(CT:CON-1007; 04-19-2024)
(Office of Origin: CA/OCS)
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. The Selective Service System is an independent federal agency. It is not part of the Department of Defense; however, it exists to serve the emergency manpower needs of the U.S. Military by conscripting untrained manpower, or personnel with professional health care skills, if directed by Congress and the President in a national crisis. Its statutory missions also include being ready to administer an alternative service program, in lieu of military service for men classified as conscientious objectors.
b. The Department of State and consular officers abroad assist the Selective Service System with its registration program by accepting registration forms at our posts abroad on behalf of the Selective Service System and facilitating volunteer private U.S. citizens who may act as registrants.
c. The Department of State should not get involved beyond the initial registration process unless specifically requested by the Selective Service System through the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Directorate of Overseas Citizens Services, Management Support Unit (CA/OCS/MSU).
d. Consular Officers are strongly encouraged to direct inquirers to the Selective Service System website for information about registration and to direct other inquiries to the Selective Service System Contact Information website.
Contacting the Selective Service System … Selective Service System Contact Information |
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. The Selective Service System operates with permanent authorization under the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.; 32 CFR 1600 - 1699; and Presidential Proclamation 4771 of July 2, 1980, as amended by Presidential Proclamation 7275 of February 22, 2000, Federal Register: February 24, 2000 (Volume 65, Number 37) (Presidential Documents Page 9199).
b. Consular authority to assist the Selective Service System is derived from 22 U.S.C. 3904 (3) (Functions of Service).
(CT:CON-1007; 04-19-2024)
a. All United States diplomatic and consular officers, as U.S. citizen employees of the U.S. Government, are eligible to be Selective Service System registrars. You may perform the duties of a registrar for an indefinite period at any post of assignment abroad. Military personnel may also serve as registrars.
See … Selective Service System Information for Registrars |
b. Selective Service System Uncompensated Registrars: Consular officers, as chief registrar at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad, may appoint U.S. citizen volunteers to serve as registrars without pay or compensation:
(1) Only non-U.S. government employees (U.S. citizen volunteer registrars) must complete Selective Service System Form SSS-402, Uncompensated Selective Service System Registrar Appointment Form obtained from Selective Service System. This form should be maintained in post files:
Posts may request an Uncompensated Registrar Appointment Form SSS-402 by contacting Selective Service System at:
Selective Service System Registrar Program |
(2) Consular Officers can obtain Selective Service System forms and materials through the Selective Service System at: Selective Service System, P.O. Box 94737 Palatine, IL 60094-4737, tel: 847-688-2825, or;
(3) Uncompensated Volunteer Registrars are appointed for an indefinite period, or until termination or separation from the position held at the time of the appointment. The participating organization (in this case the U.S. embassy/consulate) where the registrar is appointed is responsible for informing Selective Service System of a Registrar’s separation from the position from which they received the appointment to administer Selective Service System registrations. Upon an individual’s separation from the designated Registrar position, the post should submit a new Selective Service System Form SSS-402 nominating another qualified individual for registrar appointment;
(4) The consular officer should date-stamp page 1 of Form SSS-402 identifying your office and the date the uncompensated Selective Service System Registrar is appointed; and
(5) Consular Officers should maintain a record of all appointees’ names, addresses and dates of appointment.
c. The consular officer as chief registrar or other appointed registrars:
(1) Provide registrants with the Selective Service System website “Register Now” (under the Registration tab) to help registrants file online or, when online registration is not available, with Selective Service System Registration Form SSS-1 to complete and sign the form and transmit it to the U.S. embassy or consulate to forward to the Selective Service System:
NOTE: Posts may order Selective Service System
Registration Form SSS-1 and other Selective Service System forms from: |
(2) The registrar should verify that registrant is a U.S. citizen. This is usually accomplished by examining the person's U.S. passport. If the registrar has any question/doubt concerning the registrant's claim to U.S. citizenship, note this on form near the registrar's signature. If the registrant registers before an uncompensated private U.S. citizen volunteer registrar, the uncompensated volunteer registrant's signature is sufficient, the additional signature of the U.S. consular officer is not required. See 7 FAM 556.1b:
NOTE ABOUT NON U.S. CITIZENS/NON U.S.-NATIONALS: 9 FAM 504.10-2(E)(5) includes guidance about the obligations for non-U.S. citizen/national immigrant visa recipients between the ages of 18 - 26 to register for the Selective Service System at a U.S. Post Office within 30 days of entering the United States. 9 FAM 602.2-5(B) provides that those who were lawfully admitted to the United States as nonimmigrants pursuant to INA 101(a)(15) are not required to register with the Selective Service nor are they liable for military training and service so long as they maintain a lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States. (See 50 U.S.C. 3802)
(3) Posts should send completed registration forms weekly via pouch to:
Selective Service System |
Transmittal of Selective Service System registration forms by consular sections to the Selective Service System is official mail, in accordance with pouch regulations (14 FAM 732.1).
(4) The Selective Service System does not require a registration report or cover memo with the submission of forms. The Selective Service System does not maintain a registrar of voluntary uncompensated U.S. citizen registrars who have completed Selective Service System Form SSS-402. The post should maintain the Form SSS-402 in post files so long as the non-U.S. Government, U.S. citizen, uncompensated volunteer registrars, performs that function.
d. After completing the Uncompensated Selective Service System Registrar Appointment Form SSS-402 and receiving the basic registration supplies, the Registrar’s duties are minimal and as easy as facilitating online registration or, making registration forms available, and sending completed registration forms to Selective Service System via the U.S. embassy or consulate. There is no record keeping involved. The registration verification notice and other information will be mailed directly to the registrant’s home address.
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. The Bureau of Consular Affairs, Directorate of Overseas Citizens Service, Management Support Unit (CA/OCS/MSU) is the Department’s liaison with the Selective Service System, Federal obligations agencies, Federal benefits-paying agencies, consular posts abroad and Congress. CA/OCS/MSU provides guidance, disseminates information and implements new procedures regarding the Selective Service System.
b. CA/OCS/MSU has a collective email address
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. Information contained in a name-retrievable system of records concerning a Selective Service System registrar or Selective Service System registrant may not be disclosed except:
(1) As expressly authorized by the Selective Service System;
(2) By written authorization by the individual who is the subject of the record; and
(3) In accordance with permissible conditions of disclosure under the Privacy Act. . 7 FAM 060 provides guidance about the Privacy Act. (See the CA/OCS Intranet Privacy Act page.)
b. Any unauthorized disclosure is subject to criminal penalties pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (Privacy Act, as amended).
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. Registration is the process of providing the Selective Service System with personal information, such as name, address, date of birth, phone number, email address, and other related information. Even though no one is currently being drafted, men are required to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days before or after their 18th birthday (a 60 day window), but may register up until they reach age 26. Once a man turns 26, he is no longer eligible for Selective Service System registration. (See 50 U.S.C. 3802).
b. Failure to register or otherwise comply with the Military Selective Service Act (MSSA) is punishable by a fine of up to $250,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both. In addition, federal and certain state laws require registration as a prerequisite for obtaining student financial aid, job training, government employment, and U.S. naturalization (naturalization can be delayed up to 5 years).
c. A registrant is not fully registered with the Selective Service System until their registration information is submitted to Selective Service System and processed in their registration file. The registrant is then assigned a Selective Service number and will receive an acknowledgement in the mail. If they have not received their registration acknowledgement within 90 days of the date they completed their registration form, the registrant should write to the following address:
Selective Service System |
7 FAM 556.1 Who Must Register?
(CT:CON-1007; 04-19-2024)
a. With few exceptions, all male U.S. citizens (including dual nationals) and immigrant male non U.S. citizens residing in the United States and its territories (see 9 FAM 504.10-2(E)(5)) must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
b. If an individual does not possess a U.S. passport, but makes a reasonable claim to U.S. citizenship, you should accept their completed registration form, even if the passport application is pending, to ensure that the individual does not incur penalties for failure to register. You would then annotate Selective Service System Registration Form SSS-1 to reflect citizenship status determined at that time.
c. Disabled men who live at home must register if they can reasonably leave their home and move about independently. A friend or relative can help complete forms if they cannot do it themselves.
d. Men with disabilities that would disqualify them from military service still must register with the Selective Service System.
e. Young men in hospitals, mental institutions, or prisons do not have to register while committed. However, they must register within 30 days after being released if they have not yet reached their 26th birthday.
f. Members of the National Guard and Reserve Forces, not on full-time active duty, must register.
g. Men cannot register after reaching age 26.
h. All immigrant non U.S. citizens must sign Form DS-1810, Notice of Duty to Register with U.S. Selective Service System (see 9 FAM 504.10-2(E)(5)), at the time of the immigrant visa (IV) interview. Posts shall enclose the signed Form DS-1810 with the other documents in the issued IV packet. Posts shall also give to the non U.S. citizen a duplicate copy, printed in both English and the language of the host country. Such non U.S. citizens must register within 30 days after entering the United States.
i. A person who is a non-U.S. citizen and who provides no reasonable evidence of U.S. citizenship shall not be registered for Selective Service System by a registrar outside the United States or its territories.
7 FAM 556.2 How to Register Abroad
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
a. Online: the Selective Service System advises that the easiest and fastest way to register is the online registration portal at the Selective Service System website. The Selective Service System is aware that access through the internet may be blocked for some foreign web servers. A registrant must be at least 17 years and three months old (if under registration age, the registrant will be registered by Selective Service System when they reaches age 18). Due to concerns about Personally Identifiable Information (PII), the Selective Service System does not request overseas registrants to have a Social Security number when they register by completing SSS Registration Form SSS-1, however to register online a Social Security Number must be provided. Within three weeks after being registered, the registrant will receive a Registration Acknowledgement by mail. The registrant may verify his number online by clicking on the “To Check a Registration” icon on the Selective Service System website. Any correction that may be necessary should be submitted to:
Selective Service System |
b. Post’s Chief Registrar: the Selective Service System strongly recommends that you first encourage online registration on the Selective Service System website, however, when it is not available, the designated post Chief Registrar may register an individual by providing Selective Service System Registration Form SSS-1 and verifying the registrant’s U.S. citizenship. You should keep a minimal supply of the following forms and brochures available:
Selective Service System Publications SSS Forms and Brochures … Form SSS-1, Selective Service System Registration Form SSS-2, Change of Information Form Form SSS-402,“Uncompensated Registrar Appointment” |
You may order these forms from:
Selective Service System |
c. Mail-In: Some registrants may obtain a Selective Service System registration form in some other manner not involving the U.S. embassy or consulate. Instruct them to complete the form and send it directly to the Selective Service System at:
Selective Service System |
Information required:
Name |
d. Change of Address: After they register, they are required to notify the Selective Service System within ten days of any changes to any of the information they provided on their registration card, like a change of address. The registrant must report changes until they turn 26. Registrants can use the Selective Service System address change, on line feature to submit a change of address. The Selective Service System has two online change of address sites, one for domestic U.S. change of address (Selective Service System domestic change of address) and one for foreign change of address (Selective Service System foreign change of address). If the registrant does not have internet access, the registrant can execute Form SSS-2, Change of Information Form and mail to:
Selective Service System |
e. Once a registration is sent to the Selective Service System, it cannot be cancelled except by the Selective Service System.
(CT:CON-890; 12-18-2019)
Following registration, Selective Service System sends various forms and communications to the registrant by the Selective Service System. Consular officers should forward any material received at post to the registrant as soon as possible. You usually will not be involved in a case beyond the registration operation, unless specifically requested by Selective Service System in certain instances. If you have questions or concerns, contact CA/OCS/MSU at
(CT:CON-545; 12-02-2014)
a. Physical examination and induction orders and procedures are matters to be resolved by the registrant with the Selective Service System. Although no action is required by you, unless specifically requested by the Selective Service System, the following information may be helpful.
b. Individuals residing abroad, whether registered in the United States or abroad, are obliged to comply with an order to report for a physical examination or induction (which may be any place in the world).
c. The Selective Service System has established local and appeal boards with jurisdiction to determine claims of registrants abroad.
(CT:CON-962; 02-02-2023)
The Department of State’s policy is to not initiate, recommend, or sponsor any deferment requests of registrants. This policy also applies to appeals from Class 1-A, or other classifications, as well as orders to report for physical examination or induction. Direct inquiries to the Selective Service System at