4)  Facilitates external training and academic/training partnerships; and

(5)  Oversees internal micro-credentialing.

1 FAM 293.8-5  Learning Strategy and Partnerships Unit (FSI/OP/LSP)

(CT:ORG-677;   11-12-2024)

The Learning Strategy and Partnerships Unit (FSI/OP/LSP):

(1)  Develops and oversees the Department Learning Strategy;

(2)  Aligns learning strategy, policy, and planning;

(3)  Leads the Triennial Needs Assessment;

(4)  Benchmarks best practices with external institutions and communities of practice;

(5)  Leads emerging research;

(6)  Aligns strategy across learning paths, learning policy, and learner experience; and

(7)  Liaises with the Board of Visitors.