9 FAM 403.4


(CT:VISA-2032;   07-23-2024)
(Office of Origin: CA/VO)

9 FAM 403.4-1  Statutory and regulatory Authorities

9 FAM 403.4-1(A)  Immigration and Nationality Act

(CT:VISA-1246;   03-10-2021)

INA 281 (8 U.S.C. 1351).

9 FAM 403.4-1(B)  Code of Federal Regulations

(CT:VISA-1;   11-18-2015)

22 CFR 22.1; 22 CFR 41.107.

9 FAM 403.4-1(C)  United States Code

(CT:VISA-1246;   03-10-2021)

8 U.S.C. 1713.

9 FAM 403.4-1(D)  Public Law

(CT:VISA-1246;   03-10-2021)

Public Law 103-236.

9 FAM 403.4-2  Types of Nonimmigrant Visa (NIV) Fees

(CT:VISA-1973;   04-23-2024)

a. There are Two Types of NIV Fees:

(1)  Application processing fee (also known as the Machine-Readable Visa or "MRV" fee); and

(2)  Issuance fee (also known as the reciprocity fee).

b. The application processing fee is not reciprocal, and all applicants must pay it regardless of the type of passport held, except as noted in 22 CFR 22.1, Item 22 and 9 FAM 402.3-10(C)(1), 9 FAM 402.3-4(F), and 9 FAM 403.4-3(A).  You may not charge an additional MRV fee to applicants refused under INA 221(g) who reapply within one year of that refusal, 9 FAM 306.2-2(A) paragraph (a)(1)(c)(ii), or to applicants who receive a replacement MRV because of a defective foil.

9 FAM 403.4-2(A)  Machine-Readable Visa (MRV) Fee

(CT:VISA-2032;   07-23-2024)

a. In addition to the fee listed in 9 FAM 403.4-2(B) below, 8 U.S.C. 1713 and section 140 of Public Law 103-236 (8 U.S.C. 1351 (note)) authorize the Secretary of State to collect a surcharge for processing applications for machine-readable NIVs and machine-readable combined Border Crossing Cards (BCCs).  Current MRV fees are set forth by regulation at 22 CFR 22.1, Item 21.

b. The MRV fees are collected through GSS wherever possible, but fee collection can vary depending on local circumstances.  It must, however, be paid separately from the visa reciprocity fee because the reciprocity fee is charged only after visa approval.  To determine the visa reciprocity fee, if any, see the specific country information on the Visa Reciprocity Schedule posted on Travel.State.Gov.

c.  Charge a single MRV fee for a B1/B2, a C1/D visa, or C4/D3.  Also, charge a single MRV fee for applicants applying for both a B1/B2 and a C1/D or C4/D3 visa at the same time; in this combination, mark the B1/B2 visa as “no fee” in the NIV system to ensure correct accounting for visa fees collected.  In addition, Cuban nationals applying for B-1 and B-2 visas at the same time are also only required to pay one fee.  In this case the B-1 visa should be marked as “no fee.”  These are the only combinations of visa classes that do not require more than one fee.  All other combinations require a fee for each category.  For any other multiple visa combinations requiring two or more MRV foils for one applicant, you must collect two or more MRV fees, as appropriate.  For example, an application for a B-2 and a F-1 visa at the same time requires payment of two MRV fees.

d. Open Cases and Fee Payment:  While GSS provides off-site fee payment wherever possible, there are a variety of off-site fee payment procedures.  See 7 FAH-1 H-263.9.  All applicants, however, should be able to demonstrate that they have paid the required fee(s).  Cases should not be kept open in the NIV database merely to flag a case as "fee paid" if the case is inactive.

9 FAM 403.4-2(B)  Issuance Fees

(CT:VISA-1973;   04-23-2024)

a.  The reciprocity fee to be collected for the issuance of an NIV is prescribed in the appropriate country-specific reciprocity schedule.  To determine the visa reciprocity fee, if any, see the specific country information on the Visa Reciprocity Schedule posted on travel.state.gov.  These schedules, required by INA 221(c)(2) and INA 281, are based upon the treatment accorded U.S. citizens by the governments of the countries concerned and apply to nationals, permanent residents, refugees, and stateless residents of those countries.

b.  See 9 FAM 403.9-4(D) paragraph b(2) for situations in which double reciprocity fees are prescribed.

9 FAM 403.4-3  EXEMPTIONS FROM Visa Fees

9 FAM 403.4-3(A)  Exemptions from Machine Readable Visa (MRV) Processing Fee Requirement

(CT:VISA-1841;   10-03-2023)

The following categories of visas are exempt from the MRV application processing fee (see 9 FAM 403.4-3(B) below for exemptions to visa issuance fees):

(1)  “A”;

(2)  “G”;

(3)  NATO;

(4)  C-3;

(5)  All diplomatic type visas;

(6)  Applicants for “J” visas participating in official U.S. Government-sponsored educational and cultural exchanges, including J-2 derivatives;

(7)  Replacement Machine-Readable Visa when the original visa was not properly affixed or needs to be reissued through no fault of the applicant such as in the case of consular staff inadvertently invalidating the visa with the "CWOP" stamp. The reprinted visa must keep the expiration date from the original visa;

(8)  Replacement Machine-Readable Visa to correct errors made by consular staff in the visa data up to one year from the visa’s original date of issuance and only for the remaining validity of the original visa.  After one year, the applicant must apply for a new visa, submitting the appropriate fee and application, and scheduling a new interview (if required);

(9)  A parent, sibling, spouse, or child of a U.S. Government employee killed in the line of duty who is traveling to attend the employee’s funeral and/or burial; or a parent, sibling, spouse, son, or daughter of a U.S. Government employee critically injured in the line of duty, for visitation during emergency treatment and convalescence;

(10) U.S. Government Employees Traveling on Official Business:  When   you are issuing an NIV to a locally employed staff member (LE staff) solely for official travel, MRV fees may be waived if the LE staff applicant is issued a limited-validity visa.  The visa validity should be limited to encompass only the official travel required.  For most official travel this will typically be a three-month, single-entry visa, but validity can be extended if the training is longer or there will be several trips in a relatively short amount of time (such as an LE staff who must travel several times in a six-month period for conferences or training).  If the LE staff would like a full-validity visa, and is otherwise qualified, you must charge all MRV and reciprocity fees;

(11) Applicants exempted by international agreement as determined by the Department, including members and staff of an observer mission to the United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly, C-2 visa applicants, as well as I visa applicants accredited by the United Nations; and

(12) Applicants traveling to provide charitable services as determined by the Department.  See 9 FAM 403.4-3(C) below for additional details.

9 FAM 403.4-3(B)  Exemptions from Visa Issuance (Reciprocity) Fees

(CT:VISA-1392;   10-14-2021)

INA 281 exempts from visa issuance (reciprocity) fees NIVs issued to individuals coming to the United States in transit to and from the headquarters district of the United Nations in accordance with the provisions of the Headquarters Agreement; this includes C-2 visa applicants, applicants for G visas for UN travel, applicants for B-1 visas who are assigned, for any length of time, to an official observer mission to the United Nations, and I visa applicants accredited by the United Nations.  Further, INA 281 provides that the Secretary of State shall waive or reduce the issuance fee for NIVs issued to applicants coming to the United States primarily for, or in activities related to, a charitable purpose involving health or nursing care, the provision of food or housing, job training, or any other similar direct service or assistance to poor or otherwise needy individuals in the United States.  Otherwise, visa issuance fees must be charged based on reciprocity.  See 22 CFR 41.107(c).

9 FAM 403.4-3(C)  Obtaining a Charitable Activities Exemption

(CT:VISA-1557;   06-03-2022)

a. A waiver of the NIV application and issuance fees may be obtained for an applicant who will be engaged in charitable activities for a charitable organization upon the written request of that organization.  The request must claim that the fees will impose a financial burden on the charitable organization.  You must be satisfied that:

(1)  The organization seeking relief from the fees is, if based in the United States, tax-exempt as a charitable organization under the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)).  If the organization is based outside the United States, it must establish that it is recognized as a charitable institution by the government of the country in which it is based under criteria like those of section 501(c)(3);

(2)  The charitable activities in which the applicant will be engaged in are specified and will be a part of, or will be related to and in support of, the organization’s provision of services, including but not limited to health care, food and housing, job training, and similar direct services and assistance to the poor and needy;

(3)  The request must include the location of the proposed activities and the number and identifying data of each of the applicants who will be applying for visas; and

(4)  The proposed duration of the applicant's temporary stay in the United States is to be reasonably consistent with the charitable purpose for which the applicants seek to enter the United States.

b. Charitable Organization Information Sheet:  See the Information Sheet for Charitable Institution Seeking Visa Fee Waivers in PDF format.