13 FAM 301.3


(CT:TPD-33;   02-07-2025)
(Office of Origin:  FSI)

13 FAM 301.3-1  supervisory TRAINING

(CT:TPD-33;   02-07-2025)
(State Only)
(Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. This section addresses Department policy governing mandatory supervisory training for newly appointed and/or promoted first-time supervisors.  Per 5 CFR 412.202, all Title 5 first-time and/or promoted Civil Service supervisors (GS12 - GS15) must complete the following supervisory training within one year of appointment:

·         Fundamentals of Supervision (PT230)

·         Telework Fundamentals – Manager Training (Office of Personnel Management)

·         Preventing Harassment at State (PK405)

·          Disability and Reasonable Accommodations (PA447)

NOTE:  Content for the training above can be found on the Office of Personnel Management's website and FSI course catalog.

b. All supervisors must complete 24 hours of refresher supervisory training every 3 years, to include at least one course from the following topics:

·         Leadership/Mentoring

·         Performance Management

NOTE:  Content for the 24 hours of refresher training above can be found in the Skillsoft General Library, the Office of Personnel Management's website, and FSI course catalog.

c.  Though 5 CFR 412.202 only applies to Civil Service, the Department mandates that all Foreign Service and Civil Service supervisors complete the training outlined in paragraph a of this section, to bolster supervisory skills and reinforce the spirit of "one mission, one team" through training together.

d. There is no waiver for supervisory training (i.e., PT230 Fundamentals of Supervision) completed during other federal or nonfederal employment.

13 FAM 301.3-2  leadership TRAINING

(CT:TPD-33;   02-07-2025)
(State Only)
(Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

This section addresses Department policy governing mandatory leadership training, which is limited to career State Department officials (see also 3 FAM 1214.10).

13 FAM 301.3-2(A)  Senior Level Personnel

(CT:TPD-26;   02-29-2024)
(State Only)
(Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

Newly promoted Senior Foreign Service personnel and Senior Executive Service personnel are required to take the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) offered course, Leading at the Executive Level (PT801), within the first year following promotion or to have previously taken Senior Executive Threshold Seminar (PT133), within the first year following promotion.

13 FAM 301.3-2(B)  Mid-Level Personnel

(CT:TPD-7;   04-07-2021)
(State Only)
(Civil Service and Foreign Service Employees)

a. Mid-level personnel are required to take the following FSI leadership courses as indicated by rank/grade ideally within the first year, and no later than two years following promotion or hiring:

FS-01 and GS-15:

Leading Strategically (PT701) or have previously taken Advanced Leadership Skills (PT210)

FS-02 and GS-14:

Leading with Influence (PT601) or have previously taken Intermediate Leadership Skills (PT207)

FS-03 and GS-13:

Leading at State (PT501) or have previously taken Basic Leadership Skills (PK245)

b. The following current and/or former FSI and non-FSI courses are considered equivalent to meeting the requirements described in 13 FAM 301.3-2(B), paragraph a:

FSI Courses:

Can be substituted for (only one substitution per course allowed):

Deputy Chief of Mission/Principal Officer Seminar (PT102)

Leading Strategically (PT701)

Mid-Level Leadership Program (PT243)

Leading with Influence (PT601)

Advanced Leadership Skills (PT210)

Leading Strategically (PT701)

Intermediate Leadership Skills (PT207)

Leading with Influence (PT601)

Basic Leadership Skills (PK245)

Leading at State (PT501)

Non-FSI Courses:

Can be substituted for (only one substitution per course allowed):

Executive Development Seminar (OPM course)

Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Management Development Seminar II: Leading Organizations (OPM course)

Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading at State (PT501)

Management Development Seminar I: Leading From the Middle (OPM course)

Leading at State (PT501)

The National War College

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Dwight D. Eisenhower School

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Air War College at Montgomery

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Army War College at Carlisle

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Naval War College at Newport

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)

Marine War College at Quantico

Leading at State (PT501), Leading with Influence (PT601) or Leading Strategically (PT701)