(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
(Office of Origin: GHSD/EX)
1 FAM 551 United States Global aids coordinator and ambassador-at-large for global health security and diplomacy (GHSD)
1 FAM 551.1 Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The United States Global AIDS Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Health Security and Diplomacy serves as Coordinator of the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD) and:
(1) Reports to the Secretary of State (S);
(2) Leads U.S. government diplomatic efforts to strengthen the global health security architecture and prevent, detect, control, and respond to infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS. Leverages and helps coordinate U.S. assistance and promotes international cooperation to better protect the United States and the world from health threats by enhancing national, regional, and multilateral systems and policies. Elevates and integrates global health security as a core component of U.S. national security and foreign policy;
(3) Develops, revises, implements, and directs policies, procedures, and regulations relating to functions of the Bureau. Principally responsible for the overall oversight of issues, policy, and appropriated funds related to global health security and diplomacy including foreign assistance programs for the prevention, research, treatment, and control of HIV/AIDS;
(4) Serves as the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, leading, coordinating, and overseeing all resources and international activities of the U.S. government to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic;
(5) Provides policy leadership and oversight to the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Country Coordinators in coordination with Chiefs of Mission and regional bureau leadership;
(6) Represents the Department and the U.S. government in appropriate multilateral and regional fora including but not limited to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria that are related to public health in coordination with appropriate U.S. government agencies and Department bureaus;
(7) Oversees two Principal Deputy Coordinators, one for PEPFAR and the other for Global Health Security and Diplomacy, who in turn manage the day-to-day operations of their respective organizations;
(8) Testifies before Congress on the international aspects of issues under the Bureau’s responsibility and keeps members of Congress and the Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H) informed of the foreign policy implications of treaties and other multilateral or bilateral agreements with health content; and
(9) Has substantive and coordinating responsibility for 1 FAM 550, Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD).
1 FAM 551.2 Organization
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
See 1 FAM Exhibit 551.2 for an organizational chart of GHSD.
1 FAM 551.3 Authorities
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The following authorities apply:
(1) The United States Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-25), as amended;
(2) U.S. Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 2022 (Public Law 117-263)
(3) State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, including section 1(f) of such Act (22 U.S.C. 2651a(f));
(4) Delegation of Authority 293-2, dated October 23, 2011; and
(5) Other authorities, as appropriate.
1 FAM 552 OFFICES REPORTING TO THE U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Health Security and Diplomacy
1 FAM 552.1 Principal Deputy Coordinators
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD) and the Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR):
(1) Report to the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Health Security and Diplomacy;
(2) Advise the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large on HIV/AIDS and global health security and health-related diplomacy;
(3) Assist setting up Bureau goals and objectives, and direct and oversee the use of staff and other resources to pursue and achieve Bureau, Department, and U.S. government priorities;
(4) Assist the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large in the management of the Bureau in the development and implementation of HIV/AIDS and global health security and diplomacy policy and programs;
(5) Lead bilateral and multilateral discussions and diplomacy efforts related to U.S. government efforts to prevent, detect, control, and respond to infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, as designated by the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large;
(6) Coordinate and/or consult on HIV/AIDS and global health security policy and operations with other U.S. government departments and agencies and meet with Congress, foreign governments, non-governmental organizations, and international, regional, and multilateral entities to advance policy; and
(7) During absences of the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large:
(a) The Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD) serves as the first assistant for the Bureau under the Vacancies Reform Act and exercises all the authority of the head of the Bureau when L advises that it is appropriate; and
(b) The Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR) retains the authority of all authorities and functions vested in the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator pursuant to Delegation 534.
1 FAM 552.2 Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD):
(1) Oversees the work of the Deputy Coordinator for Health Security (GHSD/HSD/HS) and the Deputy Coordinator for Health Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD/HD);
(2) Supervises, in coordination with the Deputy Coordinators, the Office of Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Response (GHSD/HS/IDOR), the Office of Global Health Security (GHSD/HS/GHS), the Office of Health Diplomacy and Capacity Development (GHSD/HD/HDCD), and the Office of Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy (GHSD/HD/RMD).
(3) Advances U.S. foreign policy objectives on international health, with a focus on protecting the United States from infectious disease threats and promoting global health security generally, through bilateral, regional, and multilateral diplomatic outreach and activities.
1 FAM 552.3 Principal Deputy Coordinator for the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (GHSD/PEPFAR)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Principal Deputy Coordinator for the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (GHSD/PEPFAR):
(1) Oversees the work of the Deputy Coordinators for Program Quality (GHSD/PEPFAR/PQ), Program Impact Monitoring and Epidemiology (GHSD/PEPFAR/PRIME), Financial and Program Sustainability (GHSD/PEPFAR/FPS), Multisector Relations (GHSD/PEPFAR/MSR), and Management and Budget (GHSD/PEPFAR/MB);
(2) Supports the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large, leading, coordinating, and overseeing all resources and international activities of the U.S. government to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic;
(3) Through the PEPFAR Chief Science Officer, supports the activities of the PEPFAR Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).
1 FAM 552.4 Office of Strategy, Communications, and Health Equity (GHSD/SCE)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Strategy, Communications, and Health Equity (GHSD/SCE):
(1) Reports to the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large;
(2) Ensures through staffing, outreach, and Bureau programs that a health equity lens guides U.S. health security and diplomacy policy;
(3) Serves as the lead on Bureau-level strategic planning in accordance with 18 FAM and the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010, and relevant interagency coordination activities;
(4) Develops and implements Bureau wide public affairs functions, and strategic communication plans and activities, including communication with Congress;
(5) Conducts engagement with the private sector in effort to create public/private partnerships to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic; and
(6) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 552.5 Office of the Executive Director (GHSD/EX)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Executive Office (GHSD/EX):
(1) Reports to the Coordinator and Ambassador-at-Large;
(2) Provides executive direction and support to the Bureau for the full range of administrative activities, including:
(a) Advises Bureau leadership on organizational management activities;
(b) Coordinates the full scope of Bureau-led human resources management activities and coordinates with service providers across the Department on human resources actions;
(c) Provides operational budget services for the Bureau, primarily focused on budget execution, and coordinates closely with GHSD/PEPFAR/M&B on the overarching Bureau budget;
(d) Provides information technology services;
(e) Oversees general services operations, including mail and communication services, space allocation, requisitions, telecommunication systems, information technology, security (including emergency planning), and special projects;
(f) Provides contract administration guidance and support; and
(g) Oversees the Bureau travel program.
(3) Acts as coordinator and liaison with various Bureau offices to provide awareness and assistance regarding overall Department and Bureau administrative requirements;
(4) Develops and administers policies and control procedures for Bureau administrative operations;
(5) Administers a positive program of equal opportunity and affirmative action for all persons in accordance with Department and other pertinent policies;
(6) Collaborates with regional bureaus, appropriate functional bureaus, and the Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) to support Foreign Service assigning, recruiting, Limited Non-Career Appointments (LNA), and other personnel policies affecting the Bureau;
(7) Coordinates interagency details to the Bureau and assignments under Intergovernmental Personnel Agreements (IPAs) in compliance with 5 CFR 334; and
(8) Supports other interagency activities as required.
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Deputy Coordinator for Health Security (GHSD/HS):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD);
(2) Supports the Bureau’s strategic planning and management of policy and operations related to global health security;
(3) Oversees the work of the Office of Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Response (GHSD/HS/IDOR) and the Office of Global Health Security (GHSD/HS/GHS);
(4) Coordinates and directs Bureau activities pertaining to outbreak response, ensuring consistency with Administration and Bureau messaging;
(5) Plans and executes Department-wide initiatives and policies related to advancing global health security.
1 FAM 553.1 Office of Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Response (GHSD/HS/IDOR)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Infectious Diseases and Outbreak Response (GHSD/HS/IDOR):
(1) Reports to the Deputy Coordinator for Health Security (GHSD/HSD/HS);
(2) Develops, negotiates, and implements policies, in accordance with national-level guidance, to lead U.S. government efforts to monitor and respond to international infectious disease outbreaks;
(3) Coordinates across U.S. interagency and international stakeholders to strengthen global infectious disease surveillance and outbreak preparedness and response efforts, building on lessons learned from previous outbreaks;
(4) Represents the Department at policy coordination meetings related to infectious diseases and outbreak preparedness and response, convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners; and
(5) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 553.2 Office of Global Health Security (GHSD/HS/GHS)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Global Health Security (GHSD/HS/GHS):
(1) Reports to the Deputy Coordinator for Health Security (GHSD/HSD/HS);
(2) Develops, negotiates, and implements policies, in accordance with national-level guidance, to strengthen foreign and regional global health security capacity and prevent and prepare for future infectious disease outbreaks;
(3) Manages international and interagency policy coordination related to advancing foreign country and regional organization global health security, including capacity-building, efforts;
(4) Represents the Department at interagency policy coordination meetings related to advancing global health security, including capacity-building, convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners; and
(5) Supports other interagency activities as required.
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Deputy Coordinator for Health Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD/HD):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for Global Health Security and Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD);
(2) Directs the Bureau’s health diplomacy efforts with foreign audiences and oversight of training for U.S. government staff to increase effectiveness of U.S. global health engagement;
(3) Plans and executes activities to strengthen the global health security architecture with a focus on multilateral fora and international organizations;
(4) Promotes agile collaboration with allies and partners to achieve national and Department goals related to global health and health security; and,
(5) Oversees the work of the Office of Health Diplomacy and Capacity Development (GHSD/HD/HDCD) and the Office of Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy (GHSD/HD/RMD).
1 FAM 554.1 Office of Health Diplomacy and Capacity Development (GHSD/HD/HDCD)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Health Diplomacy and Capacity Development (GHSD/HD/HDCD):
(1) Reports to the Deputy Coordinator for Health Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD/HD);
(2) Develops, negotiates, and implements public diplomacy policies, in accordance with national-level guidance, to engage foreign audiences on global health issues;
(3) Oversees capacity development and training for U.S. government staff, including through collaboration with regional and functional bureaus and overseas personnel, to increase effectiveness of U.S. global health engagement;
(4) Leads Bureau coordination on Department response to other priority non-infectious diseases and health challenges;
(5) Serves as the Department’s primary representative to policy coordination meetings convened by U.S. government agencies and international, multilateral, and regional partners related to global health diplomacy; and,
(6) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 554.2 Office of Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy (GHSD/HD/RMD)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Regional and Multilateral Diplomacy (GHSD/HD/RMD):
(1) Reports to the Deputy Coordinator for Health Diplomacy (GHSD/HSD/HD);
(2) Develops, negotiates, and implements policies, in accordance with national-level guidance, to strengthen the global health security architecture with a focus on multilateral fora and international organizations;
(3) Serves as the Department’s primary representative to policy coordination meetings convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners related to multilateral public health policy and strengthening the global health security architecture and the financing therefor;
(4) Serves as the Department’s and where appropriate the U.S. government’s primary point of contact for global public health-related multilateral and regional fora, including but not limited to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis, the Pandemic Fund, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), and the World Health Organization (WHO);
(5) Engages with regional organizations, including WHO regional offices, with significant public health equities to advance U.S. goals and policies regarding public health policy; and,
(6) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 555 Office of Program Quality (GHSD/PEPFAR/PQ)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Program Quality (GHSD/PEPFAR/PQ):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR);
(2) Provides technical expertise for the implementation of PEPFAR-supported, country-led programs to provide diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of HIV in support of global goals to reach 95-95-95, dramatically reduce new HIV infections, and close equity gaps for priority populations;
(3) Provides up-to-date evidence-based PEPFAR technical considerations and Country/Regional Operational Planning guidance and standards for effective HIV interventions to U.S. government agencies, international partners, and non-governmental organizations;
(4) Assesses and analyzes changes in epidemiology, therapeutics, and unique country needs, and develops PEPFAR strategy to maximize performance, impact, and effectiveness; provides policy recommendations and guidance to interagency partners and Department leadership; advises and assists leadership in liaison and communication activities regarding HIV prevention, treatment, and care policies and programs;
(5) Leads technical initiatives to advance PEPFAR program priorities; and
(6) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 556 Office of Program Impact Monitoring and Epidemiology (GHSD/PEPFAR/PRIME)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Program Impact Monitoring and Epidemiology (GHSD/PEPFAR/PRIME):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR);
(2) Develops, advances, and negotiates implementation of key policies directed by national-level guidance related to setting and overseeing the implementation of PEPFAR data policy, benchmarks and standards for program monitoring, surveillance, evaluation, resource allocation and program impact;
(3) Manages international and interagency policy coordination to align global and country-level surveillance, data policies and standards;
(4) Fosters availability and use of quality epidemiologic, target setting, program monitoring, and financial data to promote efficiency, transparency and accountability for program impact;
(5) Serves as the Department’s primary representative to policy coordination meetings convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners related to PEPFAR data policy, benchmarks and standards for program monitoring, surveillance, evaluation, resource allocation and program impact; and
(6) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 557 Office of Financial and Program Sustainability (GHSD/PEPFAR/FPS)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Financial and Program Sustainability (GHSD/PEPFAR/FPS):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR);
(2) Develops, advances, and negotiates implementation of key policies directed by national-level guidance related to the effectiveness of existing funding for HIV and developing long-term sustainability independent of U.S. funding sources;
(3) Manages international and interagency policy coordination to improve the ability of partners to self-finance HIV responses;
(4) Serves as the Department’s primary representative to policy coordination meetings convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners related to developing HIV/AIDS financial and program sustainability; and
(5) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 558 Office of Multisector Relations (GHSD/PEPFAR/MSR)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Multisector Relations (GHSD/PEPFAR/MSR):
(1) Reports to the Principal Deputy Coordinator for PEPFAR (GHSD/PEPFAR);
(2) Develops, advances, and negotiates implementation of key policies related to devising, overseeing, guiding, and coordinating activities undertaken to support implementation of PEPFAR programs, as well as global public health policies;
(3) Serves as the State Department’s representative to policy coordination meetings convened by U.S. government agencies and international partners related to implementation of PEPFAR or other global public health priorities; and
(4) Supports other interagency activities as required.
1 FAM 559 Office of Management and Budget (GHSD/PEPFAR/MB)
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)
The Office of Management and Budget (GHSD/PEPFAR/MB):
(1) Provides comprehensive budget services to the Bureau, including both budget formulation/planning and budget execution services. Works closely with GHSD/EX execution of the Bureau’s administrative budget;
(2) Supports Bureau strategic budget planning and reporting requirements;
(3) Is responsible for the transfer of funds to agencies for the implementation of COP (Country Operational Plan)/ROP (Regional Operational Plan) and HOP (Headquarters Operational Plan) programming, the allotment of funds to posts to cover the costs of PEPFAR Coordination Offices (PCO), and the obligation of funds for PEPFAR-funded administrative, program, and centrally supported systems costs of Bureau activities;
(4) Is responsible for Congressional Notifications and transfers to USAID for Global Fund contributions and Global Fund Technical Assistance Activities;
(5) Is responsible for financial reporting for all PEPFAR Bureau resources through the end of fiscal year process, as well as through the Congressionally requested Obligation and Outlay reports;
(6) In cooperation with GHSD/EX and GHSD/SCE, provides support to Bureau events planning; and
(7) In cooperation with GHSD/EX and the Bureau Front Office, coordinates Bureau responses to inquiries from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
1 FAM Exhibit 551.2
(CT:ORG-657; 04-16-2024)