(CT:FIN-491; 03-04-2024)
(Office of Origin: CGFS/FPRA/FP)
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. When it becomes necessary to evacuate a post by authorized or ordered departure due to an emergency that poses a threat to U.S. personnel and/or property, the post fiscal and management officers must instruct all post personnel in the proper fiscal duties and responsibilities required under emergency evacuation conditions. These duties and responsibilities are described in 4 FAM 830 and post-specific evacuation procedures. General guidance and authorities pertaining to evacuations are contained in 12 FAH-1.
b. Financial management personnel must protect and inventory U.S. Government official funds, including cash on hand, negotiable instruments, blank check stock, funds on deposit in local banks, and all related accounting records. As directed by the post’s emergency evacuation committee, financial management personnel must withdraw funds from all bank accounts and transfer accountability to a single individual, if necessary, in order to safeguard the funds.
c. Financial personnel at post, in Washington DC, and at CGFS Charleston and Bangkok must take the necessary actions to provide post personnel that have been evacuated, advances and payments for salary, per diem, and allowances after their arrival at the safehaven post.
d. Post financial management and consular personnel may also provide funds for evacuating U.S. citizens and foreign nationals. Post must not accept cash to cover evacuation expenses. Form DS-5528, Evacuee Manifest and Promissory Note, is used to process crisis evacuation loans. Completion of this application is required to facilitate reimbursement. Reimbursement is required except where the Secretary determines it is impracticable to seek reimbursement from evacuees. See 7 FAM 1800 Appendix D for guidance on crisis evacuation loans and evacuation documentation.
e. Unless specifically directed otherwise by the Department, all post emergency evacuation expenses for Department of State U.S. direct hire employees and eligible family members (EFMs) are chargeable to appropriation 19X0522, Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service. In most cases, emergency evacuation expenses for non-State employees are charged to fiscal data provided by their Agency or Department. In most cases, emergency evacuation expenses for loans to private U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, and lawful permanent residents are charged to appropriation 19X0522.
4 FAM 831.1 Fiscal Guidelines for Emergency Events
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
The following provides a financial management officer (FMO), management officer (MO), or other post official with the basic fiscal guidelines to follow in the event of an emergency that may require partial or complete evacuation of an Embassy or consulate(s).
4 FAM 831.2 Policy
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. Fiscal operations for country or post emergencies should be planned in advance. In the event of the unanticipated, extreme emergency, common sense and prudent controls are followed. Regulations should guide the actions of financial management personnel to ensure that strong controls and accountability are maintained under emergency conditions to avoid financial problems and fiscal irregularities.
b. All emergency fiscal operations are executed in accordance with the Department’s financial management regulations and procedures in 4 FAM 830; related procedures in 7 FAM 100; and Chapter 600, Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR).
4 FAM 832.1 Instruction and Coordination
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. The FMO or MO (if there is no FMO at post) must ensure that all personnel assigned to a post are familiar with their fiscal duties and responsibilities under emergency evacuation conditions and are aware of emergency evacuation fiscal operating requirements, including the specific emergency evacuation duties assigned to their immediate staffs.
b. After the evacuation has been authorized or ordered, the Under Secretary for Management (M) provides fiscal data with the evacuation instructions. The FMO or MO should coordinate the emergency evacuation fiscal operations between activities at post, the regional bureau, and the designated safehaven(s). This includes State, other agencies, and special activities within the country being evacuated.
4 FAM 832.2 Protection of Funds and Accounting Records
(CT:FIN-491; 03-04-2024)
a. Financial management personnel must ensure the protection and inventory of all official funds, local trust funds, related accounting records, and supporting transaction documents held at the post. This may include cash on hand, negotiable instruments, blank check forms, funds on deposit in local banks, and related accounting records and documents.
b. The FMO or MO will evaluate post's available cash on hand to support emergency evacuation expenses within 48 hours of receiving the authorized or ordered departure cable and deposit all unneeded local currency into the U.S. disbursing officer (USDO) bank account. This includes funds held by the post Class B cashier from their authorized advance, including alternate and subcashier(s), the cashier checking account, and other agency cashiers. To the extent possible, the USDO is responsible for any emergency movement of funds out of their bank account. The FMO issues instructions to all budget and fiscal personnel regarding the use of official funds held for emergency evacuation purposes and will evaluate whether accommodation exchange transactions should be continued during the emergency.
c. In the event there is a residual amount of U.S. or local currency when authorized or ordered departure takes effect, the chief of mission or as delegated to the deputy chief of mission or management officer, will determine whether there is sufficient time and resources to remove or destroy the remaining currency. The FMO, if present at post at the time of the authorized or ordered departure, should make a recommendation for removal or destruction but may not be delegated decision responsibility.
d. If the decision is made to destroy the remaining currency, the principal officer or delegated official is responsible for designating a team of at least three U.S. citizen employees (one of whom must be a U.S. Department of State direct-hire employee) to perform and witness the destruction of the currency in the following manner (see 12 FAH-1 Annex E Addendum 3.1):
(1) Count the currency to be destroyed;
(2) Prepare a memorandum of certification with two copies showing a log of all serial numbers and amount of each denomination of U.S. and local currency destroyed (see the example in 12 FAH-1 Annex E Addendum 3.5). The certification must be as complete as time and circumstances permit;
NOTE: If there is insufficient time to count the currency, attach the most recent cashier accountability report to the memorandum;
(3) Destroy the currency using shredder and disintegrator devices approved for destroying classified material and taking appropriate steps to maintain the confidentiality of the destruction operation;
(4) Certify the date of destruction and currency destroyed on the memorandum of certification and include the name, title, grade, and signature of all witnesses; and
(5) Take the memorandum of certification upon departure from post. The accountable officer should retain one copy and a second copy should be retained by the officer certifying destruction. All copies must have original signatures.
e. The servicing USDO is responsible for requesting the Treasury Department reduce the Department's liability for outstanding currency by the amount of the destroyed currency by performing the following actions:
(1) Prepare a memorandum for the CGFS Comptroller's signature, addressed to the Department of Treasury Fiscal Assistant Secretary, requesting relief of liability for destroyed currency. List the amount that was destroyed, information about the circumstances surrounding destruction, and contact information for an employee who can provide supporting documentation; and
(2) Send the memorandum by first class mail to:
Fiscal Assistant Secretary
United States Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 2112
Washington, DC 20220
f. When the request is received, Treasury will contact the Department for supporting documentation. The Treasury Department Fiscal Assistant Secretary’s office will evaluate requests to reduce the Department’s liability and, upon approval, will contact the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and request appropriate action to reduce the agency’s liability for outstanding currency and credit the agency’s account with an amount equal to the amount that was destroyed.
g. If deemed necessary for emergency purposes, the chairperson of the post’s emergency action committee, or their designee, may direct that all official and local trust funds, related accounting records, and supporting transaction documents held by post cashiers, including cashiers of other agencies, be turned over to a designated U.S. employee. The designated employee and the principal cashier should complete the Form OF-205, Statement of Cash Operating Advance and Replenishment Voucher, to transfer the cashier's accountability, prepared in triplicate, all with original signatures, time permitting:
(1) The original is sent to the Office of Global Disbursing Operations (CGFS/DO);
(2) One copy is given to the person surrendering the funds; and
(3) One copy is retained by the employee accepting responsibility for the funds, records, and documents.
h. The FMO or, in the absence of an FMO, the cashier supervisor, must ensure that the principal cashier reconciles their accountability and provides the reconciliation forms to the American supervisor. The reconciliation documents and cash on hand should be verified by the supervisor, time permitting. The cashier must place all U.S. dollar cash on hand in a cash box with combination lock and place all reconciliation supporting documents in a secure container.
i. Proper transfer of the cashier's accountability can be time consuming and emergency situations may prohibit a proper and full reconciliation of the cashier’s accountability. In this case, the individual accepting accountability must document cash on hand, negotiable instruments, and cashiering documentation received from the principal cashier within 48 hours of arrival at the safehaven.
j. If necessary, the chairperson of the emergency action committee, or their designee, may authorize using official funds held at post for emergency expenses related to the evacuation. The person who has accepted responsibility for official funds must maintain proper documentation to account for all funds disbursed under authority of the emergency action committee.
k. Within two days after the emergency evacuation of the post has begun, the FMO should advise CGFS/S, the servicing USDO, and the Chief Disbursing Officer (CDO) at Treasury of the disposition of all cash, accounting records, and documents. Send a cable or email with action to the servicing USDO and CGFS/S with a request for CGFS/S to pass the telegram to the CDO at Treasury. A similar statement regarding the disposition of funds, records, and documents is made after the emergency.
l. In the event of a complete evacuation or temporary closure of the post, the person who has accepted responsibility for the cashier’s accountability carries the cash and supporting documentation to the safehaven post. The accounts are kept open while at the safehaven post until all transactions affecting the USDO’s accountability have been processed and/or the USDO submits a final accounting.
m. If necessary, the person with responsibility for the cashier’s accountability will keep a manual record of transactions until they are submitted to the servicing USDO.
4 FAM 833.1 Appropriations and/or Funds Chargeable for Emergency Evacuation Expenses
4 FAM 833.1-1 Emergency Fund Requests to the Department
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
The FMO or MO should consult with responsible officers regarding emergency evacuation funding requirements as the emergency develops and should assist in preparing the request for funds.
4 FAM 833.1-2 Department of State Post Emergency Evacuation Expenses
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
Unless specifically directed otherwise by the Department, all post emergency evacuation expenses are chargeable to appropriation 19X0522, Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service. The Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services Office of Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service (CGFS/EDCS) will provide the authority to charge this appropriation and the necessary fund citation upon receipt of a request. Charges against these fund authorizations are processed without establishing formal obligation documents and are vouchered in accordance with prescribed procedures, time permitting.
4 FAM 833.1-3 Emergency Evacuation Expenditures for Other Agencies
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. In most cases, emergency evacuation expenses for non-State employees are charged to fiscal data provided by their Agency or Department. If the agencies are not able to provide the Department with fiscal data, transportation-related evacuation expenses of non-State employees should be charged to Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service.
b. Authorized procedures for paying compensation, post differential, and allowances in the event of an emergency evacuation of employees and/or their eligible family members and those agencies having adopted regulations approved by the Department are contained in Chapter 600 of the DSSR. If the other agency does not provide fiscal data for these types of expenses, it will be charged to State Department's Consular Border and Security Programs (CBSP) account.
c. Emergency evacuation expenditures for other agencies are clearly identified as expenses to be reimbursed by the benefiting agency in each case.
4 FAM 833.2 Payment of Emergency Evacuation Expenses for State and Serviced Agency Employees and Eligible Family Members (EFMs)
4 FAM 833.2-1 Payments
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. Regulations for payments during evacuation, including advance payments, are prescribed for all participating agencies in Chapter 600 of DSSR. The regulations apply to U.S. citizen civilian employees, third-country national employees, when authorized, and EFMs. Initial subsistence expense allowance cash advance payments for emergency evacuation expenses may be paid to EFMs or to other designated employee representatives and to other authorized evacuees. The person receiving an advance payment will sign for such receipt on Form DS-4097, Receipt for Cash, which is used in accounting for the payments.
b. The Department’s Individually Billed Account (IBA) travel cards are authorized for U.S. direct hires to assist with the emergent costs associated with authorized and ordered departures. Contact the Travel Card Program (CGFS/F/TCP) at TravelCH@state.gov to have the IBA card issued and/or updated to an evacuee status which provides additional card benefits during an evacuation.
4 FAM 833.2-2 Group Evacuation Expenses
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
When a group of State and/or Serviced Agency Employees is evacuated, cash may be advanced to the designated group leader to pay evacuation expenses of the group as a unit, if deemed necessary. The group leader should be given a pad of Forms DS-4097 to use in accounting for payments made when receipts cannot be obtained from vendors. Upon arrival at the safehaven, turn over the pad of stubs and unused cash to the USDO, post cashier, or FMO for entry into the official accounting system. The official entering the transactions will retain such records and receipts.
4 FAM 833.2-3 Forwarding Pay and Allowance Data
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
Furnish current pay and allowance data to the employee’s safehaven or to the fiscal-servicing post. The data may be transmitted by the employee being evacuated or by other safe means.
4 FAM 833.2-4 Power of Attorney
(CT:FIN-491; 03-04-2024)
When eligible family members are evacuated to the safehaven post(s) and the employee remains at their duty post, the employee should be advised to execute a power of attorney for their spouse, other responsible dependent, or other person acting on their behalf to cash their checks.
4 FAM 833.3 Payment of Emergency Evacuation Expenses for Private U.S. Citizens, Foreign Nationals, and Lawful Permanent Residents
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. Post must not accept cash from private U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, or lawful permanent residents to cover evacuation expenses. To provide evacuation expenses to a safehaven, posts may make loans to individual U.S. citizens, their non-U.S. citizen family members, or foreign nationals whose evacuation has been approved by the Department. Unless otherwise instructed by the Department, if feasible, each adult private U.S. citizen evacuated on U.S. Government funded transportation, whether embassy, commercial charter, or military transport, must execute the promissory note and loan agreement on the Form DS-5528, Evacuee Manifest and Promissory Note. Minor children and incompetent/incapacitated adults may be added to the primary adult evacuee's Form DS-5528. If such persons are to be evacuated in a group and completion of a Form DS-5528 is not practical, verbal agreement to repay their pro rata share of the group evacuation expenses is requested from each individual, with the understanding that they will be expected to sign a promissory note for the amount to be repaid for themselves and their dependents, if any, after arriving at the safehaven post. The 7 FAM 1800 Appendix D Crisis Evacuation Loans and Evacuation Documentation provides step-by-step instructions on completing the Form DS-5528.
b. Electronic transmission of the Form DS-5528 and manifests are the preferred method for transmitting documentation to CGFS for billing and collection purposes. Completed Form DS-5528s and associated manifests should be scanned and transmitted with the associated flight manifest (in EXCEL format - .xlsx) via email to the CGFS Accounts Receivable Branch mailbox: FMPARD@state.gov, copying CA/OCS/ACS country officer. The CGFS Accounts Receivable Branch will commence recording and collection activity. Refer to 7 FAM 1864, 7 FAM 1800 Appendix D, and CA/OCS for additional guidance.
4 FAM 833.4 ICASS Budgeting for Evacuated Posts
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
For procedures related to International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) budgeting and cost sharing for evacuated posts, see 6 FAH-5 H-381.
4 FAM 834.1 Rates of Employee Pay, Allowances, and Post Differential Payable During Evacuation
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
Authorized advance payments of salary and/or special allowances and post differentials, which are not terminated in accordance with Chapter 600 of the DSSR, may be made to civilian employees of participating agencies who are U.S. citizens and nationals, or foreign nationals who are employees of the U.S. Government and not citizens or nationals of the country to which they have been evacuated.
4 FAM 834.2 Payments of Salaries, Allowances, and Post Differential to State and ICASS Serviced Agency Employees and/or Eligible Family Members After Arrival at Safehaven
4 FAM 834.2-1 Washington, DC or Other Agency Payroll Activity at Official Designated Safehaven
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
a. When employees are evacuated to Washington, DC or agency headquarters, they will report to their bureau or agency’s executive office. The executive director for each bureau or ICASS serviced agency has the responsibility to perform those tasks required in processing each employee evacuee’s Time and Attendance (T&A) Report.
b. Timekeeping for evacuated employees payrolled by the Global Compensation Directorate (CGFS/GC) is through WebTatel or WinT&A. Employees may log on through the internet or intranet to employeeexpress.gov to print E&L statements, make changes to health insurance, federal and state tax information, Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), allotments, savings bonds, and home address. The employee must have a login ID and password for Employee Express.
4 FAM 834.2-2 Safehavens Other Than Washington, DC
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
An evacuated employee whose safehaven is a post other than Washington, DC will use that post’s T&A system after coordinating with the CGFS Office of Global Financial Operations (CGFS/F). The FMO or MO must furnish CGFS/F with the names of all employees and/or their Eligible Family Members (EFMs) and the safehaven.
4 FAM 834.2-3 Payments and Allowances at Safehaven
(CT:FIN-479; 07-21-2021)
When specifically authorized by the Department via a GEMS SF-50 action for modification of a salary appropriation/allotment or cable issuance for modification of an allowance and differential appropriation/allotment to pay salaries, allowances, and post differential of the safehaven post to State employees and/or EFM evacuees during their stay at a safehaven post, these costs may be charged to the Consular Border and Security Programs (CBSP) appropriation, American Salary allotment, and to the evacuated post’s Program and International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) operating allowances, as applicable. Salary, allowance, and post differential payments for other agencies are charged to their funds. Such payments may be made when the evacuee(s) present(s) the necessary current pay and allowance data or it is received by other means from the FMO of the evacuated post. (See 4 FAM 833 for maintaining and forwarding records.)