15 fam 970

safety, health, and environmental requirements for real property

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)
(Office of Origin:  OBO)

15 fam 971  Post Occupational Safety ANd Health Officer (POSHO) Certification OF real property

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)

a. All real property, whether leased or owned by the U.S. Government (referred to hereafter as U.S. Government-held properties) and residences funded by living quarters allowance (LQA) or overseas housing allowance (OHA), must meet Department of State safety, health, and environmental requirements established by the Office of Safety, Health, and Environmental Management, Directorate of Operations, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/OPS/SHEM).

b. OBO/OPS/SHEM will collaborate with OBO/PDCS/DE for all facility-related requirements in accordance with 1 FAM 285.2 to be incorporated into the OBO Facility Standards.  The post occupational safety and health officer (POSHO) or their designated, qualified representative, must inspect all properties, and applicable unit(s), for safety, health, and environmental hazards, and certify in the POSHO Certification Application that those hazards have been effectively controlled or eliminated prior to occupancy.  15 FAM 971.1 and 15 FAM 971.2 contain the POSHO certification criteria for residential and nonresidential properties, respectively.

c. The POSHO must complete all certifications in the POSHO Certification Application, which is the OBO system of record.

    NOTE:  Do not upload POSHO certifications in the Real Property Application (RPA) system, as RPA is not the system of record.

d. Post is responsible for correcting deficiencies identified in the POSHO inspection of U.S. Government-held real properties.  For LQA and OHA residences, the employee must negotiate with the landlord to correct deficiencies identified during the POSHO property inspection and provide the POSHO a written attestation and evidence the deficiencies have been corrected.  Otherwise, the employee must find another suitable residence.  All relevant documentation, such as attestation that LQA and OHA residences meet all certification requirements, should be attached to the applicable certification record. No employee under chief of mission (COM) authority may occupy a U.S. Government-held, LQA, or OHA property without a completed and active POSHO certification record in the POSHO Certification Application.

15 FAM 971.1  Residential Property POSHO Certification Requirements

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)

No employee may occupy a U.S. Government-held, LQA, or OHA property unless the POSHO certifies the following requirements are met:

(1)  Removal of all unvented gas flash-water heaters that cannot be relocated or properly vented to the outdoors in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

(2)  All combustion heating equipment has been inspected by a qualified technician and confirmed to be operating properly;

(3)  For individual properties with swimming pools, installation of a fence, or other permanent barrier that is compliant with the OBO/OPS/SHEM Department’s Swimming Pool Safety Standard.  The barrier must be at least four feet high (1220 mm), surround the entire pool (four sided), and separate all pools from residences and other non-pool-related structures (e.g., bar, barbecue) and activities (e.g., dining area).  The gate must open away from the pool, be self-latching, self-closing, lockable, and the latch must be located at least 4.5 feet (1372 mm) above the ground/grade;

(4)  Installation of OBO/OPS/SHEM-provided carbon monoxide alarms installed in any residence with qualifying combustion heating equipment (except cooking appliances, such as ovens and stoves); an attached, enclosed garage; or any exterior combustion heating equipment near windows. Combustion heating equipment includes, but is not limited to, space heaters, fireplaces, woodstoves, gas water heaters, gas heating (furnaces and boilers), and gas clothes dryers;

(5)  Grounding of the electrical system, with ground resistance verified and documented to be less than 25 ohms;

(6)  Installation of ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), with a trip level of no more than 10 mA (220 volt) or 4-6 mA (110 volt) for electrical outlets in:

(a)  Bathrooms;

(b)  Kitchens where the outlets are installed to serve the countertop surface areas;

(c)  Garages;

(d)  Crawl spaces;

(e)  Finished and unfinished basements;

(f)   Laundry areas

(g)  Areas where outlets are installed within 6 feet (1829 mm) of a sink; and

(h)  Outdoors (including pools or boathouses);

(7)  Installation of handrails, typically for stairways, at 34-38 inches (864–965 mm) and guardrails at a minimum height of 36 inches (914 mm) for balconies, decks, elevated patios, and other similar structures for family and duplex housing units.    Guardrail installation at apartments and representational areas open to the public must be at least 42 inches (1067 mm) high.  Guardrails are required to be installed where the fall would be greater than 30 inches (762 mm), and must not have openings of greater than 4 inches (102 mm);

(8)  Installation of an OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided fire extinguisher in or near the kitchen area;

(9)  Installation of OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided smoke alarms in each sleeping room, in the corridors outside of each sleeping room, and in the internal stairway of the residence at each level;

(10) Installed fire protection systems are operational, and documentation of periodic testing is provided;

(11) The residence meets applicable high-rise property requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.7. If not, the COM/DCM has signed a request for mitigation addressed to the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors are in the lease file; and

(12) The residence meets applicable non-high-rise property requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.8 and 22 STATE 25472. If not, the Management Officer has received approved mitigation strategies from the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors have been given and explained to the occupants and housed in the applicable lease file.

15 FAM 971.2  Nonresidential Property POSHO Certification Requirements

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)

No employee may occupy a U.S. Government-held nonresidential property unless the POSHO certifies the following requirements are met:

(1)  All combustion heating equipment has been inspected by a qualified technician and confirmed to operate properly;

(2)  An effective grounding system is in place, with ground resistance verified and documented to be less than 25 ohms or having a second ground;

(3)  Installation of ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) with a trip level of no more than 10 mA (220 volt) or 4-6 mA (110 volt) for electrical outlets in:

(a) Bathrooms;

(b) Kitchens where the outlets are installed to serve the countertop surface areas; and

(c) Outdoors.

(4)  The building has potable water in accordance with 15 FAM 957.5. If potable water is not provided to the building, or if the water quality is unknown or questionable, contact the Drinking Water Safety program manager (OBO/OPS/SHEM) and CFSM/FAC/PS for guidance and technical support;

(5)  Elevators, dumbwaiters, material lifts, platforms, and chair lifts have valid elevator safety certifications issued by local authorities. Contact the Program Manager in the Program Support Division, Office of Facility Management, Directorate of Construction, Facility, and Security Management, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/CFSM/FAC/PS) for guidance;

(6)  For facilities located in a seismic zone, post has contacted the Natural Hazards Program (NHP) Program Manager for guidance and confirms the building is seismically safe for occupancy.  The NHP Program Manager works in the Civil Structural Engineering Division, Office of Design and Engineering, Directorate of Program Development, Coordination, and Support, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/PDCS/DE/CSE);

(7) Materials containing asbestos have been removed or sufficiently sealed to eliminate health risks to the occupants. If suspected asbestos-containing materials are present, contact the Program Manager (OBO/CFSM/FAC/PS) for guidance;

(8)  Stair treads and risers are of uniform size and shape;

(9)  Handrails are installed, typically for stairways, at 34-38 inches (864–965 mm), as measured from the stair tread nose.  Guardrails are required to be installed on any open-sided walking surface located more than 30 inches (762 mm) to the floor or grade below, measured vertically (mezzanines, stair landings, etc.).  Guardrail installation is 42 inches (1067 mm) high above the adjacent walking/working surface and does not have openings greater than 4 inches (102 mm).  The loading side of loading docks is exempt from this requirement;

(10) For roof access, guardrails 42 inches (1067 mm) in height are installed where appliances, equipment, fans, roof hatch openings, or other components requiring service are within 10 feet (3048 mm) of a roof edge, roof opening, or open side of a walking surface.  The guardrail extends not less than 30 inches (762 mm) beyond each end of such equipment;

(11) If a pool is present, it is isolated by a permanent barrier at least 4 feet (1220 mm) high, surrounding the entire pool, and separating the pool from other structures and activities that are non-pool related.  The gate must open away from the pool, be self-latching, self-closing, lockable, and the latch must be located at least 4.5 feet (137 cm) off the ground.  Contact OBO/OPS/SHEM for guidance;

(12) Installation of OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided fire extinguishers every 75 feet of travel distance and for every 11,250 square feet of office space;

(13) Installed fire protection systems are operational, and documentation of periodic testing is provided; and

(14) The property meets applicable high-rise property requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.7. If not, the COM/DCM has signed a request for mitigation to the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors are in the lease file.

(13) The property meets applicable non-high-rise property requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.8 or 22 STATE 25472.  If not, the Management Officer has received approved mitigation strategies from the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors have been given and explained to the occupants and housed in the applicable lease file.

15 FAM 971.3  Culturally Significant Property

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)

If OBO designates a property as culturally significant, alternative means of compliance may be proposed for buildings and their grounds where conformance destroy or degrade historic or cultural value.  OBO/OPS/SHEM and the Office of Cultural Heritage, Directorate of Operations, Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (OBO/OPS/CH), must approve alternative solutions.  A current list of significant properties is on the OBO/OPS/CH SharePoint site, or you may contact the OBO/OPS/CH office.

15 FAM 971.4  Certification Frequency

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)

Certifications must be completed prior to occupancy and expire upon lease expiration or five years, whichever comes first.  If a residence is to remain occupied after a certificate expires, a new POSHO certification must be completed within 30 days after the certificate’s expiration.

15 fam 972  through 979 unassigned

15 FAM Exhibit 971.1 
Residential Property POSHO Certification Requirements

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)


Property Identifier Name:_________________________


RPA ID:_______________________________________



Lease No:_____________________________________

Initial Acquisition Date:___________________________

Lease Expiration Date:____________________________

REQUIREMENTS:  Per 15 FAM 971, Residential Property POSHO Certification Requirements, identify safety, health, and environmental hazards when housing is selected.  This eliminates the possibility of conditions that can cause serious injuries or fatalities.  No employee may occupy a residence unless the POSHO certifies that the following conditions are met:






Gas Flash Water Heaters:  Removal of all unvented units that cannot be relocated or properly vented to the outside in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.





Combustion Heating Equipment: All systems inspected by a qualified technician confirms proper operation. The inspection results are kept on file for review during safety, or fire and life safety inspections.





Swimming Pools:  Installation of a fence, or other barrier that is compliant with the OBO/OPS/SHEM Department’s Swimming Pool Safety Standard.  The barrier must be at least 4 feet (1220 mm) high, surround the entire pool (four sided), and separate all pools from residences and other structures that are nonpool-related structures (e.g., bar, barbecue) and activities (e.g., dining area).  The gate must be self-latching, self-closing, lockable, and the latch must be located at least 4.5 feet (1372 mm) above the ground/grade.





Carbon Monoxide Alarms:  Installation of OBO/OPS/SHEM-provided carbon monoxide alarms installed in any residence with qualifying combustion heating equipment (except cooking appliances, such as ovens and stoves); an attached, enclosed garage; or any exterior combustion heating equipment near windows.  Combustion heating equipment includes, but is not limited to, space heaters, fireplaces, woodstoves, gas water heaters, gas heating (furnaces and boilers), and gas dryers.





Electrical System Grounding:  An effective grounding system is in place, with ground resistance verified and documented to be less than 25 ohms.  Document the measured ground resistance in the comments column to the right.





Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs):  Installation of GFCIs, with a trip level of no more than 10 mA (220 volt) or 4-6 mA (110 volt) for electrical outlets in bathrooms, kitchens where the outlets are installed to serve the countertop surfaces, garages, crawl spaces, areas where outlets are installed within 6 feet (1829 mm) of a sink, unfinished basements, and outdoors (including pools or boathouses).





Guardrails and Handrails:  Installation of handrails, typically for stairways, at 34-38 inches (864–965 mm), and guardrails at a minimum height of 36 inches (91 cm) for balconies, decks, elevated patios, and other similar structures for family and duplex housing units.  (However, 42 inches (1067 mm) is recommended.)  Guardrail installation at apartments and representational areas open to the public must beat least 42 inches (1067 mm) high.  Guardrails are installed where the fall would be greater than 30 inches (762 mm) and must do not have openings greater than 4 inches (102 mm).





Fire Extinguishers:  Installation of OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided fire extinguisher in or near the kitchen area.





Residential Smoke Alarms:  Installation of OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided smoke alarms in each sleeping room, in the corridors outside of each sleeping room, and in the internal stairway of the residence at each level.





Fire Protection Systems:  Installed fire protection systems are operational, and documentation of periodic testing is provided.





High-Rise Apartments:  The  building meets the requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.7.  If not, the COM/DCM has signed a request for mitigation to the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors are in the lease file.





Non-High-Rise Apartments: The building meets applicable non-high-rise property requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.8 or 22 STATE 25472. If not, has the Management Officer has received approved mitigation strategies from the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors have been given and explained to the occupants and maintained in the applicable lease file?


CERTIFICATION STATEMENT:  I hereby certify that I have inspected the residence(s) under consideration for safety, health, and environmental hazards, and that those hazards have been effectively controlled, eliminated, or will be corrected by the landlord prior to occupancy, as mandated by 15 FAM 971.1.  I have also reviewed the property using the Department of State Safety, Health, and Fire Prevention Awareness Checklist as a guide to assist in identifying other unsafe conditions that may be present.



Printed Name/Title of Certifying Officer:________________________________________________

15 FAM Exhibit 971.2 
Nonresidential Property POSHO Certification Requirements

(CT:OBO-134;   04-27-2023)


Property Identifier Name:_________________________________


RPA ID:_______________________________________________



Lease No:_____________________________________________

Initial Acquisition Date:__________________________________

Lease Expiration Date:___________________________________

REQUIREMENTS:  Per 15 FAM 971.2, Nonresidential Property POSHO Certification Requirements, identify safety, health, and environmental hazards when selecting new properties and renewing leased facilities for nonresidential, i.e., functional, space.  This eliminates the possibility of conditions that can cause serious injuries or fatalities.  A review conducted by the POSHO is required prior to lease execution.






Combustion Heating Equipment:  All systems inspected by a qualified technician and confirms proper operation.





Electrical System Grounding:  An effective grounding system is in place, with ground resistance verified and documented to be less than 25 ohms.  Measured ground resistance must be documented in the comments column to the right.





Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs):  Installation of GFCIs, with a trip level of no more than 10 mA (220 volt) or 4-6 mA (110 volt) for electrical outlets in bathrooms, kitchens where the outlets are installed to serve countertop surfaces, outdoors, and other areas stipulated by OBO.





Drinking Water Quality:  The building has potable water in accordance with 15 FAM 957.5. If potable water is not provided to the building, or if water quality is unknown or questionable, contact the program manager (OBO/OPS/SHEM) for guidance.





Elevators:   Elevators, dumbwaiters, material lifts, platforms, and chair lifts have valid elevator safety certifications issued by local authorities.  Contact the program manager (OBO/CFSM/FAC/PS) for guidance.





Seismic:  For facilities located in seismic zone, post has contacted the Natural Hazard’s Programs (NHP’s) program manager (OBO/PDCS/DE/CSE) for guidance and confirms the building is seismically safe for occupancy.





Asbestos:  Materials containing asbestos have been removed or sufficiently sealed to eliminate health risks to the occupants. If suspected asbestos-containing materials are present, contact the program manager (OBO/CFSM/FAC/PS) for guidance.





Stairways:  Stair treads and risers shall be of uniform size and shape.





Railings:  Handrails are installed, typically for stairways, at 34-38 inches (864–965 mm) as measured from the stair tread nose.  Guardrails are installed on any open-sided walking surface that is located more than 30 inches (762 mm) measured vertically to the floor or grade below (mezzanines, stair landings, etc.).  Guardrail installation is 42 inches (1067 mm) high above the adjacent walking/working surface and does not have openings greater than 4 inches (102 mm).  The loading side of loading docks is exempt from this requirement.





Roof Access and Guarding:  Guardrails 42 inches (1067 mm) in height are installed where appliances, equipment, fans, roof-hatch openings, or other components requiring service are within 10 feet (3048 mm) of a roof edge or open side of a walking surface.  The guardrail must prevent the passage of a sphere 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter.  The guardrail must extends not less than 30 inches (762 mm) beyond each end of such equipment.





Swimming Pools:  If a pool is present, it is isolated by a barrier at least 4 feet (1220 mm) high, surrounding the entire pool, and separating the pool from other structures and activities that are non-pool related.  The gate must open away from the pool, be self-latching, self-closing, lockable, and the latch must be located at least 4.5 feet (137 cm) off the ground that meets Department requirements.  Contact OBO/OPS/SHEM for guidance.





Fire Extinguishers:  Installation of OBO/OPS/FIRE-provided fire extinguishers every 75 feet of travel distance and for every 11,250 square feet of office space.





Fire Protection Systems:  Installed fire protection systems are operational, and documentation of periodic testing is provided.





High-Rise Properties:  The property meets the requirements outlined in 15 FAM 813.t.  If not, the COM/DCM has signed a request for mitigation to the Office of Fire Protection, and the mitigation factors in the lease file.





REVIEW STATEMENT:  I hereby acknowledge that I have inspected the nonresidential building(s) under consideration for safety, health, and environmental hazards, and that those hazards have been effectively controlled, eliminated, or will be corrected by the landlord prior to occupancy per 15 FAM 971.2.


Date: ___________________

Printed Name/Title of Certifying Officer:_____________________________________________