5 FAM 540


(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

(Office of Origin:  DT/FO/ITI/LWS/RPB)


(CT:IM-305;   08-01-2023)

a. All radio networks used by U.S. government personnel in a foreign country (except those personnel under the command of a U.S. area military commander) are under the authority and direction of the Chief of Mission (COM) in accordance with 22 U.S.C. 3927.  This section does not pertain to radio stations operated by or allied with the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM).

b. The Department of State coordinates frequency use for U.S. government foreign affairs agencies with host foreign governments, except for certain international military channels that have been established for military frequency planning and coordination.

c.  All embassies, consulates and missions in foreign countries under COM authority must have operational high frequency (HF), Emergency and Evacuation (E&E), and Emergency Action Committee (EAC) radio networks.  These radio networks must be tested monthly, at a minimum, in coordination with the Regional Security Officer (RSO) or Post Security Officer (PSO) and in accordance with post’s Emergency Action Plan (EAP).  All U.S. direct hire (USDH) personnel at post must be issued an E&E or EAC radio and participate in radio testing.  Any exception to this policy must be approved by the COM.

d. The head of each agency at post must obtain COM approval before obligating funds to acquire new radio networks or to make major changes to existing networks.  A major change is defined as altering an existing radio network in size or technical characteristics enough to require the host government to re-license or issue new frequencies, or changes that may result in an increase of radio traffic that affects network access by current users.

e. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular Relations requires host country consent before installing and using wireless transmitters.  The COM or a designee will consult with the host government to obtain consent and, where practicable, obtain specific frequencies from the host government to ensure interference-free radio use (See 5 FAM 544).  The Information Management Officer (IMO) and/or the Information Programs Officer (IPO) at post must be given a copy of all frequency host nation approvals.

f.  All agencies under the authority of the COM must participate in post EAP networks unless the COM determines that an agency is not required to participate.

g. See 5 FAH-2 H-730 for procedures on procuring, installing, maintaining, repairing, and operationally testing voice radios.

h. For security and separation requirements for radio equipment in Controlled Access Areas (CAAs), see 12 FAH-6 H-542.5-12 paragraph h


5 FAM 542.1  Radio Programs Branch (RPB)

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

The Radio Programs Branch (DT/FO/ITI/LWS/RPB) is the Department’s program manager for all overseas voice radio systems (whether leased or U.S. Government-owned), except for DS Security radio systems and systems owned and operated by other agencies or provided to and operated by host governments.

5 FAM 542.2  Diplomatic Technology/External Affairs (DT/EA)

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

DT/EA coordinates reciprocity issues for the foreign affairs community with the Office of Foreign Missions (M/OFM) and the DS International Programs Directorate (DS/IP) or DS High Threat Programs Directorate (DS/HTP) when agreements involve emergency or security networks.  DT/EA, in coordination with post, bureau, Radio Programs Branch (RPB), and the Regional Information Management Center (DT/OPS/RIMC), also prepares and coordinates interagency agreements relating to new radio networks and major changes to existing networks and their use.

5 FAM 542.3  Liaison Office to Overseas Buildings Operations (LO-OBO)

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

DT’s Liaison Office to Overseas Buildings Operations (DT/FO/ITI/LWS/LO-OBO), through collaboration and recommendations from RPB, coordinates with the Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO) in the design of embassy/consulate rooftops in preparation for radio assets like antennas/tuners.  LO-OBO receives site-specific cost estimates from RPB for radio work/equipment required at NECs, NCCs, and renovations for consolidation into OBO’s project budget.  See 1 FAM 276.2-1 (A) for the scope of LO-OBO responsibilities.


(CT:IM-305;   08-01-2023)

The primary purpose of overseas radio networks is to enhance the security and protection of U.S. government personnel and property abroad.  The Department establishes radio networks in each embassy, consulate, and mission where U.S. government personnel are present.  As examples, radio systems are used to support security operations, the Emergency Action Plan (EAP), daily mission administrative functions (ADM/motor pool), official visits, and the local guard force (LGF).  Radio systems are ideal for rapidly disseminating information during emergency situations.  Radio broadcasts provide paging and immediate, simultaneous communication to multiple network participants.  Emergency radio systems are designed to be independent of local communications infrastructure in order to continue operations when local infrastructure fails:

(1)  Emergency Action Committee (EAC)

      The EAP provides procedures and guidance to prepare post personnel for their roles and activities in crisis situations.  The EAC radio network supports the EAP and is used to broadcast official instructions to EAC members, Marine Security Guards (MSG), and other designated personnel during an emergency, evacuation, or potentially dangerous situation.  EAC networks are specially configured with signal-enhancing equipment to ensure reliable radio contact among participating network subscribers.  The radios used on this network are capable of encrypted transmission.  The EAP should contain the most recent radio network configuration information and revisions (see 12 FAH-1 H-280).

(2)  Emergency and Evacuation (E&E)

      The E&E network is used to broadcast information and guidance during emergency, evacuation, or potentially dangerous situations.  These radios are assigned to all Department of State employees and authorized agencies under COM authority.  The E&E channel is not typically encrypted.

(3)  Administrative (ADM and/or motor pool)

      Administrative networks are used to facilitate daily operations such as facility maintenance, the General Services Office, and motor pool.  The EAP may utilize these networks in order to assist in emergency situations.

(4)  Local Guard Force (LGF)

      LGF radio networks are an important asset for the local guard program and in support of post’s overall security efforts.  The network provides communications between LGF posts and supervisory security personnel.  The network capabilities may be used to complement other communication assets in emergency situations.

(5)  Ambassador Protection Detail (APD)

      The APD radio network is an encrypted radio network used in the official capacity of movements and protection of the ambassador or chargé d'affaires.  Typically, this network is only available to the ambassador’s protection detail, the RSO, and MSG.  However, at the RSO’s discretion it can be made available to other security personnel.

(6)  Marine Security Guard (MSG)

      The MSG radio network is an encrypted radio network used by the post MSG.  The radio network provides communications among the MSG and the RSO as they perform security patrols and quick reaction defensive maneuvers.  In accordance with the DOS/USMC Memorandum of Agreement for the MSG program (12 FAM 430), initial radio requirements for new detachment activations are funded with FC 5732 funds.  Replacement funds for MSG detachments are included in the RPB life-cycle replacement program.

(7)  Worldwide Protective Services (WPS)

      At certain high-threat posts, DS deploys protective details for COM personnel under its WPS contract.  Subscriber equipment may be contractor furnished equipment, and repeaters and associated networks may be government furnished equipment.


5 FAM 544.1  Information Management Officer (IMO)/Information Programs Officer (IPO)

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

The IMO or IPO is the post’s focal point for all radio matters.  The responsibilities of the IMO or IPO include:

(1)  Managing all Department of State HF, E&E, and EAC radio networks and providing guidance to users of other radio networks under the authority and direction of the COM.  This includes administrative network discipline and operational efficiency, notwithstanding the ownership of these systems.  Routine testing of the E&E and EAC network is addressed in 5 FAH-2 H-732.7.  The IMO/IPO may also be required to consult with host government authorities for operating licenses and frequency approvals;

(2)  Providing radio operating procedures and maintenance guidance to radio equipment users;

(3)  For systems funded by other agencies, the IMO/IPO will be provided all radio network information (frequencies, power levels, etc.) to de-conflict or isolate radio interference;

(4)  Determining test schedules and procedures for administrative networks and high-frequency networks; and

(5)  Confirming the area custodian of DT property ensures that inventories and controls are in place and followed. (See 14 FAM 410, Personal Property Management for Posts Abroad.)

5 FAM 544.2  Regional Security Officer (RSO)

(CT:IM-305;   08-01-2023)

The RSO is responsible for ensuring that radio communication systems security standards and Department policies and guidelines are implemented at post:

(1)  The RSO is responsible for the administration and operations of the local guard force (LGF) radio program.  The RSO should coordinate with the IMO or IPO regarding LGF radio and cell phone communications equipment.  For procurement guidance and technical and operational support, the RSO should also contact the RIMC.  If time is available during a post visit, the RIMC radio technician may provide guidance and support for the LGF radio system; and

(2)  The RSO is responsible for conducting required testing and radio checks for the local E&E and EAC networks.  The objective of EAC and E&E network testing is to insure reliable communications by USDH mission members between official facilities and residential compounds and neighborhoods, the alternate command center, and the primary evacuation point as stated in post’s Emergency Action Plan.

5 FAM 544.3  Regional Information Management Center (RIMC)

(CT:IM-305;   08-01-2023)

The RIMC provides direct technical and operational support to each post within its geographic area of responsibility.  The RIMC provides guidance, installation, and maintenance support for EAP (EAC, E&E, and HF radio networks) and administrative radio networks under COM authority.  While the RPB has final approval of new or upgraded radio network designs, the RIMC and RPB will provide posts technical guidance to ensure compliance with the Department’s established radio program standards and specifications.  The RIMC also provides post RSOs technical advice and guidance with regard to the LGF radio system and system owners of other radio programs under COM.


(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

a. Radio systems may be owned or leased.  Radio requirements not provided by the RPB’s life-cycle Global Radio Replacement Program (GRRP) for EAC, E&E, HF & MSG radio networks should be funded by post, tenant agency, or the geographic regional bureau and procured using the Integrated Logistics Management System (Ariba) system.  (See 5 FAH-2 H-760.)

b. Radio systems may be owned or leased.  Radio requirements are prioritized through the Department’s budgetary process to obtain DT central funding. (See 5 FAH-2 H-760.)

c.  All proposals relating to the introduction of new radio networks or making major changes to existing systems must be coordinated with the COM or their designee, the RPB, and DT/EA in consultation with the RIMC.

d. RIMCs provide primary maintenance and life-cycle support of HF, E&E, EAC, and other Department of State radio networks.  LGF radio networks are the responsibility of post RSOs and funding is provided by the LGF contractor, or in the case of a personal services agreement (PSA) guard force, Diplomatic Security's Facility Protection Division (DS/OPO/FPD).

e. International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (ICASS) centrally funds E&E handhelds for subscribers via the RPB’s GRRP.  Agencies not subscribing to ICASS services must fund their own radios, except those provided by RPB for EAC members.  Radio systems funded and operated by other agencies are the property of the funding agency.  Individual agencies are responsible for installation, life-cycle support, and equipment accountability.

f. Post’s IMO or IPO may contact the RIMC and RPB for exceptions regarding the installation of mobile (vehicle) radios on behalf of other agencies at post, which may require a formal agreement consisting of support based on available resources.  However, the installation and use of all systems are subject to procedures and/or restrictions established by the COM.


(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

5 FAM 546.1  Reciprocity for Radio Systems

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

a. United States law prohibits licensing foreign governments or their representatives to operate short-range radio systems in the United States.  Employees must not offer reciprocity in return for introducing and using short-range ultrahigh frequency and/or very high frequency radio systems at posts abroad.  Foreign governments may subscribe to commercially offered cellular radio services in the United States.  Foreign governments may also enter into commercial arrangements with U.S. firms licensed to provide, for example, security guard or motor pool services.

b. United States law permits a foreign mission, in special circumstances and based on reciprocity, to construct and operate a fixed low-power transmitter in Washington, D.C., for communications to points outside the United States.  Permission requires the approval of both the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Commerce.  These installations must respect local zoning, land-use planning, historic preservation, structural codes, and similar building regulations.  For information on obtaining host country consent, contact DT/EA.

5 FAM 546.2  New or Upgraded Domestic Radio Networks

(CT:IM-324;   06-28-2024)

All proposals relating to introducing new radio systems or making major changes to existing systems domestically must be coordinated with DS/C/ST/SSI/PTB/GSC and DT/EA.