1 FAM 200
1 FAM 210
(CT:ORG-666; 07-18-2024)
(Office of Origin: A/PRI/EX)
1 FAM 211.1 Policy
(CT:ORG-113; 07-01-2002)
It is the policy of the Department of State to provide for a uniform handling of administrative programs and responsibilities.
1 FAM 211.2 Assistant Secretary Responsibilities
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Assistant Secretary reports directly to the Under Secretary for Management (M).
(1) Under the overall direction of the Under Secretary for Management, the Assistant Secretary directs the Bureau of Administration (A).
(2) When the Under Secretary is not available, the Assistant Secretary may exercise certain authorities of the Under Secretary. See Delegation of Authority 244-1.
b. The Assistant Secretary establishes program priorities, oversees the preparation of budget estimates for the Bureau, and supervises the use of appropriated funds for the Bureau in accordance with Congressional limitations, program objectives and policies of the President and the Secretary.
c. The Assistant Secretary oversees offices providing language services, allowances and differentials, support of overseas schools, domestic real property including asset management and facilities management services, domestic occupational safety and health, and domestic environmental protection and energy conservation.
d. The Assistant Secretary oversees the Department’s logistics functions (acquisition, supply, transportation, travel, property management, fleet management, and diplomatic pouch and mail).
e. The Assistant Secretary manages the Department’s Records Program, Information Access, and Classification Management and Declassification Review Programs, Global Publishing Solutions, Directives Management, and the Ralph Bunche Library.
f. The Assistant Secretary establishes or otherwise ensures that a process is in place to evaluate whether proposed collections of information should be approved and certifies such proposed collections of information for OMB review and approval.
g. The Assistant Secretary is responsible for development and implementation of a Department-wide risk-based breach notification policy to inform affected individuals in the event of a breach of personally identifiable information (PII).
h. The Assistant Secretary oversees the creation of privacy training and awareness to ensure that individual privacy interests are addressed and safeguards are in place to prevent the loss or misuse of personally identifiable information (PII).
i. The Assistant Secretary provides support to the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), which is attached to the A Bureau for administrative purposes. The Assistant Secretary facilitates collaboration between OSDBU and the Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE). The Director of OSDBU reports directly to the Deputy Secretary of State concerning its policies and activities, in accordance with Section 15 (k) of the Small Business Act.
j. The Assistant Secretary directs administrative oversight and services of the Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE).
k. The Assistant Secretary serves as Chief Acquisition Officer for the Department of State.
l. The Assistant Secretary ensures continuing liaison with OMB and members and staffs of Congressional committees having oversight responsibilities for Department operations.
m. The Assistant Secretary serves as the Department’s Continuity Coordinator and senior official responsible for meeting the Department’s requirements of Presidential Policy Directive 40, National Continuity Policy (PPD-40), and ensures the effectiveness and survivability of the Department’s continuity capability.
n. The Assistant Secretary oversees the Office of Emergency Management (A/OEM) and ensures the Department is prepared to respond to and recover from any domestic emergency by developing and maintaining the Department’s domestic emergency management program, including objectives and multi-year budgetary requirements, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities pursuant to the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, as amended (22 U.S.C. 4802 et seq.), where the Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security (DS) has jurisdiction and oversight authority.
o. The Assistant Secretary represents the Department on the Inter-Agency Continuity Advisory Group (CAG), which provides continuity policy and program oversight.
p. The Assistant Secretary coordinates the Department’s roles and responsibilities in supporting a response to domestic incidents of National Significance as required in the National Response Framework (NRF), except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
q. The Assistant Secretary oversees the Department’s Incident Management Team (IMT) which is a standby taskforce of trained personnel that coordinates the response to and recovery from domestic emergencies that impact Department of State personnel, facilities, and/or operations. Under this authority, the Assistant Secretary activates the IMT for natural disasters and recommends an activation for Under Secretary approval for all other types of emergencies.
r. The Assistant Secretary serves on Executive Office of the President Policy Coordinating Committees when directed.
s. The Assistant Secretary serves as Chairperson of:
(1) Overseas Schools Policy Committee;
(2) Selection committee for the Leamon R. Hunt Award for Administrative Excellence;
(3) The State Service Providers Steering Committee; and
(4) The Privacy Protection Governance Board (PPGB).
t. The Assistant Secretary provides overall direction of the Department’s energy conservation program. In addition, the Assistant Secretary serves as the Department of State’s representative to the Federal Interagency Energy Policy Committee ("656 Committee").
u. The Assistant Secretary has overall substantive responsibility for the following Department regulatory publications:
(1) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 1 (Organization and Functions): subchapter 1 FAM 210—Bureau of Administration (A);
(2) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 2 (General): subchapters dealing with administrative services;
(3) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 5 (Information Management): 5 FAM 400—Records Management, 5 FAM 1300—Publications and Related Services, and 5 FAM 1400—Library Services; 5 FAH-4, Records Management Handbook; and 5 FAH-7, Graphics Standards Handbook; in their entirety;
(4) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 14 (Logistics Management): 14 FAH-1, Department-Wide Personal Property Management Handbook; 14 FAH-2, Contracting Officer’s Representative Handbook; 14 FAH-3, Acquisition Career Management Program Handbook; and 14 FAH-4 Pouch and Mail Handbook; 14 FAH-5 Diplomatic Post Office Handbook and
(5) Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 6 (General Services and Domestic Emergency Management): subchapter 6 FAM 410- Domestic Emergency Management Program;
v. The Assistant Secretary has substantive responsibility for the Overseas Contracting and Simplified Acquisition Guidebook and the Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR).
w. The Assistant Secretary appoints the chair, co-chair, and members of the Department’s Appeals Review Panel for the adjudication of appeals filed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act, and Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information.
x. The Assistant Secretary serves as a member of the Security Appeals Panel.
y. The Assistant Secretary serves as the senior official responsible for meeting the goals and requirements of Executive Order 13834, Efficient Federal Operations.
z. The Assistant Secretary has delegated authority from the Secretary of State to oversee the establishment, maintenance, and operation of employee associations at posts. The Assistant Secretary approves and where appropriate, revokes employee association charters and oversees Commissary and Recreation Association Affairs.
aa. The Assistant Secretary serves as the Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer in accordance with Executive Order 13392, Improving Agency Disclosure of Information, with agency-wide responsibility for FOIA compliance.
bb. The Assistant Secretary serves as the Department's Senior Official for Plain Writing, responsible for oversight of the Department's plain writing activities for compliance with the requirements of the Plain Writing Act of 2010.
cc. The Assistant Secretary serves as the Single Real Property Officer–Domestic (SRPO-D) for domestic real estate functions and authorities for the Department of State as delegated by Department of State Delegation of Authority No. 514 and described in Executive Order 13327, Federal Real Property Asset Management.
1 FAM 211.3 Organization
(CT:ORG-210; 05-01-2009)
An organization chart of the Bureau of Administration (A) is found in 1 FAM Exhibit 211.3.
1 FAM 211.4 Definitions
(CT:ORG-666; 07-18-2024)
Benchmarking: The innovative adaptation of best practices with the objective of gaining competitive advantage.
Breach: Refers to the loss of control, compromise, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized acquisition, unauthorized access, or any similar term referring to situations where persons other than authorized users and for an other than authorized purpose have access or potential access to personally identifiable information (PII), whether physical or electronic.
Bureau emergency action plan (BEAP): A bureau-specific plan used to describe actions taken to ensure the safety of Department personnel and to ensure bureau readiness to continue essential functions across a wide range of domestic emergencies that impact the Department.
Bureau emergency action team (BEAT): The designated bureau/office emergency personnel that may be required to remain at or report to work or to an alternate location to ensure bureau/office essential functions (BEFs) continue during emergency situations.
Chargeback system: A system in which the recipient of a particular service or product pays for the actual cost of the service/product.
Continuity Coordinator: The senior accountable official, designated by leadership or elected officials, who is responsible for oversight of a department or agency’s continuity program. Continuity coordinators are supported by a continuity manager and other continuity planners within subcomponent levels throughout the organization or government.
Continuity of Government (COG): A coordinated effort within the executive, legislative, or judicial branches to ensure that essential functions continue to be performed before, during and after an emergency or threat. Continuity of government is intended to preserve the statutory and constitutional authority of elected officials at all levels of government across the United States.
Continuity of Operations (COOP): An effort within individual organizations to ensure that essential functions continue to be performed during disruption of normal operations.
Core response group: A group designated to respond promptly and appropriately in the event of a data breach involving personally identifiable information (PII).
Electronic commerce: Electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, including electronic mail or messaging, World Wide Web technology, electronic bulletin boards, purchase cards, electronic funds transfers, and electronic data interchange.
Emergency Management Center (EMC): The Department’s main emergency management center, managed by A/OEM and located in the Harry S Truman Building (HST), Room B235B. A/OEM facilitates the use of the EMC to coordinate and relay information about the Department’s internal emergency preparedness and response activities regarding any domestic emergency that impacts the Department.
Enduring constitutional government (ECG): A cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the U.S. Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of national essential functions (NEFs) during a catastrophic emergency.
Essential functions: A subset of government functions that are determined to be critical activities. These essential functions are then used to identify supporting tasks and resources that must be included in the organization’s continuity planning process. The term “essential functions” refers to those functions an organization must continue in a continuity situation, whether the functions are MEFs, PMEFs or essential supporting activities (ESAs).
Fleet Management Council (FMC): An internal advisory council comprised of representatives from regional and functional bureaus with vehicle fleet equities that advises domestic and overseas fleet management staff. A/OPR and A/LM co-chair the FMC.
Life-cycle management of records: Refers to the creation, acquisition, maintenance, use, and disposition of those records.
Mission essential functions (MEFs): The essential functions directly related to accomplishing an organization’s mission as set forth in statutory or executive charter. Generally, MEFs are unique to each organization.
National Continuity Coordinator (NCC): The NCC is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Federal continuity policies, which includes establishing national essential functions (NEFs); continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies; and provides guidance for state, local, territorial, and tribal governments, as well as private sector organizations, to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enable a more rapid and effective response to and recovery from a national emergency. The Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT) holds this position.
National essential functions (NEFs): Select functions necessary to lead and sustain the nation during a catastrophic emergency and which, therefore, must be supported through COOP, COG and ECG capabilities.
National response framework (NRF): The guiding principles enabling all levels of domestic response partners to prepare for and provide a unified response to disasters and emergencies. Building on the existing National Incident Management System (NIMS), as well as Incident Command System (ICS) standardization, the NRF's coordinating structures are always in effect for implementation at any level and at any time for local, state, and national emergency or disaster response.
Occupant Emergency Organization (OEO): The emergency response organization comprised of employees of Federal agencies designated to perform the requirements established by the Occupant Emergency Plan.
Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP): Procedures developed to protect life and property in a specific federally occupied space under stipulated emergency conditions. Department domestic facility OEPs are maintained on the Domestic Emergency Planning System (DEPS).
Personally identifiable information (PII): Refers to information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information, which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, etc.
Personally identifiable information (PII) coordinator(s): PII coordinators are responsible for clearing interim policy concerning the protection of PII and submitting it to the Privacy Protection Governance Board (PPGB) for approval and adoption. Final policy must be cleared through the Department’s formal clearance process. (See 2 FAH-1 H-116, FAM Clearance Process.)
Primary mission essential functions (PMEFs): Those MEFs that must be continuously performed to support or implement the uninterrupted performance of NEFs.
Privacy Protection Governance Board (PPGB): Chaired by the Assistant Secretary for Administration, the board ensures that the Department is positioned to respond to relevant White House directives, Executive orders, and other authorities concerning the protection of PII in a unified manner, fully integrating the requirements of all Department business operations.
1 FAM 211.5 Authorities
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. A wide range of statutes and regulations govern the activities of the Bureau of Administration (A). These include the biennial State Department authorization acts and annual appropriations acts, as well as existing bodies of organic law, including the State Department Basic Authorities Act, as amended; the Budget Enforcement Act; the Foreign Service Act of 1980; and the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act.
b. Other authorities that govern the A Bureau include:
(1) Allowances Program:
(a) Overseas Differentials and Allowances Act, 5 U.S.C. 5921 - 5928;
(b) Section 905 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 U.S.C. 4085;
(c) Advance Pay and Allotment Act of 1961, as amended by the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 5 U.S.C. 5521 - 5527;
(d) United Nations Participation Act, 22 U.S.C. 287;
(e) The Act of 1966, 5 U.S.C. 5913;
(f) Section 3 of the Federal Civilian and Contractor Travel Expenses Act, 5 U.S.C. 5702;
(g) The Defense Department Overseas Teachers Pay and Personnel Practices Act of 1959, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 905 - 906;
(h) Section 901(6) of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 U.S.C. 4081(6); and
(i) Delegation of Authority No. 387, dated August 26, 2015.
(2) Competitive sourcing:
(a) Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act of 1998, 31 U.S.C. 501; and
(b) OMB Circular A-76;
(3) Diplomatic pouch and mail:
(a) Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, Article 27;
(b) 39 U.S.C. 413, 39 U.S.C. 406, and 39 U.S.C. 3401;
(c) DOD Military Postal Service Regulations; and
(d) The Economy Act, 31 U.S.C. 1535 - 1536;
(4) Emergency management efforts:
(a) United States Code (U.S.C.):
· Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 40 U.S.C. 101 et seq.; and
· The International Center Act, Public Law 90-553, as amended by Public Law 97-186;
(b) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
· 36 CFR Part 1223, Managing Vital Records;
· 41 CFR 102-74.230 - 41 CFR 102-74.260, Occupant Emergency Program, revised as of January 1, 2007;
· 44 CFR Part 2, Subpart A – Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority, October 1, 2005
(c) Executive Orders (EOs):
· Executive Order 13618, Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions, July 6, 2012;
· Executive Order 12656, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities, dated November 18, 1988;
· Executive Order 13251, Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of State, dated December 28, 2001; and
· Executive Order 13347, Individuals with Disabilities in Emergency Preparedness, dated July 22, 2004;
· Executive Order 13865, Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses, dated March 26, 2019;
(d) Federal Continuity Directives (FCDs):
· 1 – Federal Continuity Directive 1 (FCD 1), Federal Executive Branch National Continuity Program and Requirements, January 17, 2017;
· 2 - Federal Continuity Directive 2 (FCD 2), Federal Executive Branch Mission Essential Function and Primary Mission Essential Function Identification and Submission Process, June 13, 2017
(e) Presidential Decision Directive (PDD):
· 62 – Protection Against Unconventional Threats to the Homeland and Americans Overseas, dated May 22, 1998;
(f) National Security Presidential Directive (NSPD):
· 51 – National Continuity Policy, dated May 9, 2007;
(g) Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPDs):
· 1 – Organization and Operation of the Homeland Security Council, dated October 29, 2001;
· 3 – Homeland Security Advisory System, dated March 11, 2002;
· 5 – Management of Domestic Incidents, dated February 28, 2003;
· 7 – Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protections, dated December 17, 2003;
· 8 – National Preparedness, dated December 17, 2003; and
· 20 – National Continuity Policy, dated May 9, 2007;
(h) Presidential Policy Directives (PPD):
· Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 40, National Continuity Policy. National Response Framework, January 2008
(i) National initiatives:
· National Response Framework, Fourth Edition, October 29, 2019;
· National Communications System Directive (NCSD) 3-10, Minimum Requirements for Continuity Communications Capabilities, dated July 25, 2007;
· Critical Infrastructure Protection, the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) of 2013;
· National Incident Management System (NIMS), dated January 16, 2020; and
· National Fire Protection Association 1600, “Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs”;
(5) Employee associations:
(a) State Department Basic Authorities Act, Section 31(c), 22 U.S.C. 2703; and
(b) The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations;
(6) Employee claims: Military Personnel and Civilian Employee Claims Act of 1964, as amended, 31 U.S.C. 3721;
(7) Environmental stewardship and energy conservation management:
(a) Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT), Public Law 102-486;
(b) National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Public Law 91-190;
(c) Title 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 55;
(d) E.O. 13834, (05/17/2018) Efficient Federal Operations;
(e) Community Right–to-Know; and
(f) Toxic Release Reporting;
(8) Facilities management (domestic):
(a) Property Management sections of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 121 et seq.; and
(b) The International Center Act, Public Law 90-553, as amended by Public Law 97-186;
(9) Federal assistance:
(a) Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act, 31 U.S.C. 6301 – 6308;
(b) General regulatory guidance promulgated by OMB;
(c) OMB Circular A-21, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions;
(d) OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments;
(e) OMB Circular A-102, Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments;
(f) OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations;
(g) OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations; and
(h) OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations;
(10) Federal acquisition and contracting:
(a) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 CFR Chapter 1;
(b) Department of State Acquisition Regulation (DOSAR), 48 CFR Chapter 6; and
(c) Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, 41 U.S.C. 3304;
(11) Motor vehicle transport:
(a) 31 U.S.C. 1344 authorizes use of appropriated funds for maintenance, operation or repair of passenger carriers for official purposes and sets forth provisions on home-to-office transport domestically; and
(b) 22 U.S.C. 2700, "Use of Vehicles," provides authority to the Secretary to authorize the principal officer of a Foreign Service post to provide for the use of U.S. Government-owned or leased vehicles located at that post for transportation of U.S. Government employees and their families when public transportation is unsafe or not available or when such use is advantageous to the Government.
(12) Occupational Safety and Health Program:
(a) Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as enacted in Public Law 91-596, and associated regulations (Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations);
(b) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980;
(c) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and amendments;
(d) Toxic Substances Control Act; and
(e) E.O. 12196, Occupational Safety and Health Programs for Federal Employees;
(13) Overseas schools:
(a) Section 29 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, 22 U.S.C. 2701;
(b) Section 102 of the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, 22 U.S.C. 2452;
(c) Section 636 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 2396; and
(d) Section 2201 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1998 and 1999, as enacted in Public Law 105-277;
(14) Property management: Property Management sections of Public Law 107-217 Sections 501 et seq., as codified, 40 U.S.C. 121 et seq.;
(a) Personal Property Management sections of 40 U.S.C. Public Buildings, Property, and Works:
(i) 40 U.S.C. Chapter 5, Property Management, includes 40 U.S.C. 503, Exchange or sale of similar items; 40 U.S.C. 505, Exchange or transfer of medical supplies;
(ii) 40 U.S.C. Chapter 7 – Foreign Excess Property, 40 U.S.C. 701 through 40 U.S.C. 705; and
(iii) 40 U.S.C. Chapter 175, Federal Motor Vehicle Expenditure, 40 U.S.C. 17501 through 40 U.S.C. 17510;
(b) 15 U.S.C. 3710, Utilization of Federal Technology, specifically subsection (i), Research Equipment, provides authority to transfer excess research equipment to a nonprofit educational institution (U.S. school) for the conduct of technical and scientific education;
(c) 49 U.S.C. 32917, Standards for executive agency automobiles;
(d) 5 U.S.C. 5901, Uniform allowances;
(e) 22 U.S.C. 2669 (e), purchase uniforms, (l), purchase special purpose passenger motor vehicles without regard to any price limitation otherwise established by law;
(f) 22 U.S.C. 1474 (4) Department authority to purchase insurance as required by host government for motor vehicles at foreign location; (14) purchase uniforms; (16) purchase passenger motor vehicles for use abroad, and right-hand drive and security vehicles without regard to maximum price limitation established by law;
(g) 22 U.S.C. 2700, Use of Vehicles;
(h) 22 U.S.C. 4082, Loan of household effects; and
(i) 31 U.S.C. 3512 (3) (B) (vi), milestones for equipment acquisition;
(15) Information management:
(a) Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 31;
(b) Records Disposal Act, 44 U.S.C. Chapter 33;
(c) Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 and eFOIA amendments;
(d) E.O. 13526, Classified National Security Information, as amended;
(e) 22 U.S.C. 4354 (Declassification of Department of State Records);
(f) Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a;
(g) OMB directives, M-17-12, Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information; M-17-09, Management of Federal High Value Assets; M-17-06, Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services; M-16-24, Role and Designation of Senior Agency Officials for Privacy; OMB directives M-07-16, Safeguarding Against and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information, and M-06-16, Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information
(h) NIST Special Publications 800-37, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: a Security Life Cycle Approach and 800-53, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations;
(i) H.R. 624, SSN Fraud Prevention Act of 2017;
(j) Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, as enacted in Public Law 110-53, Section 803;
(k) OMB A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication Under the Privacy Act;
(l) E.O. 13719, Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council;
(m) E.O. 13768, Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States;
(n) E.O. 13556, Controlled Unclassified Information
(o) 22 CFR 171 Subchapter R, Access to Information;
(p) E-Government Act of 2002, as enacted in Public Law 107-347;
(q) Relevant sections of the Federal Information Management Security Act (FISMA) of 2014;
(r) OMB Circular A-130, Managing Federal Information as a Strategic Resource;
(s) Paperwork Reduction Act (including amendments added by the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act), 44 U.S.C. 3501 - 3521;
(t) Government Paperwork Elimination Act, 44 U.S.C. 3504, note;
(u) 5 CFR Part 1320, Controlling Paperwork Burdens on the Public;
(v) Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995: Implementing Guidance (February 3, 1997, Preliminary Draft);
(w) Delegation of Authority No. 226 (Delegation of Responsibilities for the Collection of Information from the Public under the Paperwork Reduction Act);
(x) Materials identified by OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OMB/OIRA) paperwork requirements page; and
(y) E.O. 13392, Improving Agency Disclosure of Information (12/14/2005);
(16) Small and/or disadvantaged business utilization:
(a) Public Law 95-507, Section 221, The Small Business Act;
(b) Public Law 100-656, Sections 502 and 503, The Business Opportunity Development Reform Act of 1988;
(c) Public Law 105-135, The HUBZone Act of 1997;
(d) Public Law 103-355 (10/1994);
(e) Executive Order 13157 (05/23/2000), Increasing Opportunities for Women-Owned Small Business;
(f) Executive Order 13170 (10/06/2000), Increasing Opportunities and Access for Disadvantaged Businesses;
(g) Public Law 106-50, Veterans Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Act of 1999 (08/17/1999); and
(h) Public Law 108-183, Veterans Benefit Act of 2003, that creates a procurement set-aside program for small businesses owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans (12/16/2003);
(17) Travel and transportation:
(a) Section 901 of the Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 U.S.C. 4081;
(b) Title 5, Chapter 57; Fly America Act of 1980, 49 U.S.C. 40118; and
(c) Federal Travel Regulation, 41 CFR Subtitle F
(18) Working Capital Fund: Section 13 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act, 22 U.S.C. 2684;
(19) Printing and related activities:
(a) Title 44, U.S.C.;
(b) Government Printing and Binding Regulations;
(c) OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource; and
(d) 48 CFR 8.8;
(20) Other authorities as appropriate.
1 FAM 212.1 Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. Pursuant to Delegation of Authority 357 from the Secretary of State, the Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE) evaluates, monitors and reports to the Assistant Secretary for Administration on the performance of the Department's procurement system in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
b. The Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive provides leadership over Department-wide acquisition and Federal Assistance policies, including developing, issuing, and maintaining acquisition and Federal Assistance regulations, procedures, and guidance.
c. The Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive provides Department-wide leadership over the full range of acquisitions management and grants management services.
d. The Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive may delegate to the employees of the Department any of the above authorities or functions. Any delegation may include authority for further re-delegation.
1 FAM 212.1-1 Office of Acquisitions Policy (A/OPE/AP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
Under the overall authority of 41 U.S.C. 1702 and E.O. 12931, Federal Procurement Reform, A/OPE/AP:
(1) Prescribes the Department's acquisition and assistance policies, regulations, and procedures; determines the effect of new or proposed acquisition or assistance legislation, executive orders, or regulations on, or implements same, into the Department's acquisition or assistance policy and procedures;
(2) Participates in developing U.S. Government-wide acquisition or assistance policies, regulations, and standards and represents the Department on councils, in particular, the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council, interagency task forces, and working groups;
(3) Develops and maintains a procurement career management program to ensure an adequate professional work force, to include approving Department acquisitions training curricula;
(4) Selects and designates an independent competition advocate under 41 U.S.C. 1705, an acquisition ombudsman, and a task and delivery order ombudsman, who provides advice and counsel in accordance with law and regulations. A/OPE/AP analyzes protests and standardization requests received pursuant to such programs;
(5) Selects and designates an electronic commerce program manager, under 41 U.S.C. 4709, who is responsible for promoting the use of electronic commerce in the Department’s procurement system under applicable law;
(6) Promotes the acquisition of commercial items, the use of simplified acquisition procedures and innovation in the acquisition process.
(7) Appoints, in writing, qualified Department contracting officers and grants officers;
(8) Establishes a system for measuring the performance of contracting activities and offices, in coordination with the Office of Logistics Management (A/LM), to ensure the quality of procurement actions;
(9) Serves as liaison with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for matters under the Department's acquisition system or assistance programs relating to regulations, policies, or procedures;
(10) Provides advice and guidance, in consultation with the Office of the Legal Adviser (L), as appropriate, to Department contracting activities and offices, including diplomatic and consular posts, and on matters of acquisition or assistance law, regulation, policy, and procedures, and on the General Accountability Office (GAO), judicial, and boards-of-contract appeal opinions or proceedings;
(11) Evaluates and recommends disposition of solicitation and contract actions exceeding the authority limitation of contracting officers;
(12) Conducts training and staff assistance visits to contracting offices domestically and abroad to promote quality in the acquisition process;
(13) Manages the Department’s procurement reporting system, as required by 41 U.S.C. 1712;
(14) Provides program management support to other assigned programs as they relate to the Department’s procurement system, including the environmental program, metric program, and similar activities;
(15) Performs such actions, to include making determinations and findings or justifications and approvals, as deemed appropriate and consistent with applicable laws, regulations, policies, or procedures with respect to contracts, simplified acquisitions, assistance, and related transactions;
(16) Promotes the use of U.S. small, disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses. In cooperation with the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) and the Deputy Secretary of State, A/OPE encourages the use of such small businesses whenever and wherever practicable; and
(17)Responsible for the policy, oversight, and administrative functions of the Department's worldwide purchase card program.
1 FAM 212.1-1(A) Policy & Oversight Division (A/OPE/AP/PO)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Policy & Oversight Division (A/OPE/AP/PO) determines the effect of, or implements, new or proposed legislation, Executive orders, or regulations into the Department's domestic acquisition system programs.
b. A/OPE/AP/PO participates in developing, issuing, and maintaining acquisition policy, regulations, procedures, and guidance. A/OPE/AP/PO represents the Department on the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and other interagency bodies convened for such purposes and is the focal point for matters involving the Department of State Acquisition Regulation (DOSAR).
c. A/OPE/AP/PO manages the acquisition career management program. A/OPE/AP/PO participates in training at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), workshops abroad, and domestic contracting activities.
d. A/OPE/AP/PO participates in developing, implementing, and monitoring a Department-wide contract reporting system (State/Federal Procurement Data System, S/FPDS).
e. A/OPE/AP/PO provides expert contract advice on issues such as legal, regulatory, policy, or procedural requirements or developments; funding; method of acquisition; source selection or source competence; competition generally; and contract terms and conditions.
f. A/OPE/AP/PO manages the electronic commerce program as established in 41 U.S.C. 4709. The program includes promoting and enhancing electronic commerce initiatives, technologies and processes throughout the Department; monitoring procurement, development, deployment and use of procurement automation tools and systems; and facilitating reverse auctions. A/OPE/AP/PO represents the Department on the Acquisition Committee on E-Government (ACE), and is the departmental focal point for implementation of various government computer systems that comprise the integrated acquisition environment.
g. Pursuant to the Competition in Contracting Act of 1984, A/OPE/AP/PO serves as the competition advocate and is delegated authority to:
(1) Challenge barriers to promote full and open competition in the procurement of supplies and services by the Department;
(2) Review the procurement activities of the Department;
(3) Identify and report to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive opportunities and actions taken to achieve full and open competition in the procurement of supplies and services;
(4) Identify and report to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive any condition or action which has the effect of unnecessarily restricting competition in the procurement actions of the Department;
(5) Recommend to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive goals and plans for increasing competition on a fiscal year basis;
(6) Recommend to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive a system of personal and organizational accountability for competition, which may include the use of recognition and awards to motivate program managers, contracting officers, and others in authority to promote competition in procurement programs; and
(7) Introduce new initiatives required to increase competition, such as environmental programs (Greening the Government); promotion of commercial items; value engineering, and performance-based contracting.
1 FAM 212.1-1(B) Global Acquisition Management Division (A/OPE/AP/GAM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Global Acquisition Management Division (A/OPE/AP/GAM) reviews and evaluates acquisition policies and programs and their implementation at Foreign Service posts and domestic contracting activities.
b. A/OPE/AP/GAM implements new legislation, executive orders, or regulations into the Department's acquisition system programs that affect the acquisition programs for Foreign Service posts.
c. A/OPE/AP/GAM participates in developing, issuing, and maintaining operational guidance on procurement matters to Foreign Service posts, including managing the “Ask Contracts” Web site, maintaining and creating model solicitations, and sample contract documents.
d. A/OPE/AP/GAM evaluates and recommends disposition of solicitation and contract actions exceeding the authority limitation of contracting officers at Foreign Service posts.
e. A/OPE/AP/GAM reviews applications for contracting officer appointments and provides recommendations to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive.
f. A/OPE/AP/GAM participates in developing acquisition plans for Foreign Service posts.
g. A/OPE/AP/GAM provides expert contract advice on issues such as:
(1) Legal, regulatory, policy, or procedural requirements or developments;
(2) Funding;
(3) Method of acquisition;
(4) Source selection or source competence;
(5) Contract or assistance terms and conditions; and
(6) Conducts procurement staff assistance visits to posts abroad and domestic contracting activities.
h. A/OPE/AP/GAM reviews and processes unauthorized commitments submitted on behalf of contracting activities domestically and abroad.
i. A/OPE/AP/GAM serves as the Department's authority on the worldwide Purchase Card program, responsible for the formulation and issuance of agency and other governmental policy and guidance, program management and oversight, strategic planning, development and implementation of key program initiatives, worldwide training, global support to all bureaus and posts, agency liaison and outreach, and administration of the program.
1 FAM 212.1-1(C) Federal Assistance Division (A/OPE/AP/FA)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Federal Assistance Division (A/OPE/AP/FA) is responsible for developing, issuing and maintaining operational guidance, procedures, and policy for all Department of State Federal assistance programs domestically and abroad (e.g., grants, cooperative agreements, contributions, and similar instruments).
b. A/OPE/AP/FA establishes standardization requirements consistent with statutory, regulatory and other government-wide streamlining efforts related to simplifying grant management by implanting the goals of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). A/OPE/AP/FA also coordinates with the Grants Branch (AQM/IP/G) regarding the development and administration of grants financial management policies, initiatives, studies, oversight, and training.
c. A/OPE/AP/FA provides expert advice on assistance issues in response to administrative initiatives, as well as proposed and newly enacted legislation, regulations and policies relating to all grant activities including competition, selection of the appropriate instrument, and assistance terms and conditions.
d. A/OPE/AP/FA facilitates conformance with applicable departmental and Federal award requirements through outreach and communication with program staff, grants professionals and the recipient community.
e. A/OPE/AP/FA reviews applications for grants officer appointments and provides recommendations to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive for approval and issuance of the Certificate of Appointment for a warranted grants officer.
f. A/OPE/AP/FA develops, implements, and manages the Department’s Federal assistance training requirements for grants management professionals. A/OPE/AP/FA designs, updates and conducts Federal assistance training. A/OPE/AP/FA collaborates with grant-making bureaus, program offices domestically and abroad, and the Foreign Service Institute, to customize grant workshops and distance learning that build knowledge and skills to support successful departmental programs.
g. A/OPE/AP/FA evaluates and seeks improvement of the business processes used to administer and manage assistance awards, including implementing innovative initiatives and Web-based solutions.
h. A/OPE/AP/FA serves as the Department’s Federal Assistance Ombudsman handling audit appeals and other issues between a grants officer and recipients.
1 FAM 212.1-2 Office of Acquisitions Management (A/OPE/AQM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Acquisitions Management (A/OPE/AQM) manages, plans, and directs the Department’s acquisition programs and conducts contract operations in support of activities worldwide. A/OPE/AQM provides a full range of professional contract management services including acquisition planning, contract negotiations, cost and price analysis, and contract administration.
b. A/OPE/AQM provides administrative support and managerial activities, many of which are mandated by statute, regulation or Executive order for the organizations and employees of the Department and other Federal agencies.
c. A/OPE/AQM ensures that a fair proportion of those acquisitions are awarded to small, disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses in cooperation with the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU). The proportion is negotiated annually by OSDBU with the Small Business Administration (SBA).
d. A/OPE/AQM provides the Department of State and A/OPE with acquisition expertise, acquisition training assistance, and assistance in the development of acquisition training materials in conjunction with the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) for the professional development of Department employees.
e. A/OPE/AQM provides A/OPE/AP with acquisition expertise to develop policies, standards, and procedures for the implementation of worldwide contracting and business agreement activities.
f. A/OPE/AQM designates a procurement activity competition advocate who is responsible for handling alternate dispute resolutions applicable to logistics operations as required by Section 20 of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act.
g. A/OPE/AQM has oversight and management responsibilities for the Department’s regional procurement support offices (RPSO) located in Frankfurt, Germany.
1 FAM 212.1-2(A) Facilities, Design, and Construction Division (A/OPE/AQM/FDC)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Facilities, Design, and Construction Division (A/OPE/AQM/FDC) establishes acquisition agreements for logistics requirements abroad and Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations construction requirements (except information technology) with the private and public sectors. Agreements include contracts, financial assistance, and interagency agreements.
1 FAM 212.1-2(B) Diplomatic Security Contracts Division (A/OPE/AQM/DSC)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Diplomatic Security Contracts Division (A/OPE/AQM/DSC) establishes acquisition agreements for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.
1 FAM 212.1-2(C) Worldwide Division (A/OPE/AQM/WW)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Worldwide Division (A/OPE/AQM/WW) establishes acquisition, financial assistance, and interagency agreements for regional bureaus, the Office of the Secretary, and any customer requiring information systems.
1 FAM 212.1-2(D) International Programs Division (A/OPE/AQM/IP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The International Programs Division (A/OPE/AQM/IP) establishes acquisition agreements in support of program requirements for any bureau of the Department.
b. A/OPE/AQM/IP provides full administrative contract support for such programs as the American Institute of Taiwan and the National Endowment for Democracy.
c. A/OPE/AQM/IP oversees the operations of the Regional Procurement Support Office - Frankfurt.
1 FAM 212.1-2(E) Procurement Advisory Support Division (A/OPE/AQM/PAS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Procurement Advisory Support Division (A/OPE/AQM/PAS) provides high-level contract support in any area of the acquisition life cycle process as well as business advisory services to the Department’s acquisition community as directed by the AQM Director, this may include cost-price analysis, contract closeout activities, facilitation of contract audits, among other specialty areas (i.e., requirements development, evaluation of proposals, protests, surge support, etc.).
1 FAM 212.1-3 Office of Enterprise Management & Solutions (A/OPE/EMS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Office of Enterprise Management & Solutions (A/OPE/EMS) is responsible for providing comprehensive internal management, operations, and administrative support to A/OPE and its employees. This office oversees A/OPE's operational budget and planning, organizational control, acquisition data and systems management and analytics, financial management, procurement shared services solutions, and administrative support services for A/OPE. Additionally, this office liaises with A/EX/HRD as necessary on human capital and workplace solutions, workforce management and succession planning, position management and classification, recruitment and retention, and employee relations for A/OPE.
1 FAM 212.1-3(A) Enterprise Operations Division (A/OPE/EMS/EO)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Enterprise Operations Division (A/OPE/EMS/EO) leads the budgeting and personnel planning and management for A/OPE, ensuring the resources are in place to deliver on effective talent management through recruitment, onboarding, growth and development, performance reviews, promotions, and succession planning. This division interfaces and coordinates extensively across OPE and across the Department to drive the planning and execution of all budgetary and personnel-related decisions that impact OPE.
1 FAM 212.1-3(B) Enterprise Data Systems & Analytics Division (A/OPE/EMS/EDSA)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Enterprise Data Systems & Analytics Division (A/OPE/EMA/EDSA) is responsible for the ongoing management and strategic planning related to AQM’s automated systems, including the Integrated Management System (ILMS), SAM.gov, which includes the Federal Procurement Data System among others, the Global Financial Management Systems (GFMS/RFMS), the Contracting Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS), the Purchase Card Management and Reporting System (PMARS) among other systems utilized internally to OPE. Key responsibilities include: systems operations and monitoring; development of strategies for the planning, analysis, and data sources for program needs; ongoing communication to a diverse set of stakeholders; consultation to senior leadership and customers through expert advisory services and technical guidance; monitoring and reporting on system performance; tracking key operational metrics and data sources relevant to stakeholders; and identifying system enhancements in alignment with policy and strategy.
1 FAM 212.2 Office of Emergency Management (A/OEM)
(CT:ORG-666; 07-18-2024)
a. The Director, A/OEM, is responsible for the Domestic Emergency Management Program. For more information, see the OEM website under Useful Links – FAM Highlights – Program Administration.
b. A/OEM supports the Assistant Secretary as Continuity Coordinator to coordinate domestic emergency management and continuity activities throughout the Department.
c. A/OEM receives and coordinates requirements for implementing all-hazards incident management, as required in the national response framework (NRF), and ensures the Department adapts and applies its roles and responsibilities in the NRF to support an effective, unified response to domestic incidents impacting the United States.
d. A/OEM facilitates Department coordination with local, State, and Federal emergency management centers (EMCs) and emergency operations centers (EOCs) with respect to the Department’s internal emergency response activities during any emergency that impacts the Department, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
e. A/OEM, through planning, preparedness, training, and coordination, ensures the Department’s primary mission essential functions (PMEFs) continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies (e.g., localized acts of nature, accidents, technological incidents, or attack-related emergencies).
f. A/OEM identifies the resources necessary to continue essential functions, develops plans for the Department’s COOP and COG teams to continue MEFS and PMEFs, respectively, in support of NEFs, and provides overall guidance for all Department continuity programs.
g. A/OEM ensures the Department’s succession programs are maintained. This responsibility includes maintaining the succession plan for the Secretary, as well as succession plans for the leadership of all bureaus and offices in the Department.
h. A/OEM receives and coordinates all inquiries and tasks concerning the Continuity Advisory Group (CAG), Domestic Resiliency Group (DRG), and other domestic emergency management and continuity issues received from the White House, National Security Council (NSC), Homeland Security Council (HSC), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or other outside departments and agencies and responds to such inquiries or directs them to appropriate Department officials to respond.
i. A/OEM interacts and coordinates with local, State, and Federal departments and agencies regarding emergency preparedness activities, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
j. A/OEM provides domestic emergency management, coordination, and support to interagency committees, working groups, and task forces when designated, to ensure interagency agreements support Department domestic emergency management and continuity policies and objectives, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
k. A/OEM manages and maintains the overall readiness of the Department’s Incident Management Team (IMT). When activated, the IMT coordinates response and recovery efforts among affected and supporting bureaus and offices when a domestic emergency impacts Department personnel, facilities, and/or operations.
l. A/OEM maintains and operates the EMC to coordinate domestic incident response, and coordinates with appropriate Department elements to develop and implement EMC operating policies.
m. A/OEM coordinates and manages domestic continuity and emergency management program support capabilities.
n. A/OEM supports mandatory bureau and office preparedness drills and exercises to ensure the Department is prepared to operate in domestic emergency situations.
o. A/OEM conducts and participates in Department-sponsored exercises and national readiness exercises designed to prepare selected Department employees (usually those involved in PMEFs) to operate in domestic emergency situations.
p. A/OEM, in coordination with the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), develops training for Department personnel in emergency procedures to ensure they know what to do before, during, and after a major domestic emergency.
q. A/OEM assists each bureau and office to identify mission essential functions (MEFs) that support the Department’s primary mission essential functions (PMEFs) through a biennial Business Process Analysis and Business Impact Analysis.
r. A/OEM ensures each bureau and office develops, implements, maintains, and annually certifies a bureau emergency action plan (BEAP).
s. A/OEM ensures each domestic facility at which the Department is the primary tenant develops, implements, maintains, and annually certifies an occupant emergency plan (OEP).
1 FAM 212.2-1 Policy and Planning Division (A/OEM/PPD)
(CT:ORG-666; 07-18-2024)
a. The Policy and Planning (A/OEM/PPD) coordinates the domestic emergency management planning and preparedness efforts to ensure an effective and unified response to domestic incidents that impact the Department.
b. A/OEM/PPD provides emergency management planning, preparedness coordination, and technical expertise to the Department before, during, and after a domestic emergency, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
c. A/OEM/PPD facilitates planning, preparedness, and response efforts of all domestic emergencies that impact any Department domestic facility, including coordinating with first responders in such emergencies, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n. A/OEM/PPD:
(1) Facilitates domestic emergency response activities through the EMC with senior Department officials and the Operations Center. In most localized emergencies, A/OEM and its partners (i.e., A/OPR, A/OPR/FMS, DS) ensure sufficient personnel are available to respond to the Emergency Management Center (EMC) to coordinate a plan of action. This includes support to the Diplomatic Continuity Programs Division (A/OEM/DCP) to carry out, when necessary, its responsibilities for the Emergency Relocation Group and its activation; and
(2) Acts as a central communications point to relay information pertaining to the emergency, except for law enforcement sensitive information, to all appropriate parties; coordinates activities among the various responders; and provides information to the Department’s public affairs personnel.
d. A/OEM/PPD ensures EMC watch officers are trained and provided the necessary guidance to be able to conduct operations during domestic incident management events per Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5/HSPD-5.
e. A/OEM/PPD provides technical guidance, templates, and assistance to bureaus and offices for the development of required bureau emergency action plans (BEAPs) and to Department domestic facility leadership for the development of required occupant emergency plans (OEPs). A/OEM/PPD also:
(1) Advises bureaus and offices in developing, implementing, maintaining, and annually certifying their BEAP;
(2) Advises Department domestic facility leadership in developing, implementing, maintaining, and annually certifying their OEP;
(3) Advises bureaus and offices to designate sufficient numbers of personnel in their BEAPs to be bureau emergency action team (BEAT) members; and
(4) Advises Department domestic facility leadership to designate and train sufficient numbers of personnel in their OEPs to be occupant emergency organization (OEO) members (e.g., occupant emergency coordinators, floor wardens, and assembly point coordinators).
f. A/OEM/PPD attends meetings, conferences, and working groups with local, State, and Federal emergency management organizations in support of the Department’s domestic emergency management program and coordinates with appropriate bureaus and offices in response to any applicable Department actions suggested and/or required by these entities, except for all law enforcement/security responsibilities as described in 1 FAM 211.2, paragraph n.
g. A/OEM/PPD coordinates with bureaus and offices to ensure the Department meets the requirements of national preparedness and emergency management programs to ensure the Department’s ability to conduct its mission.
1 FAM 212.2-2 Diplomatic Continuity Program Division (A/OEM/DCP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Diplomatic Continuity Program Division (A/OEM/DCP) is responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing, and managing the Department’s continuity of operations (COOP), continuity of government (COG), enduring constitutional government (ECG), and other national security emergency continuity programs designed to ensure continuity of the Department's primary mission essential functions (PMEFs) as part of the Department’s national continuity program effort.
b. A/OEM/DCP develops unclassified and classified emergency preparedness continuity recommendations for national continuity policy, COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security emergency continuity programs; develops the emergency response system for national continuity deployable teams; identifies and meets organizational continuity-related information technology (IT) requirements; coordinates all Emergency Relocation Group administrative and support services with bureau executive directors; serves as interagency liaison as required; and provides continuity preparedness program evaluation. A/OEM/DCP also:
(1) Coordinates with bureaus and offices to ensure the Department meets the requirements of COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security emergency continuity programs;
(2) In coordination with executive directors, serves as the overall coordinator of the Department’s Emergency Relocation Group (ERG) and staffing for national security emergency continuity programs, to include orientation and training, alert and notification, and team activation and recall;
(3) Acts as the communication conduit to relay information pertaining to COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security emergency continuity activities to the ERG and other dispersed Department elements, both domestically and abroad;
(4) Provides technical guidance, templates, and assistance to bureaus and offices in the development of continuity planning strategies that support the Department’s COOP, COG, and ECG programs;
(5) Identifies, acquires, prepares, and maintains emergency relocation facilities that support the Department’s COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security continuity activities; and
(6) Oversees the Department’s participation in all presidential successor programs in coordination with the White House Military Office and the Secretary’s Protective Detail.
c. A/OEM/DCP develops and implements operational plans and coordinates the Department's participation in other U.S. Government contingency and continuity activities that support the Department’s COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security continuity efforts;
d. A/OEM/DCP coordinates management of efforts throughout the Department related to domestic incidents impacting the United States that pertain to COOP, COG, ECG, and other national security continuity activities, in order to provide an effective and unified response to such incidents and ensure Department efforts meet the changing national security emergency continuity requirements as outlined in the national response framework (NRF).
e. A/OEM/DCP identifies, orients, trains, and exercises selected Department personnel in COOP, COG, ECG, and/or continuity roles, responsibilities, and operations.
1 FAM 213 Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for planning, resources, and innovation (A/PRI)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Administration:
(1) Serves as the senior deputy and advisor to the Assistant Secretary in coordinating policy, management, and operational activities of the Bureau;
(2) Has the authority to act on the Assistant Secretary’s behalf in their absence;
(3) Represents the Bureau in Department and interagency meetings;
(4) Oversees Bureau security;
(5) Supervises, as determined by the Assistant Secretary, the following offices and team, collectively referred to as Planning, Resources, and Innovation (A/PRI):
(a) Office of the Executive Director;
(b) Chief Information Officer and Office of Technology and Innovation;
(c) Office of Planning and Customer Experience;
(d) Office of Presidential Travel Support;
(e) Office of Language Services; and
(f) Chief Data Officer team
1 FAM 213.1 Office of the Executive Director (A/PRI/EX)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024))
a. The Office of the Executive Director for the Bureau of Administration (A/PRI/EX) assists the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and the Under Secretary for Management, where appropriate, through the provision of executive management and administrative services, including financial management, human resources management, and general services for the Bureau of Administration. A/PRI/EX is also the Executive Office for the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM), the Office of Fine Arts (M/FA), and the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU).
b. Within the A Bureau, A/PRI/EX provides services to the organizations under the direction of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR), the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Management (A/LM), the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Information Services (A/GIS), and the Office of the Procurement Executive (A/OPE).
c. Within IRM, A/PRI/EX provides services to the organizations under the direction of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Principal Deputy CIO (PDCIO), Deputy CIO for Enterprise Services, Deputy CIO for Enterprise Infrastructure, Deputy CIO for Cyber Operations, Deputy CIO for Business Management and Planning, and the Enterprise Chief Information Security Officer (E-CISO).
d. The Executive Director, A/PRI/EX, serves as a principal advisor to A Bureau, IRM, OSDBU, and M/FA on resource and administrative matters. A/PRI/EX ensures that resource commitments are targeted to meet the bureaus’ performance goals and the Department’s strategic goals.
e. A/PRI/EX acts as coordinator and communicator with its customer bureaus and offices to provide an awareness of and assistance on overall Department and Bureau policy requirements.
f. A/PRI/EX coordinates management controls issues for the Bureau of Administration, the development of various reports and documents in partnership with other bureaus, and Bureau responses to recommendations and hotline referrals from the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).
g. A/PRI/EX coordinates the Bureau of Administration’s changes to volume 1 of the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) and all changes to volume 6 of the FAM; and coordinates clearance within the Bureau of all FAM changes that are referred to A/PRI/EX.
h. A/PRI/EX coordinates the Bureau of Administration’s emergency preparedness program, which includes updating and distributing the bureau emergency action plan (BEAP), maintaining information on the Bureau’s emergency personnel and Emergency Relocation Group, and assisting in the coordination of emergency drills affecting the Bureau’s organizations.
1 FAM 213.1-1 Financial Management Division (A/PRI/EX/FMD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Financial Management Division (A/PRI/EX/FMD) formulates, presents, and executes the budget for the Bureau of Administration and other serviced bureaus, as appropriate, through the shared services model.
b. A/PRI/EX/FMD performs both inter- and intra-bureau liaison and counseling activities in connection with budget functions and performs financial studies and audits, as appropriate.
c. A/PRI/EX/FMD provides travel related services to its customer bureaus and offices.
1 FAM 213.1-2 Working Capital Fund Division (A/PRI/EX/WCF)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Working Capital Fund Division’s Working Capital Fund (WCF) is a chargeback system using a revolving fund that is managed by the Office of the Executive Director (A/PRI/EX), exclusive of accounting services performed by the Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services (CGFS). Pursuant to section 13 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act (22 U.S.C. 2684), the WCF is a repository for revenue collected from the operation of several income-generating activities or services. Supervision of each service remains with program managers in the A and IRM bureaus.
b. Services offered through the Working Capital Fund are:
(1) Global Publishing Solutions;
(2) Freight forwarding from the Despatch Agencies and the European Logistical Support Office (ELSO);
(3) Domestic fleet management and operations (motor pool);
(4) Overseas procurements;
(5) Telephone, data, and wireless systems;
(6) Special services (labor/lock/cable);
(7) Material and supplies management;
(8) Library services;
(9) Commissary and recreation administration;
(10) Domestic and overseas procurement support services (AQM and RPSO);
(11) Information technology (IT) desktop service support;
(12) Hagerstown, MD warehouse;
(13) WCF administration; and
(14) A/OPR Service Centers.
1 FAM 213.1-3 Human Resources Division (A/PRI/EX/HRD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Human Resources Division (A/PRI/EX/HRD) is a shared services provider for the Bureau of Administration and other client bureaus and offices within the Department of State. In addition to providing advice and guidance on human resource matters to managers and employees, A/PRI/EX/HRD provides a full range of services in the areas of:
(1) Assignments and transfers;
(2) Compensation and benefits;
(3) Counseling;
(4) Employee and labor relations;
(5) Equal employment opportunity;
(6) Incentive awards programs;
(7) Performance management;
(8) Position classification;
(9) Promotions; and
(10) Recruitment, retention, and staffing.
b. A/PRI/EX/HRD administers all delegated authorities related to staffing, position classification, performance management and employee relations, including delegated examining unit (DEU) authority.
c. A/PRI/EX/HRD provides technical and consultative guidance for human resource management programs and activities.
d. A/PRI/EX/HRD provides advice to client offices and employees selected for competitive sourcing studies.
e. A/PRI/EX/HRD develops human resource policies and procedures consistent with Bureau of Global Talent Management (GTM) and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) guidance. A/PRI/EX/HRD periodically assesses human resource management issues in order to meet new organizational requirements.
f. A/PRI/EX/HRD analyzes human resource issues and programs and provides statistical and status reports on findings.
g. A/PRI/EX/HRD manages employee benefits programs (health and life insurance, Thrift Savings Program (TSP), etc.).
h. A/PRI/EX/HRD provides human resource support for special events such as ad hoc conferences.
1 FAM 213.1-4 Procurement and Administrative Services Division (A/PRI/EX/PAS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Procurement and Administrative Services Division (A/PRI/EX/PAS) develops or implements bureau-wide policies and procedures and carries out comprehensive pre- and post-award procurement support and administrative services to all domestic A and IRM bureau personnel. Support includes:
(1) Assisting in the planning and development of pre- and post-award procurement actions and assisting in the administrative oversight of contracts;
(2) Administration and oversight of the Department’s SMART Pay purchase card programs;
(3) Oversight of property management and inventory, including management of personal property programs;
(4) Providing general services support including equipment and furnishing needs, parking, lock and mover requests, space utilization, including hoteling, and telephones;
(5) Establishing and monitoring internal administrative controls; and
(6) Administering Department security programs and safety and health programs.
1 FAM 213.2 Office of Technology and Innovation (A/PRI/TI)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) leads the Office of Technology and Innovation (A/PRI/TI). The CIO serves as principal advisor to the Assistant Secretary, the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, and other Bureau Deputy Assistant Secretaries on all matters related to information technology to increase the Bureau’s responsiveness, agility, and customer-centricity within the Department.
b. Under the direction of the CIO, A/PRI/TI centralizes oversight and management of the Bureau’s information technology efforts through the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of information technology systems, databases, and infrastructure.
c. A/PRI/TI supports a comprehensive information technology program for the Bureau that encompasses the entire systems development lifecycle process, including cybersecurity.
d. A/PRI/TI conducts information technology needs assessments and reviews of major Bureau program areas that include, but are not limited to: Procurement Shared Services, Grant Management, Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS), Freight Forwarding, Knowledge Management, Real Property Management, emergency management, and multiple general administrative support systems used throughout the Department.
e. A/PRI/TI promotes systems and business practice solutions that are secure, cost-effective, and compliant with industry best practices and federal information technology mandates for overseas posts and domestic centers and agencies, as well as with interagency security.
1 FAM 213.3 Office of Planning and Customer Experience (A/PRI/PCX)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Planning and Customer Experience (A/PRI/PCX) ensures the Bureau is provided with sound operational guidance regarding the stewardship and allocation of limited resources.
b. A/PRI/PCX oversees strategic planning, portfolio management, customer experience, and related workforce communications across the Bureau.
1 FAM 213.4 Office of Presidential Travel Support (A/PRI/PTS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Presidential Travel Support (A/PRI/PTS) serves as the principal liaison with the White House and is responsible for all logistical and administrative arrangements in support of trips abroad (occasionally, internationally related domestic trips) by the President, Vice President, and their spouses.
b. A/PRI/PTS also serves as the principal liaison office with a mission at the time of a visit with regard to this support. A/PRI/PTS coordinates mission personnel support and sends advance representatives to work with White House advance personnel.
1 FAM 213.5 Office of Language Services (A/PRI/LS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Language Services (A/PRI/LS) provides interpreting, translating, and other language services for the Department and the White House, and also provides such services, by special arrangement, for other U.S. Government agencies where the services requested have a direct and substantial relationship to the conduct of foreign affairs.
b. A/PRI/LS compares all multilingual texts of international agreements and treaties to which the United States is a party and certifies that all language versions are in substantive conformity.
c. A/PRI/LS develops and implements standards and testing procedures for candidates for staff positions as interpreters and translators and carries out such examinations under delegated examining authority from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). A/PRI/LS develops and implements policies, standards, and procedures for the testing, hiring, training, and work of contract interpreters, contract translators, and other language support personnel.
1 FAM 213.6 Chief Data Officer Team
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Chief Data Officer team enables data-driven decision-making and is responsible for data oversight and development within the Bureau, including capturing Bureau data needs, reducing data silos, and developing a long-term data strategy for the Bureau.
b. A/PRI also cultivates data habits and establishes a data culture within the Bureau by instituting data best practices, increasing data literacy, and coordinating and coaching Bureau personnel in solving data problems.
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR) formulates and carries out policy and determines and develops program priorities on a broad range of administrative support and managerial activities for the organizations and employees of the Department and the Foreign Service, other Federal agencies, and the public.
b. A/OPR manages and establishes policies for domestic real property and facility management, domestic energy conservation domestic construction and space utilization, environmental, and fire-protection and prevention programs, conference facilities and services, video production, authentications, employee services, domestic fleet management, technical support services, the diplomatic reception rooms, assistance to schools abroad, the administration of foreign allowances and differentials, the oversight of employee associations, and the provision of various services to employees of the Department.
c. A/OPR develops, prepares, and defends Office of Operations appropriations and authorization requests in the Department and before the Office of Management and Budget and Congressional committees.
d. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations serves as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Central Commissary and Recreation Fund (see 6 FAM 515).
e. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations as one of two deputy designated agency safety and health officials (the other deputy resides in OBO/OPS; see 1 FAM 280), develops and implements all domestic occupational health and safety programs for the Department and advises and coordinates with the Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO), currently the Medical Director (MED), to ensure integration with other related programs and the Department’s occupational health and safety programs.
f. The Deputy Assistant Secretary co-chairs the Fleet Management Council, along with the Managing Director A/LM/PMP.
1 FAM 214.1 Commissary and Recreation Affairs (A/OPR/CR)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. Commissary and Recreation Affairs (A/OPR/CR) develops and implements policies and procedures for the operation of employee associations at posts abroad; provides logistical support and management oversight to employee associations; and reviews and recommends the approval, revocation, or changes of association charters.
b. A/OPR/CR is responsible for operating the Central Commissary and Recreation Fund and implementing the policy decisions made by the Board of Directors of the Fund (see 6 FAM 515).
1 FAM 214.2 Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) develops and coordinates policies, regulations, standards, and procedures for the administration of the U.S. government-wide allowances and differentials program for employees assigned to foreign areas, administered through the government-wide Department of State Standardized Regulations (U.S. Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) (DSSR).
b. A/OPR/ALS establishes post cost-of-living, post hardship differential, danger pay, education, living quarters, foreign and home service transfer, separate maintenance allowances, and evacuation payments.
c. A/OPR/ALS establishes maximum per diem rates for U.S. Government civilian and uniformed services travelers in foreign areas.
d. A/OPR/ALS prepares documentation for the Assistant Secretary for Administration (A) who exercises the Secretary's authority to:
(1) Authorize special allowances under DSSR 013; and
(2) Designate principal representatives of the United States for all U.S. Government agencies for eligibility for payment of official residence expenses.
e. A/OPR/ALS determines which posts are eligible for the consumables shipment allowance.
f. A/OPR/ALS reviews the Post Hardship Differential Questionnaire and other factors to assess rest and recuperation (R&R) travel eligibility, and reviews requests for Special R&R travel, prior to determinations by the appropriate approving officials outlined in 3 FAM 3720 and 3 FAH-1 and H-3720.
1 FAM 214.3 Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Overseas Schools (A/OPR/OS) is responsible for meeting the educational needs of dependent children of U.S. Government employees assigned abroad under chief of mission authority, providing educational opportunities for children that match the standards available in quality U.S. public schools.
b. A/OPR/OS establishes policy, develops programs, conducts long-range planning, and provides guidance and assistance for the establishment and operation of U.S. schools abroad, and for the development of educational programs, facilities, materials, and curriculums at foreign posts.
c. A/OPR/OS manages the Consolidated Overseas Schools Assistance Program, implementing the assistance and grant activities of the participating agencies.
d. A/OPR/OS assesses the quality of educational opportunity available at Foreign Service posts and advises the Office of Allowances (A/OPR/ALS) as to whether available schools are “adequate” for the purpose of implementing the educational allowance provisions of the Standardized Regulations.
e. A/OPR/OS advises and assists students and parents with regard to boarding schools, college entrance, special education needs, and the adequacy of foreign schools for U.S. children.
f. A/OPR/OS coordinates the work of the Overseas Schools Advisory Council that involves U.S. business firms and foundations in support of schools abroad and encourages the involvement of the U.S. educational community in support of schools abroad.
g. The Director of the Office of Overseas Schools is the Executive Secretary of the Overseas Schools Policy Committee. The committee is chaired by the Assistant Secretary for Administration and is composed of members, appointed by the Assistant Secretary from the foreign affairs agencies that participate in the Consolidated Overseas Schools Assistance Program.
1 FAM 214.4 Office of Real Property Management (A/OPR/RPM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Real Property Management (A/OPR/RPM) manages the master real estate and asset management plan for the Department’s domestic real property.
b. A/OPR/RPM develops, prepares, and coordinates facility acquisition, design, construction, and utilization planning.
c. A/OPR/RPM coordinates project work with affected Department bureaus and various offices concerned with issues of safety, maintenance, finance, security, and individuals with disabilities.
d. A/OPR/RPM acts as the Department’s liaison with the General Services Administration on space and building matters, including the assignment of space under the Randolph-Sheppard Act, which requires utilizing firms under the Society for the Blind to operate concessions and small-scale food services.
e. A/OPR/RPM coordinates projects with the National Capital Planning Commission and the Fine Arts Commission on exterior architectural design and with various local authorities on facility regulatory matters, including zoning and building codes.
f. The Director of the Office of Real Property Management (A/OPR/RPM) is the Department’s representative on the Historical Preservation Committee, the Federal Real Property Council, the GSA Real Property Executives Interagency Advisory Committee, and the Federal Administrative Managers Association.
g. The Director of A/OPR/RPM manages the International Chancery Center Project that provides land for the establishment of foreign missions in the District of Columbia as well as the non-appropriated trust fund for development of the center.
1 FAM 214.4-1 Assignment and Utilization Division (A/OPR/RPM/AU)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Assignment and Utilization Division (A/OPR/RPM/AU) is responsible for asset management of real property and works to provide adequate and appropriate office space to all employees.
b. The Division leases and allocates domestic space for the Department and ensures that assignments are consistent with General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Management Regulations and Department of State guidelines and policies.
c. The staff conducts space utilization surveys and studies, develops strategic housing plans and floor plans, assists in move logistics, provides construction/renovation management for leased buildings, and assists with tenant build-outs, including the selection of finishes, furniture and other necessary real property services.
1 FAM 214.4-2 Design and Construction Division (A/OPR/RPM/DC)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Design and Construction Division (A/OPR/RPM/DC) is responsible for the development and oversight of architectural and engineering designs and cost estimates for the construction and/or alteration of the Department’s facilities.
b. This division ensures that construction and alteration work complies with applicable life safety building codes, energy efficiency, air quality, handicapped accessibility, and other appropriate standards and guidelines.
1 FAM 214.4-3 Project Management and Support Services Division (A/OPR/RPM/PMSS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Project Management and Support Services Division (A/OPR/RPM/PMSS) assists the Director of Real Property Management in articulating goals, identifying and acquiring resources, managing projects, formulating action plans and conducting special studies for the achievement of objectives.
b. The division coordinates all project-related support activities in managing the technical, administrative and design operations within the office including maintaining the master tracking schedule for all domestic projects and for all domestic leasing activity at the Department.
c. The division provides furniture selection and design recommendations and formulates furniture acquisition plans and contracts.
d. The division is responsible for overseeing the computer-aided design (CAD) unit, the computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) programs, and the Integrated Real Property Management System (IRPMS), that is designed to provide automated tracking of projects, buildings, leases and all relevant financial data.
1 FAM 214.4-4 Special Projects Division (A/OPR/RPM/SP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Special Projects Division (A/OPR/RPM/SP) manages long-range planning and implementation of specific major design and construction projects as assigned. The staff advises the director in articulating goals, identifying and acquiring resources, formatting action plans, and conducting special studies and tasks for the deputy assistant secretary.
b. The division monitors compliance with the inspection and audit recommendations made by the Office of the Inspector General and conducts reviews of internal controls for the deputy assistant secretary.
1 FAM 214.5 Office of Facilities Management Services (A/OPR/FMS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Facilities Management Services (A/OPR/FMS) operates and maintains owned and delegated domestic facilities, including the Harry S Truman Building, Columbia Plaza (SA-1), Blair House, Beltsville Information Management Center (BIMC), International Chancery Center (ICC), National Foreign Affairs Training Center (NFATC), Portsmouth Consular Center (PCC), Charleston Regional Center (CRC), Florida Regional Center (FRC), Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), ESOC West, Potomac Annex, Metro Mail Facility (SA-32), and the Foreign Missions Center (FMC). A/OPR/FMS also coordinates and liaises with the General Services Administration (GSA) or commercial building owners on Department leased annexes in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
b. A/OPR/FMS operates and oversees the maintenance of all building systems including heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, lighting, electrical, fire protection and suppression systems, elevators, and escalators; operates and oversees building services including custodial, pest control, grounds maintenance, trash removal, recycling, waste management, snow removal, and the loading dock.
c. A/OPR/FMS provides engineering and technical expertise required for the operation, maintenance, reliability, repair, and minor construction necessary to retain or restore functionality to domestic facilities and collaborates with the Office of Real Property Management (A/OPR/RPM) and the Office of General Services Management (A/OPR/GSM) as appropriate.
d. A/OPR/FMS provides maintainability, reliability, and operational requirements and reviews the planning, design, construction, and acceptance of new or renovated facilities domestically.
e. A/OPR/FMS develops and manages the domestic energy, environmental management, sustainability and occupational safety and health programs.
1 FAM 214.5-1 Facilities Maintenance Services Division (A/OPR/FMS/FMSD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Facilities Maintenance Services Division (A/OPR/FMS/FMSD) provides engineering and technical expertise in all building trades in support of all FMS activities.
b. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD operates and maintains the facility-related infrastructure of owned and delegated domestic facilities.
c. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD oversees the operation by GSA of leased facility annexes throughout the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
d. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD manages and oversees design and construction of minor alterations and renovations within the buildings.
e. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD participates in the analysis of facility requirements, including the identification of major renovation and new construction needs, master plans of buildings, and their utility infrastructure.
f. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD develops policies, procedures, and maintenance staffing requirements for the efficient operation, maintenance, reliability, repair, and minor construction efforts in the facilities portfolio.
g. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD investigates operational failures, facility system failures, or other emergencies or system malfunctions affecting mission capability or producing unexpected repair or remediation.
h. A/OPR/FMS/FMSD provides management and oversight of facility maintenance support contracts, conducts contract compliance and quality control audits, and provides exterior and interior building infrastructure assessments, including electrical, structural, plumbing, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
1 FAM 214.5-2 Domestic Environmental and Safety Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Domestic Environmental and Safety Division (A/OPR/FMS/DESD) plans, directs, and implements the Department’s occupational health and safety, environmental management, energy conservation, and fire prevention programs at all domestic sites, consistent with Federal laws and regulations.
b. A/OPR/FMS/DESD supports the designated agency safety and health official (DASHO) and the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR), in meeting safety and health responsibilities for the Department.
c. A/OPR/FMS/DESD supports the Under Secretary for Management in meeting the responsibilities as the Chief Sustainability Officer, designated under E.O. 13834.
d. A/OPR/FMS/DESD develops and issues occupational safety and health and environmental management policies and procedures for the Department’s domestic operations, consistent with appropriate laws and regulations.
e. A/OPR/FMS/DESD manages a fire protection program for all domestic facilities, coordinating with the GSA where appropriate. A/OPR/FMS/DESD, in conjunction with GSA and A/OPR/RPM, develops fire protection criteria, standards, and policies affecting the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of fire suppression and detection systems. A/OPR/FMS/DESD is the jurisdiction in interpreting fire/life safety code issues (e.g., National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Building Code (IBC)) in domestic Department-owned and delegated facilities.
f. A/OPR/FMS/DESD conducts reviews and audits of occupational health and safety and environmental management programs within the Department. A/OPR/FMS/DESD investigates or appoints independent boards to investigate significant accidents, mishaps, or incidents occurring in the Department’s domestic facilities.
g. A/OPR/FMS/DESD provides technical expertise and support necessary to abate major facilities-related hazardous materials contamination and other consequence-management activities domestically.
1 FAM 214.5-3 Central Resources Division (A/OPR/FMS/CRD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Central Resources Division (A/OPR/FMS/CRD) provides overall administrative support services and administrative management, and property accountability.
b. A/OPR/FMS/CRD manages Budget & Fiscal operations of the office.
c. A/OPR/FMS/CRD develops contracts related to the operation and maintenance of domestic facilities.
1 FAM 214.6 Office of General Services Management (A/OPR/GSM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Office of General Services Management (A/OPR/GSM) manages a diverse array of professional and support services provided for the Department domestically, operating under three distinct divisions: the Support Services Division, the Fleet Management and Operations Division and the Media Services Division.
1 FAM 214.6-1 Support Services Division (A/OPR/GSM/SS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Support Services Division (A/OPR/GSM/SS) administers a variety of programs that support Department staff.
b. The Diplomatic Reception Rooms Branch manages the Diplomatic Reception Rooms. The Branch coordinates support and catering services for functions held in the Diplomatic Reception Rooms.
c. The Employee Services Center Branch provides services to transiting employees assigned to diplomatic missions such as mail forwarding, counseling, guidance, and computer work area. The Branch administers the emergency locator records program for employees assigned to diplomatic missions. It prepares and approves leave verification forms for Foreign Service personnel transferring to and from domestic assignments and maintains and certifies time and leave data for Foreign Service personnel on various details, e.g., the Pearson Program.
d. The Operations Support Branch provides services such as the flag program, parking program, tours of the Diplomatic Reception Rooms, contract receptionist services, contract labor services, disposal of classified waste material, public information boards, door signage, and lock and safe repair and installation. The Branch serves as the deputy assistant secretary’s liaison with designated retail establishments within the Harry S Truman Building and also serves as the Chairperson of the Food Services Patrons Committee.
1 FAM 214.6-2 Fleet Management and Operations Division (A/OPR/GSM/FMO)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Fleet Management and Operations Division (A/OPR/GSM/FMO) is responsible for the development, implementation and oversight of policy and regulations governing the Department’s domestic motor vehicle fleet.
b. The Fleet Management and Operations Division manages the Vehicle Operations Center (VOC), which operates the Department's shuttle buses, special group transportation, executive car and driver service and the U-Drive-It vehicle program at domestic locations.
c. As one of the Department’s authorities on motor vehicle management, A/OPR/GSM/FMO serves as the principal advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations (A/OPR) via the General Services Management (A/OPR/GSM) Office Director, on all aspects affecting the Department’s domestic fleet management, and formulates the Department domestic fleet management policies. A/OPR is responsible for the oversight of the acquisition, use, inventory accountability, and disposition of domestic motor vehicles. In addition, A/OPR/GSM/FMO acts with the Office of Program Management and Policy (A/LM/PMP) as the Department’s representative on interagency committees, such as the GSA FedForum and the Interagency Committee on Alternative Fuels (INTERFUEL), and is the primary Department liaison with State and local government entities and private-sector organizations on fleet program issues.
d. A/OPR/GSM/FMO is the primary point of contact for all domestic fleet-related inquiries from non-Department entities (e.g., OMB, GSA, DOE, EPA, etc.). As such, A/OPR/GSM/FMO serves as the primary liaison between Department stakeholders and non-Department entities, maintains working relationships with these entities to assist in development of motor vehicle management policies, and to resolve issues arising from implementation of those policies in 6 FAM for domestic motor vehicles.
e. A/OPR/GSM/FMO holds responsibility for preparing formal Federal reports and responses to fleet-related inquiries, conducting special studies, and reviewing/critiquing proposed changes to legislation, Executive orders and Federal regulations applicable to domestic motor vehicles. In this regard, A/OPR/GSM/FMO:
(1) Distributes pertinent information to, and seeks input from, Department fleet stakeholders;
(2) Consolidates stakeholder input;
(3) Prepares draft responses, reports and correspondence for higher level Department review, clearance, and formal submission; and
(4) Tracks tasks through to completion and ensures submission of required input on behalf of the Department by stated deadlines.
f. A/OPR/GSM/FMO holds responsibility for Department implementation of new/revised public laws, Executive orders, Congressional mandates, and Federal policies/regulations related to fleet management applicable to domestic motor vehicles.
g. On behalf of the Department, A/OPR/GSM/FMO maintains authority to enter into formal fleet-related agreements with other Federal agencies or State municipalities that impact domestic Department vehicles.
h. A/OPR/GSM/FMO is responsible for the provision and oversight of motor vehicle operational services throughout the United States, including vehicle rental, lease, and procurement, scheduled and unscheduled group transportation, executive car and driver service, and motor pool operations.
i. A/OPR/GSM/FMO manages the Department’s energy conservation program for domestic vehicles. In this regard, A/OPR/GSM/FMO assumes the lead-role in developing and implementing plans, tracking progress and preparing periodic reports to Congress, DOE, GSA and OMB (including fleet scorecards) on compliance to fleet energy mandates contained in the Energy Policy Act (EPAct), standing Executive orders and other Federal regulations.
j. A/OPR/GSM/FMO oversees domestic accident investigations involving Department official vehicles, providing pertinent documentation and making recommendations to the Office of the Legal Adviser (L) in connection with resultant tort claims.
k. A/OPR/GSM/FMO, as the manager of the domestic vehicle fleet, partners with A/LM/PMP/SYS in prioritizing system enhancements, data collection, analysis, and reporting requirements for the Department’s vehicle Fleet Management Information System (FMIS).
1 FAM 214.6-3 Media Services Division (A/OPR/GSM/MS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Media Services Division is composed of Video Production, Audiovisual Services Branch (including photography) and the Art Bank Program.
b. Video Production provides live and videotape coverage of official internal events. The staff writes, directs, shoots, and edits original video-taped programs on a variety of issues for domestic offices and U.S. missions to a variety of audiences, both public and private.
c. The Audiovisual Services Branch provides presidential travel audio-visual support; audio-visual services such as interpretation equipment, microphones, projectors, speakers, and cable television; and photographers for official photos and events.
d. The Art Bank Program manages the Department's artwork program.
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Global Information Services (A/GIS) provides its resources to support overall liaison, interface, and outreach functions within the Department.
b. A/GIS provides executive direction and policy guidance on substantive activities in A/GIS to ensure that the Department and other foreign affairs agencies receive the full range of classified and unclassified information and pre-media publishing services in a cost-effective customer service oriented manner.
c. A/GIS manages the Department's directives, forms management, information collection (in accordance with the Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) delegation of Paperwork Reduction Act functions to the Bureau of Administration) and reports programs. The office maintains delegations of authority and performs external liaison functions with the Office of the Federal Register, the Office of Management and Budget, and the General Services Administration in these matters.
d. A/GIS implements U.S. government records management laws and regulations. A/GIS products and support services are provided to the Department and to other foreign affairs agencies, ensuring that records management programs are implemented under Department inter-bureau and U.S. government interagency agreements, as appropriate.
e. A/GIS advises the Assistant Secretary, as the Department’s Chief Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Officer, on issues concerning the Department’s compliance with the requirements of the FOIA.
f. A/GIS implements program policies and guidance for records life-cycle management, access to information, classification and declassification, privacy research, and corporate records archives.
g. A/GIS provides advice and guidance in the development and maintenance of -IRM tactical and derivative plans to ensure compliance with statutory and other mandated records requirements.
h. A/GIS administers the Department's Information Access Program.
i. A/GIS directs the creation of Department privacy policy concerning personally identifiable information (PII) collected, processed or maintained by the U.S. Department of State.
j. A/GIS serves as the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Coordinator for the Bureau of Administration providing privacy policies for adoption by the Privacy Protection Governance Board (PPGB) and overseeing activities of the Core Response Group (CRG).
k. A/GIS oversees the delivery of privacy training and awareness to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities in protecting PII.
l. A/GIS ensures that people with disabilities have access to information.
m. A/GIS manages the Department's centralized editorial, graphics and pre-media publishing and distribution services as well as the Department’s photocopier program.
n. A/GIS ensures compliance with Federal and Department graphics, editorial, printing, and photocopier standards and regulations.
o. The Deputy Assistant Secretary for A/GIS serves as the designated Senior Agency Official for Privacy with overall responsibility and accountability for ensuring the Department’s implementation of information privacy protections in accordance with OMB Memorandum M-16-24.
1 FAM 215.1 Privacy Staff (A/GIS/PRV)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Privacy Staff (A/GIS/PRV) provides a focal point for the many complex and diverse inter-functional activities relating to privacy protection, promoting consistent implementation of privacy policies and legal requirements.
b. A/GIS/PRV coordinates responses to, and implementation of, White House directives, and leads the Department’s responses to OMB and GAO data calls and inquiries relating to privacy policy.
c. A/GIS/PRV leads and coordinates multi-functional projects, studies and research activities to identify and address privacy issues, and participates in various inter- and intra-agency boards, committees and groups.
d. A/GIS/PRV reviews legislative and other initiatives proposed by Congress, other agencies and the public, and formulates Department privacy policy.
e. A/GIS/PRV provides technical expertise to the Department’s Privacy Protection Governance Board (PPGB) and the PPGB’s personally identifiable information (PII) coordinators.
f. A/GIS/PRV directs the assembly of the core response groups to address data breaches.
g. A/GIS/PRV conducts reviews of privacy impact assessments (PIAs) to ensure that privacy requirements are fully integrated into the Department’s information technology systems.
h. A/GIS/PRV supports implementation of the E-Government Act of 2002 and relevant portions of the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA).
i. A/GIS/PRV serves as the Department’s technical expert on the Privacy Act and, as such, responds to inquiries concerning privacy issues/concerns, conducting follow-up as necessary.
j. A/GIS/PRV works with Department business owners to assist with the development or alteration of Systems of Records Notices (SORNS).
k. A/GIS/PRV coordinates Department responses regarding breach notifications to affected bureaus/individuals.
l. A/GIS/PRV develops training tools to increase privacy awareness within the Department.
m. A/GIS/PRV provides support to the Information Sharing Committee in the development of guidelines to address privacy in the information sharing environment.
1 FAM 215.2 Office of Directives Management (A/GIS/DIR)
(CT:ORG-666; 07-18-2024)
The Office of Directives Management (A/GIS/DIR) provides central management for six Department information programs. The products and services provided by these programs are used by all Department staff members, other federal agencies, and the public.
(1) In collaboration with Department bureaus and offices, A/GIS/DIR ensures Department policies and procedures are maintained in the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) and associated Handbooks (FAH). The FAM also contains directives based on statutes, executive orders, Presidential directives, OMB circulars, and other legal directives. The Department’s directives, written in compliance with the Plain Writing Act of 2010, are codified in the FAM following a rigorous, Department-wide clearance process, also managed by A/GIS/DIR, allowing experts to recommend content to be included in the draft document. A/GIS/DIR maintains the historical archives of past FAM/FAH versions. A/GIS/DIR publishes the FAM/FAH on the Department’s intranet (OpenNet) and classified networks as well as the Department’s public website on the Internet.
(2) A/GIS/DIR manages the Department’s Information Collection Program under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). An information collection is generally a request by the Federal Government to asked standardized questions from 10 or more members of the public, either foreign or domestic, in a year. The information collections coordinator works closely with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure the Department complies with OMB regulations and guidelines. A/GIS/DIR monitors compliance with the PRA and assists Department program offices with their submissions to OMB in order to seek its approval to collect information. The Information Collections Program is explained in 18 FAM 201.5.
(3) A/GIS/DIR has liaison responsibility with the Office of the Federal Register (OFR) on all matters concerning Department of State publications in the Federal Register (FR). The designated Federal Register liaison has sole authority for submissions to the OFR on behalf of the Department. Submissions to the OFR may include proposed rules, final rules, Presidential determinations, and public notices, some examples of which include, but are not limited to, meetings held by advisory committees, the development of a new system of records, and the designation of certain groups as terrorist organizations. Submissions to the Federal Register are explained in 18 FAM 201.6.
(4) A/GIS/DIR oversees the Department’s Rulemaking program, the purpose of which is to comply with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and other statutes, pertinent executive orders, and all pertinent Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Office of the Federal Register (OFR) requirements in the most efficient, effective, and accurate manner in order to impose the least burden necessary on the U.S. public to achieve Department objectives. The majority of Department rule types are proposed, interim, final, and direct final rules. A/GIS/DIR coordinates with responsible Department program offices to review and analyze their rule documents prior to OMB review and OFR submission. In this centralized process, A/GIS/DIR also manages the Department’s content in the Federal Docket Management System (FDMS) to ensure Department rules meet e-Government requirements and are available for public review and comment. The Rulemaking Program is explained further in 18 FAM 201.4.
(5) A/GIS/DIR operates the Department’s Delegations of Authority program, in collaboration with originating offices and the Office of the Legal Adviser, to process, archive, and make available to the public these documents. Written Department of State delegations of authority are the primary means for assigning specific legal responsibilities conferred on the Department, the Secretary, or other senior Department officials by statute, Executive Order, or similar legal instrument to other Department of State officials and offices.
(6) A/GIS/DIR administers the Department’s Forms Program, which is the central program office responsible for coordinating the creation and implementation of policy decisions regarding Department forms. The Forms Program defines a form as a standardized data collection instrument used to capture information from multiple people. This includes forms which are completed as a discrete document such as a pdf or far (both printed and electronic), and application-generated or web-based portals and other automated workflows.
(a) All Department forms, used domestically or internationally, must be approved and processed through A/GIS/DIR to ensure compliance with applicable statutes and regulations (such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, Privacy Act, Government Paperwork Elimination Act, and other mandates), as well as to minimize effort and cost burden to the Department by eliminating redundancies.
(b) The Forms Program is responsible for all Department forms policy governing the forms lifecycle, including creating, editing, deleting, and archiving forms. It helps ensure forms compliance by conducting a Department-wide annual forms review. It maintains a centralized forms repository that houses the Department’s official master copies. It also works with Department stakeholders to identify owners of unassigned and unregistered forms, and to bring these forms into compliance. More on this program can be found at 18 FAM 201.7.
(7) A/GIS/DIR manages the Department’s implementation of the Plain Writing Act and is responsible for:
(a) Compiling and posting the annual compliance report on the Department’s public facing plain writing website;
(b) Providing plain writing briefings for employees;
(c) Publicizing the importance of plain writing within the Department;
(d) Collaborating with Department entities to increase the use of plain writing in their documents; and
(e) Liaising with the Center for Plain Language.
1 FAM 215.3 Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Information Programs and Services (A/GIS/IPS) serves as the primary point of contact and principal advisor on all matters concerning the management of information as a critical resource specifically relating to records life-cycle management, public and need-to-know access to information, classification management and declassification, privacy, research of official record and public information resources, and corporate records archives.
b. A/GIS/IPS plans, develops, implements, and evaluates information and records-related programs, policies, rules, regulations, practices, and procedures on behalf of the Secretary to ensure compliance with the letter and spirit of relevant statutes, Executive orders, and guidelines. These include the Federal Records Act (FRA), the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and electronic FOIA (EFOIA) provisions, the Privacy Act, 22 U.S.C. 4354 (pertaining to document production for the Congress and the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series acceleration), Executive Order 13526 concerning national security information, relevant portions of the E-Government Act of 2002, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, covering information resources management, pertinent successor mandates in this area and E.O. 13392 concerning improving agency disclosure of information.
c. A/GIS/IPS advises A/GIS on issues concerning the Department’s compliance with the requirements of the FOIA.
d. A/GIS/IPS serves as the Secretary's delegated records authority with responsibility for implementing all aspects of the Federal Records Act. As such, A/GIS/IPS ensures Department-wide compliance with the life-cycle management of all Department records. This includes Department-wide documentation and preservation of the execution of the foreign relations of the United States.
e. A/GIS/IPS exercises primary responsibility for the official corporate records archives (Central Foreign Policy Records), which includes the State archiving system (SAS), in addition to office, post, and lot files.
f. A/GIS/IPS serves as the Secretary's representative to the Archivist of the United States and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), as well as to other Federal and regulatory agencies on all records issues.
g. A/GIS/IPS promotes the integration of life-cycle management principles in the Department's business and operations, particularly in the development and application of new technology.
h. A/GIS/IPS administers the Department’s Information Access Program, both for the need-to-know foreign affairs and national security community in executive agencies and the Congress and for the public, in response to the FOIA, Privacy Act, Ethics in Government Act, E.O. 13526, 22 U.S.C. 4354, discovery orders, subpoenas, and other special document production demands. A/GIS/IPS ensures that responses to such requests are timely, accurate, and complete.
i. As delegated by the Secretary through the Under Secretary for Management, A/GIS/IPS ensures implementation of and compliance with the classification management and declassification requirements of Executive Order 13526.
j. A/GIS/IPS responds to administrative appeals, as required, under statutory, regulatory, and Executive order requirements. A/GIS/IPS executes affidavits and provides supporting evidence to the Department of Justice in defense of the Department in records-related lawsuits.
k. A/GIS/IPS provides technical support and expertise to the Privacy Protection Governance Board in its development of Department-wide privacy policy.
l. A/GIS/IPS manages the Department’s Library, a unique foreign policy collection. The library develops, administers, and promotes a desktop electronic capability for accessing this collection and numerous other data sources and services.
m. A/GIS/IPS coordinates special document production efforts to ensure the Secretary’s compliance with court orders, Congressional subpoenas, and other similarly mandated demands.
n. A/GIS/IPS develops, operates, maintains, evaluates, and enhances those systems that archive the corporate records archives and for the information access and declassification programs, as well as unique business applications related to the office’s mission.
o. A/GIS/IPS promotes customer service principles within the office and institutes initiatives to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies regarding customer service standards.
1 FAM 215.3-1 Requester Liaison Division (A/GIS/IPS/RL)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Requester Liaison Division (A/GIS/IPS/RL) serves as the primary point-of-contact for customers in matters pertaining to records life-cycle management, public and need-to-know access to information, classification management and declassification, privacy, research of official records and public information resources, and corporate records archives.
b. A/GIS/IPS/RL evaluates all customers’ inquiries and initiates the processing of all actions pertaining to records life-cycle management, public and need-to-know access to information, classification management and declassification, privacy, research of official records and public information resources, and corporate records archives. The division monitors the progress of all inquiries to ensure that all actions taken are timely, accurate, complete, and responsive.
c. A/GIS/IPS/RL evaluates and ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies regarding customer service standards and the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRA), and actively promotes efforts for customer service.
1 FAM 215.3-2 Programs and Policies Division (A/GIS/IPS/PP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Programs and Policies Division (A/GIS/IPS/PP) implements the E.O. 13526 classification management program, including access to information by former presidential appointees, and the information access program for documents requested pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In this capacity, A/GIS/IPS/PP performs the functions enumerated in paragraphs b through e of this section.
b. A/GIS/IPS/PP analyzes, evaluates, and oversees programs, activities, and operations. A/GIS/IPS/PP provides expert advice and counsel to officials at all levels. A/GIS/IPS/PP institutes policies, practices, procedures, guidelines, and regulations while ensuring the integration of requirements in operations and activities. It conducts comprehensive and extensive education and outreach initiatives. It coordinates issues with other agencies, particularly with the Department of Justice, and the national security community. It develops position papers on a range of information topics, including proposed legislative and regulatory changes. A/GIS/IPS/PP represents the bureau and the Department at inter-agency and public forum and working groups.
c. A/GIS/IPS/PP ensures, through outreach and coordination, that the operations and activities of the Statutory Compliance and Research Division are consistent with program management requirements.
d. A/GIS/IPS/PP fulfills official requests from Congress, former presidential appointees, judicial authorities, and other U.S. government agencies for document production.
e. A/GIS/IPS/PP coordinates the Department’s responses to appeals of denial of access to information under provisions of the FOIA, Privacy Act, or E.O. 13526, or the refusal to amend records under the Privacy Act.
1 FAM 215.3-3 Statutory Compliance and Research Division (A/GIS/IPS/CR)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Statutory Compliance and Research Division (A/GIS/IPS/CR) implements statutes, access responsibilities and classification review through multifunctional and inter-disciplinary team-oriented branches organized geographically and functionally, as described in paragraphs b and c of this section.
b. A/GIS/IPS/CR performs systematic, comprehensive, and complex searches for information based on the entire range of document production and research requests. A/GIS/IPS/CR analyzes content of requests to determine appropriate sources of records from the corporate records archives and those records under the purview of the Executive Secretariat, retired office and post files, and transferred records located in the National Archives.
c. A/GIS/IPS/CR administers the Department’s statutory responsibilities in providing public access to information under the FOIA, Privacy Act, E.O. 13526, and the Ethics in Government Act. It coordinates with regional and functional bureaus to respond to public requests for records maintained in the Department and at posts.
1 FAM 215.3-4 The Ralph J. Bunch Library Division (A/GIS/IPS/LIBR)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Library Division (A/GIS/IPS/LIBR) develops, administers, and operates the Department's central library, the Ralph E. Bunche Library. As the premier library resource in the foreign affairs area, this library serves as the principal source of external research materials for both the Department and the entire Foreign Service community.
b. A/GIS/IPS/LIBR serves as project manager to provide electronic desktop access to the library's collection and numerous other digital sources and services. The library promotes this initiative as a prototype for other Federal community digital library projects. It analyzes and evaluates this initiative to ensure that it complies with Department standards and meets customer needs.
c. A/GIS/IPS/LIBR implements outreach programs and public relations initiatives.
d. A/GIS/IPS/LIBR represents the Department on government and private-sector cooperative library service bodies and at professional meetings.
e. A/GIS/IPS/LIBR plans and manages branch automated systems and coordinates their integration with other library functions.
1 FAM 215.3-5 Resource Management Staff (A/GIS/IPS-RM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Resource Management Staff (A/GIS/IPS-RM) serves as principal advisor on administrative, management, and resource issues pertinent to the Director of the Office of Information Programs and Services.
b. A/GIS/IPS-RM develops A/GIS/IPS program and workforce plans, working with office managers in coordination with A/PRI/EX. The division identifies employee training needs and works with A/PRI/EX to develop a professional development program and to ensure that employees are appropriately trained for their responsibilities.
c. With A/PRI/EX, A/GIS/IPS-RM coordinates the management of assets (personnel, funds, and facilities) utilized by A/GIS/IPS; it ensures that proper internal controls are exercised and that resources are adequate to meet the mission and goals of A/GIS/IPS.
d. With A/PRI/EX, A/GIS/IPS-RM directs and manages the delivery of administrative, budget, and personnel support to A/GIS/IPS employees.
e. A/GIS/IPS-RM establishes and monitors performance measures and tracks the accomplishment of goals and objectives; A/GIS/IPS-RM keeps the office director informed of progress toward achieving the programs’ mission.
f. A/GIS/IPS-RM coordinates function code resources and serves as liaison to A/PRI/EX for all office program administrative issues such as budget, staffing, training, internal controls, facilities management, equipment, inventory, planning, and contract services.
g. A/GIS/IPS-RM provides centralized administrative support to all divisions within A/GIS/IPS, including oversight, direction, and quality assurance, including support for special projects that may include a variety of duties in a short time frame, under time constraints. A/GIS/IPS-RM distributes incoming correspondence within A/GIS/IPS and prepares outgoing correspondence and packages.
1 FAM 215.3-6 Systematic Review Programs Division (A/GIS/IPS/SRP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Systematic Review Program Division (A/GIS/IPS/SRP) is responsible for executing the Department of State’s compliance with Executive Order 13526, as amended, on “Classified National Security Information” as well as for implementing Public Law-102-138 (22 U.S.C. 4351), the statutory charter of the Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series.
b. As required under E.O. 13526, A/GIS/IPS/SRP reviews for classification/declassification 25-year old State Department textual (paper) and special media (electronic, microform, and other media) documents determined to have permanent historical value under Title 44 of the United States Code. Only those records meeting specific criteria with respect to national security are exempted from declassification; records containing sensitive privacy information are also withheld. In addition to reviewing all Department of State material prior to declassification, A/GIS/IPS/SRP refers to the appropriate Federal agencies all records which contain those agencies’ equities and reviews all equities referred to State from other agencies.
c. Additionally, A/GIS/IPS/SRP performs declassification review of records for inclusion in the “Foreign Relations of the United States” series, which constitutes the official historical documentary record of U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Under E.O. 13526, A/GIS/IPS/SRP also reviews for declassification mandatory and other referral requests for documents 25 years of age or older. Most such referral cases originate in presidential libraries, agencies such as Defense and CIA, and foreign governments.
d. A/GIS/IPS/SRP actively participates in interagency training and meetings, policy formation and coordination activities related to its mission.
1 FAM 215.3-7 Records and Archives Management Division (A/GIS/IPS/RA)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Agency Records Officer in the Records and Archives Management Division serves as the Secretary's delegated records officer with responsibility for the U.S. Government's foreign policy archives, a unique collection of international significance. In this capacity, the Agency Records Officer exercises program management responsibility for all records Department-wide throughout their life cycle (creation, acquisition, maintenance, use, and disposition).
b. A/GIS/IPS/RA formulates and oversees the implementation of Department policy and guidance for record keeping in accordance with the Department's strategic plan; Congressional mandates for all electronic and non-electronic records; National Archives and Records Administration regulations, standards, and guidance; and appropriate national and international professional records/information management standards.
c. GIS/IPS/RA analyzes, evaluates, and oversees the records management program, activities, and operations. A/GIS/IPS/RA institutes policies, practices, procedures, guidelines, and regulations while ensuring the integration of requirements in operations and activities, especially in developing and applying to new technology. It coordinates records management issues with other agencies, particularly with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). A/GIS/IPS/RA represents the bureau and the Department at inter-agency and public fora and working groups.
d. A/GIS/IPS/RA provides expert advice and counsel to officials at all levels on agency-wide electronic and non-electronic records management issues. A/GIS/IPS/RA advises senior program managers, the CIO and the Office of the Legal Adviser on adequacy of documentation and creation and management of agency records.
e. A/GIS/IPS/RA participates in the Department's capital planning process for all major information systems to ensure that records management functionality appropriate to the records/information assets they support is included in system design. A/GIS/IPS/RA advises program managers and IT managers on metadata requirements necessary to achieve this functionality.
f. A/GIS/IPS/RA works with the CIO to build records management functionality into the Department's enterprise architecture and to ensure all Department information systems incorporate records management functionality appropriate to the records/information assets.
g. A/GIS/IPS/RA provides technical assistance and guidance to the Department and posts on information life-cycle of records to improve operations and protect information resources.
h. The division operates the records disposition scheduling project for all Department records, regardless of media. The division reviews, develops and updates disposition authorities to ensure appropriate preservation of records. This includes the requirement to schedule all records, including electronic records, and any other media.
i. A/GIS/IPS/RA works closely with Department offices ensuring compliance with the FRA, E-Government Act, and NARA directives.
j. A/GIS/IPS/RA provides briefings, training and outreach to all employees on their responsibilities for the creation, maintenance, use, and disposition of records.
k. A/GIS/IPS/RA administers the records liaison program to Department bureaus and Foreign Service posts to implement the laws and regulations on the life-cycle of records program.
l. A/GIS/IPS/RA conducts records management compliance reviews.
m. A/GIS/IPS/RA operates the Records Service Center for all office, post, and lot files and portions of the corporate records archives. It screens non-archival material and prepares records for immediate and final disposition in accordance with disposition schedules and eventual transfer to NARA, National Personnel Records Center, and other Federal records centers.
n. A/GIS/IPS/RA implements, administers, and operates the Department's Vital Records Program as required by Executive Order 12656.
o. The Agency Records Officer has delegated authority to certify copies of records as true and accurate copies of Department of State official records (excluding passport records) for legal purposes.
1 FAM 215.4 Office of Global Publishing Solutions (A/GIS/GPS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Global Publishing Solutions (A/GIS/GPS) is the Department of State’s worldwide source for centralized editorial, graphics, CD-ROM/DVD reproduction, pre-media publishing and distribution services, and assures compliance with Federal law and regulations.
b. A/GIS/GPS is composed of four regional centers (Main State, Manila, and Vienna) and is headed by the GPS Office Director who resides at Main State. The GPS Office Director also serves as the Department’s Publishing Management Officer.
c. A/GIS/GPS has substantive responsibility for 5 FAM 1300, and prescribes standards for editorial, graphics, and printing activities throughout the Department.
d. A/GIS/GPS manages the Department's photocopier program, maintains control over the use of large-volume photocopier equipment, and approves the acquisition of any publishing equipment that has large volume printing, graphics, and duplicating capabilities.
e. A/GIS/GPS also:
(1) Designs, compiles, edits, reproduces, and distributes magazines, pamphlets, books, CD-ROMs/DVDs, and miscellaneous printed materials;
(2) Produces publications in 45 languages and large-volume print runs exceeding 1 million copies (at its regional centers abroad);
(3) Plans, designs, produces, and/or procures camera-ready or electronic-based art and images for publications, exhibits, posters, charts, certificates, and other graphics-related products for Department presentations and publications;
(4) Plans and designs digital video presentations;
(5) Establishes policies for consistent visual identification of the Department of State in all presentations and publications (see 5 FAH-7 H-120);
(6) Ensures conformity with the Department’s 5 FAH-7, Graphics Standards Handbook;
(7) Ensures that the Bureau of Global Public Affairs (GPA) reviews for approval all information disseminated for public release in printed, visual, or electronic form; and
(8) Maintains liaison services with the Government Printing Office (GPO).
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Management (A/LM) directs and coordinates the Department's supply chain activities, which include transportation, travel management, distribution, travel claims, diplomatic pouch and mail, overseas fleet management, IT logistics systems, and personal property management processes on a worldwide basis.
b. A/LM develops and implements logistics policies (14 FAM) and procedures (14 FAH) and oversees the execution of exemptions and waivers to facilitate the logistics process.
c. A/LM defines business requirements for information technology in support of the logistics process. Regular analysis of supply chain data leads to implementation of changes to Department processes to achieve greatest effectiveness, efficiency and accountability.
d. A/LM represents the Department in various internal and external forums on logistics issues.
e. A/LM supports the Department’s efforts to train employees worldwide on logistics policies and procedures.
f. Working with A/PRI/EX/FMD, A/LM develops, prepares, and defends logistics management appropriations and authorization requests in the Department.
g. A/LM chairs the Committee on Exceptions to Foreign Service Travel Regulations, which reviews, evaluates, and adjudicates individual requests for relief from costs incurred due to travel, transportation, or storage of effects that are exceptional in nature.
h. A/LM provides input to the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Senior Procurement Executive (A/OPE) on procurement policy as it affects logistics management.
i. A/LM supports the Department's energy conservation program within the supply chain operations, in accordance with applicable laws, statutes, and Executive orders.
j. A/LM provides a customer advocate, who reports directly to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Logistics Management, to assist in resolving problems.
k. A Logistics Policy Unit will report to the Deputy Assistant Secretary.
1 FAM 216.1 Office of Logistics Operations (A/LM/OPS)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Office of Logistics Operations (A/LM/OPS) oversees the delivery of travel, warehousing, and shipping services for the Department domestically and supports our diplomatic missions worldwide.
1 FAM 216.1-1 Secure Logistics Division (A/LM/OPS/SL)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Secure Logistics Division (A/LM/OPS/SL) provides secure logistics support to bureaus and offices in Washington, domestic field offices, and posts worldwide.
b. A/LM/OPS/SL manages secure logistics functions, including receipt and inspection, inventory management, packing, and shipping.
c. A/LM/OPS/SL manages and coordinates a secure expedited logistics program that stocks and forward deploys items commonly required for the controlled-access areas at posts worldwide.
1 FAM 216.1-2 Transportation Management Division (A/LM/OPS/TM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Transportation Management Division (A/LM/OPS/TM) drafts, reviews, and administers transportation policies. It provides overall direction and assistance on the Department’s transportation practices and policies and is the primary point-of-contact with industry and other U.S. Government agencies on transportation for the Department of State.
b. A/LM/OPS/TM arranges the packing, storage, shipment, and delivery of employees’ personal effects, which includes transportation counseling services to Department of State offices and employees, and by agreement, other Federal offices, and employees.
c. A/LM/OPS/TM manages the receipt and consolidation of personal effects at the Baltimore Despatch Agency and consolidated receiving point (CRP), located in Baltimore, MD, for forwarding to posts worldwide.
d. A/LM/OPS/TM arranges Customs clearance services at points-of-entry for both air and ocean shipments inbound to the United States.
e. A/LM/OPS/TM directs and provides emergency transportation management and special charters and advises senior Department officials on transportation operational support for international crisis management.
f. A/LM/OPS/TM manages commercial vendors who store household effects and supplies and manage a U.S. Government-leased contractor-operated (GLOC) storage warehouse in Hagerstown, MD used to store household effects and supplies.
g. A/LM/OPS/TM manages policies and procedures for the Department’s personal property claims program under the Military Personnel and Civilian Claims Act of 1964, as amended, and under the terms and conditions of transportation tenders-of-service, assisting customers with filing claims for items missing and/or damaged during transit.
h. A/LM/OPS/TM manages transport of secure shipments through the Secure Transportation Section at Dulles International Airport.
i. A/LM/OPS/TM co-chairs the Committee on Exceptions to Foreign Service Transportation and Travel Regulations which reviews, evaluates, and adjudicates individual requests for relief from costs incurred due to travel, transportation, or storage of effects that are exceptional in nature.
1 FAM 216.1-3 Regional Logistics Centers Division (A/LM/OPS/RLC)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Regional Logistics Centers Division (A/LM/OPS/RLC) consists of the Supply Chain Management Branch headquartered in Washington and transportation field operations managed by the Despatch Operations Branch, which is also headquartered in Washington, with agents located in New York, Miami, Seattle, Brownsville, and Antwerp. The RLC:
(1) Provides overall direction to the Department’s regional logistics operations and is the primary point-of-contact with the commercial transportation industry outside the Washington, DC area;
(2) Arranges the packing, storage, shipment, and delivery of official supplies and employees’ personal effects at regional locations;
(3) Provides professional and technical guidance on transportation policies, issues, and software to a wide range of stakeholders and customers worldwide;
(4) Manages the receipt and consolidation of supplies and household effects at consolidated receiving points (CRPs), currently located in Seattle, WA, Miami, FL, Iselin, NJ, Brownsville, TX, and Antwerp, Belgium, for on-forwarding to posts worldwide;
(5) Provides customs clearance services at ports throughout the United States and abroad as required;
(6) Provides a formal customer service support function to assist both domestic and international customers with logistics management services, including a procurement capability;
(7) Manages regional logistics programs that focus on specific niche needs of customers (e.g., expedited logistics program (ELP), personal and bulk, consumables (CNS), GSA supplies from European sources, and representational items for diplomatic functions); and
(8) Develops and manages commercial mini-hubs and partnerships that extend regional logistics center scope and control of logistics operations abroad.
1 FAM 216.1-4 Travel Management and Policy Division (A/LM/OPS/TMP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Travel Management and Policy Division (A/LM/OPS/TMP) drafts, reviews, and administers travel. It provides overall direction and assistance on the Department’s travel practices and policies and is the primary point-of-contact with industry and other U.S. Government agencies on travel for the Department of State.
b. A/LM/OPS/TMP directs and provides emergency special charters and advises senior Department officials on travel operational support for international crisis management.
c. A/LM/OPS/TMP directs and coordinates the management and operations activities at the headquarters office in Washington, and policy oversight responsibilities for Regional Travel Management Centers.
d. A/LM/OPS/TMP has Contracting Officer Representative responsibilities over the domestic Travel Management Center at the Department's headquarters in Washington.
e. A/LM/OPS/TMP serves as the Department’s Senior Travel representative on the General Services Administration’s Senior Travel Official Council.
f. A/LM/OPS/TMP co-chairs the Committee on Exceptions to Foreign Service Transportation and Travel Regulations which reviews, evaluates, and adjudicates individual requests for relief from costs incurred due to travel, transportation, or storage of effects that are exceptional in nature.
1 FAM 216.2 Office of Program Management and Policy (A/LM/PMP)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
The Office of Program Management and Policy (A/LM/PMP) is responsible for management oversight in the development and delivery of global logistics policies, business analysis, and logistics-related training. A/LM/PMP provides oversight for global property management, overseas fleet operations, and diplomatic pouch and mail services delivered domestically and overseas.
1 FAM 216.2-1 Logistics Professional Development Division (A/LM/PMP/LPD)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. A/LM/PMP/LPD develops and assists in delivering logistics-related training worldwide. A/LM/PMP/LPD develops and schedules classes delivered by A/LM directly, and coordinates with FSI and/or other Department offices to develop course content for logistics courses delivered by them (classroom and online).
b. A/LM/PMP/LPD performs data analysis/interpretation and evaluation of performance measurements to promote the implementation of commercial and government best practices in logistic processes and in improving management controls.
1 FAM 216.2-2 Property Management Division (A/LM/PMP/PM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. A/LM/PMP/PM provides worldwide oversight, guidance, training and policy on property management operations and identifies and approves business requirements for the Department’s asset management systems.
b. A/LM/PMP/PM sets the internal control standards and approves systems that account for classified and unclassified assets for the Department worldwide, including general-use administrative assets and specialized program assets. The division monitors worldwide compliance with the annual inventory certification process.
c. A/LM/PMP/PM manages worldwide asset utilization, reutilization and disposal programs for the Department including the asset portion of the E-Gov Federal asset sales program.
d. A/LM/PMP/PM provides global training support on the Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS) Asset Management Module (AM) and internal management control development for property accountability and visibility.
e. A/LM/PMP/PM manages the Department’s Property Corrective Action Plan and conducts global audits on personal property management to ensure compliance with Federal and internal policies and procedures.
f. A/LM/PMP/PM develops management controls for the Department’s wide variety of program property utilized domestically and abroad.
1 FAM 216.2-3 Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division (A/LM/PMP/DPM)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. Division-wide responsibilities:
(1) The Diplomatic Pouch and Mail Division (A/LM/PMP/DPM) provides domestic mail, Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) mail, and unclassified and classified pouch service to the Department and other members of the foreign affairs community;
(2) A/LM/PMP/DPM surveys the flow of mail through all systems used and serves as liaison to the U.S. Postal Service, Military Postal Service Agency and commercial airline industry to optimize customer service;
(3) A/LM/PMP/DPM provides information and policy guidance to the foreign affairs community on effective and efficient use of domestic, DPO, and classified and unclassified pouch and mail systems;
(4) A/LM/PMP/DPM serves as the Department’s liaison with other Federal agencies and customers abroad regarding the preparation, routing and accountability of materials entered into the classified and unclassified pouch systems and DPO mail stream worldwide;
(5) A/LM/PMP/DPM serves as the contracting officer’s representative for the Department’s consolidated mail and pouch handling labor contract; and
(6) A/LM/PMP/DPM provides subject-matter expertise for Department of State mail policies and procedures found in 14 FAM/FAH.
b. Classified pouch:
(1) A/LM/PMP/DPM administers the domestic handling portion of the classified pouch and mail function for the Department and prepares classified pouches for delivery abroad (see 12 FAM 100 for DS/C/DC responsibilities for administering the worldwide program for delivery of classified pouches via diplomatic couriers);
(2) A/LM/PMP/DPM maintains liaison with the Diplomatic Courier and Defense Courier services to ensure that classified pouch dispatches coincide with scheduled courier services for delivery to Foreign Service posts.
c. Unclassified pouch:
(1) A/LM/PMP/DPM is responsible for the worldwide scheduling, dispatch, transportation, auditing, and tracing of unclassified diplomatic pouches;
(2) A/LM/PMP/DPM provides liaison with commercial carriers and coordinates tariffs and routing proposals for unclassified pouches. A/LM/PMP/DPM selects originating carriers for unclassified pouch dispatches and provides advice to posts on routing unclassified pouches to the Department.
d. Domestic mail and message system:
(1) A/LM/PMP/DPM manages the Department’s domestic mail processing and distribution system, which segregates mail by type (i.e., flat, parcel, or envelope, registered or unregistered), and sorts and delivers it to its final destination;
(2) A/LM/PMP/DPM manages the Department’s domestic postage and official mail meter programs.
e. Diplomatic Post Office (DPO): A/LM/PMP/DPM manages the worldwide DPO mail system for the foreign affairs community.
1 FAM 216.2-4 Overseas Fleet Division (A/LM/PMP/OF)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Overseas Fleet Division (A/LM/PMP/OF) is responsible for the development, implementation and oversight of policy and regulations governing the Department’s overseas motor vehicle fleets. A/LM/PMP/OF represents the Department at internal and external fora on issues pertaining to the overseas fleet.
b. A/LM/PMP/OF coordinates with the Fleet Management and Operations Division (A/OPR/GSM/FMO) to prepare formal Federal reports and responses to fleet-related inquiries, conduct special studies and efficiency analyses, and review/critique proposed changes to legislation, Executive orders and Federal regulations applicable to foreign-located motor vehicles.
c. A/LM/PMP/OF provides expert advice, analytic support, and technical guidance on official motor vehicle and fleet operations at overseas locations. This includes maintenance, vehicle utilization, fuel programs, titling/licensing/registration/inspection inquiries and issue resolution, vehicle policy review and training and safety initiatives for the overseas fleet.
d. A/LM/PMP/OF manages the acquisition of the Department’s Program and ICASS vehicles at posts abroad.
e. A/LM/PMP/OF develops training materials and hosts training for overseas personnel concerning all operational and managerial issues involved with managing a motor pool operation. A/LM/PMP/OF assists with ensuring that overseas maintenance technicians are properly trained on current operating procedures, are properly equipped, and motivated so that the maintenance program can be accomplished in a safe, timely and cost effective manner.
1 FAM 217.1 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU)
(CT:ORG-656; 04-03-2024)
a. The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) is not directly attached to the Assistant Secretary of Administration, but is attached to the A Bureau for administrative purposes:
(1) The Assistant Secretary facilitates collaboration between OSDBU, the Office of Acquisitions Management, and the Office of the Procurement Executive; and
(2) The Director of OSDBU reports directly to the Deputy Secretary of State concerning its policies and activities, in accordance with Section 15 (k) of the Small Business Act, 15 U.S.C. 644(k). The OSDBU Director will be evaluated by the senior career official in the Office of the Deputy Secretary who conducts the performance appraisals for the most senior staff in the Deputy’s office; and the Deputy Secretary of State serves as the final reviewer.
b. The OSDBU is responsible for the implementation and supervision of the Department’s procurement activities related to small and disadvantaged business and women-owned businesses and other socio-economic groups designated by law, in accordance with Public Law 95-507 and other public laws related to small business utilization (see 1 FAM 211.5, subparagraph b(17).
c. The OSDBU:
(1) Ensures that legislative mandates and Executive orders regarding small and disadvantaged business utilization are carried out, and formulates policies to implement such legislation; OSDBU provides guidance to Department bureaus and offices regarding legislation and implementing regulations;
(2) Acts as an advocate within the Department for small, disadvantaged, women-owned, HUBZone and service-disabled veteran-owned businesses seeking acquisition opportunities. OSDBU conducts outreach, counseling, and liaison programs for such businesses and Department staff;
(3) Establishes Department/SBA jointly negotiated goals for small businesses, disadvantaged businesses, women-owned businesses, HUBZone and service disabled veteran-owned business utilization. OSDBU evaluates performance vis-à-vis goals achievements and prepares reports to Congress, SBA, and other executive agencies, as required, on the Department's performance;
(4) Is responsible for other intra- and inter-agency liaison and activities related to small, disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses and other socioeconomic groups designated by law;
(5) Oversees the Department’s Prime Subcontracting and Mentor-Protégé Programs and initiates the annual Department of State Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award nomination and selection process;
(6) Under the Partnership Agreement between the Small Business Administration and the Department of State, serve as the third-party signatory on contracts entered into under authority of the SBA’s 8(a) business development program; and
(7) Conducts an annual review of the Department's domestic contracting activity to ensure that small businesses are receiving a fair share of the Department's domestic procurements; to ensure the adequacy of contract-bundling documentation and justifications; and to determine the actions taken to mitigate the effects of necessary and justified contract bundling on small businesses. OSDBU provides a written copy of the assessment to the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, the Under Secretary for Management, the Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Administration, and to the Administrator of the Small Business Administration.