1 FAM 530 


(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)
(Office of Origin: INL/EX)


(CT:ORG-691;   02-07-2025)

The Department of State, through the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL):

(1)  Reduces the impact of international crime and illegal drugs on the United States, its citizens, and partner nations by providing effective foreign assistance and fostering greater bilateral and multilateral cooperation;

(2)  Establishes a capable and accountable criminal justice sector, to include stabilizing post-conflict societies through criminal justice sector development and reform;

(3)  Works closely with U.S. Federal, State, county, and municipal law enforcement, corrections, and justice institutions to provide assistance, coordinate a regional approach to widespread problems, and help stronger governments take responsibility as equal partners in the struggle to disrupt organized crime and other destabilizing groups;

(4)  Achieves its long-term objectives by ensuring its foreign assistance programs are designed to be sustainable, long-term generational commitments to build strong legal institutions;

(5)  Supports the drug control efforts of major drug source and transit countries by strengthening the capacity of international partners to disrupt the drug trade;

(6)  Strengthens criminal justice systems in partner countries, institutionalizing rule of law by developing and expanding criminal justice systems at the national, provincial, and community level to strengthen partner country law enforcement and judicial effectiveness, foster cooperation in legal affairs, and advance respect for sex and human rights; and

(7)  Minimizes the effects of transnational organized crime by strengthening international partnerships, reducing the impact of transnational crime and criminal networks on the United States and its allies through enhanced international cooperation and foreign assistance.

1 FAM 531.1  Responsibilities

(CT:ORG-286;   10-16-2012)

The Assistant Secretary for INL reports to the Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights (J).  As delegated by the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary is responsible for:

(1)  Development, supervision, coordination and implementation of international narcotics control assistance activities of the Department of State as authorized under Part 1, Chapter 8 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2291 - 2291k);

(2)  Development of assistance programs directed at U.S. Government objectives abroad on international criminal justice issues;

(3)  Coordination and management of the Department’s international counternarcotics program, the international criminal justice program, and strategic planning for bureau programs and policies;

(4)  As delegated by the Secretary, the Assistant Secretary negotiates and concludes bilateral and multilateral agreements to strengthen narcotics control and criminal justice systems, and to combat transnational crime; and

(5)  Substantive and coordinating responsibility for the following Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) materials, including the following:

·         1 FAM 530—Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL);

·         2 FAM 950—Payment and Rewards for Information Relating to International Narcotics Trafficking; and

·         2 FAM 800—Managing Aircraft.

1 FAM 531.2  Organization

(CT:ORG-286;   10-16-2012)

See 1 FAM Exhibit 531.2 for an organization chart of INL.

1 FAM 531.3  Authorities

(CT:ORG-286;   10-16-2012)

a. 22 U.S.C. 2656 and 22 U.S.C. 2651a:  The Secretary of State's authorities for the conduct of foreign affairs and administration of the Department of State.

b. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 as amended (22 U.S.C. 2291 and 22 U.S.C. 2292), Department of State Delegation of Authority 293-2 (October 23, 2011), Section 2(g), to the Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs:

(1)  The functions of negotiating, concluding, and terminating international   agreements relating to international narcotics control and anticrime programs subject to the concurrences required by the Circular 175 Procedure; and

(2)  The functions conferred upon the President by Section 487 of the Act,   together with all those authorities contained in the Act to the extent necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purpose of the Act.

c.  Department of State Delegation of Authority 164, (May 23, 1987), to the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of International Narcotics Matters (now INL), Anti-Drug Abuse Act functions.

d. Department of State Delegation of Authority 227 (December 17, 1998) to the Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs - to approve the transfer of forfeited assets to foreign governments.

e. Department of State Delegation of Authority 332 (August 6, 2010) to the Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs, certain certification functions in Maritime Law.

f.  State Department Basic Authorities Act, Section 36(b) (22 U.S.C. 2708(b)), narcotics offender rewards.

g. Other authorities, as appropriate.

1 FAM 532  Deputy Assistant Secretaries

(CT:ORG-286;   10-16-2012)

a. The bureau has three deputy assistant secretaries reporting to the Assistant Secretary, through the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, who determines and assigns their duties.

b. The Assistant Secretary designates a Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, with such commensurate responsibilities as the Assistant Secretary delegates.

c.  Office Directors report to the Assistant Secretary through the deputy assistant secretaries as the Assistant Secretary designates.

1 FAM 532.1  Executive Office (INL/EX)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Executive Director/Controller serves as the Executive Office Director for all INL  domestic and overseas operations.  INL/EX:

(1)  Directs the bureau's financial management program including budget formulation and budget presentation and execution, and provides fiscal accountability and reporting to Congress;

(2)  Directs the personnel, administrative, and management activities of the bureau;

(3)  Directs the bureau's acquisition of commodities, technical services and grants, accomplishes audit and end-use monitoring of INL-funded commodities, oversees property management, and provides contract administration guidance and support;

(4)  Manages the bureau’s management policy and internal controls assurance and training, and coordinates the bureau’s program planning, monitoring, and evaluation efforts; and

(5)  On behalf of the Assistant Secretary, exercises all administrative authorities delegated to the Assistant Secretary by the Secretary, except those authorities required by law, regulation, or otherwise to be performed by the Assistant Secretary or higher authority.

1 FAM 532.2  Office of Knowledge Management (INL/KM)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

a. The Office of Knowledge Management (INL/KM):

    The Office of Knowledge Management leads the bureau efforts to direct, coordinate, and implement policies to make and keep INL as a “learning” organization.  The office is responsible for all knowledge management efforts including program design, training, and technical advisory support to INL’s efforts to establish and implement indigenous law enforcement and criminal justice systems necessary for a society to achieve and maintain durable peace and other strategic law enforcement, corrections, and administration of justice systems.  INL/KM exercises ultimate accountability for the Bureau’s knowledge management activities including program design and evaluation, internal and external training efforts, and technical advisory support that advances strategic law enforcement, justice, and corrections systems worldwide, and facilitates the establishment and implementation of indigenous law enforcement and criminal justice systems worldwide.

b. The Training Division, INL/KM:

(1)  Serves as the focal point for and implements and delivers continuing education and training to orient, educate, and prepare INL staff to achieve high performance in support of INL policy, leadership, programs, financial management and other related duties;

(2)  Oversees and implements the system of International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA), the International Correctional Management Training Center (ICMTC), and U.S. State and Local Agency Partnership Training, related programs;

(3)  Ensures best practices in adult education and training are embedded in INL’s foreign assistance funded training programs overseas for our foreign partners.  This includes best practices on both training content and curricula as well as overall training approaches;

(4)  Develops and supports INL-Managed training for deployed criminal justice advisors to address the pre-deployment and continuing professional development requirements of INL advisors in the field; and

(5)  In collaboration with the other divisions of the Knowledge Management Office, develops tools to track impact of Training Division activities. 

c.  The Design and Learning Division, INL/KM:

(1)  Develops evidence-based program design packages on a wide range of common INL programs.  The packages are developed with input and coordination with the Technical Advisory Division and the relevant INL subject matter experts both in DC and in the field, program officers and FSO managers, and outside experts as necessary.  The packages are reviewed and approved by the Strategy and Policy Planning Office; Office Directors are responsible for ensuring their programs implement the program design packages.  The Training Division will incorporate the design packages into internal trainings as appropriate. 

(2)  Develops learning projects to ensure INL staff are continuously learning from INL programs and external research and programming, implementing best practices, and refining INL’s narrative.  The learning projects will include designing and overseeing - in coordination with post and program officers - evaluations that reveal results and impact of our programming.  The learning projects will be closely coordinated with the other Office of Knowledge Management units, and relevant INL program offices and posts.

d. The Technical Advisory Division, INL/KM:

(1)  Provides subject matter expertise that supports the INL bureau both domestically and abroad in planning, designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating INL’s programs worldwide including on a range of program areas including law enforcement, justice sector and corrections programs, and informs INL policy development.  This work is done in close collaboration with the Design and Learning Division of the Office of Knowledge Management;

(2)  Works closely with the Training Division within the Office of Knowledge Management to provide subject matter expertise necessary to the development and delivery of training;

(3)  In collaboration with the Strategic Plans and Policy Unit in the INL Front Office, manages strategic outreach to build and leverage partnerships with domestic law enforcement, corrections and legal organizations and professionals, multilateral organizations, and non-governmental actors to identify opportunities for their participation in INL’s assessments, programs and training and to inform INL’s thinking on current trends or innovations;

(4)  Through its subject matter expert cadre, identifies emerging areas/topics of interest and leverages networks to ensure INL has access to the subject matter expertise it needs.

1 FAM 532.3  Office of Global Programs and Policy  (INL/GPP)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Global Programs and Policy (INL/GPP):

(1)  The Office of Global Programs and Policy (GPP) is comprised of two divisions; Global Programs and Multilateral and is responsible for developing and implementing broad international narcotics control and anti-crime policy by leading Bureau engagement with interagency stakeholders. 

(2)  The GPP Office develops and implements centrally-managed programs to combat organized crime, including in the areas of counter-narcotics (drug supply reduction, drug demand reduction), countering wildlife trafficking and promoting effective police peacekeeping, as well as to combat the enabling of transnational crime through programs to combat corruption, cybercrime, and money laundering.  In addition, GPP leads and coordinates the Bureau’s engagement with international organizations and a variety of global and regional multilateral fora on anti-crime and drug control issues, including, inter alia, the United Nations, the Group of Seven (G-7), the Group of Twenty (G-20), the Organization of American States, the European Union, and other regional bodies.

(3)  GPP is responsible for managing the Bureau’s implementation of anti-crime sanctions and deterrence tools, such as the Narcotics Rewards Program, the Transnational Organized Crime Rewards Program, as well as corruption-related visa actions pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 7750 and Section 7031(c) of the Annual Appropriations Act.  Further, GPP supports the implementation of the Global Magnitsky Act and the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.  

(4)  Finally, GPP manages the production and publication of Congressionally-mandated crime-related reports, such as the annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, which reviews the worldwide international drug and money laundering situation in detail, the biannual International Anticorruption and Good Governance Act report, the Section 7031(c) report, and others.

1 FAM 532.4  Office of Aviation (INL/A)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Aviation (INL/A):

(1)  Is the aviation service provider for U.S. Government-owned/leased operational, piloted aircraft – specifically, rotary-wing (helicopters) and fixed-wing (airplanes), but not necessarily including all DOS Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and tethered aircraft – within the Department, providing aviation expertise and resources in support of counternarcotics programs, law enforcement, and other overseas mission operations;

(2)  Is the Department’s proponent for development of policy and oversight requirements for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and, as applicable, such policy and oversight development shall be in consultation with other DOS bureaus and consistent with their respective unique program and operational requirements;

(3)  Provides planning, operational and logistical support, and contract oversight for aviation services in support of INL and Department programs and missions;

(4)  The INL/A Director serves as the Senior Aviation Management Official (SAMO) for the Department, representing the Department in the Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy (ICAP) and ensuring that the Department’s internal policies and procedures are consistent with aviation management requirements contained in OMB Circulars and the Federal Management Regulation; and

(5)  The INL/A Director is the technical advisor for the Aviation Governing Board, which approves aviation policies, budgets, and strategic plans for the Department’s aviation assets and activities.

1 FAM 532.5  Office of Western Hemisphere Programs (INL/WHP)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Western Hemisphere Programs (INL/WHP):

(1)  Serves as the Department’s program office responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of foreign policy objectives for narcotics and crime strategies for the Western Hemisphere (South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean), including but not limited to transnational crime, corruption, counternarcotics, human rights, trafficking in drugs, protection of vulnerable populations, law enforcement, border security, criminal justice sector, and transition from military to civilian support for host governments;

(2)  Provides support and guidance to U.S. missions in the region in implementing Department policies and programs on justice sector issues;

(3)  Provides overall program direction for INL bilateral justice sector assistance programs in support of ongoing embassy initiatives to enact these programs in concert with host nations;

(4)  Is responsible for developing, revising and implementing regional and drug- and crime-specific strategies and coordinating these strategies with the U.S. interagency and international community as necessary;

(5)  Coordinates policy and programs with other U.S. Government departments and agencies involved in criminal justice sector issues, including international narcotics control and crime activities, particularly with the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of the Treasury, and Agency for International Development (USAID); and

(6)  Develops policy and program recommendations and options, manages crosscutting issues and prepares position papers, speeches and Congressional testimony.

1 FAM 532.6  Office of Africa and the Middle East (INL/AME)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Africa and the Middle East (INL/AME):

(1)  Serves as the Department’s program office responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of foreign policy objectives for narcotics and crime strategies for Africa and the Middle East, including but not limited to transnational crime, corruption, counternarcotics, human rights, trafficking in drugs, protection of vulnerable populations, law enforcement, border security, criminal justice sector, and transition from military to civilian support for host governments;

(2)  Works closely with a variety of interagency counterparts, including USAID, DOJ, DHS, and DoD; non-governmental organizations; international organizations; and contractors; and

(3)  The geographic scope of INL/AME necessitates attention to many countries, but focuses particular attention on several high profile countries and regions, including the West Bank, South Sudan, West Africa, and Lebanon where INL/AME administers programs supporting security and criminal justice sector reform, combating transnational crime, and improving the capacity and sustainability of civil and criminal justice institutions.

1 FAM 532.7  Office of Europe and Asia Programs (INL/EA)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Europe and Asia Programs (INL/EA):

(1)  Serves as the Department’s program office responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of foreign policy objectives for narcotics and crime strategies for Europe, Eurasia, Central Asia, and East and South Asia, including but not limited to transnational crime, corruption, counternarcotics, human rights, trafficking in drugs, protection of vulnerable populations, law enforcement, border security, criminal justice sector, and transition from military to civilian support for host governments;

(2)  Is divided into two geographic teams (Europe, Asia), each of which coordinates INL programs throughout each continent;

(3)  Works closely with a variety of interagency counterparts, such as DOJ’s OPDAT and ICITAP programs, non-governmental organizations, and contractors;

(4)  Manages programs in Central Asia, supporting police and criminal justice sector reform and regional law enforcement cooperation, especially in countering drug trafficking via the interagency-approved Central Asia Counternarcotics Initiative (CACI);

(5)  Manages programs in the Balkans, building strong, independent criminal justice institutions that function in concert with the international law enforcement community;

(6)  In Southeast Asia, INL/EA is responsible for establishing effective task forces of prosecutors and police that investigate and prosecute significant criminal cases, improving crisis response, forensic investigation, and curriculum development, and developing the police skills through training and establishment of model police stations throughout the countries; and

(7)  In South Asia, INL/EA is responsible for developing community policing models, implementing police training, and expanding judicial reform.

1 FAM 532.8  Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs (INL/AP)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)

The Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Programs (INL/AP):

(1)  Serves as the Department’s program office responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of foreign policy objectives for narcotics and crime strategies for Afghanistan and Pakistan, including but not limited to transnational crime, corruption, counternarcotics, human rights, trafficking in drugs, protection of vulnerable populations, law enforcement, border security, criminal justice, and (in Afghanistan) transition from military to civilian support for the host government;

(2)  Serves as the bureau’s liaison and advisor to other offices in the Department and members of Congress and their staffs on issues relating to counternarcotics and anticrime programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan; and

(3)  Develops and manages foreign assistance programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan such as training, mentoring, and equipping of civilian law enforcement entities; construction, renovation and operation of correctional facilities; establishing and operating rule of law centers and programs; supporting counternarcotics activities; and building the capacity of the Governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan to independently manage these issues independently.

1 FAM 533 through 539  unassigned


1 FAM EXHIBIT 531.2 
Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)

(CT:ORG-541;   01-16-2020)


Title: INL Organizational Chart - Description: INL Org chart