1 FAM 430 


(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)
(Office of Origin:  INR/EX)


(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

1 FAM 431.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research:

(1)  Serves as the Secretary of State’s principal adviser on intelligence matters and coordinates and supervises all intelligence-related activities in the Department;

(2)  Is the Head of the Intelligence Community Element (HoICE) for the Department of State, reflecting that INR is also an element of the Intelligence Community (IC) pursuant to Section 3 of the National Security Act (50 U.S.C. 3003);

ˇ         As HoICE, is responsible for implementing Director of National Intelligence (DNI) directives for the protection of national intelligence and intelligence sources and methods.

(3)  Directs the Department's all-source and independent research and analysis, and intelligence-related training and briefings;

(4)  Serves as the Secretary of State’s representative to the IC, coordinates with the DNI and other elements of the IC, and ensures INR participation in community intelligence analyses;

(5)  Ensures that U.S. intelligence activities support U.S. foreign policy priorities; are consistent with Chief of Mission authority, laws, and Executive Orders; and do not undermine the foreign policy interests of the United States;

(6)  Coordinates and represents to the IC the Department’s requirements for intelligence collection and analysis;

(7)  Maintains information management systems to ensure efficient receipt, processing, and dissemination of intelligence up to Top Secret classification;

(8)  Facilitates requests to other intelligence agencies from Department offices for declassification, release, or exceptional use of information derived from intelligence sources;

(9)  Determines whether a Department of State employee (as defined in Executive Order 12968) may have access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) according to Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 704, “Personnel Security Standards and Procedures Governing Eligibility for Access to Sensitive Compartmented Information and Other Controlled Access Program Information;"

(10) Serves as the primary reporting channel to the President’s Advisory Board (PIAB) and the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB); and

(11) Exercises responsibility for the following Department regulatory publications:

ˇ         Subchapter 1 FAM 430, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, in Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 1, Organization and Functions;

ˇ         Subchapter 2 FAM 110, Post Organization (partial) in Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 2, General;

ˇ         The Chief of Mission Handbook, (contact INR for information); and

ˇ         11 FAM 300 (Classified) and 400 (Classified).

1 FAM 431.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-179;   01-18-2008)

An organization chart of INR is in 1 FAM Exhibit 431.2. 

1 FAM 431.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-404;   01-18-2017)

The following authorities apply to INR:

(1)  Executive Order 12333, as amended;

(2)  22 U.S.C. 2656;

(3)  50 U.S.C. 3091 et seq.;

(4)  National Security Act of 1947, as amended;

(5)  Intelligence Organizations Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-496);

(6)  Presidential Directive, dated January 25, 1963;

(7)  Executive Order 12048, dated March 27, 1978;

(8)  Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, 2004;

(9)  ICDs and related guidance as promulgated by the DNI for the protection of intelligence information and intelligence sources and methods;

(10) Executive Order 13462, “President’s Intelligence Advisory Board and Intelligence Oversight Board,” dated February 29, 2008;

(11) Delegation of Authority No. 155, dated September 21, 1984 – authorities under the Soviet and Eastern European Research and Training Act (the Act);

(12) Delegation of Authority No. 208, dated November 30, 1993 – functions of the Secretary under Section 804(a) of the Act, relating to the Advisory Committee for the Study of Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union; and

(13)Other authorities, as applicable.

1 FAM 431.4  Office of Technology and Innovation (INR/TIO)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Technology and Innovation (INR/TIO) plans and oversees the information technology programs and resources necessary to support the Department’s diplomatic, intelligence, and national security functions.  INR/TIO coordinates and develops policy and guidance on the development and operation of information systems containing Sensitive Compartmented Information.  The INR/TIO Director also serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Bureau.  In furtherance of these objectives INR/TIO :

(1)  Develops and disseminates policies for all Department Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) information systems.  In accordance with Intelligence Community Directive 503, the Head of Intelligence Community Element (HoICE) has designated INR/TIO’s Director and Bureau CIO as the authorizing official for all systems in the Department that process TS/SCI information.  Oversees and directs the provisioning and operation of all Department SCI information systems.

(2)  Represents the HoICE as participant on the IC Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council (CIOC), collaborating with and influencing IC-wide counterparts on interoperability and the common IC architecture and platform design and management;

(3)  Supports both INR and the Department of State through the provisioning of an enterprise computing and network environment at the Top Secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) level.  TIO performs oversight, program development, resource management, budget planning and formulation, communications, system engineering, and user support activities necessary to develop and operate the technical capabilities necessary for the fulfillment of the Bureau’s intelligence mission priorities and to empower diplomatic policymakers; and

(4)  Coordinates with Diplomatic Security, DT, and other stakeholders to provide robust and secure information technology resources to support Departmental users of TS/SCI systems. Consults with the Section 508 Program Manager in GTM/OAA on all Section 508 related activities, and all ICT exception considerations.


(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research:

(1)  Serves as the senior deputy and advisor to the Assistant Secretary;

(2)  Has the authority to act on the Assistant Secretary’s behalf in their absence;

(3)  Is responsible for the overall management of the Bureau;

(4)  In consultation with the Assistant Secretary, plans and supervises the substantive work of the Bureau;

(5)  Represents the Bureau in Department and interagency groups;

(6)  Oversees Bureau security;

(7)  Supervises offices as determined by the Assistant Secretary to include:

(a)  Office of Analytic Integration (INR/INT);

(b)  Office of Analytical Outreach (INR/AO);

(c)  Office of the Executive Director (INR/EX); and

(d)  INR Watch (INR/WATCH);

(8)  Supervises individuals as determined by the Assistant Secretary, to include the Bureau Public Affairs Officer; Professional Development Coordinator; and Senior Advisor for Strategic Intelligence Studies.

1 FAM 432.1  Office of Analytic Outreach (INR/AO)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analytic Outreach (INR/AO):

(1)  Organizes and funds analytic exchanges with outside experts to inform the thinking of U.S. Government Executive Branch policymakers and intelligence analysts;

(2)  Arranges Executive Analytic Exchanges for newly-confirmed U.S. ambassadors and Department principals on key issues pertaining to their assignments;

(3)  Manages joint analytic exchanges with Five Eye partners, the National Intelligence Council (NIC), and other U.S. intelligence community (IC) elements;

(4)  Leads the U.S. IC in analytic outreach;

(5) Co-Chairs with the NIC the National Intelligence Analysis Board’s Analytic Outreach Committee entrusted with implementing IC Directive 205; and

(6)  Manages on behalf of the Secretary of State the Russian, Eurasian and East European Research and Training Program (Title VIII of Public Law 98-164), and provides support for the advisory committee established by Title VIII.

1 FAM 432.2  Office of the Executive Director (INR/EX)

(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)

The Office of the Executive Director (INR/EX):

(1)  Advises the Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary on, and provides executive management and direction of:

(a) Strategic planning, performance management, and risk management;

(b) Resource management, to include the formulation and execution of the budget for the Bureau, and authorizes and approves funds for travel and transportation;

(c)  Bureau communications;

(d)  Continuity of operations and emergency management;

(e)  General services;

(f)   Human Resources;

(g)  Security;

(h)  Coordination of other administrative services, including Freedom of Information Act requests.

(2)  Liaises with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on a variety of issues in the areas of:

(a)  Financial and resource management;

(b)  Continuity of operations and continuity of government;

(c)  Human capital,

(d)  Security;

(e)  Strategic planning and performance M=management; and

(f)  Training and rotational assignment(s), to include IC Joint Duty Rotations in the Department.

(3)  Serves as the INR coordinator for internal controls management, inspections, and audits by the Office of Inspector General and Government Accountability Office, and other reporting requirements.

1 FAM 432.3  Office of Analytic Integration (INR/INT)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analytic Integration (INR/INT):

(1)  Leads and facilitates INR’s participation in the National Intelligence Priority Framework, Program of Analysis, and other inter- and intra-agency analytic efforts;

(2)  Reviews, edits, visualizes, publishes, and disseminates INR’s finished analysis;

(3)  Coordinates, facilitates, and leads INR’s intelligence support to Department principals;

(4)  Leads and evaluates INR’s analytic tradecraft programs;

(5)  Leads INR’s international partnership program and supports INR’s international engagements through the International Partnerships Unit (IPU);

(6)  Assists Bureau stakeholders in, and supports and leads INR’s strategic initiatives related to, the planning, production, dissemination, and evaluation of INR’s analytic output;

(7)  Serves as INR’s program manager and primary point of contact for Open-Source Intelligence issues through the Open-Source Coordination Unit (OSC); and

(8)  Manages the INR Analytic Ombudsperson Program mandated by Intelligence Community Directive 203.

1 FAM 432.4  INR Watch (INR/WATCH)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)


(1)  Serves as the State Department’s 24-hour/7 days-a-week intelligence center for monitoring, evaluating, alerting, distributing, and briefing time-sensitive intelligence to Department and Bureau principals;

(2)  Is the principal liaison to other IC operations centers and the conduit of time-sensitive intelligence between the Department and other IC agencies; and

(3)  Participates in contingency planning, and conducts exercises supporting the Department's intelligence and continuity missions.


(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Analysis:

(1)  Ensures independent and deeply knowledgeable analysis of global issues, based on all sources of information informs policy;

(2)  Together with Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Analysis:

(a)  Manages a comprehensive program of current and long-term analysis for the Department;

(b)  Represents INR on IC bodies concerned with the planning, coordination, and quality of analytic intelligence products;

(c)  Ensures INR's analytic integrity and effectiveness;

(3)  Supervises offices, as directed by the Assistant Secretary to include:

(a)  Office of Cyber Affairs and Emerging Technology (INR/CET);

(b)  Office of Economic Analysis (INR/ECON);

(c)  Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (INR/GGI);

(d)  Office of Opinion Research (INR/OPN);

(e)  Office of Analysis for Strategic, Proliferation, and Military Issues (INR/SPM); and

(f)   Office of Analysis for Terrorism, Narcotics, and Crime (INR/TNC).

1 FAM 433.1  Global Analytic Offices

(CT:ORG-671;   09-16-2024)

Global Analytic Offices:

(1)  Produce timely, independent, all-source analyses and assessments that adhere to IC tradecraft standards regarding global issues, and other analysis on topics of policy interest to the Secretary, other Department principals, and national security policymakers throughout the U.S. Government;

(2)  Provide and facilitate current intelligence support to Department principals, assistant secretaries, and their staffs;

(3)  Draft intelligence analyses and articles for IC analytic products such as the PDB, National Intelligence Council (NIC) Estimates, and other IC analyses;

(4)  Collaborate and coordinate with offices within the ODNI, analysts in other IC elements, U.S. Government experts, and outside experts on global topics; and

(5)  Serve as the focal point for coordinating and facilitating other IC agencies' analytic support to Department bureaus and offices on global and portfolio issues.

(6)  Detailed descriptions of the global analytic offices are listed in subsections to 1 FAM 433 below.

1 FAM 433.2  Office of Cyber Affairs and Emerging Technology (INR/CET)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Cyber Affairs and Emerging Technology (INR/CET) is responsible for producing independent, all-source intelligence analysis and assessments on all issues concerning cyberspace and emerging technologies, including the policies, objectives, operations, and organization of foreign governments and non-state actors.  Specific cyber-related issues include: internet governance, norms, cybercrime, and telecommunications.  Specific emerging technology issues include the implications for U.S. national security of the development and application of emerging technologies in the areas of artificial intelligence, advanced computing, quantum information science, and biotechnology.  The office provides intelligence support, including written products and briefings, to Department offices and bureaus.  It also coordinates on IC products on cyber and emerging technology issues.  In addition, the office supports policy bureaus in coordination of cyber operations.  It:

(1)  Addresses emerging technologies and cyber-related and intelligence policy;

(2)  Represents the Department in the IC on emerging technologies and cyber-related intelligence policy issues; and

(3)  Analyzes foreign intentions, reactions, and responses to U.S. cyber policy and emerging technologies policies and activities, and the implications of emerging technologies and cyber activities for relations between countries.

1 FAM 433.3  Office of Economic Analysis (INR/ECON)

(CT:ORG-309;   06-05-2013)

The Office of Economic Analysis (INR/ECON):

(1)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments of international economic issues, including economic growth and development, economic security, trade, energy, and terrorism financing;

(2)  Leads the Bureau on sanctions issues; and

(3)  Supports the NIC Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

1 FAM 433.4  Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (INR/GGI)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (INR/GGI):

(1)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments on humanitarian crises and multilateral interventions; international migration and refugee flows; the environment and sustainable development; food and water security; sovereignty and boundary claims and disputes; human rights and atrocity crimes; global women’s issues; democratization and elections; human and wildlife trafficking; and the activities of the United Nations and other international organizations;

(2)  Represents the Department on the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, and consults with regional policy bureaus to issue guidance on official foreign geographic names used by U.S. Government agencies;

(3)  Advises the Department and other Federal agencies on geographic and cartographic matters, providing boundary analysis expertise during diplomatic negotiations;

(4)  Produces maps, graphics, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyses and products for the Department and other customers, and reviews maps and charts produced by other agencies;

(5)  Serves as the U.S. Government Executive Agent for information sharing with international courts and tribunals, commissions of inquiry, and other investigative mechanisms charged with addressing atrocity crimes (including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide) to ensure justice and accountability;

(6)  Leads the Humanitarian Information Unit (HIU) – an interagency center that collects, analyzes, visualizes, and disseminates all-source geospatial data and information that helps U.S. Government decisionmakers and partners anticipate and respond to complex emergencies worldwide;

(7)  The Director of INR/GGI is the Geographer of the Department of State and acts as the Geographer of the United States in issuing U.S. Government-wide guidance on international boundary and related sovereignty issues, by authority of OMB Circular A-16, which designates the Department of State as the Data Theme lead for the International Boundaries National Geospatial Data Asset; and

(8)  The Director of INR/GGI is the Senior Agency Official for Geospatial Information (SAOGI).  The SAOGI formally represents the Department on the Steering Committee of the Federal Geographic Data Committee and leads the Department's response to the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 (GDA) and other congressional, OMB, and executive geospatial requirements.

1 FAM 433.5  Office of Opinion Research (INR/OPN)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Opinion Research (INR/OPN):

(1)  Employs comprehensive knowledge of global opinion research, systematic social science research methods, and analysis of foreign public opinion to inform U.S. policy and program decisions;

(2)  Stays abreast of all public opinion research worldwide of interest to U.S. foreign policy decisionmakers;

(3)  Commissions and manages surveys and focus groups to gauge foreign public and elite opinions on major policy issues around the world;

(4)  Produces written analyses of foreign public opinion for senior policymakers and briefs results to officials;

(5)  Collaborates with analysts in INR, other IC agencies, U.S. Government experts, and outside experts on foreign opinion; and

(6)  Represents INR in interagency committees on open source issues.

1 FAM 433.6  Office of Strategic, Proliferation, and Military Analysis (INR/SPM)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Strategic, Proliferation, and Military Analysis (INR/SPM) produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments of strategic, arms control, proliferation, and political-military issues, including:

(1)  Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery;

(2)  International transfers of advanced conventional weapons, weapons-related technologies, and civil nuclear power and propulsion systems;

(3)  Foreign activities covered by bilateral and multilateral arms control agreements;

(4)  Military systems, forces, capabilities, and conflicts; and

(5)  Emerging and disruptive technologies with military applications or security implications.

1 FAM 433.7  Office of Analysis for Terrorism, Narcotics, and Crime (INR/TNC)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for Terrorism, Narcotics, and Crime (INR/TNC):

(1)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments on trends and developments in terrorism, narcotics, and transnational organized crime and the efforts to counter them, particularly as they affect U.S. national security and diplomatic efforts;

(2)  Works with counterparts concerned with these matters from across the IC, the interagency, and internationally; and

(3)  Represents INR in numerous interagency and IC working groups and boards.


(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Analysis:

(1)  Ensures independent and deeply knowledgeable analysis of regional political issues based on all sources of information informs policy;

(2)  Together with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Analysis:

(a)  Manages a comprehensive program of current and long-term analysis for the Department;

(b)  Represents INR on IC bodies concerned with the planning, coordination, and quality of analytic intelligence products;

(c)  Ensures INR's analytic integrity and effectiveness;

(3)  Supervises offices, as directed by the Assistant Secretary to include:

(a)  Office of Analysis for Africa (INR/AF);

(b)  Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific (INR/EAP);

(c)  Office of Analysis for Europe (INR/EUR);

(d)Office of Analysis for Near East Affairs (INR/NEA);

(e)  Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia (INR/REA);

(f)   Office of Analysis for South Asia (INR/SA); and

(g) Office of Analysis for Western Hemisphere Affairs (INR/WHA).

1 FAM 434.1  Regional Analytic Offices

(CT:ORG-383;   11-19-2015)

Regional Political Analytic Offices:

(1)  Produce timely, independent, all-source analyses and assessments that adhere to IC tradecraft standards regarding the political situation in regions and countries, and other analysis on topics of policy interest to the Secretary, other Department principals, and national security policymakers throughout the U.S. Government;

(2)  Provide and facilitate current intelligence support to Department principals, assistant secretaries, and their staffs;

(3)  Draft intelligence analyses and articles for IC analytic products such as the PDB, National Intelligence Council (NIC) Estimates, and other IC analysis;

(4)  Collaborate and coordinate with offices within the ODNI, analysts in other IC elements, U.S. Government experts, and outside experts on topics and countries; and

(5)  Serve as the focal point for coordinating and facilitating other IC agencies' analytic support to Department bureaus and offices.

(6)  The regional political analytic offices are:

(a)  Office of Analysis for Africa (INR/AF), responsible for political all-source analysis of sub-Saharan Africa;

(b)  Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific (INR/EAP), responsible for political all-source analysis of the East Asia and Pacific region;

(c)  Office of Analysis for Europe (INR/EUR), responsible for political all-source analysis of European countries, including the Baltic states, but excluding other states that were formerly part of the Soviet Union;

(d)  Office of Analysis for Near East Affairs (INR/NEA), responsible for political all-source analysis of the Near East, including North Africa;

(e)  Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia (INR/REA), responsible for political all-source analysis of all countries of the former Soviet Union except for the Baltic states.

(f)   Office of Analysis for South Asia (INR/SA), responsible for political all-source analysis of South Asia; and

(g)  Office of Analysis for Western Hemisphere Affairs (INR/WHA), responsible for political all-source analysis of Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada.

1 FAM 434.2  Office of Analysis for Africa (INR/AF)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for Africa (INR/AF):

(1)  Produces independent, timely all-source analyses and assessments of developments in the 49 countries that comprise sub-Saharan Africa, particularly as they affect U.S. strategic priorities, security, and diplomatic efforts;

(2)  Provides close intelligence support to the Bureau of African Affairs, including its diplomatic missions; and

(3)  Represents INR on IC bodies, such as the Africa Strategy Board and Africa Chiefs.

1 FAM 434.3  Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific (INR/EAP)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific (INR/EAP):

(1)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments of trends in the East Asia and Pacific region, specifically related to Northeast Asia and Mongolia; Southeast Asia and the Pacific; and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong and Macau, and Taiwan, particularly as they affect U.S. security and diplomatic efforts;

(2)  Works with major IC analytic centers concerned with those issues; and

(3)  Represents INR on the IC-wide coordinating bodies related to the EAP region.

1 FAM 434.4  Office of Analysis for Europe (INR/EUR):

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for Europe (INR/EUR):

(1)  Consists of the Southern Europe Division and the Northern    Europe Division;

(2)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments of trends in the countries of Western and Central Europe, including the European Union, NATO, and all their member states—and excluding non-Baltic former Soviet states—to support the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy;

(3)  Provides close intelligence support to Department officials, primarily in the Bureau for European and Eurasian Affairs, as well as to relevant diplomatic missions; and

(4)  Represents INR on the Europe Strategy Board and other IC bodies.

1 FAM 434.5  Office of Analysis for Near Eastern Affairs (INR/NEA)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for Near Eastern Affairs (INR/NEA):

(1)  Produces timely, independent, all-source analyses and assessments of the Middle East and North Africa of policy interest to the Secretary, other Department principals, and national security policymakers throughout the U.S. Government;

(2)  Provides and facilitates current intelligence support to Department principals, including special envoys, the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs' front office, and the Bureau’s sub-regional offices;

(3)  Drafts intelligence analyses and articles for IC analytic products such as the PDB, National Intelligence Council (NIC) Estimates, and other IC analysis;

(4)  Collaborates and coordinates with offices within the ODNI, analysts in other IC elements, U.S. Government experts, and outside experts on the Middle East and North Africa; and

(5)  Serves as the focal point for coordinating and facilitating other IC agencies’ analytic support to Department bureaus and offices.

1 FAM 434.6  Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia (INR/REA)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia (INR/REA):

(1)  Consists of the Russia Division and the Eurasia Division;

(2)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments of developments in Russia, Eastern Europe (Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine), the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), particularly as they affect U.S. security and diplomatic efforts and priorities;

(3)  Provides close support to the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, as well as to the pertinent diplomatic missions; and

(4)  Represents the Bureau on the Russia and Eurasia Strategy Board and other IC bodies.

1 FAM 434.7  Office of Analysis for South Asian Affairs (INR/SA)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Analysis for South Asian Affairs (INR/SA):

(1)  Produces independent and timely all-source intelligence analyses and assessments of the internal political, security, social dynamics, and foreign policies of the countries in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region;

(2)  Works with major IC analytic centers concerned with these issues;

(3)  Represents INR on the DNI’s South Asia Strategy Board; and

(4)  Provides primary intelligence support to the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA) and associated offices, including: the Office of the Coordinator for Afghanistan Refugee Efforts (CARE) and the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan (SRA).

1 FAM 434.8  Office of Western Hemisphere Analysis (INR/WHA)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Western Hemisphere Analysis (INR/WHA):

(1)  Produces independent, all-source analyses and assessments for U.S. diplomats and policymakers on a wide range of issues and trends affecting U.S. interests and diplomacy in the Western Hemisphere; and

(2) Works closely with partners in the IC to provide intelligence support to U.S. diplomats and policymakers that oversee U.S. relations with the Western Hemisphere.


(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Policy and Coordination:

(1)  Coordinates between the Department, Chiefs of Mission, the IC, and the National Security Council Staff (NSCS) to ensure that intelligence collection and operational activities support, are informed by, and are consistent with U.S. foreign policy, IC policies, and the Department of State’s interests;

(2)  Represents the Department to the IC, including its senior collection requirements committees, and to the NSCS on matters relating to the collection of technical and human intelligence, counter-intelligence, and cyber issues;

(3)  Represents the Department to the ODNI Foreign Relations Committee, the Intelligence Policy Advisory Group (IPAG), the National Counterintelligence Policy Board, and other entities responsible for intelligence policy established by the ODNI or elements of the IC; and

(4)  Supervises offices and staff as directed by the Assistant Secretary, including:

(a)  Office of Consular and Management Liaison (INR/CML);

(b)  Office of Intelligence Operations and Oversight (INR/OPS); and

(c)  Intelligence Policy and Information Sharing Center (INR/PSC);

(d)  Office of Collection and Technical Programs (INR/CTP)

1 FAM 435.1  Office of Consular and Management Liaison (INR/CML)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Consular Management Liaison (INR/CML):

(1)  Coordinates between the IC and the Department on matters relevant to the consular function and the vetting of proposed ambassadors to the United States in connection with requests for agrément.  Coordinates Department activities involving the issuance/revocation of visas issued to persons believed to be a threat to U.S. national security; works with the National Counterterrorism Center, the National Targeting Center, and the Terrorist Screening Center to ensure appropriate information sharing; coordinates access to IC-produced reports by CA; and works with CA to ensure that consular officers assigned abroad have appropriate access to SCI.  Assists the Office of the Chief of Protocol and regional bureaus with agrément requests; and

(2)  Working with all relevant bureaus under the direction of the Under Secretary for Management, serves as the Department’s focal point for issues relating to the IC and Department resources.  Facilitates the IC’s interactions with the Department’s management bureaus and offices, including the Bureaus of Global Talent Management (GTM), Budget and Planning (BP), Consular Affairs (CA), Diplomatic Security (DS), and Administration (A), the Foreign Service Institute (FS), and the Office of Management Strategy and Solutions (M/SS).  Provides IC-related administrative and consular support to U.S. diplomatic and consular posts, coordinates the Department’s review of management issues relating to the IC’s overseas presence, advises the INR Front Office, M, and other Department principals on the management aspects of intelligence programs, and represents the Department on a variety of IC bodies.

1 FAM 435.2  Office of Collection and Technical Programs (INR/CTP)

(CT:ORG-436;   12-19-2017)

The Office of Collection and Technical Programs (INR/CTP):

(1)  Serves as the Department's expert on all aspects of technical intelligence collection activities, prioritization, and resource requirements; coordinates Department and Chief of Mission review of U.S. technical intelligence programs, operations, policies, and relations with foreign technical services; supports INR principals' participation in IC fora addressing technical intelligence collection issues and Department policymakers' participation in NSC-led and other fora addressing the foreign policy implications of technical intelligence collection proposals;

(2)  Tasks technical intelligence systems on behalf of INR analysts and Department policymakers; coordinates INR and Department-wide assessments of the value of technical intelligence;

(3)  Develops and represents the Department's interests and intelligence information needs in interagency fora concerned with requirements, collection operations, evaluations, and future architectures in signals, imagery, and measurement and signatures intelligence, as well as open source information; coordinates with the NSC, ODNI, and other agencies to ensure that the Department's foreign policy concerns are factored into the consideration of technical intelligence collection activities overseas; and

(4)  Serves as INR's focal point for engagement with the National Security Agency, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the technical collection elements of other IC agencies on technical collection issues.

1 FAM 435.3  Office of Intelligence Operations and Oversight (INR/OPS)

(CT:ORG-670;   08-29-2024)

The Office of Intelligence Operations and Oversight (INR/OPS):

(1)  Serves as the focal point for the Department's policy review of sensitive civilian and military intelligence operations and programs, including counterintelligence and law enforcement activities; maintains liaison on operational matters with the Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation;

(2)  Supports INR's participation on the National Counterintelligence Policy Board and other national counterintelligence executive-managed activities, including damage assessments conducted in connection with espionage cases and maintains the Department's official records of such assessments;

(3)  Supports the Secretary and Chiefs of Mission (COMs) in the exercise of their intelligence oversight responsibilities; coordinates INR's engagement with the Office of Inspector General on intelligence oversight matters; coordinates INR's engagement with the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB); and acts as INR's focal point for liaison with Congress, including the intelligence oversight committees;

(4)  In furtherance of its support to COMs, assists the Foreign Service Institute by conducting the intelligence oversight portion of the Ambassadorial Seminar and the Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM)-Principal Officer Seminar; coordinates initial IC briefings for ambassadors, designated COMs, deputy chiefs of mission, and long-term chargés (those serving over 30 consecutive days in the position); maintains INR’s Chief of Mission Handbook and other guidance for COMs on intelligence oversight matters; manages the Department’s secret-level cable channel for communications between the Department and COMs on intelligence matters; and coordinates INR's participation in the Department's program to extend e-Intel's TS/SCI communications capabilities overseas;

(5)  Serves as INR's focal point for human intelligence (HUMINT) collection, requirements, policies and programs, including the development of National HUMINT Collection Directives (NHCDs) by the National HUMINT Requirements Tasking Center (NHRTC) and, on behalf of the Secretary, issues advisory taskings to COMs; and

(6)  Serves as the Department's focal point for promoting diplomatic reporting, particularly as it is responsive to the needs of the IC.  Hosts INR/B, INR's focal point for biographic information on foreign leaders.

1 FAM 435.4  Policy and Sharing Center (INR/PSC)

(CT:ORG-436;   12-19-2017)

The Policy and Sharing Center (INR/PSC):

(1)  Coordinates IC and Department of Defense (DoD) approval for the Department's use of intelligence-derived information, including imagery, with foreign governments, international and nongovernmental organizations, and the public; protects IC and DoD resources from inadvertent loss by adhering to relevant agency disclosure and release policies and procedures; monitors, tracks, and adjudicates sharing requests via PSC’s online management tool, which serves as INR’s official record of Department intelligence sharing; protects diplomats from unauthorized disclosures by conveying official IC and DoD sharing decisions and handling instructions; and responds to ODNI and other data calls related to INR intelligence-sharing coordination.

(2)  Coordinates Department approval for IC and DoD use of diplomatic reporting-derived information in exchanges and presentations with foreign governments, international organizations, and the public; conveys official Department policy decisions and handling instructions to requesting agencies; and protects diplomatic information by seeking guidance on sharing requests from the Department’s Bureau of Administration, Global Information Services, Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS) when necessary. 

(3)  Supports the INR Assistant Secretary, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Policy and Coordination participation in the IC's Executive Committee (EXCOM) and Deputy Executive Committee (DEXCOM); coordinates the Department’s involvement in the IC policy process, to include providing input on the development of Intelligence Community Directives (ICDs) and subsidiary guidance; and represents INR’s views in other intelligence policy fora.  Serves as the Executive Secretariat for the State Intelligence Policy Board, should it be convened by the INR Assistant Secretary.

(4)  Leads INR's participation in IC initiatives related to Civil Liberties, Privacy, and Transparency (CLPT), and associated issues.