(CT:DS-365; 08-18-2021)
(Office of Origin: DS/DO/DFP)
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
The Directorate for Domestic Operations (DS/DO) protects information, property and employees at domestic Department facilities. The Office of Domestic Facilities Protection (DS/DO/DFP) is responsible for managing the domestic facilities protection program.
12 FAM 371.2 Authority
(CT:DS-133; 05-21-2008)
Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Antiterrorism Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-399).
12 FAM 371.3 Access Controls
(CT:DS-261; 06-28-2016)
a. Persons entering secured domestic Department facilities must:
(1) Display an authorized Department building pass identification; and
(2) Use such identification as required for entrance to the individual facility (see 12 FAM 371.4).
b. DS/DO/DFP makes access control and escort procedures readily available to DS uniformed security officers to ensure employee and visitor compliance.
12 FAM 371.4 Mandatory Use of Identification Media
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. The Department has a mandatory policy of using identification media (except those identified in paragraph c of this section). This allows Department security personnel to readily confirm that an individual is authorized to be within a Department facility or grounds.
b. For the purpose of this section, the term “Department building pass identification” refers to any of the following:
(1) Building pass;
(2) Building identification;
(3) Visitor pass; or
(4) Identification media (i.e., One Badge, smart chip badge, non-smart chip badge, visitor badge, or any other Department authorized badge issued for the purpose of gaining access to Department facilities or grounds).
c. The following persons are not required to display a valid Department building pass identification within designated Department facilities or grounds:
(1) Within the Harry S Truman building (HST), very important person (VIP) visitors under VIP escort. A VIP escort must be a Department employee with a Top Secret security clearance. A VIP escort must wear a VIP pin on his or her lapel and display his or her Department building pass identification while escorting authorized VIP visitors (up to six visitors per VIP escort);
(2) A child of a Department employee under the age of 16, when under that employee's direct control, supervision, and escort; or
(3) Persons entering on an emergency basis (e.g., firemen, paramedics, and police). When such persons enter without pass issuance, DS is responsible for monitoring their presence. The employee who requested assistance or the office personnel involved in the emergency situation are responsible for immediately informing the DS Uniformed Security Control Center (202-647-9111) of the request for assistance.
d. All persons (excluding those listed in paragraph c of this section) within designated Department facilities or grounds must display a valid Department building pass identification at all times.
e. Building passes should be displayed:
(1) On the upper front torso;
(2) Outside of the outermost garment; and
(3) With the photograph clearly visible.
f. Locally Employed Staff (LE Staff) at diplomatic facilities abroad are employees of the U.S. Government and may access HST and other authorized facilities during normal business hours as a non-escort-required visitor under the following conditions:
(1) The LE Staff member possess and displays a valid U.S. embassy-issued identification card; and
(2) The regional security officer (RSO) or a sponsoring office (e.g., Foreign Service Institute (FSI), conference host; etc.) has pre-registered the LE Staff using the Visitor Access Control System - Domestic (VACS-D) by:
(a) Logging onto the Department Intranet;
(b) Selecting Visitor Information in the iNet directory;
(c) Selecting Visitor Pre-Registration; and
(d) Completing and submitting the form;
g. Outside of normal business hours LE Staff members are treated as visitors and must remain under escort in accordance with 12 FAM 371.5.
h. Department building pass identification must comply with Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS PUB) 201 standards and associated special publications.
i. DS uniformed security officers may challenge any person without a pass and escort the person to his or her office, workplace, security control point, or building reception area to verify that the person is a valid pass holder. The person must fully cooperate with the uniformed security officers under these circumstances. Failure to comply may result in adverse administrative action.
j. Employees with an “E” (depicting escort authority) on their badge may sign visitors into Department facilities. Employees who sign in visitors must escort and control their visitor while the visitor is on Department property. If a visitor who requires an escort intentionally eludes their Department escort, the Department escort must immediately alert a DS uniformed security officer or the facility’s principal unit security officer in person or by phone.
k. When an individual discovers that an escort has not maintained custody of an escorted visitor, he or she must immediately notify the escort's security officer, or, if unknown, a DS uniformed security officer or the facility's principal unit security officer. The responding or investigating security officer must complete Form OF-117, Notice of Security Incident (see 12 FAM 553.1).
l. For visitors from other U.S. Government agencies who possess a valid badge from that agency, the Department will issue a visitor badge with no escort required during normal business hours. Visitors from other agencies do not have escort authority nor the authority to sign in other visitors or guests at Department facilities.
12 FAM 371.5 Safeguarding and Control of Identification Media
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. Employees must protect their Department building pass identification against loss or theft. Employees who lose their Department building pass identification due to negligence may face adverse administrative actions.
b. Proper uses of Department building pass identification include:
(1) Display within Department facilities;
(2) Display upon the request of DS uniformed security officers, or other authorized individuals when entering, leaving, or while on Department property;
(3) To access Department information systems when required and in the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) applications; and
(4) For identity verification at other Federal facilities when required.
c. Improper uses of a Department building pass include:
(1) Using or permitting use of another person’s Department building pass identification;
(2) Permitting other individuals to enter/exit with the aid of one’s own Department authorized identification media (commonly referred to as “piggybacking”);
(3) Using Department building pass identification for a purpose unrelated to the performance of official duties;
(4) Duplicating or copying Department building pass identification; and
(5) Altering or defacing Department building pass identification.
d. Employees must immediately report lost or stolen Department building pass identification to the DS Uniformed Security Services at 202-647-0099 and their supervisor. Failure to report such loss may result in adverse administrative action.
e. Employees, upon separation from employment, are required to turn in their Department building pass identification (e.g., One Badge). This requirement also pertains to Department contractors, other agency badge holders, and detailees at the conclusion of their assignment to the Department, though Department retirees may receive Department of State (DOS) retiree ID cards (see 12 FAM 371.8). Department employees should return their One Badges to their Executive Office, together with a completed and signed Form DS-109, Separation Statement. Department contractors should return their One Badges to their contracting officer's representative (COR) or government technical monitor (GTM). Other agency badge holders and detailees should return their One Badges to the unit security officer (USO). The respective office, COR, GTM or USO will prepare a memorandum to “DS/DFP/SSD Systems Operations” - including the applicable name, badge number, and reason for return - to accompany returned One Badges. If a One Badge is not relinquished upon separation, the ID Unit Customer Service Center should be notified immediately at 202-647-1775, or 1-888-671-3747, or via email to
f. Department bureaus and CORs should provide returned One Badges and accompanying documents:
(1) Inside the National Capital Region, to the ID Customer Service Center located in Room B237, Harry S Truman building; and
(2) Outside the National Capital Region (NCR) but within the United States, to:
U.S. Department of State
ID Customer Service Center, Room B237
2201 C Street, NW
Washington D.C. 20520
12 FAM 371.6 After-Hours Access to Buildings
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. Employees must sign in and out with the posted DS security officer when entering Department facilities after hours where the space is not accessible via DS access control readers. The building or facility manager must establish sign-in/out procedures where there is no DS security officer posted.
b. Some visitors may not require an escort during normal hours, but during non-business hours must have an escort.
12 FAM 371.7 Other Controls
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
In unusual or emergency circumstances, DS may impose alternate security measures or restrictions as deemed appropriate.
12 FAM 371.8 Department of State Retiree Identification Cards
(CT:DS-333; 06-24-2020)
Civil Service and Foreign Service employees who retire from the Department may receive DOS retiree ID cards that facilitate issuance of visitor passes with limited unescorted access to the Harry S Truman building and State Annex 1. Retirees must apply for ID cards, which are valid for five years and renewable upon expiration. Annuitants should visit the Office of Retirement (GTM/RET) located in SA-01, Columbia Plaza, Room H-620, 2401 E Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 to have Form DS-1838, Request for Personal Identification Card completed and signed by a GTM/RET retirement Counselor. A signed Form DS-1838 is valid for 10 business days after GTM/RET's signature.
12 FAM 372.1 Purpose
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
DS is responsible for all facets of the official law enforcement identification media program, including credentials, badges, identification pins, and the development of any other forms of formal security identification media. The DS official identification media program encompasses the issuance, use, maintenance, safeguarding, surrender, disposal, and accountability of all DS official identification media.
12 FAM 372.2 Responsibilities
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. The director of the Diplomatic Security Service (DS/DSS) is responsible for approving DS identification media policy. The DS/DO/DFP office director has authority for implementation and oversight of the DS identification media program.
b. The Security Support Division (DS/DFP/SSD), Systems Operations Unit, is responsible for the day-to-day operation and implementation of the identification media policy, and manages the necessary personnel and equipment used to issue DS media.
12 FAM 372.3 Types of Identification Media
12 FAM 372.3-1 Identification Credentials
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. The identification credential issued after November 18, 2007, with enhanced security features is the only credential approved for official use.
b. A DS employee possesses only one type of DS identification credential at any given time. As a general rule, a DS officer has the credential for the position in which he or she serves.
c. The identification credential control number is on the front lower half of the two-part credential. Each identification credential has a category prefix and a unique chronologically ascending control number.
d. DS issues distinctive printed identification media for the following categories of personnel. Individuals in each of the positions identified below receive credentials, and individuals in some positions receive other media, as noted:
(1) Special category credentials:
(a) Assistant Secretary – one badge and security lapel pins;
(b) DSS director, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS) – two badges and pins;
(c) Assistant director (special agent) credentials – two badges and pins;
(d) Assistant director (non special agent) credentials – one badge;
(e) Deputy assistant director (special agent) credentials - two badges and pins
(f) Chaplain - one badge;
(g) Communications officer; and
(h) Task force agent "Only valid in Puerto Rico”.
Note: Chaplain credentials are valid for a period not to exceed three years but may be renewed upon request.
(2) Special agents:
(a) Special agent in charge – two badges and pins;
(b) Supervisory special agent – two badges and pins; and
(c) Special agent – two badges and pins.
(3) Security engineering officers:
(a) Supervisory security engineer – one badge and pins;
(b) Security engineer - one badge and pins;
(c) Security technical specialist – pins; and
(d) Technical security officer.
(4) Security officers:
(a) Supervisory security officer (armed) - two badges;
(b) Supervisory security officer (unarmed) – (one badge if the office director requests);
(c) Security officer (armed) – two badges;
(d) Security officer (security protective specialist) – two badges;
(e) Security officer (unarmed) – (one badge, if the office director requests); and
(f) Technical security officer (weapons transport).
(5) Special investigators:
(a) Supervisory special investigator;
(b) Special investigator;
(c) Investigative specialist; and
(d) Investigative assistant.
(6) Diplomatic couriers – one badge; and
(7) Retired credentials:
(a) Assistant Secretary, retired – one badge;
(b) DSS Director, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDAS), retired – one badge;
(c) Assistant director, retired (armed) – one badge;
(d) Supervisory special agent, retired – one badge;
(e) Special agent, retired – one badge;
(f) Security engineer, retired – one badge;
(g) Security officer, retired (armed) – one badge;
(h) Security officer, retired – (one badge if a badge was issued while in an active security officer position); and
(i) Diplomatic courier, retired – one badge.
12 FAM 372.3-2 Badges
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
DS issues nine types of badges. The position title is distinctly located on the badge indicating the type of badge. Badge types include:
(1) Assistant Secretary;
(2) DSS Director, PDAS;
(3) Assistant director;
(4) Special agent in charge;
(5) Special agent;
(6) Security engineer officer;
(7) Security officer;
(8) Chaplain; and
(9) Diplomatic courier.
NOTE: Control numbers are stamped on the back of each badge.
12 FAM 372.3-3 Security Lapel Pins
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies involved in protective security activities use protective security lapel pins to quickly visually identify a special agent, security officer or other authorized official. DS issues and controls Department security pins. A specific color pin is worn on the lapel identifying the wearer as involved with a security or protective detail, having access to closed areas or authorized VIP escort privileges. Types of security lapel pins are as follows:
(1) A protective security lapel pin is a specifically-designated, colored pin worn on the lapel identifying the wearer as involved with a protective and/or security detail;
(2) A protective security technical support lapel pin is a specific colored pin worn on the lapel identifying the wearer as an authorized technician providing support to a protective and/or security detail;
(3) Special access pins are issued to Department employees who have a need to reside in a closed area for security reasons, usually due to the visit of a dignitary who is accompanied by a protective detail; and
(4) The VIP escort pin is issued to a Department direct-hire employee with a minimum Top Secret clearance, for the purpose of escorting cabinet, congressional, or ambassador-level visitors into Department facilities. Security screening for VIP visitors is exempt, unless DS otherwise directs.
12 FAM 372.3-4 Identification Jackets
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. The DSS identification jacket is official Department equipment. For service uniformity, the identification jacket replaces all previously issued or purchased jackets used with the bullet resistant vest, and is the only DSS identifier jacket worn during raids and arrests. Personnel with any of these previously issued media, raid, and/or identification jackets should return them to their supervisor, and the supervisor must ensure disposition and/or destruction of these items. (See 12 FAM 372.3-4, paragraph j.)
b. Use of the identification jacket is mandatory for all official events where law enforcement officer (LEO) public recognition and identification enhances officer safety and public awareness of DSS. The identification jacket may also be worn with full identifiers displayed for events, such as crime scene security and searches, and public events, where DSS has official duty functions (e.g., Presidential Inaugurations, G8 summit duty, Olympic security functions, DSS representation at National Police Week affairs, Protective Security (PRS) operations, emergency and crisis situations where DSS is assisting other LEO organizations). Special agents in charge (SACs) and agents in charge (AIC) of protective details provide guidance in these situations and events.
c. (U) Diplomatic couriers receive a specialized convertible (reversible) identification jacket/safety vest for use while on the tarmac, under the aircraft, in aircraft movement areas, or while embarking or disembarking from the aircraft.
d. The following categories of personnel receive identification jackets:
(1) Special agents, FS-2501 and GS-1811;
(2) Security engineering officers, FS-2550;
(3) Security technical specialists, FS-2560;
(4) Diplomatic couriers, FS-2580;
(5) Security specialists, GS-080 and other security skill codes as DS/DO/DFP determines on a case-by-case basis; and
(6) Investigative assistants.
e. The Office of Foreign Affairs Security Training Center (DS/T/FASTC) issues the identification jacket to special agents, security engineering officers, and security technical specialists upon graduation from their respective basic training courses. Upon determination of need, the remaining DSS security positions identified in 12 FAM 372.3-4, paragraph d receive identification jackets from their supervisor who is responsible for the jacket issuance.
f. The same rules that govern the use and protection of official DSS identification media, (i.e., credentials, badges, and lapel pins) apply to the identification jacket. The identification jacket is not for personal off-duty use except for recognized LEO or other authorized functions described in paragraph b in this section. The identification jacket must remain clean and serviceable at all times. Each DSS officer issued the identification jacket is responsible for the serviceability and ordinary care of the jacket.
g. DSS personnel who lose or have their identification jackets stolen must immediately (or their next business day back at work) report the loss or theft to their supervisor, and the supervisor must notify the Systems Operations Unit in DS/DFP/SSD; if the jacket belongs to a courier, the supervisor must notify the Office of Diplomatic Courier Service (DS/C/DC).
h. For replacement DSS identification jackets, the requestor must submit a written request, through their office director, to the Systems Operations Unit in DS/DFP/SSD. For replacement of Diplomatic couriers' specialized convertible identification jacket/safety vest, the requestor must submit a written request to DS/C/DC. Either request must include the following information:
(1) Name;
(2) Position title;
(3) Grade;
(4) Skill code;
(5) Clearance level; and
(6) An explanation of the circumstances surrounding the incident requiring a replacement.
i. Upon termination, resignation, suspension or retirement, DSS personnel must surrender their identification jackets to their supervisor, and the supervisor must send these items to the Systems Operations Unit in DS/DFP/SSD or DS/C/DC. The person issued a jacket must ensure the jacket is clean and returned along with the recent cleaning tag or receipt.
j. DS/DFP/SSD or DS/C/DC determines the serviceability of the identification media jackets and takes appropriate action regarding the disposition and/or destruction of the jackets.
12 FAM 372.4 Use of DS Identification Media
12 FAM 372.4-1 Methods of Use
(TL:DS-68; 05-26-2000)
Identification media must be used only for official business. DS personnel must introduce and identify themselves verbally while displaying their credentials. Generally, do not relinquish credentials to the person(s) viewing the credentials.
12 FAM 372.4-2 Restrictions and Proscriptions
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. DS personnel may only use their identification in the performance of official duties.
b. DS personnel confronted by another law enforcement representative may identify themselves as federal law enforcement officers when carrying their DS issued or DS approved weapon in order to clarify their authority to carry a concealed weapon by virtue of their authority as federal agents. DS personnel carrying a firearm must comport to all other policies and procedures while armed.
c. DS personnel must not use identification media for personal advantage or financial gain, for themselves or another person, or to avoid responsibility and/or culpability for unlawful or prohibited actions.
d. The unlawful purchase, reproduction, duplication, or alteration of DS identification media is prohibited and a violation of title ection 701. The DS/DO/DFP office director must authorize the purchase, reproduction, duplication or alteration of DS identification media.
e. Misuse or the failure to follow the restrictions and proscriptions concerning reasonable and proper use of DS identification media may result in adverse administrative action to include removal from employment.
12 FAM 372.5 Issuance and Control
12 FAM 372.5-1 Eligibility for Issuance
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. The Office of Foreign Affairs Security Center (DS/T/FASTC) issues initial DS special agent, criminal investigator, security engineer, security technical specialist, security protective specialist, and diplomatic courier identification media upon graduation from respective training courses. Special agents, security protective specialists and armed security officers are issued second badges and belt holders. Identification media are only for Foreign Service or Civil Service employees, who are specifically hired and trained to serve in the following position titles and skill codes:
(1) Special agent, FS-2501 or GS-1811;
(2) Security engineering officer, FS-2550 or GS equivalent;
(3) Security technical specialist, FS-2560;
(4) Diplomatic courier, FS-2580;
(5) Security protective specialist, FS-2570; and
(6) Security officer GS-0080.
b. Other DS civil servants, persons on detail, or contractors, may receive DS identification media when it is essential to the performance of their DS responsibilities. Personnel who may qualify are those who are serving in support positions involving protective security, explosive ordinance disposal (EOD), task force agents, and weapons training, or internal inspections, surveys, and investigations. They may consist of career civil servants on detail from other agencies or DS contract employees.
c. DS/DO/DFP only issues security officer (armed) credentials to Department direct hire employees and personal service contractors who have a law enforcement or security officer’s skill code and are authorized to carry firearms under authority of the U.S. Marshals Service Special Deputation.
d. DS/DO/DFP may issue technical security officer (TSO) credentials to contractor personnel, with proper justification, who have authority to transport firearms, ammunition and explosive materials.
e. DS/DO/DFP issues special investigator credentials to persons who are conducting personnel security investigations.
f. DS/DO/DFP forwards any special situations not covered in this section to the DSS director for final determination.
12 FAM 372.5-2 Requesting Procedures
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. The supervisor must submit all requests for new, reactivation and/or replacement of DS identification media through the responsible SAC, RSO, or office director via memorandum to the DS/DO/DFP office director. The request memorandum must include the following information for the employee seeking replacement media:
(1) Name;
(2) Position title;
(3) Grade/contract equivalent;
(4) Skill code;
(5) Clearance level;
(6) Type of credential required;
(7) A justification of need; and
(8) A completed request for DS ID Credential form.
b. For personnel located outside the National Capital Region (NCR), requests must include the items listed in paragraph a of this section and two passport size, frontal face, color photos of the head, with a white background, and the recipient’s signature in blue ink on the Request for DS ID Credential form.
c. Requestor must send the request via a commercial carrier with tracking capabilities, through the diplomatic pouch system, or electronically with the pictures and signature in jpeg format. Those who have old credentials must cut them in half and ship within five business days of receipt of the replacement identification media to DS/DO/DFP's credential office via a commercial carrier with tracking capabilities or the diplomatic pouch system.
d. DS/DO/DFP considers nonstandard, unique or honorific requests for issuance of DS identification media on a case-by-case basis, and the SAC, RSO, or office director must submit such requests to DS/DO/DFP. SACs, RSOs, and office directors may submit credential requests for a Chaplain who provides clergy services within the confines of his or her jurisdictional area of responsibility (see paragraph e in this section). The DS/DO/DFP Director recommends approval or disapproval to the DSS Director, who makes the final decision. The request must include the following information:
(1) Name;
(2) Position title;
(3) Type of credential required; and
(4) Justification of need.
e. Chaplain Credentials only – The Chaplain must acknowledge he or she is available 24/7 for calls of service, i.e., counseling that may require immediate action due to a life threatening situation involving a DS agent. To the extent possible, Chaplains should immediately respond to incidents of a life threatening injury or the death of a DS agent while on duty or in the performance of his or her duties within a 50-mile radius of the field or resident office or jurisdictional area of responsibility.
f. DS identification media must remain clean and serviceable at all times. Those with worn or damaged media must request replacement of their media as soon as practicable but before media is no longer readable or recognizable. The replacement of outdated or damaged credentials may take place in person at the DS/DFP/SSD.
g. The recipient of the credential must request a replacement when major changes in appearance occur, e.g., rendering the recipient difficult to identify.
12 FAM 372.5-3 Outside Agencies or Organizations Request for DS Identification Media
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
DS/DO/DFP may honor requests from other Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies for examples of DS identification media. DS/DO/DFP only provides photographic reproductions of DS identification media. All requests for examples of DS identification media must be addressed to the DS/DO/DFP Director, be written on agency letterhead, and describe the reason for the request.
12 FAM 372.6 Protection and Use
12 FAM 372.6-1 Safeguarding and Carrying DS Identification Media
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. DS personnel are responsible for safeguarding their issued identification media at all times. Identification media, when not routinely used or carried, should be stored securely inside of a GSA-approved container within U.S. Government-controlled space.
b. DS personnel must keep their issued DS identification media on their persons when armed or performing official duties.
c. DS identification media must not remain in unattended vehicles, unless secured in the trunk or other lockable compartment.
12 FAM 372.6-2 Lost or Stolen DS Identification Media
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. DS personnel who lose or have their identification media stolen must report it to Diplomatic Security Command Center (DS/TIA/CC) (571-345-3146) via telephone, and notify his or her immediate supervisor not later than the next business day. The employee's SAC, RSO, or office director must submit a memorandum with details of the incident, along with the police report, if available, to the DS/DO/DFP office director within three business days of the loss. The DS/DO/DFP office director forwards a copy to the Office of Special Investigations (DS/DO/OSI) office director.
b. The DS/DO/DFP office director must approve the replacement of identification media before the DS/DFP/SSD credential office issues it. When inside the NCR, the employee must immediately confirm receipt of replacement identification media in writing. When outside the NCR, the employee must send the required receipt within 10 business days to DS/DFP/SSD.
c. If even one protective security pin is lost, replacement of the entire set must occur because the pins are sequentially numbered. To ensure accountability, the employee must return the remaining pins DS/DFP/SSD for destruction.
d. An employee whose negligence results in the loss or theft of DS identification media is subject to disciplinary action, which may include separation for cause.
12 FAM 372.6-3 Resignation, or Retirement
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. Upon resignation or retirement, DS personnel must surrender their DS identification media to the Systems Operation Unit in DS/DFP/SSD. The Systems Operations Unit must complete a return receipt and sign off on the departing employee’s checkout sheet. When assigned outside the NCR, the employee’s supervisor is responsible for obtaining the identification media directly from the employee prior to separation. The supervisor must then hand carry, send via registered mail or ship via commercial carrier with tracking capabilities to the Systems Operations Unit within five days of separation.
b. A retiring U.S. Government DS employee may request his or her identification media as memorabilia, within 90 days of separation. The media must clearly show perforation of the annotation “retired” across both halves of the credential whether or not encased. Persons who retire may receive encasement of the credentials and badge previously issued to them and may receive retirement credentials (reference 12 FAM 372.5-2), both at no cost to the employee. Retirement badges are only applicable for those who carried an issued badge during their tenure with DS. The employee’s SAC, RSO, or office director must submit the written request to the DS/DO/DFP office director. The written request must contain a justification memorandum and a completed DS ID Memorabilia Request Form. Retired employees may not retain their currently active protective security lapel pins.
12 FAM 372.6-4 Media for Qualified Retired Law Enforcement Officers
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
A tenured employee who resigns from DS may request his or her identification media (i.e., credential only, no badge) as memorabilia. The media must clearly show perforation of the annotation "cancelled" across both halves of the credential, with or without encasement of the identification media. The employee's SAC, RSO, or office director must submit a written request to the DS/DO/DFP office director. The written request must contain a justification memorandum and a completed DS ID Memorabilia Request Form. The DS/DO/DFP office director makes a recommendation to the DS/DO assistant director who makes a final determination based on the following information:
(1) Tenured;
(2) Good standing;
(3) Favorable Employee Evaluation Report (EER)s;
(4) Hardship post assignments abroad;
(5) High profile domestic assignments;
(6) Other assignments abroad;
(7) Supervisory responsibilities;
(8) Leadership qualities;
(9) Extraordinary accomplishments; and
(10) Awards
NOTE: Persons who resign are responsible for all costs for the items they requested.
12 FAM 372.6-5 LEOSA Photographic Identification Cards for Qualified Retired or Separated Law Enforcement Officers
(CT:DS-365; 08-18-2021)
An employee who retires or otherwise separates from DS may be eligible for a photographic identification card, pursuant to the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 (LEOSA). Qualified law enforcement officers (current or separated) may apply for a LEOSA Identification Card at
12 FAM 372.6-6 Good Standing
(CT:DS-365; 08-18-2021)
a. For purposes of requesting media (12 FAM 372.6-4) or LEOSA photographic identification cards (12 FAM 372.6-5), current or former DS employees may be deemed to be not in “good standing” if, at the time of retirement or separation, any of the following are applicable:
(1) There was a determination made or action initiated to remove, or propose to remove, the employee from the Department;
(2) The employee’s security clearance is suspended or revoked;
(3) The employee was found to be permanently unfit for duty through a Fitness for Duty Evaluation and had not been returned to duty following that determination;
(4) There is/was a pending allegation of misconduct against the employee, the investigation of which produced sufficient evidence to support a referral for formal disciplinary action; or
(5) The employee left DS following formal allegations of misconduct.
b. The PDAS/DSS director shall have the authority to review the facts and circumstances relating to the employee’s good standing determination and retirement or separation and, if the facts so warrant, make a determination that the employee did not retire or separate in “good standing.”
12 FAM 372.7 Special Requirements
12 FAM 372.7-1 Suspension, Termination or Extended Absences
(CT:DS-330; 03-19-2020)
a. DS personnel who have been suspended or terminated from employment must immediately surrender their DS identification media to their supervisor. Within 12 hours of receipt of such items, the supervisor must notify DS/DSS via information memorandum. When an agent surrenders his or her credentials, he or she must also surrender his or her two badges, protective security lapel pins, and Government-issued firearm. The supervisor must secure these items for a period of 30 days. If the employee is not reinstated within 30 days, the supervisor must return the credentials, badges, and pins to DS/DFP/SSD, and the firearm to the Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DS/PSP/DEAV).
b. An employee on an excursion tour to other cones/skill codes; on leave without pay, to include military duty; or administrative non-duty status with or without pay for more than 30 days, must surrender his or her credentials, badges, pins, and Government-issued firearm to his or her supervisor. The supervisor will retain these items when the period of non-duty status is 30 days or less. If the employee is not reinstated within 30 days, the supervisor must return the credentials, badges, and pins to DS/DFP/SSD, and the firearm to DS/PSP/DEAV.
c. An agent who is required to surrender his or her identification media and Government-issued firearm under this section is not authorized to perform law enforcement duties, and may be ineligible for law enforcement availability pay (LEAP) as provided in 3 FAM 3154.
d. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in charges of insubordination under Department policy, as well as violations of federal statutes concerning the theft or misuse of official U.S. Government identification media.
12 FAM 372.7-2 Ownership and Surrender
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. DS identification media is the property of the U.S. Government and provided to the employee for the convenience of the Government. At no time does the employee possess property rights to DS identification media. See 12 FAM 372.6-4, regarding transfer of retired or cancelled credentials.
b. A DS employee whose law enforcement authority has been suspended or who has been ordered to surrender his or her DS identification media (e.g., badge, credentials, DS lapel pins, Department building pass identification) and Government-issued firearm as provided in this section must surrender all such items immediately. Within 12 hours of directing a DS employee to surrender his or her DS identification media and Government-issued firearm, the employee's supervisor must notify DS/DSS via information memorandum.
c. Any DS supervisor may direct a subordinate employee to surrender his or her official DS identification media and Government-issued firearm.
d. The DSS director, any DS deputy assistant secretary, assistant director, the executive director, or the DS/DO/DFP office director may direct any employee to surrender his or her DS identification media and Government-issued firearm.
e. An agent whose law enforcement authority has been suspended or who has been ordered to surrender his or her identification media and firearm is not authorized to perform law enforcement duties, and may be ineligible for law enforcement availability pay (LEAP) as provided in 3 FAM 3154.
f. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in charges of insubordination under Department policy, as well as violations of federal statutes concerning the theft or misuse of official U.S. Government identification media.
12 FAM 372.7-3 Current DS Identification Media
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. DS personnel must possess current identification media. Generally, DS updates identification media every five years. Employees must update their DS identification media before departing for an assignment abroad.
b. DS provides examples of current DS identification media to other Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies for reference.
12 FAM 372.8 Organization and Accountability
12 FAM 372.8-1 Right to Audit or Recall
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
The DS/DO/DFP office director may audit, inspect, recall, withdraw, or direct the exchange of DS identification media.
12 FAM 372.8-2 Design and Production
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
DS/DO/DFP is responsible for periodic changes and improvements to DS identification media. Send suggestions for design changes or improvement to the DS/DO/DFP office director. After the DSS director approves changes, DS/DO/DFP initiates the necessary contracts or obligations for the procurement of the various DS identification media.
12 FAM 372.8-3 Safeguarding, Destruction, and Internal Audit
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. DS/DFP/SSD maintains supplies of DS identification media. Blank DS identification media must have the same level of protection as Secret national security information.
b. DS/DFP/SSD maintains a complete audit trail for the receipt, storage, issuance, destruction, and retirement of DS identification media. A destruction receipt containing media type and control number document the destruction of obsolete or damaged media. One member of DS/DFP/SSD and another member of DS must witness the destruction. DS/DFP/SSD maintains destruction receipts as a permanent record.
c. The DS/DO/DFP office director must annually or more frequently if deemed appropriate (e.g., in cases of suspected theft, mishandling, etc.), request an audit of identification media procedure records and accountability.
d. (U) DS/DO/DFP must prepare a report on a semi-annual basis, in January and July, for the DSS director and other senior DS management, which reflects statistics on the number, type, and category of DS identification media issued, replaced, lost or stolen.
12 FAM 372.8-4 Systems Operations
(CT:DS-196; 09-17-2013)
a. The Systems Operations Unit in DS/DO/DFP manages the DS identification media program. The Systems Operations Unit handles inquiries, processes requests, maintains records, conducts identification media issuance, and submits reporting requirements.
b. The DS/DO/DFP office director determines the DS identification media record keeping requirements for the Systems Operations Unit (i.e., computer databases, electronic media backups, and/or collateral hard copy files).