(CT:ORG-691; 02-07-2025)
(Office of Origin: PRM/EX)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Department of State through the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM):
(1) Directs the Department’s international population, refugees, and migration policy development;
(2) Determines the level of U.S. contributions of migration and refugee assistance to certain international organizations for humanitarian assistance, protection-related programs, and migration management and leads U.S. Government participation on governing bodies of relevant international organizations to ensure effective use of U.S. humanitarian funds;
(3) Recommends the number of refugees to be admitted annually to the United States to the President and directs programs for selection, processing, and transportation of refugees to be admitted to the United States;
(4) Issues contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants to organizations to provide life-saving and life-sustaining assistance and protection to refugees, asylum seekers, conflict victims, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, and vulnerable migrants;
(5) Oversees efforts to encourage greater participation in humanitarian assistance, refugee resettlement, and migration management on the part of foreign governments;
(6) Guides the activities of refugee and humanitarian assistance officers at U.S. diplomatic missions and of U.S. missions to international organizations concerned with refugee and humanitarian assistance, protection, resettlement, and migration management; and
(7) Uses humanitarian diplomacy to increase access and assistance to those in need in the absence of political solutions to displacement situations; highlights the humanitarian impact of military and political action; and works with partners to help promote relief and development coherence.
1 FAM 521.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM):
(1) Has responsibility for formulating, implementing, managing, and evaluating U.S. international population, refugee, and migration policy, as well as other humanitarian policies and programs, under the overall direction and coordination of the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights (J);
(2) Determines the level of U.S. contributions of migration and refugee assistance to certain international organizations for humanitarian assistance, protection, and solutions for refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, conflict-affected persons, migrants in situations of vulnerability, and stateless persons, and reviews those organizations’ activities to ensure effective use of U.S. funds;
(3) Directs programs for the selection, processing, transportation, initial reception and placement of refugees to be admitted to the United States, and the issuance of contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants to organizations to assist refugees, asylum seekers, conflict victims, internally displaced persons, stateless persons, and vulnerable migrants;
(4) Oversees efforts to encourage greater participation in humanitarian assistance, refugee resettlement, and migration management on the part of foreign governments;
(5) Leads Department’s planning and response to humanitarian crises, coordinates policy and programs, serves as the Department’s humanitarian focal point, and ensures the overall efficiency and effectiveness of U.S. humanitarian response;
(6) Guides the activities of refugee and humanitarian assistance officers at U.S. diplomatic missions and of U.S. missions to international organizations concerned with refugee and humanitarian assistance, protection, resettlement and migration management; and
(7) Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 520, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).
1 FAM 521.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
See 1 FAM Exhibit 521.1 for an organization chart of PRM.
1 FAM 521.3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) derives its authority from the following:
(1) Presidential Directive 1945;
(2) Displaced Persons Act of 1948;
(3) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended;
(4) Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962;
(5) Attorney General Parole Authority 1965;
(6) Refugee Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-212);
(7) Executive Order 13276 (November 15, 2002);
(8) Department of State Basic Authorities Act, as amended; and
(9) Department of State Authorization Acts.
1 FAM 522.1 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
a. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary performs the duties of the Assistant Secretary in the latter's absence, assists the Assistant Secretary in developing and executing policy, coordinates with the Executive Office on the management activities of the Bureau, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Assistant Secretary.
b. The bureau’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS) reports to the Assistant Secretary, who determines and assigns the PDAS’s duties.
1 FAM 522.2 Deputy Assistant Secretaries
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
a. The bureau has four deputy assistant secretaries reporting to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary. The Assistant Secretary and PDAS determine and assign their duties.
b. Office directors report to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary through their respective deputy assistant secretary as the Assistant Secretary designates.
1 FAM 523 PRM Offices
1 FAM 523.1 Office of the Comptroller (PRM/C)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of the Comptroller (PRM/C):
(1) Oversees, in coordination with other offices, the overall financial management worldwide of the bureau’s appropriations and funding, including contributions and other funding arrangements with United Nations and other international organizations and in the preparation and execution of grants and cooperative agreements with U.S. and foreign nonprofit agencies and on behalf of other Federal agencies;
(2) Establishes, manages, and monitors the administrative control of all bureau funding and associated financial information to include apportionments, allotments as well as associated financial and program management systems supporting data management and decision-making;
(3) Ensures accurate accounting for the obligation and liquidation of all bureau funds and reviews and approves payments, analyzes financial reports, and implements financial audit recommendations;
(4) Administratively closes all grants, cooperative agreements, and contribution awards and determines final costs;
(5) Coordinates audits and inspections performed by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on an array of PRM-funded activities; with PRM/PRP, coordinates the bureau’s assessment and mitigation of risk in Federal assistance programming;
(6) Coordinates and manages International Organization for Migration (IOM) and voluntary agency program efforts to collect refugee transportation loan repayments; and
(7) Serves as coordinator for the bureau’s program of internal controls, the Assistant Secretary’s annual Statement of Assurance, and compliance with Department of State and Federal assistance regulations.
1 FAM 523.2 Office of the Executive Director (PRM/EX)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of the Executive Director (PRM/EX):
(1) Provides executive direction and support to the bureau for the full range of administrative activities, including:
(a) Advises the PRM Assistant Secretary on organizational management activities;
(b) Coordinates the full scope of bureau-led human resources management activities and coordinates with service providers across DoS on human resources actions;
(c) Manages PRM’s administrative budget and representation funds program;
(d) Provides a variety of information technology services;
(e) Oversees general services operations, including mail and communication services, space allocation, requisitions, telecommunication systems, security (including emergency planning), and special projects;
(f) Provides contract administration guidance and support; and
(g) Oversees PRM travel program.
(2) Acts as coordinator and liaison with various bureau offices to provide awareness and assistance regarding overall Department and bureau administrative requirements;
(3) Develops and administers policies and control procedures for PRM administrative operations;
(4) Administers a positive program of equal opportunity and affirmative action for all persons in accordance with Department and other pertinent policies;
(5) Serves as bureau liaison for the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) audits and inspections, and other reporting requirements; and
(6) Oversees the substance and coordination for the 1 FAM 520, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).
1 FAM 523.3 Office of Policy and Resource Planning (PRM/PRP)
(CT:ORG-691; 02-07-2025)
The Office of Policy and Resource Planning (PRM/PRP):
(1) Develops and ensures consistent development, implementation, coordination, and oversight of PRM and U.S. Government policy on humanitarian issues and sectors, such as but not limited to protection, including child protection, education, health and mental health, protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), livelihoods, shelter, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and refugee inclusion, as they relate to PRM’s populations of concern, including those who may experience particular vulnerabilities such as women and children, LGB individuals, persons with disabilities, elderly, and stateless persons;
(2) Trains and guides Bureau program offices in applying policy criteria in program design, selection, and implementation of humanitarian assistance to populations of concern.
(3) Participates for PRM in interagency and international discussions, meetings, and conferences dealing with humanitarian policy issues and approaches.
(4) Represents the bureau in the Department’s strategic planning process, including preparation of the bureau performance plan;
(5) Oversees, in coordination with other offices, the overall planning, formulation, justification, and implementation of the annual program budget and of the bureau’s appropriations and funding for the Migration and Refugee Assistance account and for the Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund (ERMA), and prepares recommendations to the President for the use of ERMA and for Congressional reprogramming and notification actions;
(6) Manages the bureau’s Policy and Program Review Committee and related systems for tracking and recording strategy, policy, and funding decisions, ensuring consistent implementation and linkages of policy and resource allocation;
(7) Coordinates budget-related activities with other Department of State bureaus and U.S. Government agencies and leads on budget-related policy and strategic messaging on PRM priorities;
(8) Directs and guides the bureau’s monitoring and evaluation activities, policies, and standards to ensure appropriate use of resources; and, with PRM/C, coordinates the bureau’s assessment and mitigation of risk in PRM policy and programming;
(9) Serves as the Bureau’s primary liaison with the State Department’s Office of Foreign Assistance and the Bureau of Budget and Planning.
1 FAM 523.4 Office of Multilateral and External Coordination (PRM/MEC)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of Multilateral and External Coordination (PRM/MEC):
(1) Plans, formulates, and directs the implementation of U.S. institutional relationships, governance, and strategies that address the full range of population, refugees, migration, and other humanitarian issues in the UN system and in other multilateral organizations. Represents the United States on governing bodies of these organizations, including the:
(a) Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees;
(b) International Committee of the Red Cross; and
(c) International Organization for Migration;
(2) Coordinates and conducts U.S. relations with other governments and with multilateral refugee and migration organizations on management and institutional humanitarian issues;
(3) Conducts bureau liaison work with humanitarian nongovernmental organizations;
(4) Leads humanitarian coordination processes, including managing the implementation of the existing memorandum of understanding between PRM and USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), and civil/military humanitarian affairs;
(5) Leads in international and regional policy fora, in coordination with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department of Health and Human Services, and directs State’s international population policy formulation and implementation in order to further the Department’s international population goals; and
(6) Represents the United States on the governing bodies of relevant international and multilateral organizations responsible for population issues, such as the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Commission on Population and Development (UNCPD).
1 FAM 523.5 Office of Refugee Admissions (PRM/A)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of Refugee Admissions (PRM/A):
(1) Formulates refugee admissions policy and programs for the U.S. Government;
(2) Manages the U.S. refugee admissions program, including processing abroad and domestic initial reception and placement;
(3) Establishes program policies and priorities and recommends annual regional ceilings for authorization by the President in consultation with the Congress;
(4) Serves as primary liaison with State Department regional bureaus, other U.S. Government agencies (particularly the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], the National Vetting Center [NVC], and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on refugee admissions issues;
(5) Provides oversight of the refugee-processing infrastructure abroad administered by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international organizations (IOs), and in-house embassy operations;
(6) Coordinates refugee processing policies and activities with DHS/U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and HHS/Office of Refugee Resettlement;
(7) Manages the program for the initial reception and placement of refugees through national resettlement agencies that maintain a network of local affiliates throughout the United States;
(8) Provides technical and operational support to partners; develops, manages, and maintains PRM's refugee case management system; manages the flow of refugee processing data between refugee processing entities abroad and domestic refugee processing and resettlement entities; and supports data analytics and quantitative reporting on the program;
(9) Manages cultural orientation programs both abroad and after arrival in the United States to provide a basic introduction to life in the United States through classroom instruction and/or multimedia presentations and written materials;
(10) Provides liaison with state refugee coordinators and local service providers regarding refugee placement in the United States; and
(11) Provides information to the public about the U.S. refugee admissions program.
1 FAM 523.6 Office of International Migration (PRM/IM)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of International Migration (PRM/IM):
(1) Coordinates international migration policy formulation and implementation in order to further the Department’s goal of promoting safe, orderly, and humane migration;
(2) Leads in international and regional fora, such as the Intergovernmental Consultations on Migration, Asylum, and Refugees (IGC), the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), the U.S.-EU Migration Platform on Migration and Asylum, to review lessons learned, share best practices, and reexamine benchmarks and indicators vital to monitoring global efforts to promote safe, orderly, and humane migration;
(3) Works in close cooperation with interagency partners, including the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Labor (DOL), international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the advocacy community on international migration policies;
(4) Works to increase national and international awareness of migration issues and integrate these issues into broader diplomatic, development, and humanitarian strategies;
(5) Develops and administers the bureau’s international migration policy and programs, including for regional and global migration dialogues, protection for migrants in situations of vulnerability, migrants’ rights, migration management capacity-building activities, the impact of climate change on migration, and programs providing protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in persons;
(6) Serves as the Department’s secretariat for Temporary Protected Status (TPS); and
(7) Serves as PRM’s representative for the interagency Maritime Operational Threat Response plan and protocols.
1 FAM 523.7 Office of Public and Congressional Affairs (PRM/PCA)
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
The Office of Public and Congressional Affairs:
(1) Conducts public affairs and public diplomacy functions for the bureau;
(2) Conducts Congressional relations activities for the bureau and serves as liaison for audits and reviews for the Government Accountability Office (GAO);
(3) Serves as the Bureau’s primary liaison with the Congressional Research Service in coordination with the Bureau of Legislative Affairs.
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)
a. There are four regional offices of humanitarian affairs with responsibilities for their respective geographic areas:
(1) The Office of Assistance for Africa (PRM/AF) is responsible for all countries located on the continent of Africa with the exception of North Africa;
(2) The Office of Assistance for the Western Hemisphere (PRM/WHA) is responsible for the countries located in the Americas;
(3) The Office of Assistance for Europe and the Near East (PRM/EUR-NEA) is responsible for the countries in the Near East (with the exception of Iran), Europe, and North Africa; it also coordinates U.S. policy, governance, and program issues related to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA); and
(4) The Office of Assistance for Asia (PRM/EAP-SCA) is responsible for countries in Asia and the Pacific, including East, Central, and South Asia, as well as Iran as part of the Afghanistan response.
b. Each office performs the following functions related to its particular geographical regions:
(1) Develops policy within State and the Administration, as appropriate, on refugee and humanitarian issues;
(2) Promotes U.S. interests by providing leadership and guidance to humanitarian organizations;
(3) Engages in humanitarian diplomacy with donor governments, host governments, populations of concern, and humanitarian organizations.
(4) Develops, plans, organizes, and assists in the implementation of responses to humanitarian crises;
(5) Provides oversight and management, including monitoring and evaluation of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) grants, cooperative agreements, and contributions, for humanitarian assistance and protection activities that are undertaken by international and nongovernmental organizations funded by the bureau;
(6) Coordinates U.S. Government humanitarian policies and funding with other major donor countries and USG humanitarian agencies;
(7) Monitors the protection of refugees in countries of asylum, intervening when necessary to advocate, in consultation with the Office of the Legal Adviser and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), adherence to international refugee law;
(8) Promotes safe, dignified, informed, and voluntary repatriation, local integration, or resettlement in third countries for refugees in countries of asylum as durable solutions; and
(9) Provides guidance on humanitarian issues to embassy officers posted worldwide.
(CT:ORG-620; 03-16-2023)