BUREAU leadership and MANAGEMENT
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
(Office of Origin: DS/MGT/PPD)
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
Strong, capable leadership is critical to the success of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) mission of providing a safe and secure environment for the conduct of U.S. foreign policy through our protection, criminal, and overseas programs. As a law enforcement and security organization, we manage programs to protect personnel, facilities, and information, but we must also lead our people. The DS Leadership Tenets establish expectations for all DS employees, regardless of grade or position, in pursuit of service to the Department and the Nation:
(1) BE COURAGEOUS – Choose the harder right over the easier wrong. Be brave in the face of adversity and danger, making tough decisions when required. Offer constructive dissent and welcome the same from others;
(2) LIVE WITH INTEGRITY – Be consistent in thought, word, and action in your personal life and professional conduct. Do what is best for the mission, your people, and the organization;
(3) LEAD BY EXAMPLE – Commit to excellence. Be a leader others want to follow. Inspire others and earn their trust by setting the example in all things, including your physical readiness and operational skills;
(4) DELEGATE AUTHORITY BUT NOT RESPONSIBILITY – Empower others to take ownership of their work. Coach and clarify when needed. Hold yourself and others accountable for success and failure;
(5) LEARN CONSTANTLY – Drive improvement through honest, productive assessments of individual and team performance. Cultivate innovation and creativity. Improve your own capabilities, and embrace your role as teacher and mentor to others in the organization;
(6) BUILD GREAT TEAMS – Focus on the team over the individual. Recruit the right people, train them to a high standard, and foster a sense of pride in the DS mission. Value diversity as essential to our organization. Take care of your people, your family, and yourself; and
(7) COMMUNICATE – Communicate a vision of how your organization can most effectively contribute to the DS mission. Clearly define expectations for both individuals and the team. Encourage feedback. Respect and engage others across the broad range of our government, private industry and international partners.
12 FAM 022 Diplomatic Security Peer Support Program
12 FAM 022.1 Overview
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. Through 24/7 availability and timely intervention, the DS Peer Support Program (DS PSG) strives to diminish or avoid the long-term effects of emotionally traumatic incidents on DS personnel, and overseas, DS eligible family members (partner, spouse, dependent, etc.) to allow DS personnel to perform their duties with limited disruption and distress, while providing emotional and administrative support.
b. The DS PSG is led by the DS PSG director, who reports directly to the director of the Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS) with guidance from the assistant secretary for Diplomatic Security (DS).
c. The DS PSG is comprised of the DS PSG director and a trained, volunteer peer support cadre located around the globe. From within this volunteer cadre, the DS PSG Director appoints and leads a PSG Core Group. PSG Core members have unique expertise within DS and critical incident experience supporting the DS PSG program and members. The DS PSG Core members advise and routinely consult with the DS PSG director and vote on policies and procedures which affect the DS PSG while attending regular DS PSG Core Group meetings.
d. The DS PSG is available to all DS personnel and DS eligible family members domestically and, overseas, all DS personnel and DS eligible family members, and can be reached 24/7 via the DS Command Center at 571-345-3146 or the DS PSG SharePoint site.
12 FAM 022.2 Authorities
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986, Pub. L. 99–399, title I, § 103, as amended (22 U.S.C. 4802(a)(2)(b)).
b. Confidentiality Opportunities for Peer Support Counseling Act, Pub. L. 117-60 (34 U.S.C. 50901).
c. Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a.
12 FAM 022.3 Definitions
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. Counseling session: Any counseling formally provided through the DS PSG between a peer support member and one or more DS law enforcement officers.
b. Outreach: DS PSG services (as described in 12 FAM 265.5) or emotional support to a member of the DS community who has recently experienced an emotionally traumatic incident or period of high emotional or physical stress on or off-duty.
c. Peer support communication:
(1) An oral or written communication made in the course of a peer counseling session;
(2) A note or report arising out of a peer support counseling session;
(3) A record of a peer support counseling session; and
(4) With respect to a communication made by a peer support participant in the course of a peer support counseling session, another communication, regarding the first communication, which is made between a peer support specialist and i) another peer support specialist; ii) a staff member of a peer support counseling program; or iii) a supervisor of the peer support specialist.
d. Peer support participant: A member of the DS community (see 12 FAM 022.1 (a)) who receives counseling services from a peer support specialist.
e. Peer support specialist: A law enforcement officer or DS employee who has successfully enrolled in and completed DS Peer Support Training and is therefore trained in peer support counseling and providing emotional and moral support to a member of the DS community who has been involved in or exposed to an emotionally traumatic experience in the course of employment.
f. Referral services: The peer support specialists provide referrals to services, including the DS PSG, Employee Consultation Services, and private and military insurance programs.
12 FAM 022.4 Services and Disclosure
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. The DS PSG provides peer-to-peer, non-medical, consultative services, including providing coping skills, recovery strategies, and referral services.
b. Except as otherwise provided below, a peer support specialist or a peer support participant may not disclose the contents of a peer support communication to an individual who was not a party to the peer support communication.
c. Outreach provided by the DS PSG remains confidential, except when:
(1) An individual indicates they may harm themselves or someone else;
(2) An individual has committed or is about to commit a crime;
(3) An individual violates the FAM/FAH or Department regulations; or
(4) Disclosure is required by law.
NOTE: In such cases in which disclosure is required, disclosure will be to the appropriate law enforcement entity.
NOTE: Communications associated with formal counseling and/or outreach are not exempt from the application of the Freedom of Information Act or the Privacy Act.
d. Peer support communications as defined in 12 FAM 022.3 with respect to counseling sessions must be disclosed if:
(1) The peer support communication contains:
(a) An explicit threat of suicide by an individual in which the individual shares:
(i) An intent to die by suicide;
(ii) A plan for a suicide attempt or the means by which the individual plans to carry out a suicide attempt; and
(iii) Does not solely share that the individual is experiencing suicidal thoughts;
(b) An explicit threat by an individual of imminent and serious physical bodily harm or death to another individual;
(c) Information—
(i) Relating to the abuse or neglect of—
(a) A child; or
(b) An older or vulnerable individual; or
(ii) That is required by law to be reported; or
(d) An admission of criminal conduct.
(2) The disclosure is permitted by each peer support participant who was a party to, as applicable—
(a) The peer support communication; and
(b) The peer support counseling session out of which:
(i) The peer support communication arose;
(ii) The peer support counseling session of which the peer support communication is a record; or
(iii) The communication made in the course of a peer support counseling session that the peer support communication is regarding.
(3) A court of competent jurisdiction issues an order or subpoena requiring the disclosure of the peer support communication.
(4) The peer support communication contains information that is required by law to be disclosed.
e. Nothing in this policy prevents the disclosure of an observation made by a law enforcement officer of a peer support participant outside of a peer support counseling session; or knowledge of a law enforcement officer about a peer support participant not gained from a peer support communication.
f. The DS PSG provides outreach services such as hospital/sick visits and bereavement assistance.
g. DS PSG provides training to all qualified DS employees and staff interested in DS PSG membership. DS PSG members often have prior critical incident experience and are provided classroom training that includes professional clinical psychology physician lectures and personal accounts from DS peers. Refresher training is also available to current DS PSG members. In addition to providing training on peer support counseling and providing emotional and moral support to law enforcement officers who have been involved in or exposed to an emotionally traumatic experience in the course of employment, DS PSG training equips DS personnel with coping skills, recovery strategies, and resources to support their own well-being and provides them with the skills to assist others as part of the DS PSG Program.
h. Additional information and resources are available on the DS PSG SharePoint site.
i. The DS PSG does not perform safety and/or welfare checks. Domestically, safety concerns are referred to the local law enforcement authority with jurisdiction. If, in the course of an outreach or counselling session (or information is brought to the attention of a DS PSG member), where a participant discloses information about harm to self or others (subject to the confidentiality provisions above), the DS PSG peer support specialist will refer the matter to the local law enforcement authority with jurisdiction and/or employee consultation services (ECS), where appropriate.
j. The DS PSG does not make recommendations for assignment or bidding, except when immediate life safety considerations are presented and with the consent of the peer support participant.
k. The DS PSG does not make referrals to legal professionals or to medical professionals, outside of ECS and/or private or medical insurances.
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. The Executive director (DS/EX) is responsible for the allocation, administration and accountability of all financial, personnel and property resources within the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS).
b. Additionally, DS/EX is responsible for the coordination of policy, planning, program evaluation, and executive representation for the Bureau. See 1 FAM 260 for further information.
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. The SPERB is an advisory board to the director of the Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS) who is also the DS Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS). See 1 FAM 260 and 12 FAM Exhibit 023 for further information.
b. See 12 FAM 090 for use of force and reporting policies and 12 FAH-9 for additional related information and procedures.
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
a. The purpose of the OSPB is to develop, coordinate and promote uniform policies, standards and agreements on security operations outside the United States, and programs and projects that affect U.S. Government civilian agencies represented abroad. See 12 FAH-6 H-014.
b. For the OSPB Charter, see 12 FAH-6 Exhibit H-014.1.
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
See 1 FAM 260 and 12 FAM 061 for responsibilities of the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC).
12 FAM Exhibit 024
Special Protective Equipment Review Board Charter
(CT:DS-397; 02-08-2023)
The Special Protective Equipment Review Board (SPERB) is an advisory board to the director of the Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS). The SPERB serves as the primary, senior-level DS leadership forum to advise and assist the director of DS/DSS on developing and recommending policies, procedures, and tactics on the research & development, testing & evaluation, fielding, and use of special protective equipment (SPE), personal protective equipment (PPE), and related equipment. The SPERB and its working groups evaluate SPE, PPE, and related equipment requirements through the lenses of policy and procedures, operating environments/threats, training, logistics and acquisition management, and available resources. The SPERB also provides guidance to DSS special agents and others who may be serving in a security or personal protection role in support of the DS mission.
The SPERB and its working groups use capabilities-based planning to aid in the identification, prioritization, and resourcing of research and development (R&D) and testing and evaluation (T&E) efforts designed to field solutions. Capabilities-based planning fosters alignment between the DS mission, its core functions, individual performance tasks, operating environment(s), threats, and other factors resulting in more scalable, cost-effective solutions.
The Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 (22 U.S.C. 4801, et seq.)
1 FAM 262, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security and director of the Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS)
3.1 The SPERB assists the director, DS/DSS, in formulation and dissemination of policy as it relates to all aspects of DS SPE, PPE, and related equipment to promote a greater degree of integration and interoperability within DS and across the Department to improve operational effectiveness. This includes, but is not limited to, Use of Force Policy; firearms; less-than-lethal (LTL) items; restraining devices; protective equipment; electronic countermeasures; evaluation and application of emerging technologies; and the issuance of such ancillary equipment and items issued to, and/or controlled by, DS direct-hire personnel, DS contract personnel, U.S. mission guards and/or bodyguards under commercial contract or personal services agreements (PSA), and the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG). The SPERB and its working groups evaluate SPE, PPE, and related equipment requirements through the lenses of policy and procedures, operating environments/threats, training, logistics and acquisition management, and available resources. The SPERB addresses all issues related to these subjects, both domestically and abroad, and other tasks as assigned by the DS/DSS Director.
3.2 The SPERB assists the DS/DSS Director by reviewing any request related to the subjects described in section 3.1 above, unless the request has been previously approved in writing by the DS/DSS Director. The SPERB can request additional information or recommend the DS/DSS Director approve or deny the request.
3.3 The Executive Secretariat, DS/MGT/PPD, will maintain the meeting minutes, retain copies of all record documents related to the work of the SPERB, and obtain clearances of and assist with publication of all SPERB policy recommendations and the Director’s final decision.
3.4 The SPERB will, generally, meet monthly to adjudicate issues and/or requests submitted by a Directorate, or other entities, in consultation with DS/PSP/DEAV, DS/T/FASTC, DS/IP/OPO, DS/OPO/MSG, and other offices, as required. The SPERB can hold special meetings as needed or, for time sensitive actions, members may vote electronically.
3.5 The Chair must preside over SPERB meetings. Should the Chair be unavailable, the DS/DSS Director will designate an interim Chair to preside.
4.1 Voting Members:
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for Training (DS/T) - Chair
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for Countermeasures (DS/C)
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for Domestic Operations (DS/DO)
· Executive Director for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS/EX)
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for High Threat Programs (DS/HTP)
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Programs (DS/IP)
· Deputy Assistant Secretary for Threat Investigations and Analysis (DS/TIA)
4.2 Alternate Voting Members: Each voting member (except the Chair) must designate a primary alternate with authority to cast SPERB votes. For continuity, a voting member should designate someone who can serve consistently as their alternate for all future absences. Voting members may also designate a secondary alternate with authority to cast SPERB votes if neither the voting member nor the primary alternate can be present at the meeting. All requests for an alternate must be made to the Chair, with a copy to the Executive Secretariat, in writing or electronically. A designated alternate becomes eligible to vote immediately after the Chair approves the designation for the record during a SPERB meeting. If neither the member nor alternates are able to attend a meeting, the voting member may designate a proxy voter from among the voting members.
4.3 Non-Voting Members:
· Chief, Policy and Planning Division (DS/MGT/PPD) - Executive Secretary
· Attorney-Adviser (L/M/DS)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Overseas Protective Operations (DS/IP/OPO)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Security Technology (DS/C/ST)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Field Office Management (DS/DO/FLD)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Mobile Security Deployments (DS/T/MSD)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Protective Intelligence Investigations (DS/TIA/PII)
· Chief, Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division, (DS/PSP/DEAV)
· Chief, Training Program Management Division, (DS/FASTC/TPM)
· Chief, Functional Training Operations Division, (DS/FASTC/FTO)
· Chief, Weapons Training Unit, (DS/T/FASTC/FTO/Weapons)
· Team Lead, Legal Instruction Unit (DS/T/LIU)
4.4 Other members may be added by majority vote of voting board members or at the direction of the Director, DS/DSS. Voting and non-voting members may invite additional interested parties to attend meetings. The Executive Secretary may designate a member of his or her staff to organize the agenda and take the meeting minutes.
5.1 To assemble and conduct business, a majority of the voting members must be present. Requests and issues must be formally presented to the SPERB for consideration as an agenda item.
5.2 The Chair will motion the SPERB to vote on whether or not to recommend to the Director approval of the request.
5.3 Whenever possible, recommendations will be made by consensus.
5.4 When voting members cannot reach a consensus, recommendations will be made by majority vote.
5.5 Following formal review and clearance of the recommendation for legal sufficiency by L/M/DS, recommendations for approval are forwarded to the DS/DSS Director for final approval.
5.6 Requests for which the SPERB recommends disapproval may be re-submitted by the requesting entity with additional information or clarification provided; or the request may be forwarded to the DS/DSS Director by the SPERB, recommending disapproval.
5.7 The SPERB voting members cannot override a decision by the Director, DS/DSS.
The SPERB maintains two working groups (WGs). The WGs make decisions and recommendations to the SPERB on tactics, techniques, policies, and equipment within their area of responsibility or on special projects as directed. The chair or co-chair of a WG is responsible for presenting the group's findings and decisions to the Executive Secretariat prior to SPERB meetings for inclusion in the SPERB agenda.
6.1 Firearms, Optics and Protective Equipment Working Group:
The Firearms, Optics and Protective Equipment (FOPE) Working Group serves as the SPERB’s primary advisor and action group for firearms and munitions (other than Less-Than-Lethal), ancillary and accessory items, protective equipment, and associated policies/procedures. Issues brought before the FOPE WG will be evaluated and voted upon for approval, disapproval or submission to the SPERB. Recommendations and decisions will be reported to the SPERB at the next meeting.
6.1.1 The FOPE's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Analyzing and providing recommended solutions for complex SPE requests and initiatives;
· Assessing SPE and PPE policies, technologies, munitions, and other ancillary items for potential inclusion in SPE inventory via capabilities-based planning and mission analysis methods;
· Requesting testing and evaluation of SPE, PPE, accessories, and munitions via DS/PSP/DEAV;
· Reviewing and approving (or, where appropriate, making a recommendation regarding approval to the SPERB for)SPE, PPE, accessories and munitions, and;
· Making recommendations to the SPERB on significant decisions and other matters.
6.1.2 FOPE WG Voting Members:
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Mobile Security Deployments (DS/T/MSD) - Chair
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Protection (DS/DO/P) - Co-Chair
· Chief, Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DS/PSP/DEAV)
· Chief, Functional Training Operations Division (DS/FASTC/FTO)
· Chief, Training Program Management Division (DS/FASTC/TPM)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Regional Directors, High Threat Programs (DS/HTP/RD)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Regional Directors, International Programs (DS/IP/RD)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Protective Intelligence Investigations (DS/TIA/PII)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Field Office Management (DS/DO/FLD)
6.1.3 FOPE WG Non-Voting Members:
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Overseas Protective Operations (DS/IP/OPO)
· Chief, Weapons Training Unit (DS/T/FASTC/FTO/Weapons)
· Policy Analyst (DS/MGT/PPD) - WG Coordinator
· Attorney-Adviser (L/M/DS)
· Chief Financial Officer, DS (DS/EX/CFO)
· Additional Subject Matter Experts as needed
· Other interested parties as invited
6.1.4 Assembly and Voting Procedures:
· To assemble and conduct business, a majority of the voting members must be present.
· As a customary practice, meetings will alternate between the Chair and Co-Chair.
· Whenever possible, recommendations will be made by consensus.
· When voting members cannot reach a consensus, recommendations and decisions will be made by majority vote, recording the results.
· Votes will be recorded as approved, disapproved, returned for more information, or referred to the SPERB for action.
6.2 Less-Than-Lethal and Emerging Technologies Working Group:
The Less-than-Lethal & Emerging Technologies (LTLET) Working Group serves as the SPERB’s primary advisor and action group for LTLET matters and initiatives, including devices, equipment, accessories, and munitions. Issues brought before the LTLET WG will be evaluated and voted on for approval, disapproval, or submission to the SPERB. Recommendations and decisions will be reported to the SPERB at the next SPERB meeting.
6.2.1 The LTLET WG's responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
· Assessing less-than-lethal (LTL) policies, technologies, munitions, and other ancillary items for potential inclusion in DS’s inventory via capabilities-based planning and mission analysis methods;
· Assessing emerging technologies and associated policies, working to stay abreast, or ahead, of pending threats;
· Requesting testing and evaluation of LTL devices, munitions, and other items via DS/PSP/DEAV;
· Reviewing and approving (or, where appropriate, making a recommendation regarding approval to the SPERB) LTL devices, munitions, accessories and other items; and
· Making recommendations to the SPERB concerning significant decisions and other matters.
6.2.2 LTLET WG Voting members:
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Regional Directors, High Threat Programs (DS/HTP/RD) - Chair
· Deputy Assistant Director, Physical Security Programs (DS/C/PSP) - Co-Chair
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Security Technology (DS/C/ST)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Regional Directors, International Programs (DS/IP/RD)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Protective Intelligence Investigations (DS/TIA/PII)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Field Office Management (DS/DO/FLD)
· Chief, Functional Training Operations Division (DS/FASTC/FTO)
· Chief, Training Program Management Division (DS/FASTC/TPM)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Overseas Protective Operations (DS/IP/OPO)
· Chief, MSD Training (DS/MSD/T)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Protection (DS/DO/P)
6.2.3 LTLET WG Non-Voting Members:
· Chief, Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DS/PSP/DEAV)
· Deputy Assistant Director, Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI)
· Chief, Marine Security Guard Branch (DS/OPO/MSG)
· Policy Analyst (DS/MGT/PPD) - WG Coordinator
· Attorney-Adviser (L/M/DS)
· Chief, Weapons Training Unit (DS/T/FASTC/FTO/Weapons)
· Chief Financial Officer, DS (DS/EX/CFO)
· Additional Subject Matter Experts as needed
· Other interested parties as invited
6.2.4 Assembly and Voting Procedures:
· To assemble and conduct business, a majority of the voting members must be present.
· As a customary practice, meetings will alternate between the Chair and Co-Chair.
· Whenever possible, recommendations will be made by consensus.
· When voting members cannot reach a consensus, recommendations and decisions will be made by majority vote, recording the results.
· Votes will be recorded as approved, disapproved, returned for more information, or referred to the SPERB for action.